r cut x: them out —both tea and coffee. Try Van Houten’s Rona Cocoa a health I ful drink. Big red can—half-pound— 1 25c I COMPARING MEN AND WOMEN Writer Points Out Wide Differences Alleged to Exist in the Lives of the Sexes. Before marriage when they appear at social affairs it is correct to say he escorted her. But if they appear together at such affairs after mar- | riage it is the proper thing to say that she dragged him. If a woman wants to retain any in fluence over a man she should refuse to marry him. When father keeps a scrapbook the clippings are all about himself, tell ing what a great man he is, how use ful to the community, how brave and all that. But when mother keeps a scrapbook, that's a different thing! Her scrapbook is all about the chil dren, recipes that father likes, cures for croup, and all that. All a woman gets for her efforts to attain the ideal life by having a bou quet oi flowers on the table to uplift the soul is her -husband's complaint that he cau't see what there is to eat on the other side of that bunch of weeds.—Exchange. Activities of Women. Female mill operators in the Bom bay cotton mills earn about ninety dol lars a year in wages. Sixty new trades, heretofore mainly German industries, are now being taught to women in England. The latest wealthy American wom an to establish a hospital in France is Mrs. Chauncey M. Depew. Miss Elizabeth Kille has been ap pointed chief clerk to the secretary of state in Kansas. New York has a woman insurance broker who has customers in far-off Turkey and Australia. The novelty of woman police offi cers is beginning to wear off in many cities of the United States. College Changes. Bill—What’s become of your col lege coach? Have you lost him? .Jill—Oh, no. indeed. "Why. I haven't seen him at a foot ball game this season." "No; you see. he's teaching the boys in the tango and hesitation, now.” The Old School. “He's an advertising writer of the old school." "You mean a liar?”—Judge. But for the collar button's habit of rolling under the dresser some men would never get any exercise. Blessings may come in disguise. But trouble never bothers about putting on any makeup. There are many things that may in terfere with a man's appetite, but love isn't one of them. Some people judge .books simply by their looks. The Oldest Playwright. Bertha Mann furnished the surprise of the afternoon recently, says the De cember Green Book, when she tried a highly emotional role in a play called “The Worth of a Man," at a New York playhouse. A number of budding playwrights were presented, and she was besieged by them to play the leading part in several plays they had written. One became insistent, and partly to satisfy her. Miss Mann agreed to read the play. It proved to be a theme as old as Adam, and j after the second act Miss Mann aban- ! doned the task of further reading. “You say you created this charac ter?” Miss Mann inquired. “The character and the play are both original with me,” was the ready response. "And yet,” Miss Mann added ru minatively, “you don't look two thou sand years old!” The Gnats and the Beetle. Some Gnats gathered together in a I congeries and fell to darting about in so very bustling and intricate a man ner as to move the curiosity of a Beetle. "Er—what's the game?” inquired the Beetle civilly. “Game? This is no game. We're very much in earnest. We’re a city,” replied the Gnats. “And what, if I may ask, is a city?” "A city is a device for intensifying discontent.” “What is discontent, then?” “Discontent is the mainspring of progress.” “But what is progress?” Here the Gnats of the congeries burst out laughing. “-You don't know what progress is? You must be from the country!” they scoffed. Limit of Astrology. All that any astrologer can do is to point out fortunate or unfortunate periods, and that is all. For instance, when the malefic Saturn moves to an inharmonious aspect in an individual's chart it is absolutely certain that it will have a harmful effect—it may bring illness to himself, financial trou bles or have other baneful effects—but no astrologer can definitely state what it will be, and any prophet who does so simply guesses at it. It is the same way with a benefic planet, which may bring sudden good fortune, increase in health and vitality, add to one's prestige, etc. Romance. They were at a tea on Morningside —she extremely pretty and engaging despite the fact that she was in Teachers' college, and he an earn est student of the law. They had really gone quite far along the pleas ant road of romance. He inquired civilly what degree she pursued. "I aspire to be an M. R. S.," she replied demurely. “I dare say it’s hard,” he answered absent-mindedly. Hours afterward under the green-shaded light in his own room it all came to him suddenly. Double-Faced Deity. The deity Janus was represented by the Romans as a man with two faces, one looking backward and the other forward, implying that he stood be tween the old and the new year, with a regard to both. Cause and Effect. “How dejected those cows look!” "Maybe that is why their milk is so blue.” Looking. Friend—What are you doing for a job? Another—Looking for one.