MAKING A PROFIT FROM THE SHEEP FARi.l Ona *o» Wool and Mutton. *r • I.MI & KtAH.Kh >S • I *' art ha* been written and aaid of • rtMtcna proAts to made from * tap Of a few abeep o® the earaheto tarn dame have figured that m tarn Irosa t~ to fS per year ta keep a ihi-vp aad that the fleece •wwid !■« attorn pay tttat Others. pwi. ate aay that the haw from ttepa* sheep are ao hoary that there h stsui - ~*y te prat! tee to the rav ages of CtM-ase. vermis and internal ttarnsite* Between these two sill be •assad the wistele ws> that *»-t-m» to caSctt the Iststk at the sheep misers Ae s sorting hast* let aa take pas ture Faster*- a at asset- the lest and the ns at economical sheep feed ksest Aa acre of rrass rvoffug ta the ct-uairy standard will support tee coo or Its equal is weight of other ertu'-z.g animal* Is other words as aer* <>f good pasture laad will main tats 1 tee pewad* of cow sheep or horse fi«st The average corn-belt *we w>tt weigh aay 12* pounds. This wears tttat aa acre of land will fur Wish vandaiii- for eight ewes ter -b« the entire pasture period of SIX watt* If the laad rests at It per acne as it does in this part of !Ui wots we have the com of maintaining «m* ew* as fl per twmaser •> may count clover hay a* a stan casd winter feed aad gives plenty- of i to- * cieaa clover hay. ao other feed Is Seeded « »tW held Of CioV er ha> IB the cars hell for two rutting* is shout ■kite tow* per acre Os good farms 'he }ieM is more, but we may take •hie ae representative Three toss of hay per so*, mesas C.tee pounds of «dover, cowrilug that each sheep trill •wi three poands of hay daily, which tv a big allowance; eight sheep fed M day s three pounds per day. will •wt eosoide rahty less than what on»- , a. re will yield u fact an acre of laid worth $8 per acre will furnish enough hay to feed at least 10 head of sheep ('oat per head 80 cents. !f we allow one-half of oats daily during the months of February'. March and April, before the ewes are on pasture, while suckling lambs, the cost will be 45 cents at the price of «*ais at present. In conclusion it may safely said that tbe cost of main niaing a herding ewe in the corn-belt farm w ould be about $2.25. exclusive of tbe labor involved, which the good ta-mer is glad to give in exchange for th* manure he secures. If the flock gives a 1 o-pound clip, which sny well-managed flock should d* it is readily apparent that the fierce will pay for the sheep's keep. In good Shropshire flocks the ewes r«di« an average of from one and one one and one-half lamb per .»* Place it conservatively at one lamb per ewe. worth at weaning time frcm $6 to $8. which may be said to b- the profit for one ewe. Of course, there are losses in the ewe flock, that will cut down the profits, ewes die and must be replaced by younger ewes. Some ag< and lambs must be supplied .n th*ir place, but even then the good shepherd can count on a profit of from $4 to $5 for every ewe kept Sine" it requires two acres of land for eight sheep, the income per acre tr m the sheep would be about $20 n. A very fair income compared wi h that even to be made from the cultivation of com. Sheep raising has the additional ad vantage of involving less labor than d-w* th-* cultivation of soil. Then, too. thi land used for tbe sheep becomes daily more productive, while that glv en over to corn growing becomes poorer and poorer each year. EXCELLENT HINTS DURIN6 HAY TIME Make AB Necessary Preparations Before A or* Actually Starts —Take Care of Tools. »l M CTW95***U-» ;ul tafA hoy lag and make prepa ration* afterward Iwr that mrj bay tool » tn prta? • «n. '_g order aad good repair rui rrrry a® nip aad boartng aad wip* >f brier* attempting to tur* a It to only fair fbaf tbr household trip bo a* JwrtUfttl »td rflktrst at it bw brlp la a full oappljr of repairs now; deal **a said tbr breakage occur* and otoao a dollar-o-m ante hay lug r*-w while yoa cnee to town for re pSHO inat bay repair rake-teeth already • '.oped ep wbcc you can aaw oat two it tbrte yowrsatf from a 2 by C. and >a»e at hart oar half what yoa would be charged for the shaped teeth. (wad bar* arklcs leave a smooth ana meadow aa*e all tb* grass . • •ear tbr machine oat leas than dal! nr hie* and greatly lights* she load