The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 25, 1915, Image 5
A full line of pencils, tablets, paper and school supplies, always on hand at the West Side 5-10-25c store. Will Odendahl was down from Comstock last Thursday visiting relatives. ^ If you want good, prompt dray ing call on Roy McDonall, phone Brown 57. 13tf W. R. Mellor was up from Lin coln last Friday to witness the production of the K. of P. play. Two good farms for rent for cash. See R. H. Mathew. Son—Born Saturday, March 20, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mos tek, northwest of the city. House for rent. Inquire of L. W. Schlote, phone Black 71. 13tf Mrs. li. E. Paulus of Grand Is land was a guest at the home of T. M. Ward last Thursday. Loup City Flour is sold by all our merchants. This flour is guaranteed and if not satisfactory your money will be refunded to you. C. II. Ryan, wife and baby, re turned home last Friday noon, Mr. Ryan from a business trip of a few days to Omaha, and Mrs. Ryan and baby from a visit with her parents and sisters at Gresham, this state. When in need of anything in dishes, glassware, granite ware or tinware, go to the West Side 5-10 25c store and save money by so doing. Daughter—Born Friday,March, 19, 1915, to Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis, nee Miss Ethel Sickles. Rhode Island Red eggs for sale. Call 9012. Mrs. Chris Christensen Mrs. V. E. Cunningham re fturned home from Grand Island, Thursday, where sire had been to have her eyes treated. Daily sells for less. Mr. Peter Moritz of Platte Cen ter, with his family and personal effects, arrived here last Wednes day evening, to take charge of his farm near Schaupps, known as the Jonassen place. < )ur farming com munity is thus bettered by the ad dition of this good family. Daily sells foi less. Miss Jane Fawthrop of Hast ings. came up last Saturday for a short visit with her sister, Miss Grace Fawthrop, teacher in our public schools. quality and l^uanitny groceries at .Joe Vaughn’s. Mrs. \V. T. Owens entertained the ladies of the Industrial Society of the Presbyterian church, at her comfortable home yesterday after noon. If you want a dray, phone A. L. Enderlee, Black 63, or ieave your or der with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. Rev. and Mrs. ,T. L. Dunn went tto Grand Island yesterday morn ,'mg where they will attend a bible ;school convention in session there, .Mrs. tDunn to return home Friday, ;.the Reverend to go on to Norfolk vthis state on a short business trip. Pay cash, Pay less, for your groceries at Joe Vaughn’s. Miss Frances Hansel is on the sick list this week, threatened with an attack of lung fever. Leave orders for Roy McDonall •dray at either lumber yard or Tay ilor’s elevator, or phone Brown 57. 13tf. We learn that A. N. Conklin of St. Paul, is home from Excelsior Springs much improved by his stay there, and that he has re ceived the appointment as post master of St. Paul. Furthermore, we hear that Abe has accepted the challenge issued by Friend Mulick fora footrace to be held at Jennet’s Park on next opening day, the purse being for $500 a side. As the Northwestern was never known to go back on a home man, we propose to be in Mike’s corner, even if we do think Abe may lay it all over him, unless “Dad” im mediately hikes forth® springs and goes into training as Uncle Abe has done. C. C. Cooper goes to Fort Dodge this week Saturday on a few days' business trip. Daily sells for less. John P. Leininger has fixed up a neat little office in the rear of J. W. Long's real estate emporium, with Mrs. Coraline Zimmerman in charge, where they may be found until Mr. Leininger has finished up his collections and other busi ness matters. For Sale or Trade—A 5-year‘old jack. See J. A. Mcllravy, city, or phone Blue 47. marl 1-3 Mr. V. E. Cunningham has re signed his position with the C. C. Cooper mercantile store, and John Janulewicz has accepted the place made vacant. Mr. Cunningham has not determined as yet what his future moves will be. Certainteed Roofing guaranteed fif teen years. Hansen Lumber Co. lw Word has been received here of the death of Mr. Arthur Throck morton, of Homestead, Nebr., 17 miles from Ord, caused by pneu monia. He was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Anna May of this city, who left for Homstead Monday to attend the obsequies. The Rexall Store carries the largest stock of Wall paper in town. 13-4 Mrs. L. B. Hale and daughter Madeline, went to Grand Island Saturday for a few days vistt. Dr. Carson of Grand Island will be in Dr. Longacre’s office Thurs day, April 1, prepared to Fit Glasses and to treat the Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Petitions are being circulated calling for an election to build a new $30,000 school building in this city. The Northwestern sin cerely trusts our people may wise .ly vx>te , for the same and that it may receive a substantial majority. We shall have more to say about this matter next week. Let the splendid idea succeed. Rhode Island Red Rose Conb eggs for sale, *2uc for 13. Phone 9013. Mrs. Wm. Critel. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louie Jamrog of Ashton, on Tuesday, March 16, a fine baby girl. Louie is passing the cigars. Congratu lations. We will pay 12c per lb. for henset the creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. Miss Lulu Lofholm was home over last Sunday from her school near Ravenna for the first time in several weeks. Plenty of Easter post cards, candy baskets, candy chickens and egg dyes, at the West Side 5-10 25c store. Wright Reynolds was over from the west side last Friday night to witness the K. of P. play. Arco Sealit stops all leaks, guaran teed ten years. Hansen Lumber Co. lw. The Misses Marcia VerValin, Nancy Harrod and Esther lvettle, came home from Hastings college last Saturday on a week's vaca tion. Did you see the new line of Wall paper at the Rexall Store? 13-3 Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Houser came up from Aurora last Satur day, called by the illness of Mrs. Houser’s mother, Mrs. Margaret Leininger. Mr. Houser returned to his business affairs Tuesday, Mrs. Houser remaining sometime longer at her mother’s bedside. Daily sells for less. Mrs. Margaret Leininger, who has been quite ill for the past fort night, was reported some better the earlier part of the week, but still quite poorly. Fresh garden seeds of all kind, 2 pkg for 5c at the West Side 5 10-25c store. In the amusement programs of the 1915 State fairs and exposi tions, peace and prosperity will be emphasized in every possible way if plans outlined by William R. Mellor are carried out. Mr. Mellor, who is secretary of the | Nebraska State Faih was electee president of the American Associa tion of Fairs and Expositions al the meeting held in Chicago Iasi December. Patrons of the State fairs demand the latest in the wa.v of amusements. There must be genuine thrills. Also the amuse ment features must be clean and wholesome. These demands make the selection of the attractions a difficult and important matter. Mr. Mello'r was one of the first State fair officials to advocate the educational mission of State fairs. He was born in Porter County, Ir.d., five miles southwest of Michi gan City, June 16, 1860. As clerk in a dry-goods store, traveling salesman, merchant and real es tate dealer he received a practical business education, In 1885 he homesteaded on a quarter section of land near Loup City, Nebr., where he has since maintained his residence. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1894. He was elected a member of the Nebraska State Board of Agricul ture in 1898, has served on the board of managers, was president two terms, and has been secretary since 1906.—New York Clipper. A full line of underglazed blue dinner-ware just received at the West Side 5-25c store. ^ Joe Stecher is to ‘‘rassle” Wes tergard in Omaha the night of April 50. I lie legislature is dated to close its agony April 6—that is the clock will be stopjied on that date, while the bo.vs mark time for a day or two longer, before the people will be able to breathe easier. \ irgil W. Weller and Miss Mary Poore, both of the west side of the county, were married at York, Xebr., Tuesday of last week. They are to reside on a farm near Litchfield. We will pay 12c per lb. for hens at the Creamery. Ravenna Creamery Co. O. P. Gilmore came down from his Austin home Friday, to spend a few days visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gilmore, in this city, and his sister, Mrs. J. F. McCracken, residing southwest of this city. He has been farm ing for himself, but he decided to quit. He was playing the bache lor act last yearand ilia#, together with farming, did not appeal to him, so he held a big public sale on Feb. 22d, and disposed of his personal effects and in the future he will not do any farming for himself while he is compelled to do the bachelor stunt. Here, girls, is a good opportunity of playing the “back to the farm” act.—St. Paul Press. Stationery, tablets, and school supplies at doe Vaughn’s. A few remarks against the use of slang, composed by our office “angel. ’ “If there is anything that gets our Goat it is the use of slang. Some guys spill so much of that kind of dope that it is hard to get wise to their spiel. Kids should be put next by their par ents that slang is on the Fritz and should ought to be cut out. If I had a kid that couldn’t put over straight stuff I would wallop the lining out of the lobster. Skirts are shines, proper, when it comes to slang. They think that mercy, and I should say not are real tough. The Boss is a dish of prunes when it comes to slang. He bawls me out to a fare ye well and I am in Dutch from the time I come on the job till haying time in the evening. This is the first thing I have ever wrote and if it don’t show up in the rag I will know it is a flivver proper. \ Daily sells for less. Will Schlote Tuesday, on a wager, with a single team, hauled 4r‘220 pounds of alfalfa to town from Pete Larsen’s. To those ac quainted with roads and conditions no comment is necessary. The 1915 class of the local high school have bought their graduat ing printing from a Lincoln con cern. We presume this same firm will gladly furnish them all the free advertising they may desire foF any entertainment they may wish brought to the attention of the public and will also spring the usual amount of gush over the splendid manner in which Miss Dolly Dimple handled the profound subject of “Beyond the Alps, Lies Italy,” and the scathing denuncia tion of present day methods de livered by our young silvertongue, Bill Simpkins, in his Ciceronic handling of the subject “Ponder ous Piffle.”