LOCALNEWS Daily sells for less. C. B. Hinkley of Chicago was here in attendance on the last sad rites to his uncle, A. M. Robbins, last week. Daily sells foi less. Marsel Youngquist visited with his parents at Aurora over last Sunday, returning home Monday evening. Certainteed Rooting guaranteed fif teen years. Hansen Lumber Co. lw Mrs. 1). L. Jacoby and children went to Aurora last Saturday morning for a few days’ visit at her old home. 20 per cent off on Chiffonniers and Dressers, for one week only at the Daily Furniture Store. S. N. Criss arrived home last Wednesday evening from Omaha, fully recovered from his recent operation, which had proven most successful. Stationery, tablets, and school supplies at Joe Vaughn’s. Rufus Hiddleson has moved in to the house vacated by Rural Carrier Williams, Mr. Williams moving into the house vacated by Will Engle, for which, we under stand, he traded some other proper ty. Daily sells for less. The Northwestern has been pleased the past few days to add seveial new subscribers to its big list, besides having a number of old readers pay in much needed ducats, among them being Wm. Coverly, W. S. Waite. J. A. Con verse, J A. Mcllravy, C. A. Cox, C. M. Holmberg, Tom Caddy, J. E. Sheahan, Ed. Magnusen, Wm. Graefe and A. G. Jonassen. Daily sells for less. A party came to us a day or two ago with the complaint that some one had.invaded his chicken coop of late and copped about a score of his feathered property. He said, by the way, that in the coop, after the coup had been pulled off, he found a memoran dum book and a couple of letters which he would gladly return to the owner, should that individual call for them. Moral—See that jour ppc^t® are-.empty, wheL you invite yourself to appropriate that which belongs to another. If you want a dray, phone A. L. Enderlee. Black *53. or leave your or der will) either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. The Northwestern last week ad ded Miss Bessie Owens to its pay roll as a new employee thus com pleting an entirely new and com petent force of employees on the Northwestern. Leave orders for Roy McDonall dray at either lumber yard or Tay lor's elevator, or phone Brown 57. 13tf. •T. B. O'Bryan came up from Lincoln last Saturday for an over Sunday visit at home, nor knew of the serious accident to his wife until his arrival here, the family not wishing to alarm him by the distressing accident. He return ed to the capital Monday for a short time. 20 per cent off on Chiffonniers and Dressers, one week only. Daily Furniture Co. Some prices of interest at the West Side 5-10 and 25c Store. Crepe paper in all shades "c per roll 3 boxes of matches for. 10c 5000 new post cards at.lc each China nest eggs.3 force Scrub brushes of all kinds 5-10 and 15c Corn poppers.10and 15c Daily sells for less. Pay cash, Pay less, for your groceries at Joe Vaughn’s. Quality and Quanitity groceries at Joe Vaughn's. Chiffonniers and Dresses for sale at Daily’s. A marriage license was issued Monday of this week to Leonard Camp of Washington township, this county, ana Miss Myrtle A. True of Valley county. Did you see the new line of Wall paper at the Rexall Store? 13-3 Mrs. Frank Hendrickson of near Austin died Sunday of heart failure and the body taken on the motor Mon day morning for burial in the ceme tery at Boelus. Undertaker Scott of the Daily Furniture Co. in charge of the funeral services, the motor stop ping at the cemetery to save the fu neral party the long walk from town, a very much appreciated courtesy on the part of Conductor A mick and Mo torman Morris. OVERDRAFTS The Comptroller of the Currency, at Washington, D. C., has issued instructions to all National Banks to posi tively discontinue the prac tice of allowing overdrafts, and has asked the co-opera tion of all the State Banks to that end. We will obey this order, same as we have always obeyed all laws and orders of the Federal Banking De partment, and know that our customers will not expect us to do otherwise. In compliance with above order, and for the following reasons, on and after April 1st, next, we will cash no checks on overdrawn ac counts. 1st. The elimination of the overdraft practice will in reality work no hardship on any one. It will not mean a dollar less credit to the bank’s customers, but only that they will have to keep what credit they need in the form of a note, instead of part overdraft and part note. 2nd. While the overdraft is used in most instances as a matter of mere temporary accommodation, and with the best of intention, it is in some instances used to ob tain, or try to obtain, credit that could not be arranged for in the regular way. which is a source of annoyance to both bank and to the cus tomer who presents a check on which the bank refuses payment. 