The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 01, 1914, Image 6
W. F. MASON, President L HANSEN, Cashier A BANK BOOK $$-$$-$$ Do you know of a single prosperous $man who does not carry one? Call ¥ today and get one, make a small de- ¥ posit and you will step higher and feel more like a man when you go $home to your supper. The “deposit # habit’’ will grow on you to such an ¥ extent that you can soon buy an in terest in some good paying enterprise Sand be independent. If you wi!^ ask ^ our cashier about it he will start you ¥ off right. Do it now. $$-$$-$$ - _. . % First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. > w Another line of dress trimmings ( And Ladies’ and Misses’ Cloaks Just Received | Vic Swanson’s I THE EXCHANGE NAN i I WANTS TO TRADE A FARM, for Town Property. WANTS TCf TRADE' A FARM for Soock of Merchandise. WANTS TO TRADE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS for Auto. W. P. REED The Exchange Man. When Looking For a Square Meal Go To THE IDEAL RESTAURANT also for a Good Lunch We also carry a Full Line of Bread and Pastry Goods and also sends Bread by parcel post. South Side Public Square. Dolling & George, Owners LOUP CITY FLOUR Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills when you can get Loup City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. All dealers handle our flour. LOUP CITY MILL &LIGHT CO. SELL YOUR FARM ■ We have customers for good Sherman county farms. If you want to sell and your prices | and terms are right list } our : farm with us. We also have ' We also have several applications for good farms to rent for cash or share of crops. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Loup City, Nebr Couity. Supervise!? _Preeeediigs Claims committee reported that they had allowed all claims except claims of I. A. Maufskl, John Lubas, F. J. Stobbe, John Jeratowski, John Kwiatkowski. I. W. Sandberg, A Wiskowiak, Keystone Lumber Co. Claim of Keystone Lumber Co , for 80.80 laid over and deductions made for delinquent taxes and clerk on mo tion ordered to draw warrants on the respective funds. General Fund Klopp Printing Co., 3 records 53 14 Alfred G. Jensen, services ren dered to dead man at Rock ville 10 00 Dr. A- S. Main, vital statis tics 9 25 A. Anderstrom, vital statistic 5 75 C. W- Gibson, vital statistic 3 25 Dr.L.E. Dickinson, vital statistic 2 50 Klopp Printing Co-, Fee Book 15 49 C. R. Sweetland, Fan 14 00 Hammond Stephens Co., sup plies County Supterintendent 33 85 S. E. Thrasher, street sprink ling, 12 00 Swanson & Lofholm, glass for Poor farm 3 95 State Journal Co., files etc 22 00 Klopp & Bartlett Co., County Supertendent 51 26 O. F. Petersen, Sythe etc. 2 80 J. W. Dougal, clerk, Loup City 6 00 J. G. Pageler, clerk, Loup City 6 00 ffm. Coulton, judge 6 00 T. D. Wilson, judge 6 00 A. J. Johnson, judge ‘ 6 00 G. L. Polski, clerk. Ashton 4 65 J. L. Davey, clerk and mileage 7 75 Alex Gappa, judge 4 65 Albert Anderstrom, judge, 4 65 E. Schumann, judge 4 65 Elinora Jezewski, hall rent and light 8 00 Fred Daddow, judge, Clay 6 50 James McBeth, judge 3 90 Dick Brodock, judge and oil 15c 4 05 Vern AHeman, clerk 3 90 C. W Burt, clerk 3 90 School District 38. rent 2 50 Herman Sperling judge, Oak Creek 7 96 Joe Sivinski, judge 4 50 Mike Kaminski, judge 4 50 S. S. Lewandowski, clerk 4 50 Adam Radki, clerk 4 50 School district 56, rent 2 50 S. S. Reynolds, judge, Webster 7 00 J. A. Mcllravy, judge 4 20 James Bone, judge 4 20 Will Hawk, clerk 4 20 Marvin Lee, clerk 4 20 School district 72. rent 2 50 J. J. Else, Judge, Scott 9 30 R. Farnsworth, judge 4 80 W. H. Douglas, judge 4 80 C. S. Hall, clerk 4 80 Henry Dufenbaugh, clerk 4 80 School District 63, rent 5 00 C. W. Gibson, judge, Harrison 8 60 Geo. W. Wolfe, judge 4 80 J. C. Wall, judge 4 80 J. B. Burt, clerk 4 80 G. A. Engleman, clerk 4 80 Litchfield Village, rent 5 DO Carl de la Motte, judge, Hazard 9 70 John Boecking, judge 5 70 Vincent Rebhan, judge 5 70 Peter Jacobson, clerk 5 70 G. C. Frink, clerk 5 70 C. W. Trumble, rent 5 00 A. E. Edwards, judge, Bristol 8 60 John Vandrala, judge 4 50 Fred Kozel, judge 4 50 Wm. Snyder, clerk 4 50 M. Zeller, clerk 4 50 School district 42, rent 2 50 Emil Cords, judge all tax Rock ville 7 90 F. Bonezenski. judge 4 50 Albert Seabeck judge 4 50 E. Dwehus, clerk, 4 50 G. Werner, cierk 4 50 Rockville Village, rent 5 00 K. k. lracy. cierk. t.ogan *> so J. Q. Pray, clerk, 3 90 Andrew Kowalski, Judge, 3 90 L. B. Milligan, judge 3 90 D. L. Jacoby, judge 3 90 Schooi district 31, rent 2 50 A. S. Coppersmith, judge, Elm 8 00 S. Easterbrook, judge 4 50 Geo. Zahn, judge 4 50 H. F. Beckman, clerk, all tax 4 50 M. Burtner, clerk 4 50 School district 38, rent 2 50 Carlos Landon, judge. Washing ton 8 20 Walhelin Minnie, judge 4 80 John A. Boos, j.'