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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1914)
W. F. MASQN, President L. HANSEN, Cashier Is Your Money Working For You??? « i Are You Secured \ i * « against hard luck or hard times? The laugh will j « be on the burglars who break into a place and after ! all their trouble find only a check book in j stead of the cash they wanted. Deposit your cash ! with this bank and it will be absolutely safe from j thieves, fire, dampness, or any similar danger. ! Now is the time to save part of your income j by depositing in the i i First National Bank! Loup City, Nebraska._j ~ • — •1 , — i We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits, j A COMPLETE LINE Of Furaitire, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. LP. DAILY -- -I If You Can Pay $320.00 Now I and $680.00 March 1st 1915 we can sell you youri r choice of 10 quarter sections of fine Nebraska vallevJ land, near town, and give you 9 years time on the. balance at 6 per cent. This land is all in one body | and you can buy one or more quarters on the same ' terms, or families, friends or relatives can locate to-. ■ gether. WHY RENT LAND when you can own a. .homeon terms like this? Come in and talk this. ' over with us at once. ! FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Loup City, Ncbr.: i 4 I LOUP CITY FLOUR | Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills when you can get 1 Loup City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. | All dealers handle our flour. , LOUP CITY MILL & LIGHT CO. Notice . | THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At4he New Opera House Will Run Every Night in thej Week Hereafter A 4-Reel Show Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Change of Program Nothing but the best pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW A. M. AYE, D. C. After everything else has failed do not give up. Come and try CHIROPRACTIC and get well. Office: Just east of the Sweetland feed store, Jacob Albers residence. Phone Brown 10 Of laterest to Oar Coatest Codidite* There will not be another count I of votes appearing in the paper i until the last issue before the close of the contest. Now each contestant should hustle up to the very last minute and when the standing appears just before the close of the contest see that your name heads the list. I County Supervisors Proceedings (Continued from last week) W liawk, clerk Webster 8 70 It D Hendrickson clerk 6 00 S S Reynolds judge 6 00 J A Mcllravy judge 6 00 J H Bone judge 6 00 School district No. 72 rent 2 50 S S Lewandowski judge Oak creek 9 50 Jos Sevinski judge 6 30 Herman Sperling judge _ 6 30 Adam Radke clerk 6 30 Mike Kaminski clerk 6 30 School district No. 56 rent 2 50 Geo Wolfe judge Harrison 11 60 E. A. Slot* clerk 7 80 J. H Mead judge 7 80 G A Engleman clerk 7 80 P. Brundige judge 7 80 Litchfield Village rent etc 6 30 Fred Ko'/el judge Bristol 12 30 A. E. Edwards judge 8 10 John Vandraia judge 8 10 Wm Snyder clerk 8 10 Matt Zeller clerk 8 10 School district No. 42 rent 2 50 Emil Cords judge Rockville 10 60 S H Branscomb judge 7 20 Albert Sea beck judge 7 20 E Dwehus clerk 7 20 S Olsen clerk 7 20 Rockville Village rent 5 00 R Farnsworth judge Scott 10 50 j J Else judge 6 00 W. H. Douglas judge 6 00 Chas Hall clerk 6 00 Henry Diefenbaugh clerk 6 00 School district No. 63 rent 5 00 E E Tracy clerk Logan 7 60 J Q Pray clerk 5 10 Andrew Kowalski judge 5 10 L B Milligan judge 5 10 D L Jacoby judge 5 10 School district No. 31 rent 2 59 State Journal Co., supplies 14 90 C R Sweetland clerk Loup City 12 90 J W Dougal clerk 12 90 Henry Horstman judge 12 90 T D Wilson judge 12 90 Wm Couton judge 12 90 Wm Graefe supplies 10 00 W J McLaughlin delivering bal lot 10 00 Mat Janulewicz labor 27 00 1 C F Beushausen election supplies etc 241 36 J W Burleigh blanks etc 62 60 , Hayhurst-Gallaway Co supplies 14 32 Times Independent ballots 1J1 00 Northwestern oallots 111 00 Times Independent legate 9 80 L. A. Williams salary etc 203 30 Swanson & Lofholm supplies 3 75 L B Polski county clerk office ex pense 27 25 L B Polski county clerk salary 275 00 L B Polski county clerk canvas sing board 5 00 C H Ryan canvassing board 5 00 M H Warlock canvassing board 5 00 L H Currier salary etc 234 95 Ginn & Co. supplies county super intendent 16 88 E A Smith County judge clerk hire etc 73 35 Hiyo Aden supervisor 12 10 Thos Jensen supervisor 9 70 Dan McDonald supervisor 8 80 H. W. Lang supervisor 9 80 