The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 09, 1914, Image 5

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    F. MUM, Presrfwt L. NANSEN, Cashier
•trott or THE CONDITION or
First National Bank
Cllikuis *<» :srr. ivioiu-oihtui
At l+mpi t* in tbe stale of Nebraska at
lAo.aae.4 budars. Jute **h. 1M4
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Uasrtul tear, rSmt is Sank, rli -
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H K MASON President
A M < TT« r.x Dimt.r
* T ( Xl-l Mnekr
L Haases, tftrerior
' -tfcsd aad swora to before me this «tli.
day Of Jnl l*M E- A. Miner
• seal. Notary t*u3llc
First National Bank
Loop City, Nebraska. _
We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits.
“ JOHN, we want you to come over and attend
4I our Chau.auqua."
v Hundreds of business men will invite
their triends from ihe country to the Chautauqua
in the hundreds oi cities and town where Redpath
Horner Chau'auquas will be managed this summer.
It is one of the fine things about the Chautau
qua_this bringing town folks and country folks a
little closer together for five days or a week.
Nels Darling, in his Chautauqua talks, is preach
ing the gospel of a closer union between town and
country folks. He believes too often they lack in
the spirit of co-operation.
He says that the smaller cities and towns, to
gether with the farmers that Eve adjacent to them,
nnst work together to save the small town from
‘ up by the big cities in their tre
Darling will speak here on the fourth day of the
Chautauqua and you will do well to hear him. He
has a practical on community and city develop
ment that should have the closest attention of the
men women of the community.
And come to the Chautauqua as often as you
You will find it both interesting and decidedly
When in
Need of
or first-class
of all dimensions,
We also have a car of Coke.
We al»o have a good line of Fence posts, range
itg in price from ten to fifty cents.
Phone Red *9 and you will receive prompt attention
C. H. Kee and family of Wash
ington township passed through
here last Friday morning to visit
over the fourth at their old home
at Marquette.
Miss Teressa Dzingle, who has
been studying for a trained nurse
at St. Katherine hospital in Om
aha, returned home last Thursday
for a two weeks visit.
Fine assortment of watches at low
est prices at Schwaner’s.
Lawrence Lofhoim went to
Kearney last Thursday morning
for a couple of days to attend the
John Olson and Tony Johns,
who have been out at Mores,
Montana, the past few months
growing up with the country, re
turnee! home last week, satisfied
that this is a good enough country
for them.
Leave orders for John McDonall
dray at either lumber yard, or at E
G. Taylor’s, or Phone Red 1(H
M. C. Mulick. W. T. Chase,
Judge Wall, C. C. Outhouse and
W. D. Zimmerman autoed to
Kearney last Friday to attend the
races, and from there expected to
go on to North Platte to attend
the races there.
Editor George A. Benschoter.
wife and daughter, Alice, were
down from Broken Bow over the
Fourth, visiting with his brother,
Lan and family and greeting old
time friends, returning home Sun
day morning.
Cut glass water glass 10c each at
the 5 10 & 25c store.
Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Main and
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Hansen left
Monday morning to visit Yellow
stone Park. They will be absent
a couple of weeks viewing the
wonders of the park.
If you want good, prompt dr&ying,
call on John McDonall, successor
to L.C. McDonall. Phone Red 104
R. A. Axelson of Hastings,
brother-in-law of Irvin Conger,
and formerly employed in the
Conhiser mercantile store some
years ago was here over the
Fourth greeting old friends. He
is traveling for a marble and
granite company.
Mrs. Rufus Hiddleson enter
tained a f^w young friends last
Friday evening in honor of Miss
Buelah Hendrickson, a neice of R.
D. Hendrickson, who was visit
ing here from Dunning. Miss
Hendrickson left Monday for a
visit with friends in Omaha before
returning home.
Mcrrifield Pianos for salo by
O. F, Potorson
The card of A. L Charlton,
candidate for county judge ap
pears in our announcement column
this week. The office is now non
partisan, and Mr. Charlton has a
host of supporters and warm ad
mirers who have solicited him to
enter the race, and if he should
secure the nomination and subse
quent election we can assure the
people that he will give earnest
and efficient service in that office.
