The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 25, 1915, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern
LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. February, 25th 1915.
Frank James ef the Notorieas Janes a ad Younger Gang Passes Away at
His Home Near Excelsior Springs, Mo., at a Ripe Old Age.
Frank James, of the former
James and Younger bandit gang,
which so terrorized the middle
west back in the 70s, died at his
home near Excelsior Springs,
Mo., last Thursday, Feb. 18,
caused by apoplexy, following ill
health for a number of years. Pro
bably no man in the history of
the world has been more maligned
and more condemned and more
crimes added to those he was
guilty of than this same Frank
James, the oldest brother of the
equally notorious Jesse James,
who following the war, in which
they were members of Quantrill’s
guerrilla, joined with the Youngers
and made life throughout those
states a terror to the people. Did
people believe the books and novel
series exploited in past years of
the doings of the James and
Youngers, they must have be
lieved the impossible. Many
times the gang, according to the
published tales committed train
and bank robberies on a certain
day, in which every members was
hundreds of miles sway from the
scenes in which they were pub
lished as principles. The writer
of this, while publishing a paper
» at Ffcwfte. Mo., in 1886.7. . was
privileged to meet Frank James,
before and after he had given
himself up and Gov. Crittenden
had promised him fair trial and
later parolled or pardoned him,
and can vouch for the fact that he
was a quiet, reserved, gentleman
ly acting and appearing man, and
had nothing of the appearance or
actions of the border ruffian and
wholesale murderer he was reput
ed to be, and may be pardoned
for disbelieving the thousand and
one wonderful stories exploited of
his crimes, prowess, as a Robin
Hood or Captain Kidd, and a man
capable of being in robberies and
murders hundreds of miles apart
at one and the same time. There
is no doubt but that he was a
leader and a man of daring, and
no doubt but that he was the
braias and head of the James and
Younger gang of train and bank
robbers, and was guilty of many
of the crimes of which he was
claimed to be guilty, one of the
" 'gJ—-- ■ ■ - -fB
August Johnson’s
Move Away
We received a pleasant call last
Monday from August Johnson of
Davis Creek, who has sold out
and was on his way east. He
and family left Tuesday morning
for Aurora, where he will visit a
few days and then go on to Clin
ton, Iowa, and perhaps on to Chi
cago, later returning to Clinton,
where he will go into a sash and
door factory, where he used to
work years ago, and in which city
he and family will make their fu
ture home. Mrs. Johnson and
children will remain in Aurora for
a short visit and then join their
husband and father in their new
home. May success and happi
ness attend them. August prom
ises us a letter later to let friends
here know of matters along the old
We received a pleasant call on
Tuesday of this week from Mr.
Edward Saunders, an enterpris
ing business man of Hazard, who
took occuasion to give us a nice
order for several jobs of commer
cial printing.
worst of which was the capture
and killing of Will Wicher, a
Pinkerton detective, in 1873, we
believe, the circumstances of the
crime appealing more especially
to our memory from the fact that
the writer was engaged in the
printing business at the time at
Indianola, Iowa, and having at
that time a younger brother of
Wicher working with him in the
same office, but we are not in
clined at this late day to believe
Frank James was one hundredth
as bad as he was painted. But be
that as it may, Frank James has
at last capitulated to the greatest
of all conquerors, death, and what
ever his crimes, his faults, his
character, we do not believe he
was all bad, neither do we believe
he was worse than thousands of
others might have been had they
been placed as he was, with all
that came into his life and forced
into the awful life of crime and
desperateness that made up the
history of one of the most noted
characters of the past number of
Omaha, Feb. 18.--The Twentieth
Century Farmer of this city have
tak«.t d*uif3 cotnpheu uy toe Ne
braska State Board of Agriculture
and show that between April 1913
and April 1914 Nebraska farmers
purchased 115 per cent more silos
than during all preceding years.
The March 3d issue of the
Twentieth Century Farmer will be j
devoted almost exclusively to silo i
and dairying subjects and will be j
well worth looking for.
Committed From Commercial Club
Also Present.
According to an announcement
made in the Northwestern pre*
viously, the city council met last
week Wednesday evening in ad
journed session for the purpose of
hearing Messrs. Standevan of
Omaha and A. Freitag of Grand
Island present their propositions,
blue prints and arguments favor
ing the sewer proposition for Loup
City along preliminary lines.
With the council appeared the
municipal committee of the com
mercial club composed of City
Clerk Rowe, fi. P. Daily, and J.
