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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1915)
Loup City Northwestern OFFICIAL PAPER OF SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA. r LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY NEWSPAPER IN SHERMAN COUNTY. THE PAPER THAT THE PEOPLE READ VOLUME XXXIII LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. Jannary, 14th 191*T NUMBER 4 KIND WORDS FROM OUR SUBSCRIBERS What They Think and Say io Us About the Northwestern—Jokingly Roast Us, But Send the Where-with-all For Another Year. 1915 STARTS OUT GOOD FOR US. In remitting for advance visits cf the Northwestern, Rev. Archie M»earns, from McCormick Semin ary, Chicago, says: “No matter how many papers we have in Chi cago, I must have the Northwes tern. There is not a sheet in this paper-laden and ink-smeared city that can hold my attention when the Northwestern arrives along about Saturday morning with the news from home, despite all the dope about Federal League, Bos ton Braves and war extras galore. The seminary opened up full blast on the second semester’s work. Everything is going tine and we are having a great year. Best re gards to all and wishing you a big, bountiful and joyous 1915.’’ From Elba, Mrs. Stanley Shachta writes: “Am glad to get the paper every week. I would feel lost without it.“ Rev. Raymond Kearns writes: “The Northwestern has been such a faithful visitor ever since I left home that it would seem like los ing an old friend, if it wasn't on hand to greet me every week. You know father paid the bills so long that I just got the habit of expecting the paper and never looked at the subscription mark. We are very pleasantly located in Oswego and find the work here very congenial. Kindest regards’" 1c. i » $kkdatfe. Neb., ,lan. 4, 1915. FfS^d Iftirleigh: Your old sheet isn t good for much. Your politics are entirely wrong and most of your news columns are taken up with automobile contests. But it is the best I can do and I am glad C. C. got the auto so send the old thing along for a while longer. I would like to go over there and see yon all once again, but when a fellow buys a farm and goes in debt for it and then gets in some more putting on buildings or other imporvements, and then deeper yet buying cattle he don't have much loose change for traveling on the railroad. Of course, if I had some graft, like a newspaper for instance, it would lie different, but the only graft I have is town ship clerk and school district treasurer. One pays me about four dollars per and the other about two fifty and that wont take a fellow very far. Enclosed please find a check that I think you can fool the First%National into cash ing. Yours, D. C. Leach. Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 11, 1915. J. AY. Burleigh., Loup City, Neb. Dear Brother Burleigh: I know you will be surprised to get a let ter from me, as I have promised so often to write you, and were I not somewhat fearful that the Northwestern might suddenly icease to make its weekly visita ' tions, 1 thought perhaps I had better send you a few guilders, as probably at this particular season of the year there is an abnormal emend on your editorial ex -..chequer. I am well aware that in passing through a political com paign, such as you and my old friend Wilber Waite has recently experienced there is quite an ex pense attached thereto. I was really sorry when I learned the result, but there is one thing sure, if Sherman county every expects to elect a full Republican ticket, good, clean men: men of honesty and ability must be placed on the ballot, or defeat is sure to be the inevitable result. Ha, ha! (I know for I tried it myself) I like Columbus splendidly, but I long at times to get out in the country, where I can hear the; grunting of a hog. and the bleat ing of a sheep. Were I a young man nothing would keep me from the farm. We have had some very cold weather here, 7 degrees below zero, but it only lasted a few days and it is pleasant now. I would love to be in Loup City during the holidays, and see some of the good old faces I used to know so well. I often think of “Jim” Johansen when we batched in elevator at Schaupp Siding. He bought 1200 bushels of corn for Adam Scaupp and it shelled out 1500. Better not mention it to any one but “Jim” as he may want to run for office some time. I have been up to the old home once since I moved here. I have a brother living there and we went up on a visit. I paid $60 per acre fora farm in Ohio, ten years ago,and sold it for $105. and the property I live in here cost $8000. I draw a pension of $19 per month, so with a little economy, I can live fairly well without much work. Received a nice, long letter a few weeks ago from my good, old friend ,T. F. Nicoson. I remember many pleas ant days we spent together at in stitute. I am glad to know that lie is one of your teachers