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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1914)
| W. F. MASON, President L. HANSEN, Cashier |—i | Haven’t you been expecting i ! to start a Bank Account- I i i \ Been trying to save an amount sufficient to j | * 1 “make a good start?” a ! < ! < ! i | Any “start ’ is a good “start.” A dollar is 2 sufficient. If you wait for a large sum | r before making your “start”, you’ll never 1 do it. s | * You doubtless know from your own experi 2 ence that the money which you can lay ; your hands on at any moment never lasts ! I long. |{ • So don’t wait for a “start,” but begin now. j ! We earnestly solicit your banking business. | i , I ! ========^^ J ! First National Bank! Loup City, Nebraska., \ , —— —-——— — - - • t We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. ^ J E. P. Daily Furniture Co Sells for Less, and Pays the Freight Furniture, Rugs and Linoleum Loup Gity, Nebraska If You Can Pay $320.00 Now and $680.00 March 1st 1915 we can sell you your choice of 10 quarter sections of fine Nebraska vallev land, near town, and give you 9 years time on the balance at 6 per cent. This land is all in one body and you can buy one or more quarters on the same terms, or families, friends or relatives can locate to gether. WHY RENT LAND when you can own a home on terms like this? Come in and talk tnis over with us at once. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Loup City, Nebr. LOUP CITY FLOUR Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills when you can get Loup City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. All dealers handle our flour. LOUP CITY MILL &LIGHT CO. Notice THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Will Run Every Night in the Week Hereafter A 4-Reel Show Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Change of Program Nothing but the best pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW We do all kinds of Job Work with neatness and dispatch. Give us your order. ; Christmas Time : Santa Clans Time ij - i Is Christmas time—the holiday 1 season, when all the world is im bued with that'spirit of good cheer and good will to men. Christmas was not meant for children only. The inner-most feelings of all man and woman-kind are touched J by the spirit of good fellowship j that prevails. We are all happier I when we see others happy. This paper wishes every man, woman and child all the happiness and every blessing that ftiay possibly come to them, and in keeping with our usual custom, we are printing in our paper this week several columns of Christmas mat ter to assist in spreading the Holi day feeling. Read it. It will do you good. There’s not a spot of grouch in the entire assortment. % Flowers and Birds In Factories. The time may come when ferns and canary birds will be considered a nec essary part of every factory’s equip ment. In at least one workshop they have been found to serve a most use ful purpose—in a somewhat negative sense, perhaps. In any event. It is susceptible of proof that where flow ers and birds do not flourish the con ditions are not what they should be for human beings. Flowers are re garded as a good test of the humidity of the air. If the air Is too dry, as is often the case in steam heated inte riors, plants will wither and die. Birds, like human beings, demand oxygen. If there be a deficiency of this element, the fact is speedily evi | dent in the drooping spirits of the j birds, their reduced activity and their : unusual silence. The Cheetul. The axis, or cheetul deer of the In dian jungle can claim to be the most ornamental of all the 36 races of deer to be seen gathered together at Wo burn, England. In the early summer, when all the other deer except the wapiti are either shedding their horns or ‘‘in the velvet,” the axis are in perfection, both of color and antlers. The large herd of this species looks as if carved out of ivory and red gold In the sunshine and verdure of Eng lish scenery. Their horns are almost white, their eyes and muzzles of Jet black, their throats white and their sides and backs a brilliant golden tan, spotted with round dots of purest white. Secret of His Success. His character was good, his refer ences were excellent and his ability \vas undoubted. He was a first favor ite for the position. "And now,” said his future employer, "would you mind telling me your politics? It won’t make an> difference to me, really, what side you support, only for the smooth working of my business I And it necessarj often to know the political complexion of some of my employes.” A hard look came into the candidate’s eyes. “Politics?" he said, “what are my politics? The question can be very easily and briefly answered. I’m against" politics.” He was engaged forthwith. Tests for Drunkenness. In a recent court of inquiry in an Indiana town a former bartender was called to the stand as an expert in the matter of what constitutes drunken