S. Pedler, the third member of
committee being absent on account
of sickness. Besides these, Presi
dent Gallaway and Secretary
Petersen, and other members of
the Club were also present. The
gentlemen, requested that they
meet with the council proper and
the committee, rather than before
the commercial club in mass as
sembly, which was granted and
no complaint has been heard in
that regard save from a self-con
stituted owner and would-be con
troller of the club?s destinies, who
insisted the talks of the gentlemen
should have been before it, in
stead of as it was before the coun
cil as a council. The propositions
made by the gentlemen are in and
of the records of the city clerk,
and the commercial club commit
tee will make a full report before
the club at an early meeting.
The meeting was open to the pub
lic and everybody was welcome,
but as it was a matter specially in
the province of the council to
hear and could be handled, argued
and heard complete in a much
better manner than otherwise, the
meeting was held. The city coun
cil holds no secret meetiags, as
the critic intimated.
Harrison’s Lecture Last
of Lyceum Course
The next and last number of the
Lyceum Course will be moving1
pictures and travelogues by Frank
A. Harrison, politician, writer,
traveler, and one of the best
known and most cussed and dis
cussed, loved and hated, feared
and respected, known and quoted
of newspaper men in Nebraska
and for that matter most any
where in the middle states. Frank
has just returned from his ’steenth
trip to .South America, and what
he can t tell you of the topogra
pby, manners and customs of that
little known part of God’s foot
stool isn't worth while. His lec
ture is illustrated by 150 stereop
ticon views from photographs tak
en by Mr. Harrison, covering the
territory he has seen, including
twenty pictures of U. S. marines
and soldiers in Nicaragua. Frank
is all right and you will miss a
most entertaining, instructive and
historical treat, if you are not on
hand to hear it next Monday even
ing at the opera house.
Clarence McLaughlin came in
from Aurora last Saturday night
with two cars of stock and house
hold goods, comprising the bal
ance of his belongings, and from
now on will again add a worthy
man and family to our good citi
zenship. Everybody will be glad
they are with us once more.
T.C. Wilson of Ashton and Mrs.
R. D. Sutton of Arcadia, were
here over last Sunday at the bed
side of their mother, Mrs. Theo.
D. Wilson, whb is quite ill. Dr.
Dickinson of Rockville was called
in consultation with Dr. A. J.
Kearns who had charge of the
Rev. E. M. Steen left Monday
morning for Gothenburg where
he will remain over next Sunday
leading the singing in a series of
evangelistic services. The presi
dent or some one connected with
Hastings college will occupy the
Presbyterian pulpit here this com
ing Sunday, both morning and
Mr. J. E. Scott of the Daily
Furniture Co., with his bride, ar
rived in Loup City last Wednes
day evening and will reside in the
young John Needham cottage.
May success and happiness attend
the young home-makers.
Word received from E. G. Tay
lor a few days ago, who is at Ex
celsior Springs with his brother
in-law, A. B. Conklin, is to the
effect that Mr. Conklin was much
improved. Mr. Taylor returned
yesterday, leaving Mr. Conklin
still improving nicely.
Mr. Victor Bartunek and Miss
Eva M. Wilson, both of Rock
ville, Nebr., were joined in mar
riage at the county judge’s office,
Tuesday of this week, that urbane
official performing the ceremony
in his usual happy manner.
Mrs. Elma Zwink of Elm town
ship was visiting her parents in
this city a few days last week, go
ing from here to Ashton Friday
for a further visit with her sister,
Mrs. Arlie Anderstrom, and fam
Jo* Steelier Hie Agreed to Meet
Westergard at Lincoln or Fremont
Wrestling fans will be interest
ed in knowing that Westergard
has agreed to meet Joe Steelier at
either Fremont or Lincoln some
early date after Fell. 27. possibly
the first week in March. Cutler
has asked to meet Stecher, but Joe
wants first to get through with
Westergard and make Hussane
either come across on his $5,000
bluff or take water, after which
he will take on Cutler. Joe was
to take on Jack Taylor, the Cana
dian champion, Tuesday night of
this week at Li neon, who bested
Doc Roller a few weeks ago, but
we may not hear the result before
going to press. Taylor weighs
216 to Stecher’s 202, and is a ver
itable giant in stature and strength
About Hussane, who defeated
Westergard in Omaha two weeks
ago, winning the third and decid
ing fall by a dirty trick, we re
gard him as a disgrace to the
game. He is simply a beast and
I should be discountenanced. When
|he wrestled Steelier at Dodge some
time ago, he threw Stecher over
the footlights into the audience
two different times in an endeavor
to disable him, when he (Hussane)
found Stecher was too much for
him, and when warned by the ref
eree not to repeat or the decision
would be awarded Stecher, Hus
sane deliberately bit Joe so a foul
would be called before the Dodge
boy pinned the beast down. Then
again at the Wesfergard-Hussane
wrestle in Omaha the tough drove
Joe from the ringside, threatening
to knock him off, if he didn't go.