3rd. The check is almost universally used now days, very little actual money is handled any more in settling accounts and the check as one of the greatest conven iences of our day should be made as reliable as the act ual money itself. 4th. Both the National and State Departments pro hibit the payment of checks on overdrafts. 5th. The officer of a bank that pays a check on an overdraft is personally liable under both the National and State Banking Laws. 6th. It is not considered good or conservative bank ing to allow overdrafts. 7th. This notice is issued in strict compliance with the law and we ask for your most hearty and pleasant co-operation in assisting us to obey the Banking Laws under which we are doing a Banking Business. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Loup City, Nebraska. Arco Sealit stops all leaks, guaran teed ten years. Hansen Lumber Co. hr. Methodist M. E. Church, Mar. 21, 10:30 a. m., “Questions of Zion."’ No services in the evening while meet ings continue in Presbyterian Church. Baptist Baptist—1<>:30 the subject will be. Some Marks of the True Be liever; 6:30 B. Y. P. IL, leader Gladys Dunn. There will be no preaching in the evening. We hope that every member of the church will attend the revival meeting at the Presby terian Church. Presbyterian ! Sunday will be a big day at the Presbyterian Church, Rev.Spoonts will preach in the morning at 10: 30 from the subject, “Christian Expression. ” In the afternoon at 3:00 o’clock to men only, from the subject, “From The Cow Ranch to The Pulpit” And in the even ing at 7:30 to everybody, from the subject, “What Loup Citj Needs.” Come, these, services will do you good. Monday nighi will be Business Men’s night, sub t ject, “Why Men are not Chris ^ians. ” Men Come. Lumber Sash Doors Millwork Screens Screen Doors Paints Oils Class Roofing Building Papers Culverts Tanks Ladders i i j We have just unloaded several cars of «j; the finest lumber ever seen in Loup *' City. Let us help you figure your (j j building material requirements We #; | have practically everything to com- '• | plete the building. (S K " 2$ ! p Hansen Lumber Co. I i “ANYTHING FROM A SLIVER TO A CARLOAD" (i j OUR KLEAN KOAL KANT BE BEAT | 36 K. of P. Play The Three Twins, all K. of P. per formers. Friday, March 19. Only 50 seats remain at Daddow Opera House. Hurry to it, its funny all the way. Full make-ups. special scenery, beau tiful girls, special music between acts. 15 people. Come aDd langli. House for rent. Inquire of L. \V. Schlote, phone Black 71. 13tf Last Saturday was just like a circus day in Loup City, the town b^insr filled with farmers teams and hundreds of out of town buy ers busy on our streets filling up their larders sadly depleated be cause of enforced absence from market on account of the big storm. Two cash. good farms for rent for See R. H. Mathew. In spite of the stormy weather :>f the past week or so and almost stagnation of business, the North western’s job department has been kept busily turning out the work coming to it. so busily in fact that the usual time could not be taken to get out as newsy a paper as wished. However, with added help, we expect to make up for it in the future issues of the North western. Help us, by sending in all the items of news coming to your notice. If you want good, prompt dray ing call on Roy McDonall, phone Brown 57. 13tf Mr and Mrs.Albert Anderstrom were here from Ashton over last Sunday visiting Mrs. Anderstrom.s parents. Few choice male Poland China hogs, for sale. Milo A. Gilbert. Mrs. A. L. Watson from Wood River was here over last Sunday risking her mother, Mrs. Mary A. jardner, returning home Monday noon. Loup City Flour is sold by all | our merchants. This flour is guaranteed and if not satisfactory | your money will be refunded to you. Rhode Island Red eggs for sale. Call 9012. Mrs. Chris Christensen Mrs. Curtis of Minden was here over last Sunday visiting her nephew and niece, Mr. Perley Hansen and Miss Marie Hansen, returning to her home Monday noon. For Sale.—A good milch cow. Henry Dolling. mar 4-11 The lecture on soil culture by H. W, Campbell of Lincoln, con nected with the Burlington road, ! which was to have been held at the opera house Monday after- * noon o f this week, failed to ma terialize, on account of the weather J conditions, and the public sale of Gene Miller’s stuff that afternoon, j However, Mr. Campbell gave. many good ideas to a few of our i farmers, who were gathered at j the opera house, in a quiet talk ! fest to those gathered about him ! in the body of the house seeking for information on various topics. The Rexall Store carries the largest stock of Wall paper in town. 13-4 For Sale or Trade—A 5-year‘old jack. See J. A. Mellravy, city, or pbone Blue 47. marl 1-3 Bixby in State Journal writes: Goliath,according to Billy Sunday, “was the head cheese and the whole works.” “Who’s that ga zabooP’ asked