The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 04, 1915, Image 8

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C. C. Cooper
Come In and Hear What It Has te Say
elelel ▼ VeVTV?
We have a full and complete line of Garden
Seeds Flower Seeds, and Onion Sets. Our
prices are right. Come in and see us.
Our Full Line of Can Goods
and Groceries is Unbroken
Some Good Selections to Be
Had. Don’t Wait Until it is
teo Late.
Few choice male Poland China hogs,
for sale.
_Milo A. Gilbert.
For Sale—Imported Percheron stal
lion and purebred Holstein cow,fresh,
with two bull calves, Grant Rogers.
For Sale—Two registered Short
hornbulls. yrs. 1 and 4 years. G. B.
Wilkie, Route 2. Loup City, Neb.
For Sale -Some of the best
farm and ranch land In south
Cherry county, in tracts of from
a half section to four sections,
close to good towns, schools
and churches. For further In
formation, write or call on R.
F, Osborn, Cherry, Nebr. 118-4.
For Sale.—A good milch cow.
Henry Dolling. mar 4-11
Rhode Island Red eggs for sale.
Call 9012. Mrs. Chris Christensen
For Sale—1 team of horses, 5
years old wt. 1000; 1 low truck
farm wagon: 1 Jennie Lind walk
ing cultivator: 1, 14-inch stirring
plow; Deering mower.
Alfred Andersen.
If sold before March 1st, will
take S2.000 for my place in
Loup City, a good place to raise
chickens and hogs. Plenty of
room for garden. Phone or
write me at Arcadia, Nebr.
feb23-2 H. S. Conger.
One Week Only
Until March llth
20% OFF
For Cash
at Daily’s
We have just received
our spring line of Muslin
Undewear, Underskirts,
| Corset Covers. Call and
see them.
Loup City Mercantile Co.
Urgent Notice
Mothers should see to it that the
whole family take at least 3 or 4 doses
of a thorough, purifying, system
cleaning medicine this spring. Now
is the time. The family will be
healthier, happier and get along bet
ter if the blood is given a thorough
purifying, the stomach and bowels
cleaned out, and the germsof Winter,
accumulated in the system, driven
away. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain
Tea is the very best and surest Spring
Remedy to take. Get it and see the
difference in the whole family. Their
color will be better, they’l feel fine
and be well and happy. 35 cts. The
best in the world ever. For sale by
Swanson & Lofholm,
Loup City Flour is sold by all
our merchants. This flour is
guaranteed and if not satisfactory
your money will be refunded to
you. _
Want Advertising
Wanted—For the Eastern war
zone, the best and most market
able horses, sufficient in size and
qnality for any of the duties re
quired there. See Myrl Warrick.
Notice to Creditors.
State of Nebrast a, 1
Siierman County. )
In the County Court
In the Matter of the Bstate of R. M.
Jackson, Deceased,
To the Creditors of Said Estate:
You are hereby notitied, that I will
sit at the County Court room in Loup
City, in said County, on the 28th day
of April, IS 15, at 10 o’clock a. m.,and
on the 28th day of September.
1915, to receive and examine all
claims against said Estate, with a
view to their adjustment and allow
ance. The time limited for the pre
sentation of claims against said Es
tate is the 28th day of September, A.
D. 1915, and the time limited for pay
ment of debts is one year from said
20th day of February, 1915.
Witness my hand and the seal of
said County Court, $his 24th day of
Februrary, 1916. *
E. A. Smith.
[skal] County Judge
Last pub. Mar. 25.
District court convenes on Tues
day, March 9.
Ed Oltman transacted business
at Ashton Thursday.
Hugs and Rockers for sale at
Quality and Quanitity groceries
at Joe Vaughn’s.
Win. Schuman was a passenger
to Schaupps last Thursday.
Miss Esther Hosier was on the
sick list a few days last week.
Pay cash, Pay less, for your
groceries at Joe Vaughn’s.
Daily sells for less.
Victor Viener’s infant daughter
was quite sick last week.
Elba Smalley’s baby daughter
was among the sick last week.
The county board was in session
Tuesday and Wednesday of this
One week only, 20 jier cent off
on Rugs and Rockers. Daily Fur
niture Co.
Banker Wichman of Farwell
was a business visitor in Loup
City last Thursday. .
