The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 11, 1915, Image 8

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Cash Counts
With Us
WE are carrying an extra large line of
| Groceries and Dry Goods, in fact a
I larger line than it is expedient to carry
| and order to move them fast \ve will
jj make extra inducements to the CASH
Watch This Space Next Week For Special Induce
ments For Cash.
C. C. Cooper
E. T. Beushausen
Licensed Embalmer
Funeral Director
(iraduate in Anatomy, Sanitary
Science and Embalming of Barnes
Embalming School
New Eleptic Spring and Rubber
Tired Funeral Car. Calls Answer
ed Day or Night. Phone No. 104
Lady Assistant in Connection.
We have just received
' our spring line of Muslin
Undewear, Underskirts,
Corset Covers. Call and
see them.
Loup City Mercantile Co.
Want Advertising
The rate for advertising in this
column of the Northwestern is 5
cents a line for each insertion. The
Northwestern is the oldest newspaper
in Sherman county, and is acknow
ledged the best advertising medium
in this section of Nebraska.
Wanted—For the Eastern war
zone, the best and most market
able horses, sufficient in size and
quality for any of the duties re
quired there. See Myrl Warrick.
WANTED—Position by a Loup
City young lady, with good references
and a good commercial education.
Has had two years’ experience in
general office work. Wants position
of office work, book-keeping, telephone
work, or will do general house work
in a well-to-do family. Inquire of
the editor of the Northwestern.
Few choice male Poland China hogs,
for sale.
Milo A. Gilbert.
For Sale—Six-horse power gaso
line engine. Chris Domgard.
Used Typewriters, all makes, at all
prices. O. E. James, Y. M. C. A.,
Grand Island. Nebr. nov 10
For Sale—Imported Percheron stal
lion and purebred Holstein cow,fresh.
with two bull calves, Grant Rogers.
For Sale—Two registered Short.
hornbulls, yrs. 1 and 4 years. G. J5.
Wilkie, Route 2, Loup City, Neb.
We have still on hand at the old
brick yard a large quantity of brick
for sale. Prospective purchasers will
do well to seeor write us regarding
same. At their earliest opportunity.
Henry Ohlsen & Son.
Loup City, Nebraska.
For Sale—1 team of horses, 5
years old wt. 1000; 1 set light
work harness; 1 low truck farm
wagon: 1 good top buggy; 1 Jen
nie Lind walking cultivator; 1, U
inch stirring plow; Deering mow
er- Alfred Andersen.
For Sale or Trade—My resi
dence and three lots, known as the
old Judge Hunter property, in
first block north of court house
square. Price and terms made
known upon inquiry.
J. W. Burleigh.
Deer Creek Items
Martin Rassmussen, is visiting
friends at Platte Center.
Jurgen Ritz was on the sick list
last week.
Andrew Boncz.vnski shelled corn
for J. W. Peters, Friday of last
Rasmus Rassmussen brought a
farm last week of Thos. Duncan,
near Rockville.
School district No. 6, near Oak
Creek, are making plans for a box
social the last of this month or the
first of next.
Card of Thanks.
M e desire to extend our sincere
thanks to the many friends and
neighbors for their help during
the sickness of our dear mother,
and also for their kindness and
sympathy in this dark hour.
William Siefert and family.
Marjorie’* Good Wishes.
Marjorie's father was away on a
Journey, and Marjorie deemed it her
duty to send him a bulletin as to home
affairs. After the expenditure of much
labor and ink she produced the fol
lowing paragraph: “My Dear Daddy
—Mother is well. Iam very well. The
baby is very well, and has a lot more
sense now. Hoping you are the same.”
Daily sells for less.
Mr. M. A. Leschinsky has been
quite sick the past week.
Liittle Dickie Carlsen, son of
C. C. Carlsen of this city is re
ported of the sick list this week.
Leave orders for John McL jnall
drav at either lumber yard, or at E
G. Taylor’s, or Phone Red 104
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Fross, Wednesday, Febr. 3rd,
1915, a fine baby girl.
A baby girl was born at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Zwor
ski, last Wednesday, Feb. 3rd.
Daily sells foi less.
Mrs. C. C. Carlsen and little
daughter returned home from
Omaha last Tuesday evening.
Cash Prichard returned Tuesday
evening from a weeks visit in
Grand Island.
If you want good, prompt draying,
call on John McDonall, successor
to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red 104
Born, Sunday, Febr., 7th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bateman, a
fine baby boy. Mother and baby
are reported doing nicely.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Fowler, one day last week a baby
girl. Congratulations.
itstray—A black Poland China sow,
weight about 350 or 400 with slit ear
mark. Finder will receive reward by
notifying Albert Fiebig.
