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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1914)
Men’s Corduroy Blanket-Lined Coats 430T—$5.50 Men’s drab corduroy coat specially designed work coat, warm and serviceable and made to resist hard wear. Corduroy is a wide drab color which will not show the dirt easily and the body is lined with a fancy blanket lining coat mad* double breasted style, average length of coat 32 inches, and pants to match— Pants are full blanket lilSd. Suit complete here in Loup City $5.50. This is advertisedin a Chicago cata logue at $5.55. / Men’s Lined Work Mittens T4466—#1.00 Men’s lamb-wool lined heavy knit wool wrist, just the mitten you need for cold weather. Our Price $1.00 Boys’ Underwear T7539—65c Boys elastic ribbed combed cotton union suit, heavy weight, made from selected combed cotton of very fine quality. Jersey elastic ribbed, our price is 65c. This suit a Chicago cata logue house advertises at 69c. 1 Ladies’ Wool Under Skirts These are just up-to date. Price from 50c to $1.25 50c Boys Overalls Age 3 to 9 years. This denim is of good heavy ) quality, spunged and shrunk denim thick, will make the overalls wear as long again as any other make or overalls, rry us ror a pair or these overalls. Tou will always come back. Babins Bootees In Wool These are made in extra long Price 28c a pair Don’t Forget to Get Your “Home” Contest Coupons Men’s and Boys Caps 50c to $1.25 These caps are bought from one of the largest manufacturers Price 50c to 1.25 Misses White Middles . These are made from fine white cloth and have Deen sold at, but our price in this sale will be 96c. Ladles’, Nlsses, and Children’s Leggings uercings we nave a Difj line in Ladles’, Misses and Children’s. | Children’s Bloomers Children’s black satin Dioomers, our price Zbc Large Bath Towels A good large size bath towel for 1&* Children’s Black Satin Bloomers Children’s black satin bloomers. Our price 26c Men’s Winter Underwear No.5547—50c each garment. Men’s ribbed underwear, gray and white horizontal stripes, French collars silk front, this is extra good under wear for the price 50c each garment 1 Blankets We have a big line in both wool and cotton blankets and can supply your wants in eitner. Price in cotton, 50c to $2.00. Price on wool’ $3.50 to $7.50. Loup City Mer. Co. Deer Creek Items Leon Lubash returned from Polaska, Wis., where he was at tending school. Carline Carsten won the blue ribbon at school Friday, for being the best speller. Stanley Peters is home visiting his father, J. W. Peters. Thresa and Clara Nowicki are going the school in Rockville. A number of friends attended the funeral of J. F. Wilhelm .laeschke at Rockville last week. Mrs. F. J. Maciejewski received word from Germany that her re latives were still in good order. Mike Lubash is through shell ing corn. Paul Krycki called up Clare Kettle of Ashton in regard to one of his horses which was in a bad shape. Notice, Car Owners—I am go ing to give car owners a big cut on tires for the next 30 days, in order to clean up the stock I have on hand. Come and see me, at once, as we have only a few of each size.~-A. C.Ogle DIO 2t. FOR SALEOR RENT For Sale—Over 400 Plymouth Rock Thickens. Mrs. D. Domgard. For Sale—Six-horse power gaso line engine. Chris Domgard. For Sale—My home place in Loup City, modern, expect furn ace, with hot and cold water baths etc. For particulars, write, Mrs. H. L. Reed, Greeley, Nebr. Used Typewriters, all makes, at all prices. O. E. James, Y. M. C. A., Crand Island, Nebr. nov 10 For Sale Right—Lumber miil, fully equipped and In good running order. Inquire of A. M. Lewis. For Rent—My residence,known ns the Knevoldsen building, in northwest part of Loup City. Can give possession at once. L*. n. ;jcmow. | For -1 team o? horses, 31 rears ®W wt. iuuu; 1 set light j w • »rk iarsewt t ***** f*r«aj t if*-—a topTiUggV! : Jca ; hL Uhtt ^Tiikrng cuitivatur;!, 1J ] ; s&Tr.zg ?W*4ng mow.! «ir; { hmulf ?hoi uUghIieed Duiw1 Jersey pigs, wt 150 e*ei>. Alfred A»der»n. *- ! CHURCH HOTES German—Sunday, Sunday school at 10 a. m., preaching at 10:30. Important business meeting after service. Choir meeting at 8 o’clock Fri day evening. Baptist—10:30 a. m., pastor will preach from the subject, “You must prove it. ” 6:30 B.Y.P.U., led by Clarence Sweetland. 