Leave orders for John Mcl mail
dray at either lumber yard, or at E'
G. Taylor’s, or Phone Red 104
Mrs. H. M. Mathew returned
last week from her business trip
to St. Joe.
Stationery, tablets, and school
supplies at Joe Vaughn’s.
Daily sells foi less.
R. H. Mathew returned Friday
noon from a business trip to Lin
If you want (joed, prompt draying,
call on John McDonall. successor
to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red 104
The little son of C. E. Wilson
on Route 1 has been quite ill but
is improving.
Daily sells for less.
A little son of Dan Carpenter is
recovering from a serious attack
of tonsilitis.
Daily sells for less.
Carrier Williams little daughter
is recovering from a serious ill
If you want a dray, phone A. L.
Enderlee, Black 63, or leave your or
der with either lumber yard "or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Grandma Gardner is conva
lescing from a bad case of la
Daily sells for less.
J. I. Depew’s baby daughter
has been quite ill the past week
or to, but is reported l)etter.
Hiram Cramer’s little 5-yoar
boy is reported ill from pneumo
nia, but convalescing.
Lard in 60-pound lots at 10c
per pound, and two pounds for
25c retail. Will pay the highest
market price for hides.
feb95-2 John Eggers.
Mrs. Frank Hendrickson of the
Austin neighborhood, quite ill of
late, is reported as improving
20 per cent off' on rugs and rock
ers, one week only. Daily Fur
niture Co.
The infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. W. II. R. H. Williams, very
ill with pneumonia for some time,
is reported better.
The Misses Mattie Lane and
Ruth Butterfield of Arcadia at
tended the club dance here last
Friday night.
Some prices of interest at the West
Side 5-10 and 25c Store.
Grepe paper in all shades 7c per roll
3 boxes of matches for. 10c
5000 new post cards at. .lc each
China nest eg^s.3 for 5c
Scrub brushes of all kinds 5-10 and 15c
Corn poppers.10 and 15c
Willis Holcomb, who has had
charge of the John P. Leininger
farm in Washington township the
past few years, with his good
mother keeping house for him,
moved back town again Tuesday
and into the old home. Willis is
not prepared to state just what he
will engage in.
Art Barnes was up from Auro
ra over last Sunday. What is the
old saying about love drawing by
a single hair, or words to that ef
Public Sales
Having sold his farm and mov
ing town, he will sell at his farm
5 miles northeast of Loup City on
Thursday, Mar. 11, beginning at
1 p. m., 7 horses. 13 head of cattle
13 hog, farm machinery, chickens
and household goods. Terms of
sale 8 months and 10 per cent. An
drew G. Jonassen, owner; Col. J.
G. Pageler, auctioneer; W. F. Ma
son, clerk.
Pubjic Sale—Having sold my
farm and on account of moving to
Ashton, I will sell at public auc
tion on nwi 14-14-15, l£ miles
west of Wiggle Creek church, on
Tuesday, Much 9th, commencing
Daddow Opera House
March 15th, at 1:30 p. m.
They are for the benefit of the Community. Every
body Welcome. There is no Charge for Admission.
at 10 o’clock a. m. sharp, 4 head
of horses, 10 head of cattle, 1 sow
and 9 pigs, 200 bushels of corn,
some hay and other feed, farm
machinery, etc. Free lunch at
noon. Terms of sale, 8 months
and 10 per cent. Adam Ghering,
owner; Col. J. G. Pageler, auc
tioneer; C. C. Carlson, clerk.
Postponed—The J. Koch sale
one mile north of Rockville, dated,
for yesterday, March 3, has been
on account of stormy weather.
See new sale bills.
News Along
Rural Route 2
E. M. Goddard moved to Litch
field Tuesday. »
The grange west of town has 50
Ed Obermiller butchered his
summer’s meat last week.
Will Behrens sold baled hay on
the Loup City markets last week.
J. E. Roush butchered a beef
last Friday.
Adam Gehring went to Ashton
on business one day last week.
Roy Conger helped W. II. Mc
Laughlin move last Tuesday.
Glen Cash had hogs on the hub
market last Friday.
W. G. Tucker butchered a beef
last week.
Mr. Cox was hauling hay from
Route 2 south of District 78.
Will Rowe has been working at
his caritentei^ this week.
Geo. Wagnfer and Vincent John
traded horses Monday.
Frang Wagner and family on
Tuesday moved to Hazard.