—Clay County Sun. i OVERDRAFTS The Comptroller of th< Currency, at Washington, D C., has issued instructions tc all National Banks to posi tively discontSiue the prac tice of allowing overdrafts, and has asked the co-opera tion of all the State Banks tc that end. We will obey this order, same as we have always obeyed all laws and orders of the Federal Banking De partment, and know that our customers will not expect us to do otherwise. In compliance with above order, and for the following reasons, on and after April 1st, next, we will cash no checks on overdrawn ac counts. 1st. The elimination of the overdraft practice will in reality work no hardship on any one. It will not mean a dollar less credit to the bank’s customers, but only that they will have to keep what credit they need in the form of a note, instead of part overdraft and part note. -nd. While the overdraft is used in most instances as a matter of mere temporary accommodation, and with the best of intention, it is in some instances used to ob tain, or try to obtain, credit that could not be arranged for in the regular way. which is a source of annoyance to both bank and to the cus tomer who presents a check on which the *bank refuses payment. 3rd. The check is almost universally used now days, very little actual money is handled any more in settling accounts and the check as one of the greatest conven iences of our day should be made as reliable as the act ual money itself. ^ 4th. Both the National and State Departments pro hibit the payment of checks on overdrafts. 5th. The officer of a bank that pays a check on an overdraft is personally liable under both the National and State Banking Laws. 6th. It is not considered good or conservative bank ing to allow overdrafts. 7th. This notice is issued in strict compliance with the law and we ask for your most hearty and pleasant co-operation in assisting U9 to obey the Banking Laws under which we are doing a Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Loup City, Nebraska. Spring Time Soon Here. Let us set aside in our minds svents like the hubbub in Europe, and the thoughts of the hardships we have endured this winter, they ire not good for us. The time has come to fill our hearts with the good things we are going to 3o this spring. This is a good country we are living in, and we really have nothing to worry about, rhe Northwestern is like its read irs, well satisfied, and in order to further the spring time activities, we are making an extra effort to 511 our fashion and farm depart ments with the timeliest of hints jach week. Our inside pages con tain much good reading material that should not be overlooked. Send News Items to The Northwest ern. This paper belongs to you, Mr. ind Mrs. Subscriber, just as well is to the publisher. You want it to be a newsy or^e, of course. You can help make it so. Every reader should be a reporter, at least to the extent of reporting the news he knows concerning his own family and friends. You perhaps have wondered how we gather so much news for every issue. If every reader would give us the I We have just unloaded several cars of the finest lumber ever seen in Loup City. Let us help you figure your building material requirements. We have practically everything to com plete the building. Hansen Lumber Co. "ARTTHING FROM A SLIVER TO A CARLOAD’ OUR KLEAN KOAL KAN T BE BEAT r Square Deal Woven Wire Fence Barb Wire Nails Posts Ridge Roll Valley Hip Shingles Lime Plaster Cement items lie knows, we would make it twice as newsy as it now is. Merely paying for the paper ant taking wfiat we give you is nol enough. Other readers would be interested in learning the new* you know. You'll enjoy seeing it in print, yourself. If you dc not acquaint us with the items \ mi know of, you cannot find fault with the paper for not containing them. If you think for one min ute, right now, several items will come to your mind. What if they are but ‘“ilbrsonals.” We want personals. We want anything that is news. Take a livelier in terest in your paper. You’ll ap preciate it more, as will all of your friends. Our Odd Fellow brothers of the Encampment and Cantons Tues day night installed the following officers for the ensuing year, clos ing with a feast of oysters, sand witches and coffee, with that chief of caterers on such occasions, S. F. Reynolds, in charge of the eats, we have no doubt. Encamp ment—O. F. Petersen, grand pat riarch; A. B. Outhouse, Senior Warden, R. D. Hendrickson. Jikiior Warden; T. R. Lay, Scribe, and JT"3l Reiman,T(ligli Priest. Cantons—O. F. Petersen, Com mandant; T. R. Lay. Lieutenant; A. B. Outhouse, Clerk; J. H. Lee, Treasurer. Mrs. Wm. Rettenmayer received the sad news Tuesday of this week, of the death of her father. Mr. Ciias. Reidel, at Goldfield, Ore gon, the day previous. Deceased had been in feeble health for a long time. He will be well re membered by all our older citizens as formerly of this county. Our people will deeply sympathise with the daughters over their irrepar able loss of a loving father. OBITUARY Mr. Herman Sperling passed away on the 17th day of March, 1015, at the age of 52 years, 11 months and 17 days. Mr. Her man Sperling was born in East Prussia, Germany, Dorf Gumbin non, on the 26th day of March, 1863. Came with his parents to America in the year of 1873, land ing in New York. From there with his parents they moved