in the Loup City schools for I know the kind of instruction he is capable of rendering. I wish we had more teachers like him. How did you like the result of the Ohio election? Republican governor, dead demo crat and annihilated bull-moose. "Truth crushed to earth will rise again, etc., etc. The Republican party has been the author of too many good things for me to aban don it now; and I truly indorse your stand along these lines. A letter from-Wilber Waite, not long since, stated that you had become so bald that you didnT have to take otf your hat any more to have your hair cut. I tell you that made me laugh. Well, my good wife says dinner is ready, and now just lay aside your editorial work, and come and take a lunch with us. If you ever come to Columbus you must not fail to come to number 41 South Eureka Avenue. Tender your good wife our kindest regards. With much love and regards to all I re main as evei. W. H. Kennedy. This is a personal letter and don?t you dare publish it. YOUNG COUPLE At the Home of the Bride's Parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Daddow. DADDOW-ZWINK. A very pretty wedding occured I last Thursday evening, Jan. 7, 1915, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Daddow, when their oldest daughter, Miss Coral A. Daddow, was united in wedlock to Fred C. Zwink, the Rev. L. V. Slocumb pastor of the First Methodist church of this city officiating. Foliow ing the ceremony, the guests to the matter of i>erhaps forty sat down to a sumptuous wedding feast, prepared by the mother of tlie bride, after which the evening was spent in social pastime. The bride is a graduate of the Loup City high schools of the Class of '13, and since then has been one of our most successful teachers in the rural schools. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Zwink of Elm township, where he owns a farm, upon which lie has erected recently a nice home for his bride, and where they will commence Housekeeping immedi ately, without the formality of a bridal trip away. He is one of our most enterprising and pro gressive young farmers. The ceremony took place at the hour of 8 o'clock, Mr. Byard Mills of of Westerville, Neb., acting as best man, while Miss Grace Dad dow. sister of the bride was brides maid. Miss Lena Zwink playing the wedding march. Many and costly were the tokens *of esteem presented the happy couple from assembled guest, all of whom were related by ties of blood. The Northwestern will follow the new homemakers with the best of wishes for their future success and happiness. A baby girl was bom Jan. 8, 1915 to Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Chase. The Northwestern extends* con gratulations. Miss Anna Leschinsky went to Rockville yesterday morning for a few days’ visit with her grand mother. State Bank Installs an Almost Human Machine Lasi week Mr. R. S. Roach of the Burroughs Adding Machine Company was at the Loup City State Bank installing a new ledger posting machine, which is about the most wonderful piece af mech anism we have ever seen. The almost human machine does all of the ledger posting and automatic ally picks up the old balance, sub tracts the amount of checks issued, no matter how many, lists them neatly on the ledger sheet, adds the deposits, and all that is neces sary to record the new balance is two strokes of the lever and the new balance is printed in the bal ance column. Only one feature of this wonderful machine did not appeal to the editor and it was, as the banker casually informed us, that the machine automatically picks out an over-draft balanoe and refuses to record it in the bal ance column without printing “O. D." after it. This machine, es we stated above, seems almost hu man. with the possible exception that it cannot be forced to make a mistake, unless the operator press es the wrong key. This improve ment is in keeping with the im proved methods always being adopted by this enterprising insti tution. To Our Patient Subscribers We have received a letter from the Homestead people, under date of January 8, advising us that all subscribers, whose names we have! sent in, have been entered and they should be receiving the Home stead regularly soon. As to To Day’s magazine, however, they say it usually takes about 80 days to get the names properly entered on the mailing list of that maga zine, which, if entered after the magazine is sent out for that month, subscribers must wait an additional 30 days before receiv ing it. We have quite a list yet | to stjpd in, which we have waited before sending in till we heard from the Homestead people. We will now send in the balance of the list, which subscribers will un doubtedly receive in due time. If by any means you do not receive the Homestead and To-Day’s with in a reasonable time let us know and we will take up the matter further. Following are those who have remembered us on subscription