The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 11, 1915, Image 1

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Latest of Winter’s Spasms Isolates This Section From the Rest of the
World for an Entire Week
The past week has witnessed the
biggest snow storm, or series of
snow falls, in the history of this
section of the country. Beginning
with last week Tuesday night, a
heavy fall of the beautifuK ?) came,
accompanied with high winds,
which continued with more or less
volume day after day and night
till Sunday morning, whei. Old
Sol managed to tear a rent in the
heavy canopy and peered down
upon a country covered with a
heavy blanket of congealed aqua
of a filmy nature ranging from 24
to 2k inches in depth on the level.
Wednesday morning, following
the commencement of natuie’s
moving picture show alluded to
above the B. & M. passenger
waded down from Sargent and
trot to its usual scheduled destina
tion. in such cases made and pro
vided, viz: Farwell; and where it
remained, as we understand, for
'steen days, and until a rotary ap
peared and cleared the right-of
way so it could proceed on its
wayward course. The B. & M.
was blocked of traffic until Sat
urday afternoon, about 3 o'clock,
when a rotary, pushed by two big
moguls, and followed by an en
gine and two coaches pushed
through here and on up to Sar
gent, returning through here east
ward a little before noon Sunday,
gathering up the remnants of
what was left of the Knights of
the Grip who had been stranded
at various points along, and put
us once more in tonch with the
other and less civilized portions
of the earth, allowing regular train
service to resume on that branch
on Monday.
Wednesday morning, following
the initial moments of this last
and greatest of winter spasms in
this country since Heck was a pup,
the motor, of course, not being
provided with skis, and not of the
aeroplane order, did not attempt
to go out, but an engine with the
mail and a few traveling men who
did not care to hear about the
European war before peace was
declared, came up from St. Paul
at noon—and concluded to remain
till the blow that almost killed
father was over, and up to Mon
day night all traffic over the
United Presbyterian out of here
was suspended, when a snow plow
pityingly put in an appearance
and blessed the wide world by
letting the effulgent rays of this
greatest and best portion of this
greatest and best state of this
greatest and best nation shine full
upon them.
From Wednesday noon of last
week, then, till Monday night of
this week, we had been completely
isolated from the world, so far as
mail was concerned, not a letter
nor paper being received. We
did not know whether the butch
ery aoross the big pond had ceased
and peace declared, or the melee
had grown worse; whether Billy
Bryan had chautauquaed some
more; whether Edgar Howard had
gone back to chawing terbacker
or was still posing as a saint, with
this addition to his crown; wheth
fiditor Davis of Ord had copped
any more official dope, or whether
any one of a thousand or more
other events of world-wide im
portance had startled humanity.
But now the agony is over. We
are johnny on the spot with the
rest of the world and in full com
munication therewith. Selah!
Evangelistic Meetings
Next Sunday commences a se
ries of revivahstic meetings at the
Presbyterian church in this city.
Evangelist Spoonts, “Cow Boy
Preacher’* of Jacksonville, Ills.,
who is considered one of the most
cuccessful men in the evangelistic
field, has been secured for a
‘‘whirlwind campaign,’’ and can
be here only eleven days, so the
most strenuous efforts will be put
forth to make it one of the great
est on the part of the church peo
ple. He is now at Gothenberg,
this state, holding a series of
meetings, Rev. Steen being with
him, conducting the singing, will
be here Saturday ready for the
opening services Sunday, the evan
gelist arriving Monday evening to
begin his work.
Rev. Walter E. Spoonts, Evaatelist
Following are a few of the sub
jects given on the days mentioned:
Monday—The Stingiest Man in
Loup City.
Tuesday—The Wonderful Sa
Wednesday—Girls MeanerThan
Boys. \
Thursday—A Drama in Three
Friday—The Big Quarrel in
Saturday—No Room for Christ
in Loup City.
Sunday—If You Are a Chris
tian, Say So.
Sunday afternoon—From Cow
Ranch to Pulpit, (for men only.)
Sunday evening—The Greatest
Need of Loup City.
Everybody earnestly urged to
: attend each and every service.