Nice dope that Turk, isn?t hei
Very Easy for
Secretary Bryan
Germany wants us to tell her
how a submarine mine Ls going to
be able to distinguish between a
British flag and the United 'States
emblem of safty. Ah, there’s the
rub,—Hastings Tribune.
Still, that will be very easy for
Secretary Bryan! The distin
guished and dignified secretary of
state, needs only to take the Chau
tauqua platform once, at so much
per minutes, and explain exactly
why any old mine that hits a
United States vessel is surely a
submarine. And if, perchance,
he should forget the lines, Sir
Cecil Spring-Bice will be in the
flies to prompt him!—G. I. Inde
A bill passed both houses last
week Tuesday, known as a court
house law legalizing county boards
in levying a 5 mill tax for five
years to build court houses, upon
receipt of petitions containing sig
natures of 55 per cent of the vot
ers of counties wishing such pub
lic buildings. Senator Wink was
a loyal supporter of the measure
and to him more perhaps than to
any other one senator be the hon
or of securing the passage of the
law. Now, perhaps, Sherman
and other counties sorely in need
of such civic improvements may
be able to take the necessary steps
to secure the same.
Mrs. C. A. Seamans, who had
been here visiting her son, G. W.
Oollipriest, for a couple of weeks,
left last Thursday for her home
near Webster City, Iowa.
As Sunday’s visit to Omaha has
been postponed from May to
September, the ministers’ siege
guns may cause Mayor Jim to
capitulate even before Billy gets
into action in that wicked mart
to help renovate things generally.'
Accident Proves Fatal to Small Daugh
tor of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Waters.
A sad accident occurred in the
Custer neighborhood Tuesday of
last week when the nineteen
months old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Waters, who live nine
miles from Callaway, received a
severe scalding from the effects of
which she died two days later.
The child's mother had been boil
ing potatoes and, after taking it
from the stove, placed the pan of
hot water on a table. Unobserved
by her mother, the little girl
grasped the pan and in some man
ner managed to pull it from the
edge of the table and empty its
contents over her body, Her face
breast and arm were so badly
scalded that it was at once appar
ent that the child was in a danger
ous condition. Dr. Bryson of;
Callaway was summoned but when;
he arrived he found the little suf-|
ferer beyond recovery. Aside;
from the severe body scalds shej
had sustained, it was apparent
that the child had swallowed some !
of the boiling water and was in- i
jured internally. Death occurred;
on Thursday morning at seven!
o’clock, the funeral being held the i
following day. The bereaved
parents have the sympathy of the
entire community. Custer Chief.
Dr. Charlton, who is here visit
ing* his parents on his way to Los
Angelese, and who recently was
stationed on the battleship off the
coast of old Mexico, will address
the ladiesj of the Unity Club on
the Mexican situation this coining
Saturday afternoon.
John McDonall’s little 3-year,
old daughter has been suffering;
from pneumonia for the past week
but is reported improving nicely.
Strange Man Beaten in Attempt to Assault Young Married Woman at Ord
Nebraska—Frightened Away By Womans Screams.
Last week Tuesday ni^ht, ac
cording to the Ord Quiz, an un
known man attempted to assult a
Mrs. Frank Norman of that city,
but was frightened away before
he had accomplished his hellish
The lady had been to a meeting
of the Degree of Honor lodge,
and was on her way home about
9:30 o’clock, and was at the foot
of the draw over which the bridge
spans, when she was grabbed by
a man who passed a noose over
her head and drew it tight about
her neck. In the .struggle that
followed, she fell in the snow and
was dragged through the slush
under the bridge, where he caught
her by the throat and tried to
choke her into submission. In
her frantic fight for her honor,
die managed to loosen the rope
sufficiently to enable her to scream
which she did several times, in
spite of his threats to kill her, if
she did not keep still.
Her screams aroused a neigh
bor’s bulldog, whose barking
caused the woman of the house to
let him out and he ran barking to
the scene, frightening the man.
who ran away, and the woman
fled home unharmed save for the
marks on her throat and exhaus
tion incident to the struggle.
Hysterically telling her husband
of the assault, he grabbed his gun
and ran to the scene, finding am
ple evidence of the struggle, with
her pocketbook and other small
things she was carrying at
the time, but the villain had made
good his escape. The sheriff was
No Fall Moon in the
Month of February
The moon will not be full at any
time this month. This is due, Pro
fessor Harold Jacoby of Columbia
university.says, to the fact that
full moons follow one another at
intervals of, approximately,
twenty-nine and a half days. The
intervals were irregular, he ex
plained, because our calendar was
based on the solar instead of the
lunar system.
