IGHBOfc Aurora tiri's Hard Fate “With her neck broken and her IhhI.v paralyzed from her head downward, Mrs. Kose Harvey of Abbott lived for five weeks before her death, which occured in Den ver at St. Anthony’s hospital. Physicians who attended her mar velled at her vitality. The acci dent occured when Mrs. Harvey, in her attempt to open a large, sliding barn door at her home, pulled it off its runners. It fell, striking her on the head and shat tering the fifth vertebra.” Fur ther information concerning the above item from a Fort Morgan (Colo.) newspaper is given in the following letter from Miss Laura Sawyer to Mrs. F. A. Burt: “Brodhead, Wis., March 14, ’15. —DearCai rie: I received a letter a few days ago with the news of Bosa Boorum's death, and as it was such a tragic affair I thought I would send you the clipping. She leaves a son about 16 years old. She had worked so hard and kept him in school until he finished the eighth grade. Her husband was killed when her boy was a few weeks old. He was thrown from a horse and his neck broken. I think Rosa made good. She taught ih Washington county, Colo., for a number of years. Her father and mother are dead. I know nothing about the boys. I thought Schoonover might put it in his paper. We are all well. It has been a very severe winter here and we are glad that spring is iiear. I hope this may find you all well. Please remember me to all my friends and ex-pupils. How I-would love to see you all.” ; Rose Boorum will be remem bered by old.settlers as a member of one of Aurora’s early families. She attended the old Hamilton school when it was taught by Miss Sawyer 25 or 30 years ago, and Mrs. Burt, James Schoonover and Roger Work were among her schoolmates. The Boorums moved west while Rosa was still a girl and her old friends here had heard nothing from her since until the news came of her tragic death.— Aurora Republican. The U. P. pfeople are going to rebuild their bridge south-east of 8t. Paul, They have a big force of men here at present and they are hard at work on the bridge. They are up against a stiff proposi tion. They are going to build the bridge and keep the old one open to travel all the time while they are at work on the new struc ture. The erection of this bridge will be a great improvement, es pecially to those who use it for a wagon bridge, as the new floor will be much better than the old patched excuse for a floor which has been in use there for a long time. Of course the railroad com pany is not to be blamed as they were trying to make the old floor last until they built the new bridge.—St. Paul Press. H. Steele of Loup City came here Tuesday to look for a house for rent for his parents and self to live in. This will add another famil v to our population. —Danne brog News. Is Stricken Blind While at "Movie*” William Troope, a wealthy far mer of N.-luwL., «;u» suddenly stricken blind in Omaha on March, 14, while watching a moving pic ture sho v. He is under the care of a specialist, who is puzzled over the case. “I had no trouble and could see perfectly,” said Troope. *‘I was looking at the pictures when suddenly the lights went out. I waited a few minutes and asked my friends who were with me why the lights were out so long. Investigation followed and I found I could not see. I don’t know what the matter is. Troo|*' will remain in Omaha> under 'he specialist s care until there is some change in his condition. Ckpfftiofl Kills Tooth h VarweH. While starting a fire with kero sioe at Burwell, Saturday morn ing March Id, KldouCrauu,young, est son of Mrs. Oscar Anderson, of this place, was so severely burned by the resultaut explosion that he died shortly afterwards, fits entire body was « mass ' t charred flesh and he was uncon scious from the time of the acci dent to his death. Craun had built the fire earlier, but the blaze died down and the boy thought it was out. He poured oil from the can into the stove and there was a big “flareout” followed by an ex plosion which partially wrecked the room. Flames enveloped the boy quickly and before help reached him be was burned beyond recognition. The former postmaster at Hub bard, Neb., has been sentenced to one year in the penitentiary for appropriating several hundreds of dollars of the people’s money. The only issue of the spring election at St. Paul will be the “wet” and “dry” problem. But then that is a chronic subject with the people of our neighboring town. They were wet as sop last year. The flouring mill at Mindenwas burned last Friday night. Callaway, at the coming spring election, wants to know whether to stay “dry” or get into the “ir rigation” district. Latest news from the bedside of A. E. Cady of St. Paul, who is very low, down in Florida, where he was on a business trip and taken suddenly ill, is far from favorable. Workmen, according to the St. Paul papers, are busily engaged in dismantling and tearing down their old courthouse building, superceded by their new and up to-date building. What a shame. Why didn’t Sherman county buy and move it up here to take the place of our ‘’beauty spot” in the center of the square? It would have been a fine improvement over what