; NEW LACES AND EMBROIDERIES NOW IN STOCK t | — I 5He have just received our I New Spring Line of Laces ! and Embroideries. Call ) and see them. ) H good watch with every | Bovs Suit, r • ^ Rave your Suit Measure jl taken with us. We have ^ Our Spring Samples in ^ now, | LOUP CITY MER. CO r FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON V.'EDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10th 1915 At 2 o’clock, p, m. sharp, the following described property, known as the Arca dia Fruit and Stock Farm, H miles of Arcadia, consisting of 320 acres of land, one 9 room house, complete, toilet in house, water system, rock foundation and basement, wash house, dairy barn, horse barn, chicken house, hog house, machinery shed, buggy shed, cattle shed corn crib and grainary, alfalfa field, 1500 full grown apple trees, cherry trees, peach trees,hundreds of onament al and shade tree, telephone in house, on R.F.D. Route, one-half mile from school. This farm is all fenced and cross-Jenced. Is known as the Jenkins Fruit and Stock farm. This is one of the finest farms ih the west, which will be sold, rain or shine to the highest bidder. Positively ho by-bid ding. One-half cash, rest on long time. For information inpuire of Judge Wall of Loup City, or write A. O. JENKINS, Arcadia Neb. LAAAAAAAA AA A A A A A A A A A A OPERA HOUSE Or MONDAY, JANUARY 60 GUY CAUFMAN In Broadhursts Famous Comedy “ A FOOL AND HIS MONEY” BY GEO. H. BROADHURST Author of '‘To-Day”. “The Price”, “Bought and Paid For.” COMPLETE SCENIC PRODUCTION—CLEVER CAST. Prices 50-35 Children 25. Seats on Sale at Swanson & Lofholm’s Want Advertising The rate for advertising in this col u am of the Northwestern is 5 cents a line for each insertion. The Northwestern is the oldest newspaper in Sherman county, and is acknow ledged the best advertising medium in this section of Nebraska. Wanted—For the Eastern war zone, the best and most market able horses, sufficient in size and quality for any of the duties re quired there. See Myrl Warrick. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. E. B. Corning is reported on the sick list. Miss Alta Johnson left today to visit relatives at North Loup. Leave orders for John MoDonall dray at either lumber yard, or at E G. Taylor’s, or Phone Red 104 Mrs. S. F, Reynolds and Mrs. J. H. Froelich were Grand Island visitors Monday. M e understand the merchtans are complating getting out a rating card soon. / All kinds of repair work done at L. B. Hale’s hardware store. Mrs. J. S. Caddy and children returned from their visit in Iowa Monday, and reported the snow eight inches on the level there. If you want good, prompt draying, call on John McDonall, successor to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red 104 If you want a dray, phone A. L. Enderlee, Black 63, or leave vour or der with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Rest of service guaranteed. Joe Steelier and Yuseff Hussane are to mix in a wrestling match at Lincoln this week Friday night, and Owen Daily and John Mackie, to whom Daily lost the light weight championship, are to try conclusions the 17th of this month again. Lovers of the game will remember the dates. n. ^panr cleans and repairs all kinds of sewing machines and guns at the L. B. Hale Hardware store. $.->.00 reward leading to information of party who entered Frank Adam's building and took fan motor. E. R. Eusho. Sargent, Nebr. j 21 3t. Drs. J. E. and Carrie L. Bow man entertained at Dinner last Sunday at the Frederick hotel Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Starr, Mr. and Mrs. das. Johansen, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. C. C. Outhouse, Miss Eliza beth Hinsdale and W. D- Zimmer, man. _ Winter wfll soon be here. You better fill your coal bins while you can get good coal we have several kinds on hand our prices are right at Taylor’s Elevator. The Prebyterian Industrial So city will hold a Kensington at the home of Mrs. E. (f. Taylor next Wednesday aftsrnoon. Special program; bring 25 cents. County Superintendent L. H. Currier went to Lincoln Monday to attend the annual meeting of the county superintendents of the state. Some prices of interest at the West Side 5-10.and 25c Store. Crepe paper in all shades 7c per roll 3 boxes of matches for. 10c 5000 new post cards at.lc each China nest eggs.3 for 5c Scrub brushes of all kinds 5-10 add 15c Corn poppers.10 and 15c Miss Lizzie Leininger was call ed to Hastings Wednesday morn ing lo the bedside of Miss Nancy Harrod, who iell on the ice a few days ago fracturing her Knee. We have no particulars. Don’t forget the musical enter tainment to be given at opera house the evening of Feb. 5th, by the