Dr. Bilon, Eye Specialist, will
be here again Tuesday, Febr. 16,
1 day only, at Jung’s Hotel.
Sheriff L. A. Williams made a
a business trip to Ashton, Monday
morning, returning home that
We-are informed that the home
of Mr. and. Mrs. Floyd Gibson at
Zephyrhills, Florida was made
happy recently by the arrival of a
nine pound baby girl.
It' you have been unable to got
Glasses that suit you, don’t con
clude that you can’t be fitted, but
consult Dr. Bilon at Jung’s Hotel
Notice—After Febr. loth we
will make no more 5 cents size
loaves of bread, nothing but 10
cent size. Ideal Bakery.
There will be no preaching at
the Methodist church next Sun
day. Sunday School and Epworth
League will be at the usual hour.
Daily sells for less.
Baptist -10:30 a. m., subject.
“Encouragement to timid Christ
ians’’ 7:30 p. m., subject “No
Difference.” 6:30, B. Y. P. U.
Don’t forget to attend the Hol
comb & Leininger sale, Febr. 17,
this is one of the largest sales of
the season.
If you want a dray, phone A. L.
Enderlee, Black 63, or leave your or
der with either lumber yard or E. G.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
Dr. Carson of Grand Island
will be in Dr. Longacre’s office
Wednesday, Febr. 17th, prepared
to Fit Glasses and to treat the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Daily sells for less.
E. G. Taylor left Tuesday noon
for Excelsior Spring, Mo., where
his brother-in-law, A. B. Conklin,
is taking treatment and is in a
pretty bad way.
Notice—All Modern Woodman
of Loup City are requested to be
there Feb. 23, business of import
ance. L. V. Slocumb.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. John
Hesler, of this place was made
happy last Friday night, Febr. 5,
1915, by the arrival of a baby
Daily sells for less.
Sunday morning service at the
German church at 10:30, Sunday
school at 10:00. Choir practise at
8 o'clock Friday evening.
Don’t forget the Holcomb &
Leininger sale Febr. Yl.
Otto Rettenmayer and wife, of
Arcadia, who were here in attend
ance of the Commercial Club
Banquet, were snowbound here
until Monday evening when they
returned to their home.
Be sure to attend the Holcomb
& Leininger sale, Febr. 17, this is
to be one of the largest sales of
the season. Remember the date.
The T. T. Girls’ Club met at
the home of Miss Frances Hansel
Monday evening. The evening
was enjoyed in music, games and
ghost stories. Refreshments were
served, and a jolly time reported
by those present.
If you suffer from headaches,
nervous exhaustion, dizziness,
neuralgia, pain over the eyes, in
somnia, sick headache, etc., stop
using medicines, and consult Dr.
Bilon about your eyes, at Jung’s
Hotel, Tuesday, Feb. 16.
Loup City Flour is sold by all
our merchants. This flour is
guaranteed and if not satisfactory
your money will be refunded to
The Christian Endeavor Society
had charge of the services at the
Presbyterian church during the
absence of the pastor, Rev. Steen.
We have heard them highly com
plimented on the excellent man
ner in which they conducted the
Some prices of interest at the West
Side 5-10 and 25c Store.
Crepe paper in all shades 7c per roll
3 boxes of matches for. 10c
5000 new post cards'each
China nest eggs.3 for 5c
Scrub brushes of all kinds 5-10 and 15c
Corn poppers.10 and 15c
W. Moon has been seeking the
owner of a stray hat which he
came into possession of the Com
mercial Club and bemoaning the
loss of his own head-piece ever
since that event. Any one in a
like prediment will do well to see
Mr. Moon.
Just received a new and up-to-date
line of spring Dress goods such as
Palm Beach cloth. Organda’s, voiles,
Crepe de Chine’s, waist silks, crepes,
and a lot of novelties. Remember we
carry the largest stock of Dress goods
in Loup City and buy nothing but the
best quality. So if you want mdse
that will wear and-.haye-etyl^ -buy
them at Swanson’s. Remember -(he
place. Vic Swanson. The Houstf of
Quality and Low Prices.
Reduce The Cost of Living
By Buying This Bill at Arthur’s
And Save Money
I Sack of Sugar__ > «
10 pound of Coffee.. . 2
I pound Tea.... . .
3 cans Peas_
14 cans of Corn_________ 1
5 cans of Tomatoes_
I package of Oatmeal_
Total... $10.00
Public Sales
As we are moving to Loup
City we will sell at Public Auc
tion at our farm 3 miles northeast
of Loup City and 3-4 of a mile
northeast of the Dead horse school
house on Feb. 24th at ten o’clock
a. m., the following, seven head
of horses, 2 head of cattle, 2 dozen
chickens, machinery and many
other articles. Terms 9 months at
10 percent. Mostek Bros., owners,
T. S. John, auctioneer, C. C.
Carlsen, clerk.