7:30, Song and gospel service, after which the ordinance of Bap tism will be administered. Methodist—December 20th, bt 10:30 a. m., “Prayer as a Potent Factor in the Revival. 7:30 Christmas Sermon and special Christmas music. On Thursday evening, Decem ber 24th, The Sunday school will give the Christmas Cantata. Santa Claus Christmas mail. Presbyterian—The pastor will preach a Christmas Herman Sun day morning at 10:30 a.m., and an Evangelistic Sermon in the even ing at 7:30 p. m. The Sabbath School will meet at the usual hour 11:45 a. m., for bible study. Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 6:30. A cordial invitation is extended to all. CAM OF THANKS We wish to tender our sincere thanks to the kind friends and neighbors who assisted us in the last tribute to our dear father whose sad death makes their acts doubly grateful to us. Mr. and Mrs. Karl Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jaeschke, Martin Jaeschke, Herman Jaeschke. Rollco In Bay of Naploa. No place In the world seems to nows suffered so much from the sink ing of *v) land as the bay of Naples, tl. '* *’•» »«T*?1** !a even now winking fresh dieuwottiMM of Onrfuri suburbs and niASHiye blocks of masonry with ihe clone rimes lor moorinr ’be Roman gsiler?. Bvt he Las to diva u* H«t at tLam. Way a Lav sc. W hr** «* m*,! uiitls «t „... sham uu t-mnk* Urn u’s aethiag good j SrtuUM* « mmnw itu lu LuU. i..--: LOCAL ADVERTISING Plumes cleaned and re-curled. At Loup City Tailor Shop. Will sell High Grade Esty Piano, Cheap. Payments or cash. H. M. Eisner. Christmas Candy and Nuts now in and the price is certainly right, at the Loup City Mer. Co.’s. Kid Gloves and Furs cleaned at the Leup Oity Tailor Shop, The Ravenna Creamery pays the highest price for chickens, call torn np before yon sell. I am repairing all kinds of shoes at reasonable prices at .T. J. Slominski’s Feed Store. John A. Gains. L. H. Spahr cleans and repairs all kinds of sewing machines and guns at the L. B. Hale Hardware store. IF YOU HAVE $1000 to in vest see nr advertisement in an other column. First Trust Com pany. _ P. O. Reed repairs shoes. Where at? At Grew’* Second-Hand and Vari ety Store. All kind* of repair work done at L. B. Hale’s hardware store. The Peoria Grange will give a Christmas program at the Mc Mullen schoolhouse Friday even ing December 25th. Any one wishing ice to fill a small ice house, let me know at once as my ice is ready. V Jas. W. Conger. For Christmas shopping don*t forget the L. B. Hale Hardware store. Don't buy hogs and half hogs of people who are peddling around town. Go to the Pioneer Meat market where you know the meat and the price is all right. Be sure and come in and get a Free Suit. Loup City Tailor Shop. Gasoline, only 15c per gallon, at the Leup City Mer. Co.’s. The L. B. Hale Hardware store is the nine* to buy vour Christ mas presents. AY allied—For the Eastern war zone, the best ..ud most market able horses, sufiioteat in size and iut any of the duties re quired there. My*! Warrick. A -.v . ..»huB>, by the bar rel. hhipprd direct Irna the mill* of TfUnofa: ”V- per giliut. Loup Clt* XCT fy* Xmas Trees and Decorations at Swanson and Lof holm’s. If )•« want good, prompt draying, call on John McDonall, successor to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red 104 We have good values in all lines. Ladies mesh bags, newest designs $3.00. Ladies Open Face Elgin 20 year Gold Case $10.00. Henry M. Eisner, Reliable Jeweler. Xmas Cards and Booklets at Swanson and Lof holm’s. I am not connected with any of the contests now going on, my business not being sufficiently large to stand the necessary expense. However, I am still giving full value received for your money or the goods I have to sell, and will appreciate your liberal patronage. I need your business. JOE^ Y AUG AN. Xmas Cigars at Swanson and Lof holm’s. The creamery pays the high est price for .chickens. Call them up before you sell. - „ The Ravenna Creamery. Xmas Candy at Swanson and Lofholm’s. Some prices of interest at the Tra vis 5, 10 and 25 cent stare. Fancy tango cords and pins 10 & 15 Fancy burntwood boxes 10 &15 Fancy cups & saucers 10, 15, 25 & 35 Fancy salad bowls 15, 25 & 35 Fancy work baskets 10, 15 & 25 Good Fresh candy 10,15 & 20c 2500 Thanksgiving postcards lc each. For Sale—Two dozen pure bred Barred Plymouth Rock pullets and six Cockerels. R. L. Arthur. Court Sustained The Sheriff Fairbury, Neb., Dec. 12.