The last time a month passed
without a full moon—in America,
at least—was in 1847, he asserted.
In 1885 Europe had no full moon
during February, but the full
moon was visible before midnight
on the last day of the month in
this country, because of five hours*
difference in time. February, be
cause it contains fewer days, is
the only month that is ever slight
ed in this way.
There were two full moons last
month and there will be two next
month. After that each month
will only have one full moon for
some years.
Miss Mattie Lane, the North
western’s most excellent lady typo,
is taking a few weeks’ vacation,
beginning with this week and has
returned to her home at Arcadia.
Miss Lane has been with us con
tinuously for the past year and a
half, has proven a most efficient
and reliable help and is certainly
deserving of a few weeks' rest.
Rev.E.M.Steen returned Friday
from Tekamah, Nebraska where
he had been for a fortnight or
more conducting the singing in a
series of evangelistic services. He
occupied his pulpit Sunday and
went the first part of the week to
Gothenberg to conduct the singing
in evangelistic meetings there for
a week or more.
Both children of J. R. Gardiner
of the Northwestern force were
la grippe sufferers last week, but
careful nursing and medical atten
tion brought them through safely.
Ike Keath’s little son is reoorted
ill with pneumonia, but reported
It is not long until the city elec
tion and several petitions have
been in circulation and tiled for
nomination for various candidates
foi mavor, clerk, treasurer and
councilmen. From them we learn
that Dr. W. T. Chase is named
for mayor, P.C.Rowe for clerk,L.
Hansen for treasurer, G. W. Col
lipriest and Wm. Graefe for coun
cilmen in the first and second
Jas. McDonald and wife, who
have been spending the winter
months here visiting relatives and
their host of friends, left yester
day noon for their home at Edge
wood, Iowa. May good fortune
attend them.
The weather prophet got nasty
again last Friday and started an
other blizzardy spell, but couldn’t
give it sufficient momentum to
cause much trouble.
Rev. L. V, Slocumb returned
last Friday evening from the bed
side of his good mother at Clin
ton, Iowa, leaving her very much
'then notified who made dilligent
search but with no avail.
The woman's description of the
miscreant tallied with that of a
stranger who had been seen about
the saloons and billiard halls, but
no one was found who had heard
his name.
Mrs. Norman was small of stat
ure but put up a vigorous defense
as everything went to prove.
A. L. Balliman tells us a good
story in connection with the re
cent heavy snow storm. His feed
lot was tilled with snow banks and
while he was shoveling a path, he
struck a fat pig. His pigdom had
been imprisoned in the snow bank
for some hours, but he was sitting
down very much unconcerned.
The heat of his body had thawed
out quite a hole in the snow, Brak
ing veJy comfortable quarters.—
St. Paul Republican.
Mr. J. Koch of Rockville was a
caller at the Northwestern office
last Friday, ordering bills for a
public sale of his chattels to l*e
held the 3rd of March. Mrs.Koch,
who has been a severe sufferer for
some four months past from in
flammatory rheumatism, and they
will go to some springs for relief.
We sincerely trust she may be
much benefitted thereby.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kuhl left
on the noon motor last Friday, for
Emerson, Xebr., called there by
the death of Mr. Kohl's youngest
brother, Ferdinandt Kuhl, whose
death occurred there Wednesday
preceding. The many friends of
Kuhl will deeply sympathize with
him in the loss of a beloved
Mesdames .1. W. Burleigh and
E. M. Steen entertained the ladies
of the Idustrial Society of the
Presbyterian church at the home
of the former yesterday afternoon.
A large crowd was present and a
dainty lunch was served.
Mrs. A. E. Houser returned to
her home at Aurora Wednesday of
last week, after several days’ visit
here with her mother, Mrs. Mar
garet Leininger. and brother and
Leininger Family
Visiting in Florida
From a letter received by the
editor's wife from Mrs. G.S.Lein
inger at Gordon, Nebraska. Mon
day, we learn that G.S.Leininger
and entire family are by this time
on their way to Zephyrhills, Fla.,
where they will remain till about
the first of April, when Mr. Lein
inger will return to Gordon for
the purpose of disposing of his
lumber business there, to go else
where, while Mrs. Leininger will
stop for a season at Hot Springs
in Arkansas for the benefit of her
health, which has been quite poorly
for some time. It is to be; hoped
the lady will receive much benefit
from the treatment, and that in
the future movements of the
family success may attend t hem in
all ways.
Roy Chapman, who has been
back here from the Hawkeye state
during the winter montus, left
again yesterday for Rembrandt,
Iowa, to resume work at his car
penter trade. Mav kind fortune
follow him.