The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 28, 1915, Image 8

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    Pony Contest
Closes Soon
jeaeas 4 99tat
The Pony Contest is drawing to a close
only two more weeks. Get busy boy’s
and girls and round up a big lot of pony
votes. The pony cart and harness will
be here soon and the winner of this grand
prize will be a happy boy or girl.
Get your friend to help you and remem
ber that it is the hustler that wins.
a flgatot
We still have a good stock of Ladies’
Gent’s and Children’s Underwear, Dress
Goods, Dress Trimmings and a complete
stock of new Groceries. Everything •
fresh and quality good. There will be
Bargains in this Sale that you cannot
afford to miss. 000000
Remember our store is a Pony Store
Store and you get a pony vote for every
cent you buy or pay on account. Help
your favorite to get the Pony, Cart and
Harness by trading at our store, c o
C. C. Cooper
We have just received
our spring line of Muslin
Undewear, Underskirts,
Corset Covers. Call and
see them.
Lonp City Mercantile Ce.
E. T. Beu«hausen
Undertaking and Embalming
Furniture in Connection.
Bowels clogged, sick headache, no
fun is it? WJiy not have that happy
face, red cheeks that come with good
digestion. Hollister's Rocky Moun
tain Tea makes the bowels work regu
lar, natural, makes you feel like new.
Take it tonight. Swanson & Lofholm
Order of Hearing and Notice of
Probate of Will.
In the County Court of Sherman
County. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, ) ^
Sherman County, f
To the heirs, legatees, devisees and
to all persons interested in the es
tate of R. M. Jackson, deceased:
On reading the petition of Kate Wag
goner praying that the instrument
tiled in this court on the 2nd day of
January. 1915, and purporting to be
the last will and testament of the said
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and testa
ment of H. M. Jackson, deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of
said estate be granted to W.F. Mason
as administrator with will an
nexed. It is hereby ordered
ed that you and all persons interested
in said matter, may, and do appear at
thecount. court to be field in and for
said county on the 16th of February,
A. D. 1915, at 2 o’clock p.m., to show
cause, if any there be, why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be grant
ed, and that notice of the pendency
of said petition and the hearing there
of be given to all persons interested
in said matter by publishing a copy
of this order in the Loup City, North
western. a weekly newspaper printed
in said countv. three successive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness mv hand, and seal of said
court, this 26th day of January, A.
1015' E. A. Smith,
[seal] County Judge
1 Last pub. Feb. 11.
Will Be At The
Frederick Hotel. February S, 1915
One dar Only, Hours 9 a. m. to 6
Remarkable Success of these Tal
ented Ph.yscians in the Treat
ment of Chronic Diseases.
The United Doctors, licensed by
the State of Nabraska are experts in
the treatment of diseases of tha blood
liver, stomach,intestines, skin,nerves,
heart and spleen, kidneys or bladder,
diabetes, bed-wetting, rheumatism,
sciatica, tapeworm, leg ulcers, appen
dicitis, gall stones, goitre, piles, etc..
without operation, and are too well
in this locality to need further men
tion, Call and see them, it costs you
nothing. Laboratories, Milwaukee.
Wright Reynolds is visiting his
Clarence Turner and John Bell
are visiting at Pleasanton.
John Hatch and bride returned
from Illinois last week.
Frank Zwink shipped a car load
of hogs Tuesday.
Mis Ida Scharnow is at the Fred
Zwink, Jr., home.
Lillie Franzen is on the sick
R. W. Curry and family visited
over last Sunday at Ed Foster’s.
Sherman Wilson and wife have
moved to Litchfield.
Geo. Curry has rented some
and of Ross Goethe.
Services were held at Cleora
church Sunday.
Lloyd McMullen fell from a
sled Sunday bruising one limb
quite badly.
There is to be a big coyote hunt
i* the Vandyke pasture and up
near 0. A. and Arnold Johnson’s
place Wednesday.
S, M. Peterson bought some
hogs at the Iossi sale.
C. S. Eorrison and Geo. Doug
las opened the roads from Doug
las’ place to E. T. Kron’s Friday
with a road drag.
A. S. Coppersmith fixed up a
snow plow last Friday from two
planks bolted together “V” shape
and put in front of an old sled.