we have. Comstock and Ord are prepar ing for one of those “wet” and “dry” fights, so unusual in those towns. Water extension bonds are to be voted on at the spring election in Central City. Our old editorial friend, E. A. Brown of the Friend Sentinel, has come out in his paper boldly an nouncing his candidacy for the Friend postoffice at the expira tion of the term of the present in cumbent, who is supposed to va mose about nine months in the fu ture. We hope Ed will get it. The opera house block at Broken Bow was burned to the ground last Saturday night, about the time the ghost is supposed to walk, entailing a $20,000 loss. WHEN IN OMAHA VIC. T THE &ay<£t& MUSIC*!: fnmmm Clean, Classy Entertaiaia tnL Everybody Sees: Ask Anybody. LADIES DIME MATINEE DAILY • DON’T GO HOMS SAYING t • I DIDN'T VISIT THE ©AYETY Twelve Indiot i.ents by firand Jury The federal grand jury which has been sitting in Lincoln the past week Saturday forenoon returned twelve t iie bills including another indict ment of Thomas Matters in connec tion with the failure of the First Na tional bank of Sutton. Another man was brought into the case by the in dictment of Geoige B. Darr of Oma ha for alleged violation of the bank ing act and together with Matters and M. B. Luebben in the case growing out of the Sutton failure. Wins Postmaster Vote Eustis, Nebr., March 20.—Notwith standing bad roads and weather, 145 rotes were cast at the postmastership election held here today for three can didates Following is the vote: E. O Kyn> r. 12; John Gratenstein. 81; J.M -ill 52 N'* <>ne but democrats were towed to vote. All voters were sworn as to being patrons of the office and democrats. Fatal Illness Tokos Fogarty John L. Fogarty, whose vote passed the day-light saloon bill at the 190i* legislative sessioD, died in Arkansas this week. Mr. Fogarty’s home was at Greeley Center. He had been suf fering from stomach trouble for over a year. A few weeks ago lie went to visit a sister on a cotton plantation in Arkansas, and while there was MKW «lt$ «» nu»|s xne body will be returned to Greeley Cen ter for burial. Mr. Fogarty was an unmarried man and lived with his mother, who is over 80 years of age. Mr. Fogarty represented his district Ifl the house in 1909. When the day light saloon bill was voted upon it ne cessitated a call of the house in order j to get a constitutional nuajoiiiy The j ^all hung on for a.n hour or more, and finally the bill mustered tifty-one | votes. Mr. Fogarty was on the “wet" j side of the liquor question, but liis | v te was recorded by the clerk for j tlie daylight saloon hill. Although it was claimed at the time that he had actually voted "No," Mr. Fogarty i did notask to have the record changed and his affirmative vote stood. The ! bill was subsequently signed by Gov ! Shallenberger, which made it a low.1 Wire Right of Way Measure H. II. providing that telephone, j telegraph or electric light companies may condemn a right of way along and parallel to any public highway. Passed the house of state representa tives by* vot* of 69 to 8 Dope Law Too Drastic Physicians and dentists of Lincoln held a mass meeting at the Lindell hotel at 8 o’ciock Saturday night to discuss House Roll 61, regulating the use of cocaine and morphine in the treating of patients. The bill has al ready passed both houses and is now up to tho fovtfior to *ce Dli l provides that no physician or i lent 1st can administer cocaine or morphine to patients who have the “drug hab it.” Lincoln physicians say that it is often impossible to tell whether a patient lias the habit or not l*efore the drug is administered. They claim that the law is too drastic in its pro i visions. You can own an exact duplicate of “Wild Bill Turner’s or Billy Carlson’s record-breaking Maxwells Think of owning one of these same Maxwells—think of driving it wherever you want to— over any kind of road - up any kind or lulls, wherever four wheels can go, die same car for $695. Remember, every 1915 Maxwell is an exact duplicate of the ^regular stock Maxwell Touring Cars in which “Wild BH” Turner broke the world’s record up Mt. Hamilton, 21 ^ miles in 483 minutes, beating the world’s record by 16| minutes, and “Billy” Carlson broke the world's record up Mt. Wilson, California, making nine miles (up an elevation of 6;000 feet) in 29 minutes and 1 second, beating the pre vious world’s record by 13 minutes. That’s the kind of hill-climber you get when you get a Maxwell. Now about speed and endurance—* here are some recent Maxwell Rac ing; Car records:— barney Oldfield in a Maxwell Rac ing Car broke the world’s non-stop record at Corona, California, for 300 miles, averaging 86.3 miles per hour. Think of it—not a stop made! T hen, right on top of this marvel ous motor record, along came “Billy Carlson in his Maxwell Racer and made still another 300 miles non -stop record in the San Diego race. Again a Maxwell Racer ran 300 miles with out a stop! These Maxwell Racing Cars are built by the same Designers, the same Chief Engineer, that build the regular Maxwell Cars; and the same Max well Laboratory Tested Steel is used in them that is used in the regular stock Maxwell Tourincr