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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1914)
I WOULD LIKE YOU BETTER IN X MCE NEW TAILOR-MADE SUIT Why Not Call Here and Get Your Measure Taken Loup City Mer. Co. THE BUSY PLACE PUBLIC SALE Saturday Au^. 1,1 will sell at ' public sale at Rockville, at 3 1 o’clock p.m.. the following: I 1 gra\ horse (J years, \vt. 1200 i 1 one-horse wagon,and top-box 1 heavx single harness, and some camping junk. 1 A. E. EDWARDS, Owner Dreamland Theater Changes Pictures Every Menday, Wednesday and Friday. Only the best pictures shown. Everyone passed on by Board of Censorship. Far an Evenings Fun and Pleasure Meet Me In Dreamland. BUTTER-FAT PRICE ADVANCING \\ e are paying 24c for butterfat delivered to us at our place of business in Loup Citv, beginning July 29th. ' \Ve are glad to state that we did not lose a single patron as a result of our recent fire loss here, and with our uptown location we have been able to add a great many to our long list of custo mers. We Solicit Year Basiaaess. Ravenna Creamery Co Joe Thompson, Manager The Northwestern, the People’s Fa vorite. Subscribe for U. CHURCH NOTES Presbyterian— Preaching Sun day morning at 10:30, subject, ‘‘The Follies of the Wise.” A union service has been ar ranged for the month of August. And if the weather is favorable this service will be in the court yard, and if not it will be at the >1. E. church. Rev. Dunn will preach next Sunday evening. Methodist—10:30 a. m. Henry French of the Methodist church at Elm Creek will preach. Union meeting in the courtyard at 8 p. m. Dr. J. L. Dunn of the Baptist church will preach. TO THE PUBLIC I will have a car of Utah peaches, plums and prunes, here on or about August 23. I wish to thank all for past favors and ask your patronage again this year. Your Respt Mrs. A. H. Hansil Mrs. Knight Passes Away Word has been received here that Mrs. L. H. Knight of Edge wood. Iowa, passed away from this life on Monday of this week. Deceased was mother of Mrs. (). Bonschoter of this city, who was with her in her last days. Mr. and Mrs. Knight were former re sidents of Sherman county, own ing a farm just across the river west of this city, leaving here some twelve or more years ago for a permanent residence in the Iowa town, and will be remem bered by those who were here at that time. The sympathy of our entire people will lie with the stricken daughter and other -re latives of tli0 departed. Aged Woman Seriously Hurt Mrs. John Fisher received a telephone message yesterday that her aged mother, Mrs. George Ware at Lincoln had met with a accident by a fall down stairs, re sulting in three broken ribs and : her body bruised badly by the : faH* Mr. and Mrs. Fisher left on : the noon motor that afternoon for her bedside. She is past 70years j of age. It is to be hoj>ed she ma.w . speedily recover, but her age and [ infirmaties will tell much against her. i A Technicality of the Law According to a recent decision of.the supreme court of Nebraska it is claimed that the sheriffs of the state can collect all fees they have turned over to the county ; and get their salary besides. Now the sheriffs of the state made a contract with their county and. county boards to get a salary and turn the fees to the county treasurer (I did, at least) and I i have turned over all fees earned by me to the county and I think every sheriff should live up to his contract with the county notwith standing a technical point in the law, and if every sheriff in the state should put in his claim I would never do so, I would live up to my contract. JL. A. Williams, There'* a Middle Ground. We Maine equally him who la too proud to place' a proper value on hi* own merit, and him who prizes too highly hlB spurious worth.—Goethe. LOCAL NEWS. Banker Carlson was a business passenger to St. Paul Monday. Louie Bartunek of Wolbach was here over last Sunday visit ing his brother, James Bartunek. Jack Pageler and wife left Monday for a visit with L.Banks Hale and wife at Manville, Wyo., for a week or more. Will Zimmerman, Don Charl ton, L. H. Currier and L. B. Polski attended the state demo cratic convention at Columbus, Tuesday. Misses Cecile and Gladys Ling went to Aurora yesterday morn ing for a visit with friends and relatives. Little Viola Youngquest went to Aurora yesterday morning to visit relatives and friends. Jenner's Park has just received at much expense a wild Mexican hog. Mr. Jenner believes no at traction is too good to get for his park. The following are the progres sive delegates to the state conven tion at Lincoln. July 28th: A. E. Wanek, H. E. Robinson. David Kay, A. L. Zimmerman, Ed. Jones and George Curry. Do you want to sell your farm? If so list it with W. D. Zimmerman, he can get the buyer for you. There will be a big dance and house warming this week Satur day night on the Outhouse farm gotten up by a bunch of Loup City