W. F. MASON, President L. NANSEN, Cashier THE FARM IS THE PLACE To make and save money but the only safe place to keep your money is a reliable bank. Is your account small, we are in terested in it, nevertheless. Many of our best accounts were atone time small. We would like to have you deposit with us and promise you every courtesy and con venience in our power to give. This bank accepts deposits from one dollar and up. Why not come in and open an account with us. Let us help you save. First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. T. S. John Auctioneer LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA All Auctioneering business attended to promptly. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give me a trial. Phone 7304. ! Use Uncles Dry Dip L Can Be Used In All Kinds of Weather Easy to use Simply sow it over the stock like grass seed. It works by evopora t i o n and need not be | on the ani mal. Is the ver min exter minator,dis infectant & cleanser which you have been looking for. } O r der to day. I Vf , Immediately stops the loss incurred in feeding ' stock which are pestered with vermin and itch ing, Cleanliness means profit. 1 Is cheap, 25 lbs. $2.50. 50 lbs. $4.50.100 lbs $8.00 , All put up in tight wood packages. 1 MILO GILBERT Agent , Phone 9611, or purchase at Hayhurst-Gallaway’s Hardware Store Compare our Job Work with others a word to the wise Is sufficient. Notice THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Will Run Every Night in The Week Hereafter A 4-Reel Show Every Tuesday,Thursday and Saturday Change of Program Nothing but the best pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. ! j THOMAS DADDOW Let the Northwestern visit yonr home during 1915.., Jon will Hie it. WoftfJedui Exhibits From Ale Lands Show the | World’s Best Progress : — From Beginning to End Magnificent Panama-Pacific International Exposition Will Abound With i Superb Educational and Entertainment Features. By HAMILTON WRIGHT. THE construction of the vast Panama Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco was 95 per cent completed three months before the opening day, on Feb. 20. 1915. The early installa tion of thousands of tons of rare and costly exhibits from all parts of the globe and the participation of forty of the world's great countries have assur ed a celebration that will be unrivaled In Its splendor, magnitude. Interest and comprebens! veness. From Its opening until Its close, on Dec. 4. 1915. the Exposition will abound with original features collect ed at an expenditure of many millions of dollars. It will present a cross sec tion of human achlevemenc The Pan Francisco In a single flay, and. far In advance of its opening, the Exposition had created an unprecedented Interest throughout the world, aud its opening was eagerly awaited. In keen competitive exhibits there will be presented more than 80,000 sin gle exhibits and groups of related ex hibits portraying the results of the world’s best efforts in recent years. This wonderful Exposition, present ed at an outlay of more than $00,000, 000, celebrates a contemporaneous achievement the building of the Pana ma canal, and all exhibits that are en tered for competitive award will be those that have been originated or pro duced since the gr^at Louisiana Pur chase Exposition at St. Louis ten years ago. The possible exception to this rule will be where earlier exhibits are fare work will, for example, see la the Palace or Mines an exhibit three fourths of an acre in extent, Illus trating the manner in which the largest steel corporation in the world is caring for and plans to still fur ther advance the welfare of Its em ployees. In the Palace of Education they will be interested In a great United States government exhibit The great war In no way has dimin ished the prospect of attendance at the Exposition, and thousands of Americans will for the first time en joy the educative trip across their na tive land. After the outbreak of the conflict the number of conventions de ciding to meet in San Francisco pro portionately increased. One of tbe most Important of the assemblages will be the international engineering Photograph courtesy San Francisco Examiner. THE MOTHER OF LINCOLN BEACHEY, FROM THE TOWER OF JEWELS, 435 FEET ABOVE THE EARTH, AT THE PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION. WATCHES HER SON LOOP HIS ONE THOUSANDTH LOOP When Lincoln Beaehey, a son of San Francisco, on tile occasion of his homecoming after breaking all world rec ords as a daredevil looper of 999 loops, performed two entirely new and death defying stunts over the completed palaces of the Panama Pacific International Exposition it was his aged mother who for the first time waved him on to fresh achievements. Mrs. Beaehey held a place of honor. 435 feet up in the air. on the tiptop of the won derful Tower of Jewels. From this aerie she was able to watch every erratic move of her daredevil son. She cried out only once. That was when he wrote the figures “1000" against the clouds, high above the two miles of completed exhibit palaces, significant of the looping of his one thousandth loop. am a canal la today open and doing business on a far vaster scale than was predicted for it. and the Exposition, which celebrates the opening of the ca nal. Is today revealed as the greai"»t manifestation of national achievement In American bTstory. Here will be a neutral ground where even nations en gaged In warfare will display on a scale never before equaled their prog ress In the arts. Industries and sciences of peace. Within thr »e months before the open ing of the Exposition as many as 2.000 tons qf consignments bad reached San r shown to Illustrate the evolution of the processes of manufacture—as, for ex ample. a display of a model of the first cotton gin In connection with the mar velous equipment iuto which it has evolved. Many of the displays will he espe cially adapted to study by the dele gates to great national and interna tional congresses and conventions, of which more than 300, embracing al most every phase of human activity, have voted to meet In San Francisco in 1915. Delegates to the congresses Interested in social progress and wel “THE END OF THE TRAIL,” PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION, SAN FRANCISCO. 