Cars. But, aside from hill-climbing and speed, power and endurance records, here are some of the facts about Maxwell comfort,—Maxwell special features,—Maxwell beauty and Maxwell service. Read This List of Expensive Features. The 1915 Maxwell Has These Features And Many Others. Attractive Streamline Body Pure streamline body; graceful crown fender®, with all rivets concealed All the grace, stylo and “snap” that you will lind in any of the highest priced cars. A High-Tension Magneto Nearly all the high priced cars have high tension magnetos. A high tension magneto gives po. iiive ignition. The Siuuns magneto, with which the Max well is equipped, is recognized as one of the best magnetos made. Left Side Drive—Central Con rol Left side steer with gear shifting levers in center of driving compartment—center control—has been accepted by leading makers of expensive automo biles as the safest and most comfortable for the driver; that is why the Maxwell has it. The Max well is so easy to drive and control that a child can handle it. Three-Speed S.Vding Gear Transmission All high priced cars have a sliding gear iran3 mission. It is costly to make, hut it is the b< , t. If the motor has the power, sliding gears wjil pull the rar out of any mud or sand. Tho Maxwell b«‘.s a three-s'H . ci selc. . .v sii hr.g tear transmission because Maxwell engiin>n-< do u-.t consider any other type to be worthy cl the Maxwell car. Double-Shell Radiator with Shock Absorbing i)evice The Maxwell radiator is of hand'ome design, gracefully curved, and it i built to be tumble proof. It is the expen ive douide hell type and has ample coolir.g rui'ucity. The radiator is mounted to the frame by means o.' a shock ab sorbing device on each side, which relieves the radiator of all twists and distortions of the frame, caused by roughness of the road. The shock ab sorbing device also him ohz.s the possibility of radiator leaks. The Rocroy Full 5-Passenger Body Adjustable F:nn Seat The 1015 Maxwell lias e full r.own 5-pr.ssenger body. The front seat is adjustable, you can move it three Indus forward or oac. ward. This makes the car really comfortable for the driver. Xo cramped legs for tall people or uncomtortabie reaching for short pec pie. Most drivers’ seats are made to fit anyone—so lit no one. x_ Low “Up-ke«p” Carburetor The carburetor used on the Maxwell was espec ially designed for it after long and severe testa under every conceivable condition. Economy tours conducted by hundreds of dealers and owners in different sections of the country have proved its efficiency, its quick response to throttle and its extremely low consumption of gasoline. It has been termed the ' low up-keep" carburetor. Irreversible Steering Gear The greatest margin of safety has been pro vided in the steering gear of the 191 f> Maxwell. The Maxwell irreversible steering mechanism is of the expensive worm-and-gear type and its su periority over every other type lie, in its many adjustments. At no time is more than a fourth of the bearing surface of the gear which operates the worm in use. When needed, a new bearing surface may be hud .by adjusting the gear a quarter ot» a turn. in short, the Maxwell steering gear has four times the adjustment of any other kind. Heavy Car Comfort What surprises most people is the smooth, buoy ant riding Qualities of the Maxwell. The spring suspension of the 1915 Maxwell is the same costly combination of long semi-elliptical front springs and the three-quarter elliptic rear springs that is used on most heavy weight, high priced cars. The Maxwell ofTers you every essential of the high est priced machines at a fifth of their cost. One Size of Tire —Anti-Skids on Rear The Maxwell car is one of the easiest cars In the world on tires. Maxwell owners carry but one spare tire and but one size of spare tubes. Econom ical 30 inch x 3l/2 inch tires are used all around. A famous make of anti-skid tires are suppled on rear wheels. A Dependable Electrie Starter For $55 extra, you can -have your Maxwell de livered equipped with the famous Slmms-Huft elec tric starter. This starter is efficient, trouble proof and easily operated. And the Maxwell is completely equipped from the clear vision, ventilating windshield at the front to the spare tire carrier at the rear. When you buy a Maxwell you have nothing extra to buy. The Maxv/eli Company’s Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners No other automobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell dealers —in every part of this country—are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and. to supply new parts at reasonable prices. This splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operated Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxwell Service Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can supply any part for an owner within a few hours if not in his stock. Maxwell Service i3 one of the great advantages enjoyed by Maxwell owners. Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it deHvered, we will give you your car—not an excuse on delivery day “EVERY ROAD IS A MAXWELL ROAIJ” _ ALVA O. LEWIS, Agent LOUP CITY, - NEBRASKA