boys and it is proposed to have one of the liest events of the season. The barn is a mammoth structure, with the smoothest of floors and with splendid music and best of order which is as sured, the young ])eople of Loup City, Arcadia and surrounding country should have the time of their lives. On the evening of the Base Ball Tournment, August 6th there will be a big dance in the dance paviiiion at Jenner's park, with Pritchard’s orchestra giving the music and the park brilliantly lighted with'electricity. Tickets for the dance, 75c, spectators 25c, ladies free. This is to be the big event of the season along that line. Don't forget it and make your arrangements to be one of the elect and merry revellers that night. Our “Odd Fact” Series. The longest word in the German language is "Constantinopolitanisher. bergsvater," which means, "The fath erly lodging house keeper for Turkish bagpipe makers journeymen.”—Letter to New York Herald. Course of True Love. “I thought my fiancee broke our en gagement when she threatened to kill me.” pleaded a Nevada defendant in a breach of promise suit. Not a bit of it—that is a way some women have of cinching things. Sad Lesson. A—“You don't seem to have any life in you. Is there nothing or no body over which you can enthuse?" B—“Nothing at all. I once became en thusiastic over somebody, and a short time afterward she became my wife. That was a sad warning to me to avoid enthusiasm ” Limoges’ China Industry. Limoges has a world-wide reputa tion for its china. The industry has been carried on in this city for over a century. The excellence of its ware, Its hardness, fineness of texture, per fect vitrification and translucency make It unsurpassed in the estimation Of connoisseurs. Reminders of Limerick Siege. Near a battle scene during the siege of Limerick, in 1691, workmen while excavating discovered a quantity of human remains recently. A bullet hole was observed in one Bkull, and on examination a bullet was found embedded in the bone. Soured on Aftemoen Teas. “Then you don’t like these after noon teas?" “Too rough on the nerves. Here’s the situation: I gotta hold a sandwich in my mouth, a plate of cake in one hand, a cup of tea in the other, and nothing to set anything on but a grand piano.” Take Care of Your Fluorine. Prof. Armand Gautier tells the French Academy of Sciences that when the element of fluorine begins to disappear from the body old age comes on. It is this that causes the falling of the hair and the loss of the teeth. Little Wonder. “I hear a prominent member of the Nunckatessett Canoe club has had to go to a sanitarium for treatment.” “What was the matter?" "Broke down with nervous prostration trying to ape If the naato the Hame way twice. —Brockton Enterprise. ON MEN’S UNDERWEAR \ Both two-piece and Union Suits Will Make a Reduction of From 25 to 35 per Cent. R. L. ARTHUR ALONG ROUTE TWO • _ Mrs. Will Draper is visiting at Grand Junction, Colo. Ed Pugsley's oats went fifty bushels to the acre. There was a big dance at Henry Ivuhls last Saturday night the re ports a good time. Mrs. Ed Kilpatrick has been up in the sand hills visiting her son Frnest. George McFadden's wheat weighed out 30 bushels to the acre and tested 63 itounds to the bus hel. Those that had hogs on the Loup City market last Friday were Alfred Jorgensen. Frank Daddow and Mrs. Henry Neisner. Don't miss seeing the masque j rade route parade Monday, Sept j ember 7th. It will be much bet ! ter than last year. Every one on the route are sore at W. O. Brown for trying the corner all the rain as he did last Thursday and Friday, however, W. O. promises to be lietter in the future. The main features of the route picnic September 7th will be a masquerade parade, a wrestling match, short talk by Rev. Slo cumb. a play entitled “That Ras cal Pat" one half hour long, a dance for an hour, two ball games, an hour on the ocean wave, and many other side attractions. 1«M> cases of pop which will lie sold at two bottles for 5 cents. Rural carriers have been grant ed an increase of pay and their checks on the 4th of August ought to lie not less than 88 more, on a standard route of 28 miles or more. In the new postal law if a carrier gets hurt in the line of duty and is unable to work for one year he draws full pay and it is not to ex ceed 1 case it is two years before he is able to work again he draws 50 i>er cent of the yearly | salary, in case of death $2,000 will I lie paid to his wife or other rela tives. It looks as if rural carriers ought to be satisfied for this year. When the carrier on route 2 carried mail 8 years ago the salary was 8720 j>er year year, now it is 81,200 j*er year. FOR SALE OR RENT For Sale—A tine 80 acre farm, im proved, 3 miles from Loup City. Easy terms inquire at this office. For Sale— About three hundred Leghorn chickens, white and brown, are laying over 30 eggs per day at the present time. Ninety or more pullets. Will make close prices on the whole flock if one will act quickly. Robert Fulliton When Beauties Suffer. A London wviter says tb*t the beau tiful American woman is very beau tiful, but she lacks feeling because she has not suffered enough. Still a lot of them overcome that drawback when they wed English titles.