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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1914)
; * r MUM. PrwM—l L. SMSES. Cadaar | Efficiency of SERVICE i * Our Bank is equipped to serve you in every way it is possible fora bank to serve ► We have every safeguard to protect ! your money. i \ Our Vaults are Fireproof. > Our safe is Burglar Proof. I * ! What more can you ask. i When will we get your account. ► : First National Bank Loup City, Nebraska._ I We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. ■ i i iceni H ______J| ON j Men’s cS: Bovs m OXFORDS AT The Hub. i YOUR OPPORTUNITY 320 acre* floe smooth table land In Custer Cutty %ebr. all good Mach loam with clay sub soil, 200 trees in cultivation, balance pasture and hay. new barn, double crib and granary, chicken house, hog house, good well and wind mill. some other buildings and t good road to town. Price (SO per acre. (2000 or (3000 cash, balance an easy terms at 6 per cent Interest FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Loup City. Nebr. A COMPLETE LINE of Faraitire, lap, Liaolean, Shades, Etc. E. P. DAILY When in Need of COAL or first-class'ber of all dimensions, We also have a car of Coke. We al-o hare a good line of Fence poets, range itf in price from ten to fifty cents. I*ton- Red .'9 and you will receive prompt attention LEININGER LUMBER COMPANY Compare oir Job Work with others a word to the wise is saffideit LOCAL NEWS Mrs. C. C. Carlson left for an extended visit in Omaha last Thursday. We are pleased to note that Banker Carlson is rapidly recover ing from the accident of some months ago, resulting in breaking his left arm. Fine assortment of watches at low est prices at Schwaner’s. Dr. O. E. Longacre has been a severe sufferer for a number of days past with a bad attack of lumbago, necessitating the use of crutches. Buy your Chautauqua tickets now. Price only $1.50 for adults, good for ten entertainments. Price of season tickets at the tick et office will be $2.00. Leave orders for John McDonall dray at either lumber yard, or at E G. Taylor's, or Phone Red 104 Joe Dnnkin, owner of the oldest mercantile business establishment in Ravenna, has failed, his stock is now in the hands of his credi tors, and the business will be closed out and discontinued. Mr. \\ arrick, wife and two sons, arrived in this city by auto last .Saturday from their home at Meadow grove, this state, for a few days’ visit at the home of Mrs. Warrick's brother, Rev. Dunn, and family. Cut glass water glass 10c each at the 5 10 & 25c store. A. E. House>- and wife of Au rora drove to Loup City in their car last week Thursday and vis ited till Tuesday of this week with Mrs. Houser’s good mother, Mrs. Margaret Leininger, and other re latives and friends. M e received a pleasant call last Saturday from M. J. Kee of Washington township, but who imparted the distressing news that his brother. C. H. Kee, was bed fast from an attack of typhoid fever. We sincerely trust that Charley may speedily recover. If you want good, prompt drajing. call on John McDonall, successor to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red l(H The Misses Lueile and Lizzie Erazim, who had been visiting their sister, Mrs. Gus Lorentz. in this city for a number of days, returned to their home at Raven na Monday. Mrs. Lorentz and children going down the Friday before. A number of our base ball fans went to Arcadia Sunday last and witnessed a game between Arca dia and Greeley, with a score of 10 to 3 in favor of the former. A number also went to Ashton the same day to witness a game be tween Loup City and Ashton, which resulted in 12 to 4 in favor of the first-named team. Morrifiold Pianos for salo by O. F, Potorson At Arcadia last Sunday, a young lady by the name of Vera Davis, aged 16 years, was sudden ly taken ill with spinal fever at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and died about 5:20 in the even ing. She was highly esteemed by all who knew her and her sudden death came as a severe shock to the entire community. There is a world of satisfaction in carrying a nice handbag. Scbwaner has the finest ever 6bown in the city. District court clerks of Nebras ka. in appointing judges and clerks of election, may name either republicans or bull moose rs, or both, as minority members of the precinct boards, under an opinion given by Attorney General Mar tin. The ruling, in effect, leaves it to the district court clerk of each county which party he will recognize as opposition to the democrats. —i_. New line of Parasols detachable handles popular price at Schwaner'a Some two or three weeks ago. the Northwestern printed an arti cle regarding our water works system. By error of either editor or compositor, the article was made to say that the earnings were $400 yearly, when instead it should have read that the earnings were about $800, while the cost of maintaining was about $400. The error consisted in leaving out the wording between the words about, thus changing the meaning and in tent. Plenty of crape paper naphta, lunch sets, and paper plates at the Weak * aide 10 ft 26 cent store. NY HONE FOR SALE Having decided to move on a farm nextspring, I wish to sell ray 5-room residence near the old mill site, to gether with between one and two acres of land, with new barn, hog sheds and feed lots, two good wells house and barn electrically lighted, and everything in good shape. Phone, write or see me at tire creamery or at my home, for all particulars. H. Stewart Conger. FOR SALE Five or six acres of ground in al falfa, fenced chicken tight. For terms and particulars, see Alfred Anderson. Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law. LOUP CITY. EEBRESKE. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall . Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. LAMONT L. STEPHENS LAWYER FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILD ING LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loop City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONGAGRE Physician & Surgeon Office. Over New Bank* TELEPHONE CALL, * N0.39 A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phase. SO. OB« at Residence Two Doors East ot Telephone Central Lnnp Clin. - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup Gity, Nebr. Office at Residence. Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M D. Cnnin L. Bowman M D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phonel 14 Loop City. Sahrmska J. E. WEINMAN Veter inar i a n Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship ments Arcadia. Nabraaka S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, • • NEB. Office up stairs in the new State ' Rank bnildinp. W. L MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: Ernst Side Public So uwe. Phone. Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. R. SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN! For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices Rufus Hiddlesofl BRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, ESther Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylors Elevator Norton f * t DRAY I TRANSFER Solicits Your Business— Phone Blue 60, or EL G. Taylor’s Bara tor or eitherlumber yard. Attractions at the Chautauqua COMMENCING JULY 26, AND CON TINNING FIVE DAYS DOLLIE M’DONALD. READER AND PIANIST. Dollie McDonald, reader and pianist, heads the Chautauqua Entertainer* Company, the fourth day musical com pany that comes here Chautauqua week. Miss McDonald will be ably supported by Edith Hockerson. violin ist and pianist; James Butin, whistler and bird imitator, and Edith Garten, contralto and reader. Ft is a delight ful company you will want to hear. H. R. M’KEAN, CHAUTAUQUA LEC TURER. s The work that H. R. McKean haa done in Goltry. Okla.. in the building op of a great community churvh has attracted wide attention. In Goltry he has been preaching the gospel of a religion In everyday things and mak ing religion and the work of the church of real, practical everyday service to the people of the community. He will tell of this great work in his Chau tauqua address on the third day of the Cbautanqna STEWART I. LONG, CHAUTAU QUA LECTURER. Stewart 1. Long is from Indiana and one of the four big lecturers who come here Chautauqua week. The subject which be has announced is “Beaching the Gaul." It is especially adapted for this Chautauqua tour and to especially suited to young people, which means that it will be of inter est to every one. Mr. Long is a tine acbelar and splendid orator. THRESHING COAL You will soon need threshing coal we have a full supply and our prices are right- Also let us figure with you on your winter's supply. Taylor's Elevator. Insure your growing crops against HAIL DO IT NOW, tomorrow may be too late. We represent only the best companies, see us for rates. FIRST TRUST CO. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. Black 63, or leave your order with either lumber yard' or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska. 1 -SS. Sherman County. ? In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Helen J. Taylor, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 30th day of July 1914, at 10 o'clock a. m. and the 30th. day of January 1915, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is the 30th day of January. A. D. 1915. and the time limited for payment of debts to one year from the 30th day of J une 1914. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this 30th day of June, 1914. E. A.Smith, [seal] County J udge last pub July 23 Growing Boys Need tough, long-wearing, pure woolen fabrics in their clothes. 1 he SIFFF Fibre Suits which we are now showing are fa mous ior j their long wear and spl e n d I d looks. They cost us more than the common every day L. J kind ot clothes—yet the way they wear and loot makes them worth twice as much. Bring your ^ boy here and let him try on these suits, or come in and look around for yourself. You will see the best all around line of boys clothes. LORENTZ’S The Best Mee’s sad Bey’s Faraishiig Stere. LOOP CITY FLOOR Why buy Flour shipped here by obtside mills when you can get Loup City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. All dealers handle our flour. LOUP Cmf MILL & LIGHT CO. FOR CASH ONLY Lard by 50 pound cans, 12c per pound. . i Buy your smoked meats here-- at lowest prices I • I J. H. ECGERS MEAT MARKET Notice I THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Will Ran Every Night In the Week Hereafter A 4-Reel Show Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Change of Program Nothing but the best pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW NOTICE TO FARMERS I have on hand a quantiry of the Council Blulla Remedy and would be glad bo figure with you cm •'our spring supply of Stock Remedy. All of the big feeders are good feeders o9 the Coundil Bluffs goods. Phone or see Alfred N. Cook, Loup City, Rebr.