since the dawn of the new year in new and renewed subscriptions to the Northwestern, with added comment and good wishes: Fred Stam. W. H. Kennedy, J. S. Pedler for himself, mother and brother in Canada, Swanson & Lofholm, R. L. Arthur, Gus Lorentz, E. P. Daily, M. Lescbin ski, H. M. Eisner, Thos. Burton, A. E. Edwards, Dr. O. E. Long acre, J. H. Burwell, D. C. Leach, Peter H. Jensen, Rev. J.C. Tour tellot, Mrs. Naomi Criss, Rev. Raymond Kearns, Mrs. E. S. Hay hurst, Mrs. Stanley Shachta, I-ritz Bichel, Mrs. H. G. Hosier, Rev. Archie Kearns, L. B. Milli gan, Andrew Kowalski, Mrs. Annie Liephart. M. P. Kinkaid, Mrs. Milton Rentfrow, A. N. Cook, AN m. Jakob Jr., W. R. Mellor, Harry de la Motte. The fre^lecture by R. H. Bar ber of New York, at Society Jan. 6th, was equal, if not superior to many we pay 50 cents to hear and was greatly enjoyed by those pre sent. Mrs. E. W. Thompson kindly assisted with the music. Students from out of town were, Mrs. Cropper of Sargent, Mrs. J. Giulford of Comstock, Mr. Heapy of Litchfield and Mr. N. G. Han sen of Hastings. At the Iossi sale next Tuesday ! a registered Shorthorn cow will be one °f the best things on the sale. Besides, a thoroughbred shorthorn bull and four yearline Shorthorn bulls will be on sale. Better be on hand. / FIREBUG SETS SCHOOL HOUSE Attempt to Burn Hancock School Building Last Week Tuesday. HOT MUCH OAMAGE DOHE. Last Tuesday evening about 6 o’clock, the Hancock schoolhouse, a few miles southeast of this city, was discovered on tire, but the early arrival of James Johnson, ill Hancock and other patrons of the school living near the building managed to put the flames to rout before much dam age was done. The facts as gleaned are as follows: As a fanner living some distance from the school house,-but in plain sight thereof, was going to his barn to do the milking, he noticed that the building was lighted and phoned over to the nearby patrons, ask ing what was going on at the schoolhouse. as it was all lighted. Reply was to the effect that noth ing was doing, but remembering the recent destruction of the Tracy schoolhouse by fire under suspicious circumstances, the gen tlemen named above hurried over and found numbers of school books had been placed beneath the teacher’s desk, a curtain torn from one of the windows and placed over them, and were blaz ing away. The door was broken open and with the aid of snow taken from drifts around the house the tire was speedily sub dued, with only the loss of some of the books and a oadly charred floor. An examination of the pre ! mises found a south window open and tracks of footsteps leading away from it in the mud. As the fire was in the opposite side of the room from the stove, which had little or no fire in it, and books had been piled under the desk, opened wide. ■ > easily burn, with a curtain around and over the same to make a bonfire, the south window open and tracks leading to and from the building at that point, there is positively no doubt but that it was a das tardly attempt to burn the build ing by some unknown firebug. So far, there are no clues leading to the discovery of the incendary or incendiaries who burned the Tracy schoolhouse, nor the frus trated attempt to destroy the Hancock schoolhouse above des cribed. _ Christmas at the Mulick Ranch Bachelor life ch>es not always in dicate that no golden sunshine of real pleasure enters in, on the con trary it is often the life of real happiness, and especially is it true when cne can spend a day like the one enjoyed by a large number of bachelors at the E. J. Mulick ranch on Christmas day. The Mulick ranch consists of several hundred acres and lies near Senator Reuben Dwight's town, Perma. Mr. Mulick is a lawyer by profession and for years practiced law7 in Omaha, Nebraska, also spent eight years in Washington, D. C., hobnobing with the smart set in the world’s greatest city. Failing health, however, brought him to Montana and he is now happily situated on a large cattle ranch where the bright sun hides behind the bronze and misty mountains, and says goodnight early to a pros perous and contented home. Mr. Mulick is not a bachelor, but is practicing these days while his estimable wife and young son are in Chicago spending the winter with Mrs. Mulick’s parents. They left before Thanksgiving, conse quently, the one time city disciple is now enduring single blessedness and liie on a ranch. He has a large number of bachelor friends in that neighborhood and thought that it would be a glorious time for a real Christmas dinner sent for several turkeys, fattened them nicely and prepared for a day when he could have all his bache lor friends in for a big feed and a general good time. Christmas day was selected for the occassion and guests invited. The bill of fare, it is said, would make the Davenport in Spokane look like a free soup house. Mr. Mulick had not forgotten the