Wenzel Rewolinski 9 20 J H Welty supervisor 15 00 W. O Brown supervisor 8 20 .Mat Janulewicz bailiff ' 4 00 Road Mat Janulewicz appraiser 3 20 John Stanczyk appraiser 3 20 John Oltmann appraiser 3 20 S. E, Thrasher appraiser 2 90 H*G Hosier appraiser 2 90 Wm. Scnumann appraiser 2 90 E B Corning county surveyor 195 60 Mat Janulewicz chainman 14 00 Jack Davey chainman 12 00 Dewey Winkleman chainman 10 00 Law Hennis chainman 34 00 A kmith chainman 13 00 W A Darling chainman 2 00 R A Reynolds chainman 12 00 Alfred Jorgensen chainman 9 00 Yern Alleman chainman 9 00 Bridge Andrew Franzen bridge work 5 00 A C Ogle livery 29 46 Edw Croston bridge work 3 00 Richard Reinertson bridge work 38 50 Hiyo Aden supervisor 15 30 Geo Welty bridge work 15 75 J H Welty supervisor 10 00 S A Foster Lumber Co bridge material 4 70 ! Gene Miller filling in west bridge 150 00 On motion board adjourned till January 7, 1915. L. B. Folski, County Clerk. Too Great a Shock. Caller—"Very, very sad naan > what was the cause of such a m«g^i wreck?” Keeper—“He wrote a hun dred good scenarios for the moving picture companies and they finally ac cepted one. The shock was so gnat that he had a mental rnllagaa" fill | York SiA. -:_ I Fitting Kama. “Why are those things oa your dress called bngle trimmings?** Qaorga j wanted to know. “Oh,” EmDy rgpUed, “because pa blows so over the MIL” 1! REATG BARGAINS To be found at Mrs. R. N. Prichard’s. One half off on Ladies Trimmed Millinery goods from Nov. 18 to ‘21st. Don't forget the dates. _ FOR SALE Five or six acres of ground in al falfa, fenced chicken tight. For terms and particulars, see Alfied Anderson. Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law. LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. LAMONT L STEPHENS LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILD ING LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONGACRE Physician & Surgeon Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, N0.39 A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phone. 30. Ofilce at it evidence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Lnnp Elly. - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup Gity, Nebr. Office at Residence. Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phonell4 Lonp City, Xabraaka S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - • XEB. Office up stairs in the new State liank buildinp. *- I W. L MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public Souare. Phone, Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Tavlor’s a' w elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. R. SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN; For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices ___m_ Rnfns Hiddleson BRAY AND TRANSFER Yonr Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor’s Elevator Norton Lambert DRAY A TRANSFER Solicits Your Business— Phone Blue 60, or E. G. Taylor's Eleva tor or eitherlumber yard. Chris Kleeman Builder & Contractor Satisfaction Guaranteed. Resident 3 blocks north and 1 block west of Catholic church. WHEN IN OMAHA VISIT THE «tyayefy tSwSZ? Miami pmmwma Mmi, ClMe ElUfliiMMt Enffbodyfltit! M[ <Ml>. LADIES DIME MATINEE DAILY DOfrr GO HOME SAYING i I DIDN'T VISIT THE GAYETV LOCAL MEWS. j J. C. Vangh, was on the sick list a few days last week. Mrs. C. E. Lundy has. been quite ill the past number of days, quite seriously so, but is reported some better. Lost A red and black horse blanet, on Saturday, Nov. 14. Leave same at this office and re ceive reward. Fritz Leschinsky came home from the Universitv for Thanks-’ giving, remaining at home over Sunday, before returning to his studies. Sheriff Sutton was over from Ord to spend Thanksgiving season with his daughters and families, returning home Monday morning. If you want a dray, phone A. L. Enderlee, Black 63, or lease. JW or der with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. County Treasurer F. M. Henry returned home from Omaha last Wednesday, where he has been quite ill for a couple of wee^s. Ha is somewhat improved. All accounts owing to Blaska & Woznic have been left at the State Bank for collection. Those owning on same will coafer a favor by early settlement. We received a pleasant call last week Wednesday from our good friends, Carl and John de la Motte, father and son, of Hazard town ship, vrho were here on business. Carl had just raised the neat little sum of $85.50 among home friends, donated to the relief of widows and