—Phila delphia Enquirer. Sucrose In Many Fleshy Root#. Sucrose Is found in the fleshy roots, such as the beet, carrot, turnip and sweet potato, but thus far it is only from the beet that it has been ob tained in quantities commercially prolltable. The beet root today yields by far the greater part of the world’s eugar supply. Visiting Cook. An English girl has adopted the profession of visiting cook, and will devote herself to teaching yie indis pensable art. She believes that “if kitchens were beautiful, and not the stuffy, stodgy dungeons that they so often are, and that if women dressed for their work in them with the care that they dress for a ball, cooking would no longer be regarded as drud gery sad a monotonous business." ANNOUNCEMENTS. County Superintendent -— I desire to announce ray candidacy for the office of County Superinten j dent of Schools for Sherman county. 1 Appreciating previous favors, I thank in advauce, all those who will in anv way contribute to my support at the August primaries. Mary A. K. Hendrickson. I hereby announce myself as candi date at the coming Primary Election i for the Republican nomination as j County Superintendent of Public In struction and w ill greatly appreciate ! the support of the voters of Slierman County. Respectfully. Ethel Pearson Heapy. I am a candidate before the prima ries of August for reDomiDation by tne democratic party to the office of County Superintendent of Schools. 1 am deeply gratefnl to my many friends throughout the county for their generous support in the past, and if re-elected w ill endpavor to re pay their continued confidence by giv ing to the public the very best service of which I am capable. L. H. Currier. 1 am a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Schools for Sherman county, subject to the will of the democratic voters as expressed at the coming primaries. August 18. 1914, Your support will be heartily i appreciated. R. D. Hendrickson. For County Judge I hereby announce myself as a can didate for re-nomination for the of ! tice of county judge at tne coming ■ primaries, August 18. The law now ' making this a non-partisan office, no party name will appear on the judi cial ticket, and I therefore solicit the support of voters of all. Emerson A. Smith. i 1 have tiled my petition as a candi ! date for county judge on the non 1 partisan ticket and will appreciate ! the support of my friends at the pri mary of A ugust IS. No politics about my candidacy. Vote on a separate j ballot. A. E. Charlton. For State Senator I shall be a candidate on the demo cratic ticket for state senator for the twenty-second district at the August primaries. I favor a shorter ballot, the recall, preferential voting, and am opposed to University removal. Your support appreciated. Raymond E. Dale. Loup City. Ncbr. I hereby announce myself as as a candidate for state senator from this, the 22nd senatorial district, subject to the decision of the republican votors of the district. Your favors will be appreciated. R. P. Starr. To the Democrat and Peoples Inde pendent Voters: I am a candidate for re-election as State Senator for the 22nd district Hoping my past record has met your approval and I will be grateful for your vote and support at the primary Peter Wink. County Clerk To The Voters of Sherman County: 1 hereby announce my Candidacy ! at the coming Primary Election for ! the Democratic Nomination as Coun | tv Clerk and respectfully solicit the support of the Voters on Tuesday, August the l*th. 4914. Respectfully, L. R. Polski. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of County Clerk of Sher man county, subject to the will of the democratic voters as expressed at the coming primaries. August 18th, 1914. I will sincerely appreciate your support. J. J. Slominski. 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of county clerk, subject to the will of the republican voters of Sherman county, as express ed at the coming primaries, August 18tli. Would appreciate your sup port. Respectfully W. T. Gibson. For County Treasurer 1 hereby announce myself as candi date for re-nomination on the repub lican ticket for the office of County Treasurer. Your support will be greatly appreciated. F. M. Henry. I herebv announce my candidacy for the office of county treasurer sub ject to the will of the democratic voters, as expressed at the coming primaries. August 18. Your support will be appreciated. John J. Jezewski. Sheriff I hereby announce qa.vself as a can iidate for the office of Sheriff of Sher man countv, subject to the decision uf the democratic voters as