This mad a good road, as the sled
i prevented the plow from slipping.
Papa Carlsen and Brother Dick
returned from Omaha last Satur
day evening leaving mamma and
the new found angel doing nicely
and will be home soon.
Leave orders for John McDon; :1
dray at either lumber yard, or at 10
G. Taylor’s, or Phone Red 104
At Grand Island the other day,
horses fit for army use brought
an average of $136, each. "A
horse, a horse; my kingdom for a
horse. ”
If you want good, prompt drayin^,
call on John McDonall, successor
to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red 104
J. S. Clark of the Ravenna
Creamery Company was elected
president of the Nebraska dairy
men’s accociation at the state uni
versary farm last Thursday morn
If you want a dray, phone A. L.
Enderlee, Black 63. or leave your or
der with either lumber yard or E (1.
Taylor. Best of service guaranteed.
A bouncing1 baby boy was born
last Saturday January 23, 15)15
to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wuznick
of this city. The Northwestern
extends felicitations to the happy
young parents.
$5.00 reward leading to information
of party who entered Frank Adam's
building and took fan motor. E. Li.
Ruslio, Sargent, Nebr. j 21,3t.
W. R. Mellor was re-elected
secretary of the Nebraska State
Fair Association at Lincoln hist
week. Most sensible thing the
association could have done, for
he is the real live wire of that
Winter is now here./ You
better fill your coal bins while
you can get good coal we ha ve
several kinds on hand our prices
are right at Taylor’s Elevator.
Twenty per cent discount on
stoves at L. B. Hale’s Hardware
store, Friday and Saturday, Jan.
29 and 30—two days only.
Miss Fae Bond, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. II.
ftyan for some time, returned to
her home at Gresham, Nebr.,
last Saturday.
Frank Slominski, brother of J.
J. Slominski, arrived Tuesday
for a two weeks visit from St.
Paul, Minn., where he is attend-i
ire the St. Paul Seminary, study
ing for a Catholic priest. He is a
very pleasant appearing young
ge: lIonian.
W. .!. .Johansen and 0. J. Tracy,
president and secretary of our
county fair association, returned
from Lincoln last Friday, where
they had been in attendance on
the meeting of the state agricul
tural society, the former as regu
lar accredited-delegate from the
local association.
Some prices of interest at the West
Side 5-10 and 25c Store.
Crepe paper in all shades 7c per roll
3 hoxes of matches for. 10c
50ou new post cards each
China nest eggs.3 for 5c
Scrub brushes of all kinds 5-10and 15c
Corn poppers.lOand 15c
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Jamrog and
Mr. and Mr. S. 8. Polski were up
from Ashton over Sunday, guests
of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Polski.
They intended (?) to go home on
| the freight Monday, but missed
the train and remained over for
the theatre attraction in the even
Banker Wichman of Farwell
was a business visitor here Tues
day of this week.
Copper bottom wash boilers,
81--5 and 1.35. at the L. B. Hale
Hardware store, Saturday, the
:30th of .January—one day only.
Andrew .Jaworski and John
Sliva and families of Tarnov,
Xebr.. who have been here a few
days visiting the ladies’ parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Augustine,
were to return home yesterday.
! Of course they take the North
western to keep posted on the
news from their former home.
People easily constipated dread the
witrter Nothing but hard, course
meals. No fruits, no vegetables is
keep the stomach active. Your best
relief, your greatest friend now to
Hollister's Rocky Mountian Tea, the
world's Tonic physic. Do it tonight.
Swanson & Lofliolm.
The last Loup •City irrigation
ditch bond was taken up last week
and the ghost of the old ditch irri
tation made a thing of the past.
M e understand that Logan town
ship will also pay of her last ditch
bond this year,* a sufficient levy
having been made the present
year to do the act.
Miss Lizzie Leininger returned
from Hastings last Friday even-;
ing the condition of Miss Nancy
Harrod, who fell on the ice and
reported to have fractured a knee
cap. as getting along nicely and
had not suffered the fracture, but
had so badly bruised the knee that
it would be some time before she
would be able to be about except
on crutches.