In compliance with instructions
received from the Secretary of
the State Banking Board, and in
co-operation with orders sent out
by the Comptroller of the Cur
rency to discontinue permitting
overdrafts, and for the following
reasons, after April 1st next, we
will discontinue the practice of
cashing any and all checks where
the maker or account has not suf
ficient funds to his credit to pay
the same.
First: It has been found that
patrons who favor conservative
banking disapprove the overdraft.
Second: The overdraft is one
of the worst abuses of country
banking. It consists, as a rule,
of the customer making a loan to
himself without the knowledge or
consent of the bank’s officers,
without note or security.
Third: Wherever the privilege
of overchecking is used for the
purpose of getting business, it has
been observed to introduce a lax
ity in the bank’s methods, wholly
inconsistent with sound banking.
Fourth: Both State and Na
tional Banking Departments pro
hibit the payment of checks on
Fifth: All Courts hold the
aymentof checks on overdrafts
illegal and make personally liable
the officer of the bank who per
mits such payment.
Sixth;, While it would seem
that in a few cases this ruling
might work a hardship, it will not
limit the credit of our good cus
tomers in any way, and we will
continue and endeavor to help
them in every possible way as
heretofore and is in keeping with
the better banking, greater effi
ciency and equal treatment of all
customers demanded by the great
reforms of the banking laws of
the country now being passed and
instituted, both State and Na
All patrons are requested to co
operate in making it effective.
K. of P. Play, Three Twins.
Three act comedy drama, 15
people, all beautiful. Music be
tween acts. Everything funny.
Togs, make-up, dresses and all
properties complete. Chase your
worry awa.v, laugh is good for
the liver. Prices, 5 to 12 yrs. 25c
adults 35c. reserved 50c.
Mr. .John W. Petersen of
Aurora arrived Wednesday even
ing of this week with his family
to take possession of his newly
purchased farm on Cob Creek.
Our people will give them warm
Near Murder at Industrial School
When Escaping Boy Attempts to
Kill Officer Oickman
Last Saturday morning, accord
ing to the Kearney Democrat, two
boys attempted to escape from
the Industrial school. They are
Ed Cave and Vern Perry. The
boys were painting one of the
rooms when the Cave boy discov
ered a revolver belonging to an |
officer lying in a trunk. He pock
eted the gun and he and Perry
jumped from a window and made
for the hills north of the school.
Officer Dickman saw them when
they jumped from the window,
gave the alarm, secured a horse
and started in pursuit. He soon
overtook the boys and it was then
that Cave turned on him, ordered
him to get off the horse, and when
he did not do so, drew the gun
and pointed it at Dickman’s head
and pulled the trigger. The gun
failed to fire, but at the second at
tempt the cartridge exploded, the
ball striking Dickman in the
muscles of the leg. The Perry
boy then helped Mr. Dickman in
taking the gun away from Cave,
overpowering him and returning
him to the school. The Perry boy
alleges that the Cave boy, after
he had secured the gun, compelled
him to leave the building. Mr.
Dickman was taken to the St.
Luke Hospital and his wound
dressed. He is getting along as
well as possible under the circum
C. J. Tracy Hoiored
C. J. Tracy returned Monday
i night on first train over the Bur
lington since the blockade from
Omaha where he had been in at
tendance on the State Cement
Dealers’ Association meeting in
the auditorium. He reports it the
very best yet held, in spite of the
weather which reduced their gate
receipts to practically nothing,
j Mr. Tracy was honored by re
election to the vice presidency of
the association. He reports more
snow, heavier blockades, and even
traffic tied up tighter elsewhere
over the state than here. Luck
ily, when he got ready to come
home, he was not stranded any
where, although he had to buy his
fare home in sections, as they
would not sell but for a short dis
tance each time.
As will be noticed without
microscopic examination or the
use of field glasses, the Northwest
ern is a day or so late with the
paper. Lay the fault to the big
Two of Sherman County’s Oldest
Pioneer’s Pass Away
The hand of death has laid
heavily on our community the
past week, two of our oldest and
most highly esteemed citizens hav
ing answered the summons of the
grim messenger and passed into
the mystic beyond, besides these,
the death angel harvesting two or
more little one^. taken but a short
time after coming into the world,
and leaving grief-stricken parents
and saddened homes behind.