High School Girls’ Glee Club of this city. People easily constipated dread the winter. Nothing but hard, course meals. No fruits, no vegetables to keep the stomach active. Your best relief, your greatest friend now is Hollister’s Rocky Mountian Tea, the world’s Tonic physic. Do it tonight. Swanson & Lofholm. A baby girl was born Monday, Jan. 18, 1915, to Banker and Mrs. C. C. Carlson at Omaha, where the wife and mother has been for some time". Papa Carlsen and brother tooK the noon train Tues day for Omaha to welcome the little strangei\_ Public Sale, at my farm, two miles north and one mile west of Ashton, and 8 miles east of Loup City, known as the T. D. Wilson place, Thursday, January 28, at 10 a. m. 15 horses and mules, 12 head of cattle, 22 head of bogs, chickens and farm machinery. Free lunch. Terms: 9 months at 10 per cent. T. C. Wilson, owner; S. S. Polski, Clerk; Col. J, G. Pageler, Auctioneer. Deer Creek Items Paul Krycki and wife attended the Borvak Bendekowski, Friday. Thos. Lubush marketed hogs in town Friday. Anyone having anything pub lished in this paper from Deer Creek notify Paul Maciejewski. Pupils in district 12 neither ab sence or tardy the past months were: Alexander and Bennie Ma ciejewski; Cyrus and Henry By dalek; Harry, Clarence, Lydia and Elsie Ritzt Charley Krycki; Prudencia Peters; Clara and Ed win Nowicki. CHURCH NOTES Presbyterian — Preeching at 10:30 a. m. from the subject, “Love Without Sight.'’ If the Methodist revival closes Friday evening as was anounced, we will have our regular service Sunday at 7:30. German—Sunday Jan. 24, Sun day 10 a. m., services 10:30 a. m. Choir meeting at 8 o’clock, Fri day evening. ■ Services at the usual time at the Baptist church next Sunday. Railroads of Nebraska Losing Thousaads (Continued from Fifth Page) people. The state is what its people make it. We are air dependent upon each other. The welfare of the towns and the surrounding farms depends upon a spirit of kindly co-operation between those who live in town and those who live upon the farm. With out splendid litlle inland towns we would have a rural atmosphere which would drive every bright country l»oy and girl to the cities—while without the farms the towns would wither and die. Even so it is with our great commonwealth as a whole—a com monwealth which for its own sake and for the sake of the great nation of which it is a part should contrib ute its full share to the “New Day” to which the President referred so beautifully in a recent address—a day fraught with better understand ing and justice for every man or in terest, whether great or small. At this moment there are a half milliou men out of work in New York City, nearly 300.000 in Chicago, almost 100, 000 in St. Louis, while the Kansas City Commercial Club for the lirst time in the history of tliat splendid city is grappling with the problem of thousands of idle men. Truly it is a time to think! The Course of Empire. Slowlv but surely the course of em pire i> mo\ in# westward. Her lands impoverished in fertility, New Eng land, as well as the great nations of the Old World, today look to the Corn Belt for foodstuffs—and sooner or later the center of this mighty nation's wealth will he found here amid the rich valleys of the Missouri and the Mississippi, which, in point of pro ductiveness, are without an equal in any similar area upon the habitable globe. Here our people are assured that Nature will always sooner or later amply reward honest thrift and indus try. Here our families are farthest removed from those influences which corrode and corrupt civilis-.ation. Here American manhood and womanhood find their broadest opportunity, and with a commonwealth so rich in pro mise and so much in need of addional capital with which to develop its re sources, can her people do a wiser thing than to say to the world that every dollar invested in Nebraska en terprise and industry sliall be permit ted to earn a fair return for its own er from this time forward? Would not such a declaration be fair? Would it not be infinitely wise as a matter of pure business policy on behalf of our great state? It is because Nebraska railroads believe that Nebraska people will be generously fair—once they know the truth about this great question—that has persuaded them to make this ap peal through the public press. In do ing so they have tried to state their side of the story fairly. They have made no attack upon anyone or sought to appeal to prejudice—and that the reader may accord to them the same credit for sincerity which he claims for himself—that he may be willing to raise his voice in defense of their rights as he would expect others to do in his behalf under simi