The Hollow - * * ♦ I ^ ♦ of Her Hand ^Georgfe Barr M°Cutcheon C0/=y/?/Gffr./«t2 or GAonct&A/iR rr=cu7V//,( i, n ek MraadaL t*> the lan a»l *ut» • ■ molly MnnetM >* *j»t*----te*t Mt* Wry ... atari- lark fur Xeat Turk •a aa note curt-ig a r.Uudind *nu« aionn "a the wo: »;*. uieeU a )gunic anuu In •he road ah |rm<* to be the woman ale ki te* k’rin lai IV. ::rt that t!*e ».n had U r a *er*l.-e in ridding h*-r ad the am aha tu uyb >br l-'-eJ him deoplj. *md a wed bat grant a-UT-i* Mr» WrendaH deterrutxn to aklttd her aod tat a - t- v-r own 1 -i»r Mr Wretdall *ewr» tie at«*rr of Hetty fa* tletan'a Ufa. . v.*p» that portion ttial re taiea to k'r ,.-*40 T ita and tta* at< rv of it.- -1- f- riel* the *1-1 ever to leg Sha ar a ll-tt H home, fnendahtp aaa *e natty fr-on par It --a a-- ou or of the trairdy her a Wear-dull and Hetty re tore to N. a T--ek utter an abaen -e of a year *a i;-r*a- l-e>ta W'randall. brother a! • Uth awa prat!' Intervated rn Hetty |4* a e.« , ?* ]-*.:.- a mfatuuthoi pnmdhaaty far nraaca am tha M’rand att end repsfwthjr Cat MV ip ate aaf f«-,d a! He •.m), <■( Chains Wrwrolall by ramnat I ■* n . Into Hie family tewlie rw . .tu. if wttl. hi* friend Itran «aa lloufl a tatlt Kura at h»r --wintry plat- Laade «f»-*— to Sara that he Is augy lr kn, mil) Hatty Sara .* with • ■ print a pe lure of I*, ttr I'ue-fl, ha* t.ui.ntina feeling that h* hat aoa Het*.' before lu-oktng i thin—gh a f into »• »n I . ••, I.* r -f a.t*-t t*e fula .*na of He.) He 1Tra.lT- . * er ab'.t *t Hetty dreho. It -Boat na a P». ti re of Hetty reaemhle* her .er> a. . * Mu . to hi* ihagrln lewBr ■» tafaad b* Hetty h«al and Hetty ■—trf-sa Del- love for earh other. I hot the latter d-haret that she .an never anarry as t)e-* la at na--rm*.utitanle bar- • »*rr >a fe war rtett- u. lout a to Sara 1 that ate i- -es Hat’ Sura deflates that Hetty rr. —at mug"} luale who moat he , a*a4r to pay hi* bntb-r'y debt to the gtr! Hetty again *ltem|t* to tell the real story of IK* traced- an.i Sa-w throat- ' eaa to straagb her if ahe says a word Mara* ll- ti I t m-atlag that all , this tkar ahe has i«-S« ved Hetty to have 4 a • - • - ;»l. e. y* ••!: 't si:.a YVratl latte- ala* —a -r»» that Hetty la In- ' — • • * - a .-*■• I--P-WS ' Het T la r» i '-si HetII prepare* to l-avr ! W— *■-it.g that after what has l.ap * - • - 1: longer Hr ' * Car Em At ae* aha --■■-)V.* a i from ll«>'b mat he started . ms and wrttl be waning far ha* a tt»e aide llyetb treat* her and * -ompanes her to I-ottdon CHAPTER XIV.—Continued. M’hen the bight hoot from Dover to «*1*1* slipped away from her moor tags that -nIlH*. Hetty Oastleton and her maid were on board with all their bag* and trunks and t4rancor. Booth • aa H|guMd to br completely at sea Hi the heart of that glittering London - (MOB TV- night aa* fog-iuden and drip 1 ptag. and the efocatng promised to be . MMidt&subt. U rat ;e-d in a thick eea- . chirr Hetty cat huddled up in the lea of the dm kbouae. a irk ai heart and , miserable She reproached b- rcelf for •be anti a tnck »he wes playing or b-m. rer.led herself and ret pitied her adf A tall mac tame -Lamtiling down tV narrow ipmr* along the rati and atopped directly in front of her Sh«* hian<-4 .a alarm aa he reached out his band to support himself against the gar Choose A* he leaned forward, he iMMgbed "low wore thinking of me. Hetty." •Old the MS for k ton* ume she stared at him. tnastud. sad then, with a low moati. cwswtud her ejrew with her hands. "I» It true is It a arum" she He dropped down beside her and gathered her is hta strong, eager arms. “Ton were th.naing of me. weren't row’ And reproaching yourself, and halite yourself (or running sway like this’ | thought so Well you might he) aa well try to dodge the smart cat detective in the world as to give me the slip now darling '* •"Vo* yon spl-d on meT" she cried, in mured tones, She lay very Ump in ht* arms “I did." he confessed, without shame "find, when I think of what I might fre doing at this momen* if I hadn't found yow out in ume! Think of tne hmk Iberw in Loudon, racing about hk* a searching for you in owery "Mease. Jlease*" she implored Hot luck was with me Vou can't gel away. Hotly. I shan't let yon out *f my nigh' again 111 camp in front Du Stated at Him, Transfixed of your door and you'll see me wither ■ad die of sleeplessness, for one or the other of my eyes will always be open." "Oh. I am so tired, so miserable." Aw murmured "Poor little sweetheart!" “1 wish you would bale me" "lie w here you are, dearest, and— forget!" "tf I ooly could forget “Rust 1 will bold you tight and hasp you warm. We re in for a nasty crossing, but It Is paradise for me. 1 am mad wtth the delight of having you her*, holding you close to me. feeling you in my arms. The wilder the night the better, for 1 am wild with the joy of it all I love you! 1 love you’" He strained her doner to him in a sort of parasyang *»he was quiet for a long time. Then sae breathed into his ear: "You will never know how mark I was loafing for you. last as yoa are now. Hrandon. and m the midst of It wii you came. It la like a fairy story. ..■n|SMii*Mla;wt sm* . ::d reason for her perplexing attitude toward him He would make one more attempt to have the truth from her. Failing in that, he would accept the situation as hopeless, fbr the time be ing at least. She should know that he loved her deeply enough for that. She joined him in the little open-air cafe, and they sat down at a table in a remote corner. There were few peo ple breakfasting. In her tender blue ••yes there was a look of sadness that haunted him, even as she smiled and called him beloved. Hetty, darling,” he said, leaning forward and laying his hand on hers, can't you tell me what it is?” She was prepared for the question. In her heart she knew the time had «°me when she must be fair with him. He observed the pallor that stole into her warm, smooth cheeks as she re garded him fixedly for a long time be fore replying. There is only one person in the world who can tell you. Brandon. It is '"r her to decide. 1 mean Sara Wran dall." Hv felt a queer, sickening sensation , of uneasiness sneak into existence. In the back of his mind, a hateful fear began to shape itself. For a long time he looked Into her somber eyes, and as he looked the fear that was hateful I took on something of a definite shape. ''Did you know her husbandV he used, and somehow he knew what the I answer would be. \ es, *he replied, after a moment. She was startled. Her lips remained parted. He watched her closely. "Has this