Mrs. J. A. Chandler was called
to Lincoln last Friday to be with
her mother, who suffered a surgi
cal operation, and later reports are
that the mother passed safely
through the ordeal and is getting
along nicely. Mr. Chandler went
to Lincoln yesterday to join Mrs.
Chandler and attend the state
meeting of the telephone associa
tion. _
At the Panama exposition there
will be an attraction representing
the creole beauties of the south
along the Zone Midway where a
building is being erected for the
performances of McCabes Georgia
: Troubadours a high class colored
Musical Comedy which will appear
at the Daddow opera house this
week Saturday night. This at
traction is playing a few select
towns on their way to the coast
and will give the show as will be
seen in Frisco, see adv in this
If you are in need of good furni
tuie call at the E. T. Beushausen
furniture stcre. Brand new stock
to select from and prices that will
meet your approval. Store will
open in the Oltman new brick
building February 1st. Licensed
euibalmer. Full announcement
next week. A beautiful souvenir
will be given to every lady call
ing on opening day..
At the Daddow Thearter, Fri
day evening, Febr. 5th, the High
School Girls' Glee Club will give
a concert. The girls have been
working hard for this program
and are*going to try to make it a
success. They will be assisted by
the High School Male Quartet
and Miss Moyer, reader. Miss
Mo.ver comes highly recommended
being a graduate from the Nebr
aska Wesleyan School of Express
ion and having had work in dif
ferent concert companies. Ad
mission 2?5 and 35 cents. Seats
will be on sale at the Swanson &
Lofholm Drug store after Tues
day morning, Febr. 2 at 9 o’clock.
Furniture, new and up-to-date
and prices that are right, can be
had at the E. T. Beushausen fur
ture store in the Oltman new
brick building after next Monday
Febr. 1st. Full announcement
next week.
Few choice male Poland China hogs,
for sale.
Milo A. Gilbert.
Herman Houdesheldt was out
Tuesday from his sick bed for the
first lime in several weeks. His
son, Marion* is at present very
ill, and it was thought Tuesday
bis condition was very serious,
but later reports from his bedside
are of an encouraging nature.
Reduce The Cost of Living
By Buying This Bill at Arthur’s
And Save Money
I Sack of Sugar___
10 pound of Coffee____
I pound Tea__
3 cans Peas__
14 cans of Corn___
5 cans of Tomatoes.....
I package of Oatmeal_ _
Methodist—Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
Communion services. 7:30 p.m.,
German—Sunday, 10 a. m. Sun
day school, 10:30 services. Friday
evening at 8 o’clock choir practice.1
Presbyterian — The morning
subject will be very important
question, “Why Not More Con
versions.” The evening subject
will be, “Sin And Its Remedy.”
Baptist—Regular services in the
morning. A special service in
Want Advertising
The rate for advertising in this
colu.nn of the Northwestern is 5
cents a line for each insertion. The
Northwestern is the oldest newspaper
in Sherman county, and is acknow
ledged the best advertising medium
in this section of Nebraska.
Wanted—20,000 lbs. of poultry.
Will pay delivered to Loup City,
Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 3
and 4, at our car on Burlington
tracks. 11 cents for hens, 11 cents
for young roosters and 7j for old
roosters. These prices are top, so
I think you should sell your poul
try now. ,T. J. Slominski.
Wanted—For the Eastern war
zone, the best and most market
able horses, sufficient in size and
qnality for any of the duties re
quired there. Sec M.yrl Warrick.
WA NTED—Position by a Loup
City young lady, with good references
and a good commercial education.
Has had two years’ experience in
general office work. Wants position
of office work, book-keeping, telephone
work, or will do general house work
in a well-to-do family. Inquire of
the editor of the Northwestern.
Public Sales
Public Sale—I will sell at pub
lic auction at nay place 1 mile east
and 1 mile south of Loup City,
on Thursday February, 11 1915,
commencing at 10 a.m.; 13 head
of horses; 88 head of cattle; Free
Lunch at Noon, Terms 8 months
time. Andrew Wytowski, owner,
C.C.Carlsen, derk; J.G.Pageler,
auctioneer. __
Public Sale—Having rented my
farm adjoining Loup City on the
southeast, I will sell at public auc
tion on the same, Tuesday, Feb.