We will sell at Public auction
on the J. P. Leininger farm, 6
miles northwest of Loup City, on
southwest quarter, section 33-16
15, on Febr. 17th, sale commenc
ing at 10 a. m., 8 head of horses,
65 head of cattle, registered Here
ford bull, 58 head of hogs, 7 tons
of hay, farm machinery. Terms,
j 9 months at 10 per cent. Free
| lunch. Holcumb & Leininger,
owners, Col. J. G. Pageler, auc
tioneer, C. C. Carlsen, clerk.
We will sell at public auction at
the R. E. Gilmore farm, 1 1-4
miles southeast of Austin and 6
miles northwest cf Rockville, on
Febr. 23, at 10 o’clock a. m., the
following, 18 head of horses, 23
head of cattle, farm machinery,
harness, etc. Terms, 9 months at
10 per cent. Free lunch. O. P.
and R. E. Gilmore, owners, A. A.
Gray, auctioneer; E. Dwehus,
Will Pay
Delivered at
Loup City, Nebraska
Friday and Saturday
Febr. 12th and 13th
at our car on Bur
lington Tracks.
Fcr Hew ul Springs
For Old Roosters
These Prices are j
Top so I think you i
should do well to!
sell now. i
j. J. Slominski
Lumber and Building Material
Square Deal Woven Wire Fence
Let Us Figure Your Bills. You Will Find Our
Treatment Like Our Fence, It is a Square Deal.
Y«u Will Like It When From
Robert Holmes will have 2
his sale 8 miles north of
. Ravenna, 7 miles west of
Rockville, 12 miles south
of Loup City on the Doc
tor Bentlev farm, Feb.19.
* *
This sale was advertised for the 4th of February *
but was postponed on account of the weather.
Money-Saving Facts About
Your Exposition Trip
You need not spend a fortune to vist Cali
fornia and its Expositions in 1915. Anyone in
in moderate circumstances can go—and it's a
wise investment in pleasure and education.
Panama-Pacific Exposition Opens Feb. 20
Panama-California Exposition How Open
in Round Trip to San Francisco with
Free San Diego side Trip.
OgA CA Round Trip to San Francisco, free
evviOU San Diego side trip,<and one-way
via Portland, Tacoma and Seattle.
Choice of steamer or rail trip be
tween Por land and San Francisco.
Tickets on Sale March 1st to November 30
Simply sign and mail coupon below, or if you
prefer, drop a postal asking for Book .Number
115 and you will receive free a profusely illustra
ted 64 page booklet containing valuable informa
tion about hotel and restaurant rates. Exposition
admission fees, railroad and puilman fares. Out
lines how to vary your trip by going over one
line and returning over another thereby gaining
a more comprehensive idea of the great west; des
cribes many free side trips en route as well as
stop over points of particular interest; tells how
to see both Expositions and practically the whole
state of California for a aingle Exposition fare:
in fact it is a guide book giving just the informa
tion you require to form complete plans for your
Western tour and at a vast saving in cost. You
know before starting just what the trip will cost.
Begin laying you plans now.
Cet this Boak Today.—It’s Free
gerritt fort p. t. m. union pacific railroad company
Omaha, Nebraska.
I would he triad to receive FRKE your Illustrated "California Exposition Book'
No. 115 and other Information of assistance in planning a California trip.
Jam, From “Jamaica.”
Jam seems to take its name from !
Jamaica, and is comparatively a mod- j
ern luxury. Galt, in his "Annals of ;
the Parish," states that the fashion |
of jam making was introduced into ;
Scotland about 1760, when berry
bushes were planted by “some of our
young men that had been sailors com
ing from Jamaica.” and the condiment
wag valued in the first place chiefly as
“gg excellent medicine for a sore
throat.” A writer in Hone’s "Every
day Book.” in 1826, deplored the fact
that jam could not be "purchased at
tha shops as other articles of con-,
sumption are.”
Trees Many Centuries Old.
Probably the oldest trees In Eng
land are yews. There Is, for instnn \
one in the churchyard at Burrington
Coombe, where the famous hymn,
“Rock of Ages," is said to have be- n
written, which is estimated to be it
least sixteen hundred years old. ;nd
there is also a very ancient one in the
churchyard at Stoke Poges, where
Gray wrote his "Elegy."
Yosemite Has Highest Waterfall.
The highest waterfall In the world
is the Cholock cascade, in the Yose
mite, which is 2,364 feet high.