Schuyler Sylvester Reynolds
Last week Thursday, occurred
the death of one of ;the oldest,
most widely known and highly re
spected pioneer-, of Sherman coun
ty, “Uncle Sky" Reynolds, at his
home in Welwter township, a few
miles west of this city, after fail
ing health for a number of years,
and several weeks of confinement
within the home. lie had a very
wide acquaintance, was a man of
decided opinions, well read on all
topics and a man of strong friend
ships for those whom he held in
high regard, and the writer of
this held it an honor to lie count
ed among his friends.
Schuyler Sylvester Reynolds
was born at Jacksonville, New
York, May 15, 1842, and died at
his home near Loup City, Nebr.,
March 4, 1915, and was at the
time of his death 72 years, 9
months and 17 days old.
When he was a very small child
his parents moved ic *-urora, HI.,
where he grew to marinood.
At the age of 21 years, he went
to Fairfax, Iowa, where he was
married to Emma S. Kelloway, on
January 1. 1886. To this union
were born five children, namely,
Mrs. Estella J. Shepardson and
M right B. Reynolds, both of
whom live near Litchfield, Neb.;
Mrs. Nina L. Wyckoff of Dixie,
Wash.; Maud E. and Clark S.
Reynolds of Loup City, all of
whom, with the mother, are left
to mourn his loss.
He also leaves one brother and
two sisters, namely, Wright B.
Reynolds of Clackamas, Oregon;
Mrs. A. C. Boggs of Fort Dodge,
Iowa, and Mrs. Frank Baylea of
Vinton, Iowa.
Shortly after his marriage, he
moved to Vinton, Iowa, where he
resided until in November, 1887,
when he moved to his present
The funeral services were held
from the home Tuesday morning
of this week. Rev. L. V. Slocumb
officiating and the body laid to
rest in Evergreen cemetery.
Arthur M. Robbins
Last Thursday, March 4, 1915,
at his home, a few miles north
west of this city, aftei* a long and
lingering and extremely painful
illness, occurred the death of Mr.
A. M. Robbins, in his t>4th year.
For a long time the deceased had
battled with the dread disease
which sapped his very life-blood,
and only because of a naturally
rugged constitution had he so suc
cessfully resisted the encroach
ment of the final end of life for so
long a time.
Arthur M. Robbins was born
at Cleveland, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1851.
He was married to Libbie Stevens
at Almena, Michigan, May 29,
1873. To this union were born
four children, one boy and a girl
dying in infancy, and two sons,
Frank Robbins of Greeley, Neb.,
and Burr Robbins of Loup City,
with the wife, surviving him. He
was also survived by one sister,
Mrs. A. J. Kelley of Hanford,
Calif., besides numerous other rel
atives and a host of warm and
sympathetic friends. He was aged
64 years and 14 days. The fu
1 neral took place at the home Tues
day afternoon of this week. Rev.
L. V. Slocomb officiating, and
the body laid to rest in Evergreen
Fall on ley Walk ~
Breaks Right Ankle
This (Thursday) morning, about
6 o'clock, Mrs. J. B. O'Bryan fell
on the sidewalk at the rear of the
home, breaking her right ankle.
Her physican washurriedlv called,
reduced the fracture and at last
reports she was resting as easy as
the nature of the injury will al
low. _
Court Adjourned
To Marsh 30th
Kearney, Neb., March (j.—By
virtue of the authority vested in
me as district judge, it is hereby
ordered that the term of court to
lie held in Sherman county March
9, 1915, be, and the same is here
by adjourned, to March 30, 1915.
This adjournment is made be
cause of the unprecedented storm
prevailing and the impassable
condition of the roads.
Bruno O. Hostetler,
District .Judge of Sherman Coun
ty, Nebraska.
Chas. Bass,
Clerk of the District Court of
said county.