ness. “Of couree, when a man can’t track right, ha s drunk,” said the for mer bartender, “but outside of that I'm always sure he’s ‘tight’ if he cries and teils what a good wife and family he has; tells me in confidence he 1b mak ing $5,000 a year, or preaches a ser mon to all his fellow-bar-flies on the evils of drink.” Battle Field Statistics. The result of careful observations made at battle-field hospitals by one of the leading surgical authorities of the French gives the relative frequen cy of wounds not instantaneously mortal as: Slight, 60 per cent; seri ous, 15 per cent; very serious, 25 per cent. The experience of recent wars shows the head and the right arm as the most ferquent lodging places of projectiles. Siberian Squirrels. More than four million five hundred thousand gray squirrels were killed last year in Siberia for their fur. The tails alone weighed more than twenty one tons. The animal figuring next in the fur trade of Asiatic Russia, la point of numbers, was the white haret which contributed 1,500,000 skins. Mason and Dixon’s Line. For a long time there was a bitter dispute between Pennsylvania and Maryland as to the boundary line be tween them. The dispute was settled ty two surveyors, Mason and Dixon, who, in 1763-7, ran the line as it now is between the two states. "Mason and Dixon’s Line”—the southern boundary of Pennsylvania—afterward became famous as the division between free dom and slavery. Some Club Suggestions. The members of a Manchester club were using the “suggestion” book for grumbles rather than for the purpose which its name implied, and the com mittee, says the Manchester Guardian, sarcastically put up a notice giving the dictionary meaning of the word “suggestion.” Swiftly two of the grumblers got back at them. One sug gested “that beans and their strings be served in separate dishes” and an other “that smaller egg spoons be pro vided or larger eggs.” - FOR SALE Five or six acres of ground in al falfa, fenced chicken Light. For terms and particulars, see Alfied Anderson. High Cost of Living Reduced owing to down prices made by wholesale firms. Commencing Nov. 25, we will reduce our prices about 30 per cent on all sized Mazda or Tungsten lamps. Loup City Mill & Light Co. Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY, HEBRESKE. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. LAMONT L STEPHENS LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILD ING LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA RO ERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lour City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONGACRE Physician & Surgeon Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, N0.39 A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phone, 30. Oflice at Kesideuce Two Doors East of Telephone Central Lnnp Eitfl. - Nebraska A. S. MAIX Physician & Surgeon Loup Gity, Nebr. Office at Residence. Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phonell4 Loup City, Xabrask* S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - - NEB. i; Office up stairs in the new State Hank build in?. W. L MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public Sauaie. Phone, Brown 116 V. I. MCDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. K. 8WEETLAN0 PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices Rufus Hiddleson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor’s Elevator Norton Lambert DRAY & TRANSFER Solicits Your Business— Phone Blue 60, or E. G. Taylor’s Eleva tor or eitherlumber yard. Chris Kleeman Builder & Contractor Satisfaction Guaranteed. Resident 3 blocks north and 1 block west of Catholic church. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE “°c££»Fun MUSICAL FXTRAVA6AHZA COM. CMmi EntertaineonL Everybody Goes; Aek fcqbody. LADIES DIME MATINEE DAILY DON’T OO HOME SAYING: I DIDN'T VISIT THE QAYETY ; LOCAL NEWS. Have you done your Christmas shopping yet* If not, do it now. i L. W. Schlote has accepted a | position as clerk in the W no. i Lewandowski store. Head my Free Suit adv. in this j issue. * Loup City Tailor Shop. | Will Ohlsen came home from i Dwight last Wednesday evening ; for an over-Sunday visit. That’s l ; all l ight. Will, we tumble. (ius George's sale last week was | a pronounced success. While the ! machinery went a little low and slow, the horses made up in price for the lack of interest in the for mer. Winter will soon be here. You | better fill your coal bins while j[ you can get good coal we have ■ several kinds on hand our prices are right at Taylor’s Elevator. - 1 After a week of snow and cold * and blizzardy weather, Old Sol | peeped forth last Monday and * showed that he was somewhat alive though not in evidence much | during the above mentioned time. ^ Leave orders for John McDonall dray at either lumber yard, or at E G. Taylor’s, or Phone Red 104 t When looking for a square meal drop in at the Ideal Bakery and Restaurant, south side of public square. Meals, lunches and short t orders at all hours. We also t carry a full line of bakery goods. • Careful attention given to all < special orders. 