Wm. Rutherford shipped a car
of hogs to South Omaha Monday.
Fred Daddow was helping the
Thomases move Monday.
Miss Alice McBeth visited the
Squires at Comstock over last
Will Peterson helped Carl
Scherzberg move from Route 3
to 2 Tuesday.
Lee Bly has been driving Route
1 while Carrier Foster is t&kin his
W. H. McLaughlin’s children
are new scholars in Miss Meroe
Outhouse’s school.
Wm. Rutherford and son Harry
shelled corn for Hans Obermiller
last Friday.
Miss Meroe Outhouse taught
last Saturday, making up one of
the blizzard days.
Last Saturday was another one
of those bad days for carriers. It
snowed all da.v hard and drifted
many cuts full.
Kay McFadden and wife have
moved into their new home west
of the place farmed by them the
past year.
Ernest Iossi visited with his
brother Simeon last Thursday, re
turning to Columbus Friday.
R. Kenfield put down a well for
Hans Dietz this month which was
over 200 feet deep.
A letter to carrier from D. C.
Grow at Jeffersonville, Vt., says
the past two months have been
gne there. Different here.
The Big Eour were cleaning the
snow off the road to the Brown
bridge Monday. This piece of
road has been almost impassable
for a month.
Johnny Paulson had an exciting
time Monday hauling hogs for
Wm. Rutherford on his bob sleds.
Just north of the Brown bridge
he tipped over in a bad place
spilling out his hoge. No damage
done. The hogs were driven into
market instead of reloading.
Deer Creek Dews
John Miefski shipped his hogs
to Omaha last week.
Andrew Honczynski is busy
dielling com among-the Creekers.
Miss Emma Careten is working
for Hans Hehenke in Rockville.
Miss Dora Carsten was quite
iick from the grip last week.
Stanley Dymek purchased a
?ord touring car last week.
They are quite a few cases of
neaslas among the Deer Creekers.
F. J. Maciejewski sold some
hogs to .T. B. Miefski last week.
Jos. Lubash helped his father
in-law, John Rochwich, haul hogs
to town.
Ignas Haremza and family spent
Sunday with F. J. Maciejewski
and family.
John Plembeck left for Wyo
ming last week, where he expeets
to stay this coming summer.
Miss Thresa Nowicki had some
dental work done at Ashton last
B. H. and A. E. Lorenz shipped
a car load of hogs to Omaha last
Mrs. Mary Bockman is visiting;
with her paaents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jurgen Carsten.
Tony Bonczynski left for Texas
last week, where he expected to
stay this summer.
A birthday party was given at
J urgen Carstens Wednesday 24th,
in honor of Mrs. C.’9 75th birr I
day anniversary.
Mrs. John Miefski, Miss Agnes
Miefski and Mrs. August Msscku
went to Omaha last week to visit
relatives and friends.
Dr. Wanek was called to Th
Lubash’s in regard to his -
nearly choking to death by eat
in a hurry.
Mrs. Ignas Iiareniza andda
ter were passengers to Loup (
to have some dental work .1
and to visit with relative'.
A basket ball social will i*
at the Deer Creek school on M
6 with the following progni •
Louva. the Pauper. 13 pup
recitations,Raymond Lorenz, C!
ence. Elsie and Lydia Kitz. i
Ben Maciejewski; dialogue, i
boys: recitations, Daniel By da
Caroline Carsten.Anna and Eiu.i
Rasmussen, Clara Kryczski. L .
rence, Edwin and Martin N. w
Miss Lizzie Wiess, teacher.
We Run A Postoffice
White Cedar, Red Cedar, Sassafras and Black Locust Posts
All Sizes and Prices
Square Deal Woven Wire Fence, Barbed Wire and Nads
Special Spring Prices Now in Effect
Get Our Prices on Paints, Oils, Varnishs
We Can Save You Money
For Better Coal Buy Our
Routt County and Rock Springs Coal
Yeu Will Like It When From
Rugs, Etc.
Undertaking in Connection
E. T. Beushausen
My Motto Is “TO PLEASE”
Finest Quality
Early Amber Cane Seed
Austin, Nebraska.
$1.00 per Bushel, F.O.B.
Catalogue Houses are selling seed no
better at 12.00 per bushel. I will sell
in quantities to suit purchaser.
Mow Is the time to Start Your SnWrtpflftlL