Conspiracy to Blow Op St. Patrick's
Cathedral and Loot Banks Nipped
in Bud by Prompt Action
An attempt to blow up St. Pat
rick's cathedral, New York, with
a bomb, March 2, and the arrest
of two men by detectives, who
had been informed for months of
their activities, was followed by
an announcement made at police
headquarters that the arrests had
balked an anarchist plot to kill
with bombs Andrew Carnegie,
John D. Rockefeller, John D.
Rockefeller, Jr., and other wealthy
men. Thereafter the anarchists,
according to the police, were to
inaugurate in New York City a
reign of terror comparable to the
days of the French revolution.
It was part of the plot, the po
lice assert, for gangs of men
armed with rifles and revol
vers to appear simultaneously in
various parts of the city to shoot
and pillage. The biggest banks
of New York City, were to be
blown up and many wealthy men
were to be slain.
The wrecking of the cathedral
was. to be the signal for the open
ing of the campaign of murder
and looting. The next move, ac
cording to the police, was to place
bombs in the homes of Andrew
Carnegie, the Rockefellers and
Cornelius Vanderbilt. So far had
the plot progressed tow aril this
end that the manufacture of
bomb, the police say, had al
ready started. n
v\ ifch these and other capitalists
disposed of, the anarchists
planned, according to the police,
to invade the financial district and
la.y their bombs in the city’s big
gest banks. General looting was
to follow.
The attempt at wrecking the
cathedral, was by an anarchist
with whom a detective had made
himself solid, and who assisted in
making it. Repairing to the ca
thedral, where some 800 people
were assembled, followed by two
detectives, they were sssigned to
seats well forward, when the an
archist, who had the bomb hidden
in his coat, lighted the fuse and
threw the bomb into the aisle. At
this the building swarmed with
officers, the man was seized and
the fuse stamped out before panic
struck the audience.
At police headquarters the pris
oner gave his name as Frank
Abamo, a lithographer, 24 years
old. Later, other arrests were
made and it is thought the das
tardly attempt at wholesale mur
der, arson and robbery has been
nipped in the bud.
Finest Bunch of Traveling Men on Earth Work Their Way Into the
Hearts of Loup City Residents
About the nicest, jolliest, hand
Isomest and most gentlemanly
contingent of Sir Knights of the
Grip, nerve and grit, ever snow
bound in this or any other city,
was the bunch which Providence,
the weather man and the railroad
systems turned over to the tender
mercies of our people during the
late, little lamented in departing,
spell of—well, spell it “biiz.” for
short. This irrepressible bunch
of boys, with time hanging heavy
on their hands, took possession of
the city. Holding a coun
cil of war, they decided the town
needed cleaning up, or out. and at
once got busy. Friday morning,
in the midst of the blinding snow
storm, they organized as a street
cleaning gang in furtherance of
their plans. Surrounding our own
townsman of real estate fame, who
was named in early youth just at
the end of and as a crowning
glory to the alphabet, he of the
“Zimmer-man size, and upon un
conditional surrender selected him
guide, scout and general advance
agent of the expedition. Being
an army of unemployed, they
placed themselves under command
of “Coxey” Kelso, who made a
flowing speech and ordering strict
observance of the “keep off the
grass” law. Having great respect
for ancient and historical kings,
princes and potentates, and hav
ing a descendautof Alexander the
Great as one of their number; he
was duly placed second in com
mand. As “Coxey’s’’ army was
supposed to be a cosmopolitan af
fair and composed of all shades of
personal complexion, two colonels
were selected for the two divi
sions of the army, (fen. .Tack
GunthA to cover the rear with
his “ample’’ proportions, while
Gen. Lawrence Osborn having
proved his wonderful powers
of endurance, a la Weston and
O’Leary in previous contests, his
latest covering the distance from
Schaupps to this city in 211 min
utes in a blinding storm and in
over 2 feet of snow, was assigned
to the “flying” squadron, to pro
tect “Coxey’s” army from en
| cioachment of any foreign snb
j stance. Making a final appoint
ment of "‘Daddy’’Pennell as quar
termaster general, who foraged
a supply of shovels, “Coxey" an 1
his unemployed employed them
selves in doing a splendid job on
the crossings, in front of the
stores along main street, and not
forgetting in their good work to
uncover and dig out the almost
submerged area way leading to the
Northwestern office. Completing
their forenoon of perseverance,
they returned to the hotel, where
they ’organized themselves into a
hotel and dining room force and
oroceeded to take charge of that
splendid hostelry. Here “Daddy’*
| shone as bell-hop, 'Mack'’ Gun
ther was resplendent as head
waiter, "‘Coxey** Kelso made a
typical barmaid and cigar girl,
Alexander the Great and “Law”
Osborn sweet waiters and tip
gatherers.and others fine in roles of
dishwashers, chambermaids, etc.,
clearing the way to excellent po
sitions for the future, when such
great houses as Beers-Sawbuck.