1915. This photograph shows James Earle Frasers superb piece of statuary, “The End of the Trail." at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. More than 800 beautiful sculptures are shown at the Exposition, the works of famous sculptors of the day. In addition to the sculptures shown out or doors, thousands of beautiful works of art are presented In the great Palace of Floe irts congress, at which its distinguished chairman. Colonel George W. Goethals, will preside. The roreign participation will be < notable The oatlons are not attempt ing to show everything that they pro duce. but will lay especial emphasis upon those products in which they ex- j cel. In the Danish display, for exam ple. will be shown products of the • Hoy a I Danish porcelain factory at Co- , peubagen. Japan in her exhaustive ex- ( hibit will display priceless works of art. loaned by direction of the imperial ( household and many of which could j not be duplicated. From Italy will be shown historic paintings of the old ’ masters, hitherto never exhibited in ! America In the originals. From China f there have reached San Francisco se | lections of exhibits collected under the ' supervision of the governors of the Chi- f nese provinces. Rare silks and satins. I carvings, inlay work In the precious metals, exhibits of the transportation methods employed In the old China and the modern methods used in the awakening'republic will be shown. New Zealand will make a marvel ous exhibit of Us rare woods, of Its ‘ fleeces, of Its superb scenic charms. ! A large number of rare giant tree ferns ' from New Zealand will be found growing on the Exposition grounds The Argentine Republic early set aside a larger sum than any ever ap- 1 propria ted by a foreign nation for rep- ' resentation in an x -crican exposition. The modem cities of Argentina, tbe schools, churches, libraries, tbe great live stock and agricultural interests i will be extensively portrayed, and the 1 mutual interests of South America and i North America will be emphasized In almost every conceivable manner. ! I From Scutfc Africa will be shown dia- 1 uioutl exhibits and methods of extrac ! tiou The magnificent Canadian dis plays w-,11 review not only the widely ! known agricultural wealth, but will 1 illustrate the sceule charms of tbs great Dominion, of snow clad moun tain pef.ks. of farreachlng forest, of inland lakes In chains of silver and rushing mountain streams. i DAILY NEWS SPECIAL OFFER A daily paper for $2, when the regular price is $3. That’s a special offer made only by the Lincoln Daily News. In fact, they will mail the paper from now until April 1st. 1916, for only $2, This gives you all the important work of the legislature; will give you most complete war news with all the excitement of battles and if a settlement comes before the year is out, the arrangements of peace will be a most absorbing subject. A series of special arti cles are being prepared on the subject of co-operation and the more economical methods of mar keting. Certainly some way should be devised to have the producer get a larger share of what the ■hi consumer pays or else reduce the cost to the consume.r. A high grade novel is printed in daily in stalments. The one running now j sells in book for’m at $1.20. Five or six novels appear each year giving you in this one feature alone twice the cost of the paj>er for the year. It has a laugh on every page—clever cartoons and comic features. In addition you will receive the weekly Indepen dent Farmer a year. This is a high class 50 cent paper. Send $2 today to the Lincoln Daily News and the papers will be start ed at once and will be stopped when your year is up. If you add a dollar we will include the big Sunday State Journal. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. Please do not be impatient about your phones, as we will fix them up as soon as possible for us to get at them. J. A. Chandler, Mgr. I Chamberlain Gave Eyeglass to Girl. ' An amusing story is being told of the late Mr. Joseph Chamberlain. While he was crossing Westminster , palace yard one day some years ago, 1 he was accosted by a girl from the < States with the cool request: “Mr. j Chamberlain, please do give me your eyeglass for my cabinet at home.” It ( was at once handed to her, guard and i all, so promptly that the curio hunt er apparently felt some remorse, and stammered: "Most likely I’m incon veniencing you.” “Not at ali,” re plied Mr. Chamberlain, as he produced from his pocket a morocco case, and took from it a spare monocle, which he scre wed in position, and then went on his wray smiling. It is said that every prudent person Who wears a monocle carries a reserve in his waist coat pocket, in case he drops his in the soup! A great many people at the pre sent time are eating rye bread or bread made from whole wheat flour. If you eat this kind of bread you will* feel better. The Loup City Mills make pure rye flour also Royal Reception Week AT THE HUB CLOTHING STORE Commencing March 6th, Ending March 13th Every man is urged to attend Re ception week—but no man is urged to buy. For this is a demonstration week. half a Thousand of the newest woolen weaves are waiting your unhampered inspection. Come and See Them THE BEST CLOTHING STORE "Victor "Viencr, proprietor. l WHEN LOOKING FOR A SQUARE NEAL DROP IN AT THE - - 1 Ideal Bakery & iestaurant SOUTH SIDE OF PUBLIC SQUARE Meals, Lunches and Short Orders at all | Hours I We Also Carry a Full Line ol Bakery Goods. Careful Attention Given all Special Orders. Cream Puffs and Boston Brown Bread every Saturday after noon. Put in your order early. LOUP CITY FLOUR Wli.v buy Flour shipped here by outside mills when you can get Loup City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. All dealers handle our hour. LODP CITY HILL &L1CHT CO. I O. E. SGHLOTE I Auctioneer | Loup City, Nebraska. All Auctioneering Business Attended to promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give me a trial. I See my price and make your dates at the First National Bank CIRCLE TOURS TO THE PACIFIC COAST In planning “The Perfect Coast Tour or the “See America Tour,” Scenic Colorado is of first im portance. No coast tourist could afford to say that he had not included Scenic Colorado” either one way or the other in this world’s greatest rail journey. Go one way via Seattle, Portland, and during the season visit either Glacier or Yellow stone National Park. Link together these scenic routes with the Ocean Coast voyage between San Francisco and Portland. Through the season, various publications, special folders and the like will be available.des criptive of the Burlington circuit rates and through service routes. J. A. DAN1ELSEN, Agent L. W. WEEKLY. General Passenger Agent 1004 Farnum Street, Omaha. WHY Not join the pro cession and be come a North western reader? Everybody’s is doing it.