.dge 4 80 Jud Burns, clerk 4 80 Josep-i Grant, clerk, tax 3 40 W. J. McLaughlin, delivering ballots 10 00 School district 43,. rent 2 50 A. C. Ogle, livery 13 75 Hammond Stephene Co., sup plies County Superintendent 23 35 Swanson & Lofholm, pencils, County superintendent _ 2 00 C. F. Beushausen, election sup plies 139 00 W. J. Boot, canvassing board 5 00 O. F. Petersen, canvassing board 5 00 L. B. Polski, county clerk, can vassing board 5 00 W. S. Waite, rent 57 00 Matt Janulewicz, labor 21 15 Cbas Bass, Clerk of District court 113 00 L. H. Currier, county superin tendent, salary etc 245 35 F. M. Henry, county treasurer, office expence 10 78 Loup City Mill and Light Co., light 13 52 Chas. Bass, clerk of the district court 44 85 L. B. Polski, county clerk, clerking board etc. 102 93 L. B. Polski, county clerk, sal ary 275 00 Keystone Lumber Co., Poor Farm 18 70 i Wm. Graefe, supplies, 5 2(1 ! L. A. Williams, sheriff, salary 205 43 ; E. A, Smith, County judge, clerk hire, etc 73 1( | W. O. Brown, supervisor, 20 40 SOME PRICES OF INTEREST Some prices of interest at the 5, 10, and 25c west side store. 2 dozen jar rubbers 15c Paper plates per dozen, 5c Paraffine wax per pound 15c Flower pots 5, 8, 10 and 15c 1 lot of glassware going at 10c apiece. Suit hangers at IDc each. Nice fresh ! candies 10 to 20 cents per pound. FOR SALE Five or six acres of ground in al falfa, fenced chicken tight. For terms and particulars, see Allied Anderson. Professioiial Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY. SEBRBSKB. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. LAMONT L. STEPHENS LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILD ING LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loop City, - Nebraska. Only set ol Abstract books in county 0. E. LONGAGRE Physician & Surgeon Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, N0.39 A. *J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phone, 30. OlHce at Residence Two Doors Ka&t of Telephone Central Lnnp Eltfi. - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup Gity,'Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection 1. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L..Bowman If. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phonelis Loup City, Rebraska J. E. WEINMAN Veter i n ar ia n Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship ments Arcadia. Nabraska S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - • NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank building. W. L MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public Sausre. Phone, Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 67 C. R. SWEETLAND PLUMBER A ELECTRICIAN; For good clean and neat work . Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices Rufns Hiddleson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor’s Elevator * "" - — W , - - - Norton Lnmbert DRAY A TRANSFER Solicits Your Business— Phone Blue 60, or E. G. Taylor’s EJeV& tor or either!umber yard. X J. W. Burleigh, supplies etc 102 30 J. W. Burleigh*, ballots 149 95 Times Independent, ballots 149 95 Times Independent, notices 21 90 Thos. Jensen, supervisor 15 40 Hiyo Aden, supervisor 20 "o Dan McDonald, supervisor 23 20 Wenzel Eewoiinski, supervisor 14 40 Howard Lang, supervisor 2u 20 J. H. Weity. supervisor 34 oo J. S. Pedler. county attorney, salary etc 290 40 .Bridge Fund John McDonald, we^t, biigde 15 50 J. P. Leining'jr Lumber Co. culvert lumber 135 7u W. O. Brown, supervisor 10 ov Thos. Jensen, supervisor 4 » Dierks Lumber & Coal Company lumber 172 or W. S. Aden, labor on bridge 30 ot: J. L. Andrew, labor on bridge 3s 00 Ed. Creston’ labor on bridge is oo X. It. Frinck, labor on bridge 10 oo John Cummins, labor on bridge 22 