Monkey-Ward, and other pidv
lishers of sheepherders* bibles
shall have put their present jobs
in hock. Evenings, “Coxey V" an
gelic throng put on their wings
and made merry tripping the
light fantastic with numerous of
the younger set of our city.
And now the wide world has
engulfed them. They have each
gone on their mission, but are
scheduled as returning mission
aries on future dates. It was cer
tainly a bunch of live-wires, good
old scouts and jolly, gentlemanly
fellows, who made the best of the
otherwise irksome and tedious
days when they were tied up here
by the big storm.
The “boys'" were universal in
their praise of Mrs. Odendahl and
entire management and help of
the New Frederick for the splen
did treatment accorded them,
while the hotel people express
themselves just as strongly in
commendation of their guests who
proved themselves A 1 in every
Change of Foremen
The Northwestern has made
some changes in its mechanical
force the past week Wednesday
evening, Mr. J. R. Gardiner, who
has had charge of the mechanical
department for the past year and
a half, tendered his resignation
and was succeeded by Mr. C. L. |
Helton of Omaha, who comes to
us highly recommended as a most
skillful printer in every depart
ment connected with the newspa
! per game, and withal a writer of
| years’experience in the editorial
harness, and we believe will prove
the right man in the right place.
Mr. Helton is the proud possessor
of a wife and darling baby daugh
ter, at present visiting the lady’s
parents in Wyoming, but who
will be here as soon as Mr. Hel
ton gets a home prepared for
them. Mr. Gardiner quits us to
engage in the newspaper game on
his own hook, has purchased the
plant of the defunct Ashton Boos
ter, which he may resurrect, or
t ike the outfit to some other
point, as yet undecided. He has
proved a splendid manager of the
mechanical departments of the
Northwestern and is a most effi
cient and artistic printer. He is
also a writer of experience in the
news department of newspaper
work and wherever he concludes
to locate we feel assured he will
wield a trenchant pen and give
to the people a good and satisfac
tory news paper.
Tom McCarthy
Meets Defeat Aain
Tom McCarthy, our Kavenna
boy, was bested in a ten-round
glove contest at the Broadway
Sporting club in Brooklyn last
Saturday night by Jack Dillon.
Tom scaled a liberal IH‘21 pounds
and outweighed his opponent by
more than ten pounds; but Dillon
proved the faster and rolled up a
good lead.
Garage Changes Hands
Within the past few days the
garage and automobile firm of
Blaska & Lewis changed hands,
Mr. Blaska retiring and Mr.
Lewis taking over the business
entire. Mr. Blaska, we under
stand, will continue in the em
j ploy of Mr. Lewis. We wish the
j utmost success to follow bothgen
i tlemen.
One of the most novel, unique
and useful innovations, the pro
| duct of A. C. Ogle's inventive turn
of mind, was the riggiug up of a
snow plow, Friday last, during
the big storm, which he attached
on the front of one of his big
Buicks, and with a Ford follow
ing as helper, and with both
cars weighted down with a crowd
of our jolliest boys, plowed thru
the deep snow up and down the
main streets, cheered by human
ity, as they cleared the snow
away that traffic might resume.
It was some stunt, a big Buick
and Ford boost and did good work
with a lot of fun added.