many banquets of city life con sequently after dinner brought on the smokes and toasts were re sponded to as follows: C. A. Curtis Toastmaster M.C. Mulick Impression of Mont. Song Lincoln Davenport,Our Neighbors FAIR ASSOCIA TION MEET Location of Where Fair Shall ha NeM Next Year ladecMed. DATES SET FOR SEPT. 22-23-14. The first meeting of the board of directors of the Sherman Coun ty Agricultural Soceity was held at the court house here last Sat urday, Jan. 9. The question as to where the next fair will be held was left undecided, although the dates of Sept. 22, 23 and 24, were decided upon. The location was left to be decided upon at the next meeting. The president and secretary were made a committee to look over the premium list and year book of 1914, and recommend changes, and to report at next meeting. The compensation of of ficers was fixed as follows: Presi dent. $25; secretary, $125; trea surer, $10. The secretary was in structed to have the vice president solicit membership. Outside of the above, nothing of importance came before the meeting and ad journment was taken. We received a oleasant call last Saturday from Mr. E. E. Con quest, of Holyoke, Colo., who with his wife formerly, Miss Johnson, daughter of Rev. Johnson of Webster township, is here visiting the wife’s parents and her sister, Mrs. John Blaska, and husband. They expect to return to their mountain home this week. We neglected last week to men tion the"winning of the silver set by Mrs. Enderlee in the con test at the Dreamland. Mrs. En derlee feels very grateful»to her many friends who made it possible for her to win the handsome set. Mr. Alvin E. Fees of Custer county and Miss Esther Louise Parker of Arcadia were united in marriage the 6th instant at the Presbyteritn manse by the Rev. E. M. Steen;_ A little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ross in this city Jan. 7, 1915. May the little girl live to be a pride and joy to the happy parents. BUSINESS CHANGES OF THE WEEK J. P. Leininger Sells Lumber Yard to Hansen Lumber Company, of Hastings J. W. Thompson Sells Pool HaH to J. S. Caddy. BOTH DEALS MADE KNOWN TUESDAY. Publicity is made this week of the sale of the «T. P. Leininger Lumber Co. business to the Han sen Lumber Co. of Hastings, Nebr., the transfer to be made the first of next month. While Mr. Leininger and representatives of the Hansen Lumber C<>. had virtually closed the bargain last week, the fact was not made pub lic till Tuesday of this week, after all matters pertaining thereto had been fully settled. Mr. Leininger informs our re porter that he has made no defi nite arrangements for the future, and will for the present busy him self in settling all the unfinished business of the past twelve years he has conducted his large and ever increasing mercantile institu tion, and will in the meantime continue his residence in Loup City. Mr. Leininger has for so long been a business man here that he will be sorely missed from among them and it is to be hoped that he and his estimable family will remain with us in the future. On Monday evening of this week, in the fewest possible words and within a few moments, Will ard Thompson sold his billiard and pool hall toJoe Caddy whotook charge of his new business Tues day morning. It was one of the quickest exchanges on Loup City's business record. Just what is the Deer Creek items arrived, this week too late for publication. All communications or articles of any length must be in this office by Monday to insure publication. Gus. Lorentz' baby daughter is reported ill with la grippe. Methodist Revival Meetings in Full Swing The Methodist revival services are still continuing and with in creased attendance as the days go by. Last Sunday evening the church was crowded to its very utmost, all vacant spaoe taken up with benches and chairs. A choir ! of at. least 75 voices, taken from all sister churches and outside of them occupied the pulpit and ros trum space, and over an hour pre ceding the sermon was devoted to an inspiring song service. The sermon by Rev. Slocumb was a vigorous denunciation of the social evils of the day, al§o bitter l.v arraigning the dance, booze, tobacco, questionable attire of the fashionable present, the foolish habit of profanity, gossip, scan dal, and in fact a general shaking up and down of all things tending to lessen the moral and religious living of the people. At the close of the main service, and after meeting was held at which a major part of the audience remain ed. Sunday afternoon, Rev. Slo cumb held services for men only, which was generously attended and much interest manifest. The meetings continue all this week and until further notice. William Hays Our Future! Music Chester Davenport,Brighter Days John Sauer Thompson Falls Song William Wameke Poultry Sam Reynolds Christmas Music Harvey Jones Single Life Dave Stout The Better Root Song Jack Morgan