9, 1915, beginning at 10 o’clock,
with free lunch at noon, eight
horses, 24 head of cattle a lot of
chickens and farm machinery of
all kinds, the terms being as usual,
9 months time and 10 per cent,
with Col. J. G. Pageler auctioneer
and C. C. Carlsen clerk.
Albert Fiebig, Owner.
Public Sale—As I have rented
my farm and am going to Colo
rado, I will sell at public auction
at my place, two miles north and
four miles east of Loup City, and
half north and half mile west of
Schaupps, and three miles north
and three miles west of Ashton,
on Wednesday, February, 3rd,
1915 commencing at 10 a. m.
sharp, 8 head of horses, 34 bead
of cattle, 10 head of hogs, four
dozen barred pl.vmouth rock chick
ens, farm machinery. Free lunch.
Terms, 9 months at 10 per cent.
•T. S. Topolski, owner; Col. J. G.
Pageler, Auctioneer.
For Sale—Six-horse power gaso
J line engine. Chris Domgard.
Used Typewriters, all makes, at all
prices. 0. E. James, Y. M. C. A.,
Grand Island, Nebr. nov 10
For Sale-Three Stallions choice
$500.00.. Kenneth Kay.
For Cash Rent -My ten-acre
tract just west of this city. In
quire of L. W. Schlote.
For Sale—Imported Percheron stal
lion and purebred Holstein cow,fresh,
with two bull calves, Grant Rogers.
We have still on hand at the old
brick yard a large quantity of brick
for sale. Prospective purchasers will
do well to see or write us regarding
same. At their earliest opportunity.
Henry Ohlsen & Son.
Loup City, Nebraska.
For Sale—1 team of' horses, 5
years old wt. 1000; 1 set light
work harness; 1 low truck farm
wagon: 1 good top buggy; 1 Jen
nie Lind walking cultivator; 1, 14
inch stirring pk»v<-Deering mow
er. ' Alfred Andersen.
At 2 o’clock, p. m. sharp, the following
described property, known as the Arca
dia Fruit and Stock Farm, li miles of
Arcadia, consisting of 320 acres of land,
one 9 room house, complete, toilet in
house, water system, rock foundation
and basement, wash house, dairy barn,
horse barn, chicken house, hog house,
machinery shed, buggy shed, cattle shed
corn crib and grainary, alfalfa field,
1500 full grown apple trees, cherry
trees, peach trees,hundreds of onament
al and shade tree, telephone in house,
on R.F.D. Route, one half mile from
school. This farm is all fenced and
cross-fenced. Is known as the Jenkins Fruit
and Stock farm. This is one of the finest farms
ill the west, which will be sold, rain or shine
to the highest bidder. Positively ho by-bid
ding. One-half cash, rest on long time. For
information inpuire of Judge Wall of Loup
City, or write
A. O. JENKINS Arcadia Neb.
Opera House
Jan uary 30th, 1915
One Night Only
Mr. William McCabe
, Presents the
A Scenic and Spectacular All-Colored
Success in 3 parts in
“A Trip to the Jungles”
Entirely Different From Any Other Colored Show
in the World
Big Chorus of Creole Girls Georgeous Customes
Refined Comedy
Prices, Children 25c All Adults, 50c
Having rented my farm, I will offer at public sale on my place ad
joining Loup City on the Southeast, being Sec. 17-15-14, two-thirds
of mile from Court House Square, on
Commencing at 10 o’clock the following
8 Head of Horses 8
Consisting of Horses. Mares a I
Colts ranging in weight from 1- ■<>
to 1550 pounds
24 Head of Cattle 24
One red and white spotted cow fresh 3 weeks; 5 good mileh eo\>
some to be fresh soon; 2 heifers to calf this spring; 3 steers coming
2 years old; 3 shorthorn bulls coming one year old; P, yearling
heifers; 3 yearling steers; 1 calf 3 weeks old;
TERMS OF SALE—All sums of $10.00 and under cash, on sums
over that amouut a credit of 9 months will be given, purchaser giving
bankable note with approved security drawing 10 per cent from date
of sale. No property to be removed until settled for.
C. C. Carlsen,Clerk J.G.Pageler, Auctioneer
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