1 If you want a dray, phone A. L. ' Enderlee. Black 63, or leave your or- 4 der with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. ’ August Jaeschke and Charles Schwaderer returned lastWednes- _ day evening from their trip to t Texas. Ben Klimper, who accom- ^ panied them, stopped off at Kan- ^ sas City to look after some busi- ( ness matters before coming on ^ home. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider- < eit were happily surprised last i Friday evening by the unexpected < home coming of ttheir daughter, Mrs. R. T. Fisher, and little ^ daughter, from Lockport, Ills., | for a visit over the holidays. " Mother Schneidereit, expressed it g when she said “This is the happi- < est Christmas present I could have J received.” * All accounts owing to Blaska & ( Woznick have been left at the j State Bank for collection. Those § 1 owning on same will confer a ^ favor by early settlement. Public sale on the August Dietz ^ farm, Wednesday, Dec. 23 at 10 j a. m. sharp. 8 head of horses, 32 * head of cattle, 9 head of hogs, 9 ! dozen chickens, farm machinery , etc. Free lunch at noon. Terms ! of Sale, all sums of $10.00 and under cash; with 8 months at 10 per cent. J. S. Caddy, owner; Col. ; J. G. Pageler, Auctioneer; W. F. * Mason, clerk. I will compete with any cata- j logue or mail order house. Bring ■ in your catalogue and be convinced ] I handle nothing but what is • Stamped by the makers name ab solutely the best. Henry M. Eisner, The Reliable Jeweler. _ ■ Warren Miller left last week ' Wednesday evening for Wester ville. where he will go into train ing for the wrestling game with j Lee Scott. Warren is among the ' big fellows now in the game and \ we believe with sufficient training * and experience he could be champ- ^ ion in his class. He expects a lit- \ tie later to try conclusions with J Joe Stecher and has confidence in • winning. Makes assimilation perfect, healthy blood, firm muscles, strong nerves. ■ Quickens the brain, makes and keeps ! you well. Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea has no equal. It’s your health insurance Swanson & Lofholm. - a A mild case of smallpox was re- ■ ported last Saturday in town, Vin- ■] cent John being the unlucky vie- ! tim. The case was immediately quarantined and if it be that dreaded disease, it is in the very ; lightest form and little danger of \ spreading. From the fact that chicken pox is reported in the city, some are inclined to believe this j one of them, but it is well that i necessary' precautions have been a taken. ! For Sale or Trade—My resi ! dence and three lots, known as the old Judge Hunter property, in first block north of court house square. Price and terms made known upon inquiry. J. W. Burleigh. 1 CHRISTMAS CHEER chases away thoughts of war ami trouble! The gifts that keep alive the cheerful spirit long after Christ Imas is past arepracti * cal, serviceable ones. Thats the kind we have! I NECKWEAR. CLOVES HOISERY. Haiulkei chiefs and a complete line i of everything else men and boys wear. MICE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES’ CLOAKS To Be Sold at Big Reduction The Hub V. VIENER, Proprietor SUGGESTIONS FOR 1 SM1ISTMAS t This season’s holiday line is the most complete and varied we’ve ever displayed. Here you’ll be sure to find some thing for every one on your Christmas list. A few sug gestions are given to aid you in your Christmas shopping Games Books Mirrors Perfumes Pennants Bibles Calendars Stationery Tourist Sets Toilet Sets Toys Jewel Boxes Post Cards Nylo Chocolates Smokers Outfits Post Cards Art Novelties Manicure Sets Safety Razors Hand Bags Collar Boxes Fountain Pens Come in with your friends—you'll enjoy your visit. The more choice gifts are selling fast—make your selection today—reserve them until Christmas week. SWANSON & LOFHOLM Druggists THE PLACE YOU GET PONY VOTES NOTICE to FARMERS I have on hand c quartt-iry of the Council Bluffs Remedy and would be glad to figure with you on your spring supple of Stock Remedy. All of the big feeders are good feeders of the Council Bluffs goods. Phone or see Alfred N. Cook, Loup City, Nebr. Dreamland Theater Changes Pictures Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Only the best pictures shown. Everyone passed on by Board of Censorship. For an Evenings Fun and Pleasure Meet Me In Dreamland. JOHN OLTMAN, OWNER BURLINGTON ROUTE | Passenger leaves Loup City 7:05 a.m Due Aurora 10:20 J Lincoln 12:55p.m i Omaha 3:30 v Nebraska City 5:50 St. Joe 6:25 ; Kansas City 8:40 Sioux City 6:45 ! DesMoines 9 k St. Louis, next morning 7:19 a.m Chicago, “ “ 7kj Davenport “ 2:50 ] St Paul “ “ 7:15 ! Minneapolis “ 7:50 With connections for all points beyond. Please phone or call for any information desired re-; garding rates; time, &c, to all points. 1. A. Danielsen, Agent \