Camas Hot Springs William Wilson The Mission Range Song A. McFarlrnd Rapid Transit C. A. Gardner What We Are Song Clayton Eau The Ladies J. W. Kau Winter Funny Stories D. L. Mulick Shifting Conditions E. J. Mulick Where the West Begins. —Mont. Plainsman. The Baptist church had the largest attendance at thesr busi ness meeting held Jan. 7, that they have had for years. Reports given by the different departments that were gratifying so every one present. One new deacon was elected, Rudolph Switzer; and three trustees, Milo Gilliert for 6ve years, Rosco Jack for four years; Mrs. J. W. Amick, treasur; Mrs. Angier, clerk; Ed. Angier, Sunday school, Supt. and Mrs. J. L, Dunn, assistant, Mrs. C. R. Sweetland, organist. After the meeting all went to the parson* age where a delicious lunch. An Excellent Musical Number Don’t forget the Alpress-Misner Co. at the opera house Saturday evening of this week. Prof. Al press has been abroad and in Ber lin and London was under the the very best instruction and re turned home one of the must fin ished violinists of the day. Mrs. Alpress is one of the best pianists before the public today, receiving her training under some of the best musicians of the country, while as a reader she has more than ordinary ability and of very pleasing address. Miss Misner is said to be endowed with a most pleasing stage presence, a magni ficent soprano voice and the tem perament of the true artist. Her musical education has been abroad. Don’t fail to hear them Saturday night at the opera house. The largest audience found at the Dreamland at any date was that which attended last Saturday night to witness the vaudeville performance put on the boards by two of our Loup City boys, Messrs. Sidney Thrasher and Hal Jenner, who gave their initiatory performances before taking their acts out upon the road. Some parts were quite unique and com pletely different from past vaude ville performances and must be seen to be thoroughly appreciated. next business move of Willard he for the present is not fully able to state, otherwise than that he will remain here and go into business again. Along Rural Route Two J. E. Roush had shellers at his place last Wednesday. Fj-ank Spotanski was at Litch field for horses, last Saturday. Ed Obermiller sold some horses in Loup City last week. * Lew Bly drove Edgar Foster’s route, Monday. Will Rowe will farm the John Peugh place this year. Mr. and Mrs.IraDaddow'sbaby was taken very sick, Sunday. Mis§ Rena Branscomb was on the sick list, last week. Vern Alleman and family spent Sunday at Albert Snyder’s. W. O. Brown shipped cattle and hogs to South Omaha, Mon - day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Liebhart went to Aurora Tuesday for a short: visit. Claude Burt returned to Lincoln this week after a two weeks visis at home. Goodwin, Howard and Casteel shipped hogs to South Omaha, Tuesday. Mrs. C. S. Cash lost a thorough - bred heifer with corn stalk disease last Tuesday. Henry Goodwin and family at tended the wedding in Loup City last Thursday. John Petersen shipped a car of hay to the eastern market this week. Hans Deitz shipped a car of cattle and a car of hogs to South Omaha this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawk’s lit tle daughter was on the sick list, last week. John Petersen and sons helped Hans Deitz get his cattle and hogs to market this week. Horace and Frank Casteel and families visited at W. Hughes Sun day. H. W. Brodock and family and Ernest Daddow and family took dinner with Nick Daddow’s Sun day. Tom Garner has been selling wheat the past week for $1.17 per bushel. He still has over 500 bushel to sell. The baby of Frank Spotanski almost strangled to death when it drank coaloil from a bottle. The mother took the baby to air and at this time is doing fairly well. Those knowing themselves to be indebted to me for ice, please call and settle as soon as possible. Jas. W. Conger. J im Lee and R. D. Hendrickson are building themselves an ice house. This is what every farmer should do. I have hundreds of tons of ice ready to put on the platform for 75 cents a load. Call Red 28. Wm. Rowe and son, Arthur have been busy siding and adding two porches on F. G. Casteel’s house the past week. The porches are a big improvement to the house. The farmers who have wheat have been taking advantage of high prices and getting to market. But the speculators have the most of the wheat and will profit more by the raise than the farmer will. The carrier believes that tho children in district 78 has more fun than all the other children oil on the route. Nature has placed some big hills there and the child ren coast down them in the winter with a sled and in a wagon in the summer. The carrier could not help but think of the time when he was gping to school in th° little old shnolhouse that used t° be north of the Harry Jenner place, and the good times we used to have.