123,0001- on Ev $23. We Will Also Give 80,000 Extra Votes on $20.00,'EC1,GOO Extra Votes on Each and 20,000 on Each 810.00 Timed in During This Period. ■ __ __ ___ •_e_ ; % V ■ '■ " 1 M ■ 1 1 " ' 111 —— _^_—. Co your utmost. Long Terms of Subscription Count the fastest. MAXWELL ELECTRIC LIGHTER ELECTRIC STARTER Now Is the Time Your Subscriptions Count the Most. place ]Vo Limit on your Hlorh SIbile this OffGR Is in force Largest Ultra Vote Offer Now In Force For every dab of Subscriptions amounting to $25.00 turned in between Dec. 3rd. and December 10, inclusive we will give 125,000 Extra Votes Subscriptions to count on this offer may be of any kind but the long term ones count up the fastest This is time when your subscriptions count Dig so get all you can and go the limit. Now is the time to do the big work. % Che Big Vote Offer in force Chis weeh. Go Hfter It. Only Two Weeks Left-Now hustle after those long term subscriptions and be a Winner 4 . _ . _ Phone Blue 21 Address all Communications to Phone Blue 21 Contest Manager Northwestern Deposits in this bank have the additional security of the De positors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. ARE YOU A RENTER % Do you appreciate tbe fact that the man who rents should use just as much care in protecting his income; should be just as systematic in the handling of his financial affairs as the man who owns the land? Our bank account plan is adapted to your use, practical, saves bookkeeping and gives you a record of all your finan cial transactions. Come in and let us show you how easy it is to start and how its use will help you. Loup City State' Bank Lrap City, Rebnska. We pay 5 per cent interest on time deposits •J. G. Pageler AUCTIONEER Loup City, — Nebraska All Auctioneering business attended to promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give me a trial. msEs When in Need of COAL or first-class Xiiuxiber of all dimensions,' We also have a car of Coke. We also have a good line of Fence posts, range ing in price from ten to fifty cents. Phone Red 29 and you will receive prompt attention I LEININCER LUMBER COMPANY Lcaan, . -J THE NORTHWESTERN £nwre«t uia - Loup Cuy 1'osu .or mission through the mails as second class patter. Office Phone. Red 138. Residence, - Black 138 J. W. BURLEIGH.Editor and Pub. J. R. GARDINER Managur We understand that George E. Benschdter has purchased a job printing plant and expects to in stall the same by the first of this coming January in the old Ben schoter frame building just south of the State Bank, and become a business indicator in Loup City. Eleven years ago the first of next January, Mr. Benschoter sold the Northwestern to the present own* er, and now he comes back to Loup City to again engage in the printing business in comi>ctition with us. There's an unwritten law which, if followed, would seem to indicate that George is not follow ing out the precepts of the golden rule, “Do unto others as ye would that others should do unto you,” as it is seldom that a man sells out a business and then again goes into the same line in the same town in competition, but as there was nothing in the bill of sale, nor any writing to the effect that he was not to do so, there is nothing to prevent his so doing, I if he choses. In fact, from a finan cial standpoint, we do not person ally know of any better opportu nity for George to get rich and prosperousjhan right here where Bro. Beushausen and the editor of this paper have become plutocrats in the newspaper line. We see that the postoffice fight at Lincoln, the home of Mr. Bry an, and the postoffice fight at Grand Island, the home of nation al committeeman W. H. Thomp son, have been declared settled and the new postmasters are the selections made by Mr. Bryan and by Mr. Thompson respectively. The rabble was not permitted to name these public officials. No primary elections were called to permit the patrons of those post offices te say whom they (the rab ble) wanted. In all probability when a new postmaster is to be selected for Omaha, Mr. Hitch cock’s home, he will personally make the selection and the Omaha rabble will not be called upon to make the selections, but are not willing to permit the rabble to maKe simrliar selections at their own homes. A man who will not be willing to take his chances with the rabble is unfair, if not abso lutely dishonest in his motives when he exacts the rabble to make the selections in the localities where they are not personally | concerned.—Kearney Democrat. Sammons, the ex-sheriff of Buf falo county, who has been on trial in Omaha on charge of stealing a §5,000 package of money from the Kearney postoffice, got a nice Thanksgiving present from the jury on the case. Up to date he has not returned thanks. Of course, he takes exception, asks a retrial, and in event of refusal will take his case up to the higher courts. The probabilities are that the last guess will be many months hence. f At the Omaha motorcycle races Thanksgiving, one of the contest ants was killed, and in a number of other cities, Recording to the dispatches, several were likewise killed. It is not necessary for this country to get into the Euro pean war to kill the people off; just get up plenty of race meets like the above and the cemeteries can be kept full. And now it is claimed that Iiryan is to leave the Wilson cabi net and go into training for a seat in the United States senate from Nebraska. Or, maybe, as he has concluded to put Garabri nus out of business, he will take leadership in eliminating the sa loon evil from this country. Great is Bryan and the only simon-pure prophet of the 20th century.__ Richard Croker, the former great Tamany chieftain, aged 73 years, was married Thanksgiving day to a half-breed Indian girl aged 23 years. It is evidently a case of spring lingering in the lap of winter. . _ ' _ ~ wrm- 1 'mm' RUPTURE EXPERT HERE Seeley, Who Fitted Czar of Russia Called to Russia. F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila delphia, the noted truss experts, will be at the Koehler Hotel and will re* main in Grand Island Saturday and Sunday, only, December 12th and 13th. Mr. Seeley says: “The Spermatic Shield as furnished and supplied to the United States Government will not only retain any case of rupture perfectly, affording immediate and complete relief, but close the opening in 10 days on the average case. This instrument received the only award in England and Spain, producing re sults without surgery, harmful injec tions, medical treatments or pre scriptions. Mr. Seeley has documents from the United States Government, Washington, D. C., for inspection. (Don’t wear a truss where the lump is. but plaee it where the opening is —its different—call and be shown.) Ail charity cases without charge, or if any interested call he will be glad to show same without charge, or fit them if desired. Any one ruptured should remember the date end take advantage of this opportunity. Auction of School Land. Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of December, 1914, at one o’clock p. m. at the office of the coun ty treasurer of Sherman county, the Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, or his authqrlzed repre sentative, will offer for lease at pub lic auction all educational lands with in said county upon which forfeiture of contract bas been declared as fol lows. NEi 36-15-16 Jacob J. Klippenstine. Dated December 1st, 1914. Fred Beckmann, Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings. Order of Hearing on Petition for Appointment of Administrator In the County Courtof Sherman Coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, • SS. Sherman County, In the matter of the estate of Knud Jensen, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Jens Petersen praying that Ad ministration of said Estate may be granted to Robert Dinsdale as admin istrator. , , . _ Ordered, that December 4th. A. D. 1914, at ten o’clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said peti tion and the hearing thereof be given to all persons Interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this Order in the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper printed in said county, 3 successive weeks prior tc said day or hearing. Dated November 16th 1914. E-. A. Smith. [seal] County Judge, Last pub. Dec. 3. Use Gooch’s Flour took first prize at the state fair again this year. .... Vic Swanson’s KEYSTONE LUMBER CO. Get the best fence anchor from The Keystone Lumber Co., for 5 cents Yards at Loup City, Ashton, Rockville, Schaupps and Arcadia TAKE NOTICE COPYRIGHT BY CO. V. PRICK * CO SUITS made any style and to fit, $15.00 and up. Overc oats any style $15.00 and up. Ladies and Gents clothes cut into latest styles or relined, mended cleaned, or pressed. Loup City Tailor Shop In Comer of Frederick Hotel.