— Sheriff Ed Hughes won his suit against Frank Wharton, growing out of the sheriff’s attempt to col lect Wharton’s taxes to the amount of $3.45 on instructions from County Treasurer Berry. Whar ton refused to pay them and final ly the sheriff attached a horse, bequeathed to Wharton in his mother’s estate, and sold the ani mal for $197.50. The taxes with oosia amounted to $15.07. Tlir case .was tried before a jury and a judgement was rendered in favor of Sheriff Hughes. Gaily Thought. Never loss &u opportunity ot seeing , anything bep"'iful; bcuuty la God'e ; fcnpgUo**. a wayside eeereieeefc | For Christmas !]3uy your presents at ARTHUR’S. A nice line of [Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Xockties, Silk Hosiery, Scarfs, Dishes, Etc. XMAS CANDIES 10c Pound. R. L. ARTHUR 1_ List of Candidates In tin Croat northwestern Auto Coo tost. HELP YOUR FAVORITE WIN. LOUP CITY Alta Johnson 190300 C. C. Cooper 224700 ROUTE TWO. LOUP CITY Mrs. Carl Mickow * 206500 ROUTE THREE. LOUP CITY Mrs. R. Norseen 185000 ASHTOM Harry Garstka 195800 ARCADIA Joe Johns 97800 JNDGES APPOINTED FOR CLOSE. The following gentlemen have kindly consented to act as judges at close of the contest carried on the past two months by the North western and ending this week Saturday at 6 o’clock. C. P. Ryan, assistant cashier of the First National Bank. W. J. Root, assistant cashier of the Loup City State Bank. A. W. Boecking, deputy county clerk. LOST LOCALS A marriage license was issued the 10th instant to Guy Clifford Ward of Mullen, Nebr., and Miss Lillie May Huff, daughter of O. A. Huff of Arcadia. Don’t miss the next number of the Lyceum Course at the opera house Wednesday evening, Dec. 23, the Wright-Hall-Marquette players. Mrs. N. E. Jensen of Danne brog, who has been making an ex tended visit here with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. R. Gardiner, return ed home Wednesday morning. Marsel Youngquest and family were able to move into their new home on the farm in Logan town ship last week, Marsel having put up & neat residence, up-to-date and most comfortable in its ap pointments. A complaint was filled last week by John Eosmicki against Stanley Lewandowski, and on Monday a continuance was taken for 30 days before Judge Smith, the trouble arising over the former al leging fear of bodily injury from the latter, a fracture of friendship of tfhe brothers-in-law having i reached the point where gun-tot ing is alleged. Opposed Kim as Agnostic. Ona of President Roosevelt’s west ern friends applied to him ter a job. The president was willing ami sought to find him a place He ha.i about nettled on one when there came a great protest from the western friend’s state. "Thsv discovered,” said the president, “that he had kill ed four men. I didn’t know that. Still, the homicide record did not form the basis of the protest. The people who opposed my friend op posed him not on the ground of kill ing people but because they said ho was an agnostic.” Firs Extinguisher. It was quite by accident that the discovery was made that ammonia would extinguish burning oil. A bot tle of ammonia saved a family great loss by fire. The gasoline stove sprung a leak and the fluid caught fire, spreading rapidly. One of the older children coming Into the room could not reach the sink and get water to throw over th® Maze as he thought ! ought to be dor* hut had enough | presence of mind to pour over it the conOaeSB of an ammonia bottle that i stood near. Aa it happened, it was the very best thing he could have ! done, aa it qukMy extinguished the • Ore which water could not do. Now I the family keeps ammonia ou hand in ; a two quart seated Jar. ant!eJp*tier the • Urns when it be needed again ( Cor the mum purposs. HOLIDAY BOOKS FOR THE Christmas Book Buyer Our book department is now ready for the Christmas season. Books for everybody. Easy to select those that suit your taste and your purse. FICTION The season s best sellers—the big novels of the year are here. POPULAR FICTION Best of modern fiction—formerly priced at $1.25 now 50c—five hundred titles. BOOKS FOR BOYS If you want a good wholesome book for a boy you’ll find it here. BOOKS FOR GIRLS A carefully selected list of books for girls by popular authors. Standard Authors Bibles and Prayers Art Gift Books Books Speakers Prices the lowest at which we have ever offered books— and such a variety, if you shop today. Swanson & Lofholm Druggists The Place you Get Pony Votes. PROGRAM. Christmas Program to be given at the Moon School House Saturday, December 19th at 8 p. m. Emma F. Rowe, teacher. Sqng,' “A Hearty Welcome,” School Recitation, “Curious Little Ted,” Albert Mcllravy Dialogue, “Mr. Pinchem's Clerk’’ Recitation, “The Discoverer,” Troy Wilson I)uett, “Xmas For Two,” Julius Angier, Fillmore Greenfield Exercise, “Christmas Stockings” Recitation, “The Stocking's Christmas,” Raymond Pinckney Dialogue, “Aunt Susan Jones” , Solo, “If I Had a Home Sweet Home” Mild ml Ling Recitation, “Mrs. Santa,” Pearl Gilbert Christmas Newspaper, Amy Mcllravy Exercise. “Christmas Candles” Drill, “Topsy Turvy” Recitation, “Hard Times for George,” Ennis Newcomer Solo, “Telling Santa,” Opal Newcomer Dialogue, “Christmas Crazy Class” Song, “The Dear Little Baby, ” Primary class Tableau, “The Tom Thumb Wedding" Dialogue, “Burglars" Song, “While Shepherds Watched” Recitation, “Xmas is Coming, ” Katherine Ling Dialogue, “Axin’ Her Father’’ Song, “Good Night.” Barbarity of f ussian Surgeons. This incident of the late war In the east is told by a Russian soldier: “After each battle the sanitaries would mark with red ■ paint those wounded who were-to be taken away for treatment and with black paint those apparently hopelessly wr •• ided, who were to be left on the field and buried with the dead. 1 myself was lying OD the ground when a nand touched tie and then proceeded to fetch the black paint. I fully realized my fate and said to the officer: ‘But I am alive and may recover. How can you act like this?' ‘Have you money?’ he then asked. ‘Yes,’ I replied. ‘How much?’ ‘Ten rubles’ ()5.15). Give them to me.’ He just managed to put the money In his pocket and was stretching out his hand for the red paint, when tra-a-akh tra-a-akh~ the enemy’s shra, nel struck him dead en the spot, only a couple of steps from myself. 1 lay and listen ed, but not a sound came from him. "“hen I ihougut, why aiiuaiu 1 lose my money? and, gathering strength. I crept up to him and began to search J hlS fuckete. wb~>: to my atnoiliau i foond Sut only toy 10 rubles hot mere than 300’ 0154.66). Daily fsMjiiv —- _.~j Traa. *ia?i»999 consists not ir the auhUude of (rUbds. bat In their worth and choice.—Boo *o»ses. : —_r1 Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator In the County Courtof Sherman Coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, 1 fss. Sherman County, ) In the matter of the estate of Wil liam J. Jaeschke, Sr., deceased the Petition of WilhamJ .J eschke, Jr. pray in? that. Adroinjst ation of said Estate may be granted to William J. Jaeschke Jr as administrator, ’ '• O^ered, that January 4th. A. I). 15>la, atone o’clock p. m., is assiirnod for hearing said petitioi, wKodl persons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioned should not be granted* and riio notice of the pendency of said peti Uon and the hearing thereof be given' to all persons interested in said mat ter by publishing a cct v *r this Order in the Loup City Northwestern a weekly newspaper printed in said said day of hearing: * “"°r Dated December 12th 1&14. . , ' s* ;*• Ssrrrr, . ■ yjounty Judge. Last pub. Dee. 31 * n'.iHiT you up nhysi^iij safer £ ayranson&Lofhoim’s. ccnto a~