The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 01, 1914, Image 4

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    War prices going up, Our Prices going down | Everything at Cut Price, come look around Buy your fall bill now and make the Saving
Commencing Thursday, October 1st., and continuing for 15 days, We will offer our Entire Stock of Merchandise at
Great Reduction Prices. This includes all of our New Fall Stock in every line. A larger or more complete selection
of Fall and Winter Goods was never offered at such prices in this section of the country before, but S5000.00 must
be raised in 15 days and to do it we offer these goods at prices to get you to lay in your winter supply NOW and
save yourself money.
Entire line ef Hew Fall Millinery at 20
per cent discount from the regular
price. Ladies we assure you
this is a special opportunity
Outing Flannel, a value yon will not be
able to see again this season, worth
10 and 12% cent, Sales price
S cents per yard.
One Lot Men’s Knit Ceat Sweaters all
colors and a full line of sizes. Sold
everywhere at $2.50. onr price
for this sale $1.89
20 dozen Men’s shirts, soft collars, Milli
tary collars and Dress shirts in every
i desirable pattern, regular $1,
now 69c, can you beat it?
Dry Goods
Fleece Lined Suitings, special value.9c
Fleece Lined Suitings, 124c value.ifc
Lace Curtains, up to $1.50 per pair.98c
Corduroy Suitingssfor Ladies’ Skirts and
Children’s Coats, »1.*5 value at... .79c
Brown Crash Toweling, 15c value at. §C
Bleached Muslin. 8c
Brown Muslin. 7c
A 20c India Linen, will go at.13c
Ladies’ Knit Auto Hoods, $1 value at.88c
Ladies’ Knit Auto Hoods and Hats,$1.50 val 83c
Children’s Rompers, ages 2 to 6 years.23c
Children’s Rompers, ages 2 to 6 years.39c
Assortment of Lace, original piece 6«yards.174c
One lot of Lace. . 4c
One lot of Lace. 7c
Ladies’ W. H, S. Handkerchiefs. 3c
Ladies’ Handkerchiefs,. . 4c
Ladies’ Handkerchiefs. 8c
Ladies’ Handkerchiefs. 11c
Ladies W.H.S.and fancy emb- Handkerchiefs.19c
All ladies' 25c and 35c handkerchiefs... — 19c
Ladies’ hose. 8c
Ladies’ hose. 11c
Ladies’ fancy lisle hose.19c
Children’s hose. 7c
Children’s hose. 13c
Check and fancy ginghams, 10c vale at. 7c
All 124c and 15c ginghams at.11c
Special assortment of percales, 124c value.. 8c
Fancy shirtings, 124c values at. 8 c
English Galatea cloth, new, for boys’ waists
20c values, at. 16c
Comfort robes. 7c
The following prices on these Shoes
are beyond a doubt the Lowest in the his
tory of Special Sales, and every value
guaranteed or your money cheerfully re
fundded. We can get more money for
these after the sale.
Men’s Overshoes, $1.50 values.$1.25
Men’s Overshoes, 62 values. L§5
Lot of Men’s Arctics . .50
Boys Overshoes.95
Boys’ Overshoes. L45
Men’s every day overshoes, 63 values_ 2.65
Men’s special dress shoe, val. $4 and 64.50 2.95
Men’s oxfords, to close. . 2.75
Men s oxfords, to close. . 3.75
Boys shoes, sizes 12£ to 2. L35
Boys’ shoes, sizes 1 to 5. ^39
Infants’ shoes, 0 to i . .39
Assortment of special values in children’s
shoes. .73
High grade lot of children’s shoes. 1.19
j Ladies’shoes, the entire stock, divided (L35
four lots; values guaranteed less )li89
than they can be bought for at )2il9
wholesale. .. .'. (2i65
Cents’ Furnishings
Boys’ work shirts. 33g
Men’s work shirts. 43c
Men’s dress shirtsT $1.25 values, at. 39c
Men’s negligee and soft collar shirts, #1.25
values, at. .89c
All men’s $1.50 shirts, including every style
and pattern, at. 93c
Men’s suspenders, 50c values, at. 33c
One lot of men’s suspenders. | Oc
Boys’s suspenders. 10c
Men's four-in-hand ties, 26c values, at... ... 18c
Men’s four-in-hand ties, 50c values, at... ... 25c
Men’s handkerchiefs. . 4c
Men s W. H. S. handkerchiefs . 7c
Men s turkey red handkerchiefs. 5c
Men’s leather belts. . 19c
Men’s leather belts, 50c values, at_ . 33c
Men’s cotton sox, 12ic values, at. . 9c
Men’s cotton sox, 10c value, at. . 7c
Men’s cotton sox, \2hc value, at. 11c
Men’s nice black half hose.. . 8c j
Men’s nice black half hose, 20c value... ... 12c
Men’s nice blgck half hose, 25c and 35c val 19c
Thursday, October 1st., and lasts for 15 days, we will maintain
these cut prices on every item in this store. Come along on the first days so that
you may not be^disappointed in the assortment. These prices mean, we will en
tirely close out many of the lines.