lar circumstances—this is all the rail roads of Nebraska ask. (Paid adv) ALONG ROUTE HO. ONE Art Rowe took his sister EmnA out to her school Monday. Wiehler Bros, were hauling straw from Dimick’s Monday. The Sehlote boys were hauling hay Monday. Ed Maciejewski was visiting his folks Sunday and Monday. John Olson is re-covering his cattle shed with straw. John George had his corn shelled last Wednesday. E. T. Kron shelled his corn the past week. C. A. Johns marketed hogs last Thursday. A brother-in-law of Andy Cop persmith is here visiting him. Wes Miller held another shoot at his place last Wednesday. John Blaska has been cutting wood at his father’s place lately. Revival meetings are being held at Beulah chapel. Howard Smith has put up a mail box on the route. Ross Goethe held a shoot at his place Tuesday. Frank Kowalski hauled a load of grain to town Thursday. Henry Bell has a driving team he would like to sell. Grant Rogers and son were I hauling corn to W. T. Clark’s last , week. Clear Creek farmers are getting : ready to put. up their ice for sum mer’s use. Ed. Angier and J. A. Mcllravy j have been cutting ice on Moon \ creek. Bill Scharnow and Eaft Pray MAKE A GOOD RESOLUTION and trade ■witH R. L. ARTHUR « have been baling hay on the route lately. W. A. Haddix in the spring will acre on the farm where Ce cil lives. Charley Clark was hauling straw for John Warrick the past week. Fred Zwink and wife of Elm township were visiting in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Reynolds, who have been quite ill of late are still reported quite poorly. M. E. Goddard, the Seminole Indian specialty man, was collect ing on the route the past week. H. L. Bell has been laid up the past two weeks, with a gathering in his head. Carpenters have been finishing up Fred Zwink’s new house the past week. Frank Damatowski fell off a hay rack the other day and injured one shoulder quite badly. Fred Zwink and bride are stay ing at Frank Zwink’s till their home is completed. Geo. Hager, who was elected road boss to succed Andrew Fran zen, has refused to qualify. Rev. Johnson, who has been so severe a sufferer from rheumatic troubles, is gaining in health now. Roll of honor in District 72 for the fourth month: Louisa, Sophia, Fritz and Marie Schwaderer, Viola and Bessie Kilpatrick, Les ter Shipley, Helen Draper. Thos. Parsley, wife and daugh ter, Miss Winnie, attended the lecture course number in Litch field last Thursday evening and reported it very good. District 72 will hold a reading contest next Friday afternoon, * Jan. 22. at 3 o’clock. The partic ipants will be members of the 7th and 8th grade reading classes. Friends and patrons of the school aie invited to attend. Carrier had an experience last Thursday morning just east of O. A. Clark’s he wouldn't care to re peat. About forty feet from the bottom of the hill the front axle on the wagon broke, letting the wagon down on the ground and before the team was under con trol had gone about ten or fifteen yards. Through Mr. Clark lend ing him a buggy and Will Rog ers getting things straightened he was able to cover the rest the route. On his return, w the help of Marvin Lee, the hr en vehicle was gotten home a li: after dark. FOR SALE OR RENT Few choice male Poland China 1 for sale. Milo A. Gilber For Sale—Six-horse power g:i line engine. Chris Donagam Used Typewriters, all makes, at prices. O. E. .lames, V. M. < Grand Island, Nebr. nov For Sale-Three Stallions ch< $500.00. Kenneth Kay For Cash Rent -My ten-a tract just west of this city, quire of L. W. Schlote. For Sale or Trade—-My r> dence and three lots, known as old Judge Hunter property, first block north of court ln> square. Price and terms in known upon inquiry. J. W, Burleigh For Sale—1 team of horse years old wt. 1000; l set li work harness: 1 low truck fa wagon: 1 good top buggy; 1 J nie Lind walking cultivator; 1. inch stirring plow; Deering m er. Alfred Andersei ONLY 10 DAYS MORE SSS ♦ ftSSS Our business for Fall, Farlv Winter, and the Holidays has been very good. This Sale will be a Profit Sharing Sale to you ooo ooooo-o ssa a gyp; NEXT SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1913 ENDS OUR o o o o © © o jpjeafi a ffggy JANUARY CLEARING SALE We still have a good stock of Ladies’ Gent’s and Children’s l nderw ear, Dress Goods, Dress Trimmings and a complete stock of new Groceries. Everything fresh and quality good. There will be Bargains in this Sale that vou cannot afford to miss. o o o o o o »»» A Remember our store is a Pony Store Store afnd you get a pony vote for every cent you buy or pay on account. Help your favorite to get the Pony, Cart and Harness by trading at our store, o o C. C. Cooper