There is a world of satisfaction in
carrying a nice handbag. Schwaner
has the finest ever shown in the city.
I^ast Thursday, while the 15
year-old son of Mrs. Andy Gray
of Wiggle Creek was engaged in
sharpening a hoe, he in some man
ner cut a gash in the left wrist
just above the bone of the wrist,
1 severing an artery, from which he
j bled profusely before the injury
| could be bound tightly and the
flow of blood stopped. Dr. Main
I was hurriedly called and attended
the injured boy. At this writing
j he is getting along as well as the
nature of the injury will allow.
New line of Parasols detachable
handles popular price at Schwaner’s.
Only one accident from the
the deadly firecraker occurred in
in this city, and that fortunately
did no damage. A little son of A.
B. Young was shooting a fire
cracker, placing it in the end of a
toy gun, when in exploding it
broke the barrel of the gun in two
pieces down to the breech, the
pieces flying wickedly in different
directions for some distance,- the
boy being uninjured, but either
piece of the barrel, had it struck
anyone, would have caused either
death or serious injury, the force
was so great.
Genuine seal skin handbags, new
est patterns at Schwaner’s.
Having decided to move on a farm
next spring, I wish to sell my 5-room
residence near the old mill site, to
gether with between one and two
acres of land, with new barn, hog
siieds and feed lots, two good wells
house and barn electrically lighted,
and everything in good shape. Phone,
write or see me at the creamery or at
my home, for all particulars.
H. Stewart Conger.
Five or six acres of ground in al
falfa, fenced chicken tight. For terms
and particulars, see Alfred Anderson.
Professional Cards
Attorney at Law
Attorney at Law
And Bonded Abstractor,
Loup City, Nebraska
Aaron Wall
Practices in all Courts
Loup City, Neb.
Bonded Abstracter
Loup City. - Nbbkabka.
Only set of Abstract books in county
Physician & Surgeon
Office, Over New Bank.
Physician & Surgeon
Phone. 30. Offlee at Residence
Two Doors East of Telephone Central
Lnnp Eiig. - Nebraska
Physician & Surgeon
Loup City, Ncbr.
Office at Residence,
Telephone Connection
J. E. Bowman K. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D.
Phonal 1* Loup City. Nebraska
Veter i narian
Authorized to make inspec
tions for Inter-State Ship
Arcadia, Nebraska
Office up stairs in the new State
Rank building.
Loup City, Nebraska.
OFFICE: East Side Public Sauue.
Phone. Brown 116
Prompt Dray Work
Call lumber yards or Taylor’s
elevator. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Phone Brown 57
For good clean and neat work
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Come and get my prices
Rnfus Hiddleson
Your Business Solicited
Phone, Either Lumber Ytfhi or
E. G. Taylor’s Elevator
Norton Lambert
Solicits Your Business— Phone
Blue 60, or E. G. Taylor’s Eleva
tor or eitherlumber yard.
Elsewhere in this issue will l*e
found the announcement of Emer
son A. Smith, as candidate for
re-nomination to the office of coun
ty judge. Mr. Smith has served
the people faithfully in that office
and has put the records in splendid
shai*e and most conveniently ar
ranged. As a judge he has been
impartial in his sittings and given
to the people a good example of
efficiency in that office.
Nice new line of souvenir spoons ai
We received a pleasant call last
week Wednesday from Mr. Peter
Kaminski, who came In*re about a
year ago from near St. Hilary and
and is engaged in tickling the soil
in the Wiggle Creek country. He
expresses himself well pleased
with this Sherman county and
glad he has come among us. He
is a lover of good horseflesh and
boasts of a fine 16oo pound mare
from which he has two of the fin
est mule colts in the county, one
a two year old 17$ hands high and
a perfect beauty, and the other a
coming yearling that promises to
lie even a better specimen. It pays
to raise good stuff.
Some very tine hand leather bags
now on display at Sc.iwaners.
Plenty of crepe paper napkins, lunch
sets, and paper plates at the West
side 10 & 25 cent store.
County Superintendent
I desire to announce my candidacy
for the office of County Superinten
dent of Schools for Sherman county.