We suggest you buy some groceries
at these prices, when goods in this line
are advancing every day.
First get you some of Gooch’s best flour at $1.60
Yeast foam, to make it up with, at. .04
Pink salmon at. 12*
Oregon red salmon at.17
A dozen cans of corn for. 1.20
Wax beans, per can .'. .12
1 pound of Calumet baking powder.23
Egosee corn flakes.06
Mohawk laundry soap, 12 bars for. .25
Toilet soap. 04
Hand-picked tomatoes, per can. .13
Arkansas peaches, per can. ,13
Special canned tomatoes, per can. .09
Sardines. .04
Large sardines. qq
Matches... .04
Special bulk coffee, 6 pounds for. 1.00
Soda crackers in box per pound. .07
Lewis lye. 0g
Bakers chocolate. ,J7
Crack-a-jack.. .<... .04
This Underwear is nearly all new fall
grade, just received, and is to be had at
these special prices:
Gents rib shirts and drawers_ .$ .19
Gents 14-pound fleece shirts and drawers ,43
Gents union suits, heavy fleece, $1.25 val. .95
Gents union suits, all wool, heavy weight 2.45
Ladies fleece lined vests and pants, 76c val .59
Children’s fleece lined vests and pants,size
Same as above, sizes 22-24, at. 29
Same as above, sizes 26-28, at.33
Same as above, sizes 30-32, at. ...... .36
Special ten-pound men’s ribbed shirts and
drawers. 45
Ladies’ Coats
Four special prices in Ladies Coats. To
close these out, every one must be sold regard
less of cost.
One lot of Ladies Coats, each_ $1.98
One lot of Ladies Coats, each.2-75
One lot of JLadies Coats, each . 4_75
One lot of Children’s Coats, each. . j'99
20 Per Cent Discount
On All Laces and Embfcfderies
: Queensware
On account of numerous items in this line
requiring too much space to price separately, we
will give a straight discount of
20 Per Cent
Men’s Pants
Assorted styles, $1.00 and $2.00 values.. .69
Assorted styles, 2.25 values. $1-69
Assorted styles, 3.00 and $3,50 values.. 2»75
Assorted styles, 3.75 and 4.00 values.. 3-25
Assorted styles, 4.50 to 5.00 values.. $.75
25 Per Cent Discount
On Boys and Men’s Overcoats
Muslin Underwear
On our Entire L'ue of Muslin Underwear
save money by buying now. This line consists
of new, live and nifty ideas.
25 Per Cent Off
Cents’ Furnishings
Overalls and jumpers. These are the reg
ular $1 value every day, at.$ .85
One lot of knit sweaters, value SI.50, $1.75 ^59
Knit sweater coats, $1.75 value,at. 1^29
Knit sweater coats, S3 value, at. 2.29
Boys knit sweater coats, 1.00 and 1.25 val. 89 I
Boys knit sweater coats 1.50 values ... ••• 1.19
Boys knit sweater coats 1.75 values ... .. 1.29
Gents fall caps, 50c values... .39
Gents fall caps, 1.00 regular. .89
Gents fall caps, 1.25 regular. .98
Gents stiff hats, 3,00 values. 1.98
New soft hats, price 3.00, at. 2.29
New soft hats, regular 2.25,at. 1.59
Soft hats, staple style, 1,50 price, at.89
Special lot of men’s hats. .50
Boys’ overalls.45c and 54c
A large line of men and boys mittens and
gloves, lined and unlined, anything you want in
this lot at money saving prices.
tills bill and
get what we
and more
Oct 1st,
to Oct. IS