—Judge Tne Way of It. “They say Buster failed for eighty thousand.” “No; he failed for the want of it.” Even if you do nothing, say nothing and are nothing, you can’t escape criticism. SALTS IF BACKACHY OR KIDNEYS TROUBLE YOU Eat Less Meat If Your Kidneys Aren’t Acting Right or If Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers You. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have beeif eat ing too much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they be come sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick headache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels oft en get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable physi cian at once or get from your pharma cist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggislr kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine so it no longer irri tates, thus ending bladder weakness. lad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithia-water drink.—Adv. Russian's Prayer for His Horse. The Russians are in the habit of using the following prayer for their horses before going into action: "And for these also, O Lord, the humble beasts who with us bear the burden and heat of the day, and offer their guileless lives for the well-being of their countries, we supplicate thy great tenderness of heart, for thou hast promised to save both man and beast, and great is thy loving kind ness, O Master, Saviour of the world. Lord have mercy." Those also who have traveled over some of the wide spaces of Russia and Siberia will ap preciate the simple trust shown in it. for Russians have Qften to face dangers alone on horseback in their great country even in times of peace. —Country Life. The Short Days. The teacher was trying to explain to her class the effects of heat and cold, says Pearson's Weekly. She told her little charges that an iron bridge would expand several inches in hot weather, and contract a like amount in cold weather. She then asked a lit tle girl for another instance of the ex pansion and contraction caused by heat and cold. The child hesitated for a minute or so, and then replied: "In hot weather the days are long; in cold weather they are much shorter.” Their Worth. He—1 11 give you a penny for your thoughts. She—Well, they're all cents-ible. Quito, Equador, recently bought 3,000 school desks from the United States. It’s difficult to convince a man that he is a chump—and if you do, what’s the use? It is easier to pose as a prophet than it is to stand from under when your predictions go lame. Roth men and women are plagued with curiosity. But men are unable to keep theirs under cover. There is usually a display of cour age in the absence of danger.—Nash ville Banner. Money for Money Pound lor Pound —there’s no food that equals Grape-Nuts 'in concentrated food-strength. A pretty big claim, but listen— “All-wheat food” sounds good to most people, but Grape-Nuts goes one better. It not only contains the en tire nutriment of wheat, but also the rich nourishment of barley. More! Grape-Nuts is long baked and digests quickly. Most wheat foods—bread for instance and some so-calle4 breakfast foods—require Z]A to 3 hours for digestion. Grape-Nuts food digests generally in about one hour. Being highly concentrated, there’s more actual food value, weight for weight, in Grape-Nuts than in some other foods sold in bigger packages. Grape-Nuts contains the vital bone, muscle and nerve making phosphates necessary for health and life, but lack ing in most wheat foods—white bread especially. A daily ration of Grape-Nuts readily makes up for this lack. Ready to eat from the package, appetizing, nourishing, economical— “There’s a Reason” for Grape-Nuts —sold by Grocers everywhere. EXCELLENT HINTS FOR SWINE BREEDER Hog Cots Banked Up on Sides to Keep Animals Warm. There is a great difference in opin ion among farmers—and good farmers at that—as to the age at which sows should be bred. Some men breed gilts at ten or eleven months, while others do not breed until they are two years old Never select a brood sow with a long, lean, narrow head, and a wicked little eye. She is apt to be nervous and cross and a pig eater. It is a good plan to feed a little grain to the growing pigs, even though they are running on good pastures. In the South many hog raisers turn their young hogs out into the swamps along the rivers and creeks, and pay no attention to them during the entire summer, rounding them up in the fall, only to feed them two or three weeks before shipping them to market. Some surprisingly good results are obtained in this way, too. ^ows with a yourg litter should be watched carefully, for there are many sows that do not give enough milk to start the pigs off well. In such cases the youngsters should be fed a little whole cow's milk, warmed at first, and later skim milk, with a handful of shorts in it. The man who raises pigs for mar ket, and pushes them along with some i'rain, shorts and oats, even while they are running in rich pastures, will bring them to perfection much more uuick^.’ than if they are allowed to run pn grass alone, until fall. Keep the box full of charcoal, salt ;*nd sulphur, where the pigs can get at i; all the time. It may surprise you to fnd out how much they will eat, but it vill pay to provide this food for them. When pigs are old enough to eat they should be fed in a separate pen from that in which theifc mother is i confined. A door just large enough ! to admit the pigs and keep out the mother should be placed in the parti tion, so the youngsters can come and go at will. Sunshine and exercise are the indis pensable rights of all farm animals. Modern hog houses are, as a rule, too close, too warm and too comfort able. Poor ventilation is the common fault \ and the inaccessibility to sunlight is I an equally serious one. It is a sad mistake to imagine that increasing the bulk of the feed for hogs by adding water will do them any good. Clean food and clean quarters will keep the hogs healthy. Keep the troughs clean. Never feed any fermented food. Among the feeds that should he given is skim milk, which is very good, as it contains a large amount of pro tein, and is bulky. Clover is an ex ceptionally good feed in the green state, and even clover hay steamed proves very nutritious. Oil meal cake contains much nutriment of the right kind. Where alfalfa can be had it is also good. Oats in various forms fur nish the exact kind of nutriment most serviceable for the breeding animals. The sow that is carrying pigs needs a large amount of protein food on ac count of the extra bodies she is build ing up. But care must be taken not to have too much protein in the food, as the starchy parts are also needed. The starch-forming elements should be five or six times the protein elements. This is about the composition of oat meal- Bran is a highly nitrogenous j feed and should be balanced with l something else when it is fed. All ! plants that have pods are rich in pro-! tein and are thus good materials out of which to make food for breeding swine. » Young boars will usually make bet ter growth if kept separated from the sows. There might be conditions or exceptions where this would not be true, but they will certainly be rare. Not only should tht boar be separat ed from the sows when there are young pigs around, but at all other times. The mos' expensive way of keeping a boar i to let him run with the rest of the heru. He should be kept in a lot by himself, but this lot should be large enough to furnish ample green feed and plenty of exer cise. Pi'.'s make the heaviest and cheap est gains in liTe weight during the first two months of their existence. Changes in the character or quan tity of the ration should always be made very graduaTly. Do not judge a brood sow alone by the number of pigs she raises. Qual ity mij,?t always be considered. Six or set t-n good even pigs are often worth more than nine or ten uneven ones. When you get a business sow keep her as long as she does well. GOOD REMEDY FOR PARALYSIS IN HOGS Colorado Expert Recommends Treatment for Ailment Cause of Trouble. (By GEORGE H. GLOVER. Colorado Ag ricultural College.) Partial or complete paralysis of the hind legs of Logs >s seen so often in swine herds (hat a common cause has been suspected but not definitely determined. Inbreeding, parasites, and an unbal anced ration, have each in turn been assigned as the probable cause of this particular form ol paralysis, and now it is quite generally attributed to a lack of phosphate of lime. This salt in a form that can be appropriated may be deficient in the ration or not properly appropriated by the tissues of the body, or again, it may be be cause of a drain on the system foi phosphates to nourish the growing fetus or the young after birth. It is a well-known fact that there is a deficiency of phosphate of lime in the bones and other tissue of preg nant animals and in those that are suckling their youcg. This is especial ly true of the sow. But this condition is not confined to pregnant animals. In one instance a herd of 44 hogs, oi both sexes, and ages ranging from ten months to two years, nearly all oi them were affected with partial or com plete paralysis of the hind legs. The ration had been largely raw potatoes. They appeared to suffer no pain, the appetite was quite normal. A balanced ration