to Pittsburg, Penn., living there five years. From there he moved with his parents to Sherman County, Nebr.. where they settled on a homestead one half mile east of his present home. In the year of 1890. on the 26th day of March, he was united in marriage to Miss Mary M. Man chester of Davis Creek. After his marriage he moved right to his farm six miles north of Ashton, Nebr. To this union nine chil dren were born, five girls and four boys, leaving the youngest child six years old. The oldest daugh ter Dora is married to Mr. Mur ray Rich of North Loup, Nebr. He leaves to mourn his loss, a wife, nine children, one grand daughter, two sisters and two brothers. One sister and brother of Cestos, Okla., one sister of Ra venna, Nebr., and o ie brother of Arlington, Nebr. Funeral ser vices were held from the home on Saturday, March 20, 1915, Rev. Christ officiating, assisted by the male quartet of the M. E. Church of North Loup. The body was laid to rest in the North Loup cemetery. WHEN LOOKING FOR A SQUARE MEAL DROP IN AT THE Ideal Bakery & Restaurant ; ; SOUTH SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all S Hours * We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods. Careful Attention Given all Special Orders. ( Cream Pulls and Boston Biown Bread every Saturday after- ' noon. Put in your order early. j CIRCLE TOURS TO THE j PACIFIC COAST ! j In planning “The Perfect Coast Tour” or the “See America Tour,” Scenic Colorado is of first im- j portance. No coast tourist could afford to say that he had not included ‘Scenic Colorado” either j; one way or the other in this world’s greatest rail ] journey. Go one way via Seattle, Portland, and *1 during the season visit either Glacier or Yellow- j stone National Park. Link together these scenic 1 routes with the Ocean Coast voyage between * San Francisco and Portland. | Through the season, various publications, 5 special folders and the like will be available,des- j criptive of the Burlington circuit rates and j through service routes. i J. A. DANIELSEN, Agent L. W. WEEKLY, General Passenger Agent 1004 Farnum Street, Omaha. | Wmmi \i umnml Urgent Notice Mothers should see to it that the whole family take at least 3 or 4 doses of a thorough, purifying, system cleaning medicine this spring. Now is the time. The family will be healthier, happier and get along bet ter if the blood is given a thorough purifying, the stomach and bowels cleaned out, and the germsof Winter, accumulated in the system, driven away. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea is the very best and surest Spring Remedy to take. Get it and see the diffeience in the whole family. Their color will be better, they’l feel tine and be well and happy. 35 ets. The ; best in the world ever. For sale by ! Swanson & Lofholm, Notice to Creditors. State of Nebraska, ) t SS. Sherman County. ) In the County Court In the Matter of the Estate of R. M. Jackson, Deceased, To the Creditors of Said Estate: You are hereby notified, that 1 wiil sit at the County Court room in Loup City, in said County, on the 2sth day of April, 1915, at 10 o’clock a. m..and on the 28th day of September. 1915, to receive and examine all claims against said Estate, with a view to their adjustment and allow ance. The time limited for the pre sentation of claims against said Es tate is the 28th day of September. A. D. 1915. and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 20th day of February. 1913. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 24th clav of Februrary, 1915. E. A. Smith, [seal] County Judge Last pub. Mar. 25. Accidentally. “I wonder how so many forest fires catch?” said Mrs McBride. “Perhaps they catch accidentally from the mountain ranges," suggested Mr. Mc Bride.—Christian Register. A Noble Lover. “Darling,” said the American heir ess, "it is no: true, is it, that you want to marry me for my money ?' “No. dearest," answered the duke de Ragges et Patchez, “but I don't hold it against you.”—Baltimore Amec can.____ Friday and Saturday of this week will be the opening days for Mrs. Pritchard?s new spring millinery stock. She has the latest and most up-to-date creations along millinery lines. She invites ! all the ladies to be psesent. I HERE ARE SNAPS If you have not made your arrangements for the coming season, we can sell you a good farm improved, with good new house ami barn, good well and windmill, plenty of water, fenced and cross-fenced, nice field of alfalfa, good soil, and within 2i miles of a good town. \ on can pay $2,500 when you make deal and the balance can be secured on the land for a 'term of years at 6 per cent in terest. This is a good home farm and one that you will be proud to own and it will enable you to pay the balance of the purchase price out of the crops it will grow. If you are inter ested come in and talk it over, as possession can be had at once. M e also have a seven room house and good barn for rent, plenty of room for garden or chickens. First Trust Company Loup City, - - • Nebraska Card of Thanks We wish to thank the neighbors and friends for rendering kind as sistance during the sickness and Jeath of our husband and father. Mrs. II. Sperling and family Mrs. Bertha Polenz Mrs. Emilie Blumer Mr. Albert Sperling Mr. Emil Sperling. Used Typewriters, all makes, it all prices. O. E. James, Y. M. C. A., Grand Island, Nebr. nor 10