Oo C. A. Pateliin, blacksmithing 29 00 Hiyo Aden, supervisor 73 00 Dan McDonald, supervisor 20 80 Alex Kalkowski, bridge work 3 00 Frank Manchester, bridge woak 3 00 H. W. Lang, supervisor 40 10 Ray Gaurley, bridge work 9 00 Mike Palu, bridge work 9 00 Chas. Brown, bridge work 6 00 J. H. Weity, supervisor 19 00 Standard Bridge Co., Final settlement 6,363 55 Road Fund A. C. Ogle, livery 1 50 Matt Januelewicz, appraiser 3 40 John Oltmann, appraiser 3 40 Frank Sobicsczyk. appraiser, 3 40 Ashton Lumber Co., material 179 65 E. B. Corning, county survey or 57 45 Matt Janulewicz, chainman 10 00 Kevstone Lumber Co., survey , stakes, etc. 17 10 Board on motion adjourned till November 10, 1914. L. B. Polski, County Clerk. GOITRE REMEDY A Goitre remedy, which is as near a positive cure as can be had. Address Box 423, Greeley Center, Nebr. sep.ITtf. 14 cents a day That Vail it costs ycu per day to buy a high grade South Bend Watch on our club plan. Rock Bottom Prices You buy the watch at • the lowest cash price at which it can be sold Our club plan makes this possible. Wear the Watch while yon pay You get the watch upo^ making your lust/ ment. This offer is ^ days only—^ Take advanfaK^if this opportunity — let us give you the full par ticulars in regard to this remarkable offer. LOV SCHWMER JEWELER Assessments rer Speciel Improve ments To Whom It May Concern: Whereas, The owners respectively of lots hereinafter described have failed, neglected and refused to con struct brick, stone or cement side walks within the time provided by ordinance, after due and proper no tice so to do lias been given; and Wheroas, A legal sidewalk has been duly constructed and built by the city of Loup City, Nebraska; Now, therefore, notice is hereby given to all perons interested as own ers or otherwise in lots nine (9) and ten (10), block twenty-four (24), Origi nal Town of Loup City, that at the hour of 8 o’clock p. m. of the 22nd day of October, 1914, at the usual ipeeting place in said city, the city council will meet in special session, for the purpose of making special as sessments upon and against said lots for the expease of the building and construction of cement walks in front ef said lots and co-extensive therewith, and for the improvement thereby made to said property, and for such other and further action as may be required and necessary in the premises. Pete Rowe, City Clerk. Last pub Oct. 15 NOTICE or SALE BY REFEREE IN PARTITION. In the District Court of Sherman County, Nebraska. Emil J. Schoening, Plaintiff, vs. John W. Schoening, Frieda M. S •l.oenicg, Carrie W.Kasoii and Gustav K.a.->oi, in . husband. IM« it'luius. Notice is here i* a n I by vir tue of an oro*it of sale N.-cj.-n nut and under the seal of the Ihswict Court of Sherman County. Nebraska, and to me directed as referee in partition In the above entitled cause. 1 will, ou the noth day of Octol o’clock in thefefternoi { the south door of Loup City, Sh'y ka. offer ' — for cast} tion 1 Four teen o (Png. 15,' Sherman C^fnc; r»*. - AARON WALL, Reren- in Partition. (\ast pub. Out. 15) [ Deposits in this bank have the additional security of the De \ positors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. Modern Bait1 j!.i - . . . ‘ requires equip me r ^ ' enable customers their financial affa as well as equipment tection and safeguardhn of money. The equipment of bank meets both requirem In addilion we have ample tal and a strong directorate w assures stability and service. ^ Your account respectfully scJBKy ited. T^‘i _ 1 kiKvVi __ Loup City State f Loup City, Nebraska. . ’ ; We pay 5 percent interest on time • * Just Received A complete line of Men’s and Boys’ clothing for P prices that will move. ney by _as, Hats,Caps .cear of the Clothier ses men and boys LORENTZ’S The Best Men’s and Boy’s Furnishing Store HONE NARKE1 Is always your best market WE GUARANTEE CORRECT WEIGHTS CORRECT TESTS PROMPT SERVICE HIGHEST CASH Returns You milk cows for money, Let us help you get the most of it. Our price for butter fat is 27c Delivered at our place of business We Solicit Your Business. I Ravenna Creamer ’ M i Joe Thompson, Manager* i mm 'M* Get the best sncij^jpam ^ The Keystone Lurriber, r 5 ) cents. ^ Yards at Loap City, Ashton, Rockvilij^^|l||^ps and Arcadia