would probably have prevented this condition. The following treat ment has been recommended and should be helpful in these cases. One tablespoonful of cod liver oil, 15 grains phosphate of lime and three drops of fluid extract of nux vomica mixed with the food twice a day. KEEP LAYING HENS MOVING IN WINTER Throw Their Feed in Litter of Some Kind and Make Them Scratch for It. Make your hens work for all they get to eat. Keep them moving about during the day as much as possible by throwing their feed in chaff, cut straw, shredded cornstalk or other material. Give them as much of a variety of grain as you possibly can. Wheat, oats, cracked corn, barley and buckwheat are all good, but should be mixed together when fed Never feed all of one kind of grain at one time. They like a variety. Foi green food, second cutting of clover is one of the best. Cabbage, carrots and mangel-wurzels can also be fed to advantage. They should be fed at least three times a week meat of some kind. Beef scraps soaked and mixed with bran, enough to take up the moisture, answers this purpose. Skim milk add ed to the mash will give good results. Plenty ol fresh water and grit should be where they can have access to it a? all times. Separate the Hogs. Separate the breeding stock from the fattening hogs, also separate thf larger from the smaller ones. Fowls Need Some Meat. Meat in some form should be sup plied to the fowls. They need prdtein, and in' beef scraps this is found in good quantities. Good beef scraps contain from 50 to 60 per cent. It should be well aired and clean. Successful Stock Feeding. Regular feeding and painstaking at tention to the details that add to the •ornfort and health of the stock are he essentials of successful stock feed Value of Butterfat. The value of milk or butterfat 01 butter is very largely determined by the quality and the quality is some thing that the producer can control by the right kind of care or by care lessness. Keep Poultry Houses Dry. Keep the poultry houses dry and clean. Visit them at night, and make sure that the air is good, and that the chickens are not being poisoned by their own exhalations. TALK ON WESTERN CANADA. You Don’t Have to Lie About Canada—The Simple Truth Is Enough. The natural resources of the coun try are so vast that they cannot be told in mere figures. Man can only tell of what tiny portions have done. He can only say, “I am more pros perous than I ever expected to be. And yet if a farmer expects to suc ceed on land that he has been forced to pay $50 to $100 an acre for he ought to feel assured of attaining prosperity when he finds the richest prairie soil at his disposal absolutely free. If he has a little capital, let him invest it all in live stock and farm implements —he will find himself ten years ahead of the game. Some day such a chance will not be found anywhere on the face of the globe. But now the same opportunities await you as awaited the pioneer and not one hundredth part of the difficulties he encountered and overcame. Success in Canada is made up of two things, natural re sources and human labor. Canada lias the one and you the other. A postal card stands between you and the Canadian government agent. If you don’t hold these two forces and enjoy the fruits of the result it is your own fault Debt and Canada Will Not Stand Hitched. You want a cozy home, a free life, and sufficient income. You want edu cation for your children, and some pleasure for your wife. You want in dependence. Your burden has been heavy, and your farm hasn’t paid. You work hard and are discouraged. You require a change. There is a goal within sight, where your children will have advantages. You can get a home in Western Canada, freedom, where your ambitions can be fulfilled. If the Prairie Provinces of Canada are full of Successful Farmers why should you prove the exception? Haven’t you got brains, experience, courage? Then prove what these are capable of when put on trial. It Is encouraging to know that there is one country in the world where poverty is no barrier to wealth; own your own car; own your self; be somebody. For facts write to any Canadian government agent. Advertisement. Showing Goods. Redd—For a Philadelphia traveling salesman there has been built an au tomobile with a body composed of a series of shelves and pigeonholes for samples which unfolds and makes an extensive display. Greene—If it turns turtle 1 should say it would make an extraordinary display. Realistic. “Now,” said the stage manager, “you are the heroine. You are supposed to suffer more than anybody else in the play. Y'ou must put yourself into a frame of mind which represents grief and remorse.” “I know,” replied the leading wom an. “I’ll try to make myself believe I’m one of the people who paid two dollars to see this play." Millions of particular women now use and recommend Red Cross Ball Blue. All grocers. Adv. And the married man who preaches economy usually wants his wife to do all the practicing. Sauer’s White Bonanza Oata. Made C. J. Johnson ot Lincoln Co, Minn., famous in growing 2»3 bushels from 2% bushels sown last spring. Can you beat that in 1915? Wont you try; This great Oat has tak* en more prizes and given logger and larger yields v t h r eizhout st he United P State-' than t a n y Oat known. Its e n o rinmislr prolific, -lust the Oat for Llowa, Minn, fcW i * . 