Appreciating previous favors. 1 thank
in advauce. all those who will in anv
way contribute to my support at the
August primaries.
Mary A. K. Hendrickson.
I hereby announce myself as eandi-!
date at the coming Primary Election
for the Republican nomination asj
County Superintendent of Public In- j
struction and will greatly appreciate;
the support of the voters of Sherman |
County. Respectfully.
Ethel Pearson Heapy.
I am a candidate before the prima
ries of August for renoraination by
the democratic party to the office of
County Superintendent of Schools. I
am deeply graiefnl to my many
friends throughout the county for
their generous support in the past,
and if re-elected will endeavor to re
pay their continued confidence by giv
ing to the public the very best service
of which I am capable.
L. H. Ci rrier.
1 am a candidate for the office of
County Superintendent of Schools for
Sherman county, subject to the will
of the democratic voters as expressed
at the coming primaries. August 1*.
1914, Your support will be heartily
appreciated. R. D. Hendrickson.
For County Judge
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for re-nomination for the of
fice of county judge at tne coming
primaries, August 18. The law now
making this a non-partisan office, no
party name will appear on the judi
cial ticket, and I therefore solicit the
support of voters of all.
Emerson A. Smith.
I have tied my petition as a candi
date for countv judge on the non
partisan ticket and will appreciate
the support of mv friends at the pri
mary of A ugust 18. No politics about
my candidacv. Vote on a separate
ballot. A. E. Charlton.
County Clork
To The Voters of Sherman County:
I hereby announce my Candidacy
at the coming Primary Election for
the Democratic Nomination as Coun
ty Clerk and respectfully solicit the
support of the Voters on Tuesday,
August the 18tli. 1914.
L B. Polski.
1 hereby announce my candidacy
for tiie office of County Clerk of Sher
man county, subject to the will of
the democratic voters as expressed at
the coming primaries, August 18th.
1914. 1 will sincerely appreciate your
support. J. J. Sdominski.
For County Treasurer
I hereby announce myself as candi
date for re-nomination on the repub
lican ticket for the office of County
Treasurer. Your support will be
greatly appreciated. F. M. HenkY.
I hereby announce myself as a can
didate for the office of Sheriff of Sher
man county, subject to the decision
of the democratic voters as expressed
at the coming primary elections., on
August 18th, 1914. I would appreci
ate your support. Wm. Hancock.
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of Sheriff of Sberinan
county, subject to the will of the
Democratic voters at the coming pri
maries, August 18th, 1914. I would
very much appreciate vour support.
Lloyd Bly.
For State Representative
To the voters of Sherman county:
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the re-nomination for the office of
State Representative for the 57th
district, on the democratic ticket
subject to the will of the voters of
Sherman county, at the primary
election to be held on August 18th,
1914. Your support Is respectfully
solicited. C. W. Trumble.
For Clerk District Clerk
To the Aroters of Sherman County:
I hereby announce my candidacy
for the office of Clerk of the District
Court on the democratic ticket, sub
ject to the will of the voters of Sher
man county at the primary election
to by he’d on August 18, 1914. I
would appreciate your support.
Chas. Bass.
Need tough, long-wearing, pure
woolen fabrics in their clothes.
The STEEL Fibre
Suits which we are
now showing are fa
mens ior
their lon^
wear and
spl e n (1 i (1
They cost
us more
than the
e o m m o n
every day
kind of clothes—yet
the way they wear
and look makes them
worth twice as
much. Briny; vour
^ boy here and let him
try on these suits, or
come in and look around for
yourself. Yon will see the best
all around line of boys clothes.
The Best Men’s and Boy’s Furnishing Store.
Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills
when you can get
Loup City White Satin flour
for less money, and every sack guaranteed.
All dealers handle our flour.
Coming Soon
Circle D. Ranch Wild West
Cooper Bros Famous Shows
2 Big Shows Combined 2
I— - -- ~ —*
22 Double Length Railroad Cars 22
Real cow boys II
Will Exhibit at
Loup City,Tuesday July 14
Afternoon and Night
Grand Free Street Parade at Noon.