David. Then he , “gave Goliath the once over.” ■ Here the evangelist illustrated the ■ effect on the giant by himself fall ing at full lqngth upon the plat form. The language accompany ing the occular demonstration was “Beaned! David soaked him in the coco between the lamps and Goliath went to the mat and took the count. Dave chopi>ed his head off and Goliath’s gang beat it.” And then he stirred the trailhitters with this appeal: “Say, are you riding a blind baggage ora gospel train? I’ll know in a minute whether you’re men or mutts. If you're a man you'll fight your way down these aisles to take my hand. Oh, I'll have your number! I'll know whether you've got gasoline or dishwater in your veins, whether you're real or a four-flusher!” WHEN LOOKING FOR A SQUARE MEAL DROP IN AT THE * Ideal Bakery & Restaurant SOUTH SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all Hours We Also Carry a Full Line of Bakery Goods. Careful Attention Given ail Special Orders. Cream Puffs and Boston Blown Bread every Saturday after noon. Put in your order early. X X l LOUP CITY FLOUR 4 Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills D when you can get ▼ Loup City White Satin Flour 4 4 for less money, and every sack guaranteed. a, All dealers handle our flour. Q LOUP CITY MILL&LIGHT CO. 0 O. E. SCHLOTE Auctioneer Loup City, Nebraska. All Auctioneering Business Attended to promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give me a trial. See my price and make your dates at the First National Bank ! CIRCLE TOURS TO THE j PACIFIC COAST j In planning “The Perfect Coast Tour” or the “See 5 America Tour,” Scenic Colorado is of first im- | ; portance. No coast tourist could afford to say J [ that he had not included ‘Scenic Colorado” either 5 5 one way or the other in this world’s greatest rail I journey. Go one way via Seattle, Portland, and ^ during the season visit either Glacier or Yellow- | ; stone National Park. Link together these scenic | ! routes with the Ocean Coast voyage between San Francisco and Portland. )| Through the season, various publications, special folders and the like will be available,des criptive of the Burlington circuit rates and through service routes. L. W. WEEKLY, General Passenger Agent 1004 Farnum Street, Omaha. I J. A. DAN1ELSEN, Agent ] S HIM lines, Johnny JaDulewicz, who had been in Idaho for several months, i returned from that great fruit state last Saturday and will be at home for a season, but is unde :*ided as to his future moves. Walter Callaham came in from Torrington, Wyoming, last Satur day on a two weeks’ visit with relatives and old friends. W. F. MASON, President L. HANSEN, Cashier Did You Ever Pay a Bill Twice? The one who has not had to pay more than one bill the second time is the exception and not the rule. Few people when paying a bill ask for a receipt and if they do they fail to keep the receipt. Did you ever have a dispute over a payment ? Unpleasant is it not? Do you w ish the circumstance tot occur again? There is one sure way to escape it. Pay your bills with checks. If you received no interest on your idle money it would only show good sense and good wisdom to have it in a bank. Transact your business in a business way and pay your bills by checks. Your check when returned to you makes an indisputable receipt. > A bank account makes you systematic and encourages you to save part of your income. Many a man has become rich because he became inter est^ in watching his bank balance, and was thus led to find ways to increase it. Start a bank account with us and we will help you make it larger. Why not begin today? First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. T. S. John Auctioneer LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA All Auctioneering business attended to promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial. Phone 7304. Use Ungles Dry Dip j Can Be Used In All Kinds of Weather j R 1 Easy to use Simply sow it over the stock like grass seed. It works by evopora t i o n and need not be on the ani mal. ( Is the ver- I min exter- j minator.dis ^ infectant & J cleanser ] which you ^ have been J looking for. j O r der to- \ day. J VTvj Immediately stops the loss incurred in feeding j stock which are pestered with vermin and itch- \ ing. Cleanliness means profit. j Is cheap, 25 lbs. $2.50. 50 lbs. $4.50.100 lbs $8.00 1 All put up in tight wood packages. J MILO GILBERT Agent ^ Phone 9611, or purchase at Hayhurst-Ciallaway’s J Hardware Store - Not a Minute to Spare SPRING is here, hovse-cleaning starts and oh! such a lot to do. Get your decorating done and the worst part is over. You can save time, money and freight charges by buying your wall pa per from us- If you run short you can get more on a moment’s notice, and if you have any left we will take it back. CAN YOU BEAT THAT? The REXALL Store