111.. Hind.. Mich, "Ohio. Neb Pa., N. Kansas and Missouri. We are America's lieadquarters for Alfalfa and Potatoes Timothy, Clovers and Farm Seeds. For 10c in Postage j We gladly mail fcur Catalog j and sample package of Ten Fa mous Farm Seeds, including Speltz, "The Cereal Wonder.” Rejuvenated White Bonanza | Oats, "The Prize Winner;” Bil lion Dollar Grass; Teosinte, the Silo Filler, etc., etc. Or Send 12c And we will mail you our big Catalog and six generous i packages of Early Cabbage, | Carrot, Cucumber, Lettuce, i Radish, Onion—furnishing lots and lots of juicy delicious Vegetables during the early Spring and Summer. Or send to John A. Salzer Seed Co., Box 704, La Crosse, WiB., twenty cents j and receive both above collei- ' tions and their big catalog. Valuable Ovens. By the use of improved ovens which collected the by-products, the coke in dustry of the United States saved S16. 070,000 last year, which would have been wasted by old methods of manu facture. yora own druggist win tfh. .nc Try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak. W i>rj Eyes and Granulated Eyelids. No Mi art r:*r— lust Eye comfort. Write fur Book oi \l»e t.ym by mail Free. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Beware of the man who grins when he gets angry. YOUR WELFARE ■5 is at stake when you neglect the Stom ach, Liver and Bowels. Poor health will soon overtake you. Keep up “to the mark” by assisting these organs in their work with the help of HOSTETTEIRS Stomach Bitters It makes the appetite keen and aids digestion. Try a bottle. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM A toilet preparation of merit. Helps to eradicate dandruff. For Restoring Color and Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. 50c. and $1.00 at Druggisu. S»efoUtonMc& Praise Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Women from the Atlantic to the Pacific, from all sections of this great country, no city so large, no village so small but that some woman has written words of thanks for health restored by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound. No woman who is suffering from the ills peculiar to her sex should rest until she has given this famous remedy a trial. Is it not reasonable to believe that what it did for these women it will do for any sick woman ? Wonderful Case of Mrs. Crusen, of Bushnell, 111. Bttsitsell, III.—“ I think all the trouble I have had since mr marriage was caused bv exposure when a young girl. My work has been housework of all kinds, and I have done milking in the cold and snow when I was too young to realize that it would hurt me. I have suffered very much with bearing down pains in my back and such miserable pains across me, and was very nervous and generally run down in health, but since 1 have taken Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound my back never hurts me, my nerves are stronger, and I am gaining in health every day. I thank you for the great help I have received from your medicine, and if my letter will benefit suf fering women I will be glad for you to print it.”—Mrs. James Crcsen, Bushnell, Illinois. A Grateful Atlantic Coast Woman. Hodgdon, Me.—“I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound did for me. One year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides and such a soreness I could scarcely straighten up at times. My back ached, I had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seemed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would be any better until I submitted to an opera tion. I commenced taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I had no pains, slept well, had good appetite and was fat and could do almost all my own work for a fam ily of four. I shall always feel that I owe my good health to your medicine.”—Mrs. Haywaed So wees, Hodgdon, Maine. For 30 years Lydia E. Pin'kham’s Vegetable / Compound hag been the standard remedy for fe- . male ills. No one sick with woman’s ailments (. does justice to herself if she does not try this fa- S mous medicine made from roots and herb9, it ( has restored somany suffering women to health. I •Write to LYDIA E.PINHHAM MEDICINE CO. C (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice. \ xuur icucr wiu uo upciteti, reau uuu ausncrou i. by a woman and held in strict confidence.