expressed it the coming primary elections, on August 18th, 1914. I would appreci ite your support. Wm. Hancock. I hereby announce my candidacy tor the office of Sheriff of Sherman county, subject to the will of the Democratic voters at the coming pri maries, August 18th, 1814. I would rery much appreciate vour support. Lloyd Bly. i 1 hereby announce myself as a can didate for the office of Sheriff of ! Sherman county, subject to the will of the republicans as expressed at the coming primaries. August Dth. } Your support will be appreciated. J. H. Miner. To the electors of Sherman countv: 1 beg to hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Sherman count., Nebr aska, subject to the will of the re publicans of the county, to be ex I pressed at the coming primary elec tion to be held August 18th 1914 L. A. Williams. 1 hereby announce mvself as candi date for the office of Sheriff of Sher man county on the Democratic ticket at the primaries to he held August 18th. and will appreciate the support of all those who desire a business ad ministration for this office. A. C. Ogle. For Clerk District Clerk To the Voters of Sherman County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Clerk of the District Court on the democratic ticket, sule ject to the will of the voters of Sher man county at the primary election to by held on August 18, 1914. 1 would appreciate your support. Chas. Bass. I wish to inform the votersof Sher man county that 1 have tiled for the nomination of Clerk of the District Court on the Progressive ticket, sub ject to the will of the Progressive voters as expressed at the coming primaries. Your help will be appre ciated. E. F. Jones. I have tiled for the nomination for clerk of the district court subject to the will of the republican voters as > expressed at the coming primaries I j respectfully ask your support. J. R. Gardiner. J To the Voters of Sherman Countv: A petition having been filed with ; the County Clerk requesting me to ■allow my name to appear upon the 1 primary ballot August 18, 1914. as a Republican candidate for the office of Clerk of the Distrit Court, I herein announce that I fully appreciate the same and have tiled an acceptance to the above request. Not unmindful of past favors and hoping that I may merit vour further support, for which I shall feel very grateful. I am Yours very truly, Wilber S. Waite. To the electors of Sherman countv. Nebraska, I beg to state that 1 have tiled for the nomination for the office of Clerk of the District Court of your county, as a republican, subject to the will of the voteraof said county to be expressed by them at the coming pri 1 marv election to be field August isth 1914. I first made my home in this county in the year 1877, aud continued to live here, and to make the same mv home for the fodowing twelve years, at wnich time I became engaged in the United States mail service, living at Council Bluffs and Omaha, until 1908, when 1 returned to live per mantly in this county, and have re mained here and oeen engaged in farming ever since. My long experience in clerical work in the service of the United States, w ho is always considered to be a strict master, may as 1 believe, have gone some distance toward preparing me for a kind, and careful preformam-e of the duties devolving upon that of fice. Should you see fit to ciloose me for the position, I pledge you the very best service that I am able to perform, rendered with the utmost kindness and patience. Geo. Brill. For County Attorney I wish to announce my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for ' county attorney at tl»e Primary Elec tion to be held August 18, 1914. 1 ask for the support of the voters of Sherman County because I feel that I am fully capable of performing the duties of the office, and because I a in a Sherman county product, having been born here and having lived in the county all my life. Your support will be appreciated. Lamont L. Stephens. To The Voters of Sherman County, Nebraska. I have tiled as rebublican candi date for the office of County Attorney and will appreciate the support of ail who consider me worthy of a second term. Respectfully J. S. Pedler For Stato Representative To the voters of Sherman county: I hereby announce my candidacy for the re-nomination for the office of State Representative for the 57th district, on the democratic ticket subject to the will of the voters of Sherman county, at the primary election to be held on August 18tli. 14*14. Your support is respectfully solicited. v C. W. Trumble. I am & candidate for the office of representative from this, the 57tli re presentative district, subject to the will of the republican voters as ex pressed at the coming primaries. J await your pleasure and hope to se cure your vote and support. J. W. Burleigh, Ed. Northwestern. We are paying 24- cents for cream at the Criss’ garge. Ravenna Creamery Co, i