children of German soldiers killed in the present great Eastern war. PiaDo at a Bargain—We have a used Kimball piahofn good condition that one of our customers was unable to finish paying for. We will place it free of charge in the home of snyiatr isfactorv party in vicinity of Loup City who will pay the balance in cash or payments as low as $6 per month. Address Olney Music Co,, 8fc. Joseph, Missouri. novl9-4w In mentioning last week the bunch of good fellows who at tended the Kearney K. of P. con vention the names of Jas. Johan - son, C. C.Cooper and A1 Johnson were inadvertantly omitted. And they were among the liveliest of the fleet which sailed, too. Mrs. S. Foss, formerly of this county, but for a number of months with her family living at Palmyra, Wis., writing us uod$r date of Nov. 25, asks that the ad dress of their paper be changed to Milton, Wis., where they will move soon. She adds, “Don’t fail to change address and keep the paper coming, as we can’t do with out it, ” or words to that effect I have been nominated as a con testant in the Northwestern’s Big Automobile contest by my friends and urged by them to put forth my Viest efforts, I have decided to so and will appreciate tjje support of all. (Signed) Joe John, Arcadia, Nebraska. R. P. Starr came home last Thursday from a trip to Kansas City and Topeka, Kansas, where he had been in the interest of a brakeman on the Rock Island road, who had lost an arm. He succeeded in securing a comfort able amount for the brakeman in a damage suit against the road. Vic Swanson was again called to Aurora last Thanksgiving day to the bedside of his good father, who had suffered a relapse and was said to be at death’s door. The father is slowly failing and has been for some time, with Bright’s disease, and it h§s been only a matter o£ time fox weeks whfih he should pass a^*y, QO hopes for his ultimate recovery being entertained from the begin ning of his iHness. Lateb—the father difid Satur day about 1 o’clock. The funeral occurring Monday. Mrs Vic Swanson and daughters left for Aurora that morning to be present at the last sad rites. Several of my friends have nom inated me as a candidate in the Northwestern’s Big contest, and have urged me to try for the auto mobile. The interest shown by my friends, their confidence in me is appreciated and 1 appeal to one and all for your support. (Signed) Harry Garsta. Makes assimilation perfect, hjejlttaj blood, firm mqpcfcs, stroug nerves. Quickens tbe brain, nA^indJn$i you well. Hollister's BockjfMouncaln Tea has no equal. It'tjtygr health Insurance. Swanson ft Lofbolm. CHRISTMAS CHEER chases away thoughts of war and trouble! The gifts that keep alive the cheerful spirit long after Christ Imas is past are practi cal, serviceable ones. Thats the kind we have! NECKWEAR. GLOVES, HOISERY. Handkerchiefs. and a complete line of everything else men and boys wear. NICE ASSORTMENT OF LAMES’ CLOAKS To Be Sold at Big Reduction The Huh V. VIENER, Proprietor To The Im on the right road Help your child or neighbors child get the Shetland Pony, Cart and Harness or a Gold Watch Free, by buying your drug wants of us, at the same time getting the most and best on the market for your money. • * SWANSON &> LOFHOLM Nyal Drug Store NOTICE to FARMERS I have on hand a quantiry of the Council Bluffs Remedy and would be glad to figure with you on your spring supply of Stock Remedy. All of the big feeders are good feeders of the Council Bluffs goods. Phone or see Alfred N. Cook, Loop City, Nebr. Dreamland . Theater Changes Pictures Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Only the best pictures shown. Everyone passed on by Board of Censorship. For an Evenings Fun and Pleasure i Meet Me In Dreamland. JOHN OLTMAN. OWNER TO THE SOUTH WIMTER TOURIST FARES In Effect November 1 All the principal southern, gulf and Cuban cities and resorts are included in the general arrangement of attractive Winter Tourist fares. Many circuit tours of the historic South are offered, going one way returning another, including Washington, D. C. The Burlington maintains the highest class,elec tric-lighted, through trains for southern tourists, either via Kansas City, St. Louis or Chicago. . Ask the undersigned for the Burlington’s “Win Iter Excursion’’ leaflet, or for any of the handsomely ! illustrated publications of southern lines, containing Ilists of resorts, hotels, routes, etc. « J. A. Danielsen, Agent L. W. Weekly, General Passenger Agt 1004 Famuvn, Street, Omaha