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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1914)
BOSINESS MEN Who give real study to their busi ness have learned that “Big Savings lie in little regu lations/’ One of the very material advan tages of our Bank Account Plan is that, without trouble or bother it enables one to quickly system atize his financial affairs—irre spective the size of his income. Loir City State Bank Leap City, Nebraska. SOLID COMFORT GOOD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE UREW SHOES FAMOUS We have them in Brown. Tan and Black, Velours. Nu Buck. Gun Metal, Patent and Vid Kid at. Prices from »- 50 to $5.00. / COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. E. E YOUNGQUIST, Prop. When Looking For a Square Meal Co To THE IDEAL RESTAURANT also for a Good Lunch We also carry' a Full Line of Bread and Pastry Goods and also sends Bread by parcel post. South Side Public Square. Wm. Dolling, Proprietor The Keystone Lumber Co. lias a very complete liae ef wiadew screen aid deer screeas which are right hath ia ^wility aid price. Come aad see then KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY I Laid Fir Sale, Land Fir Rent; Land to Homestead i ■ i r I Go Heal through the country along the Burlington and see crops j and crop prospects that astonish the world. No doubt, the West is again at Lbs commencement of a cycle of wonderful crop years, such as hate already multiplied the value of Western lands Cheap ami desirable lands for sure Dairy Farming in Western ! Nebraska and Northeastern Colorado. Attractive terms and assist- j sacs. t xn are a Government irrigated homestead in the Big Horn Basin , on tin North Platte Valley. Legislation is pending which will allow ! twenty years for nayment. Mondell Homesteads, 320 acres, for a de-1 sirablc stock and dairy farm, for only Lite tiling fee of 122.00. Title ! after three years’ residence. i Tell me the kind of land yoo are looking for. Don’t let this year go by without seeing the crops the sUx^c.the homes, the prosperity and fanning results on Western lands that only a few years ago were similar to the lands that you can secure to day. SJB.HOW ARD, Asst Immigration Agt 1004 Farnum St, Omaha, Nebr. THE NORTHWESTERN Entered at the Loup City Postuflice tor transmission through the mails ns second class matter. Office Phone. Red 21 Residence. - Black 21 J. W. BURLEIGH.Editor and Pub. J. R. GARDINER Managar Nebraska democrats are having all kinds of trouble. Their central committee is at loggerheads; their candidates for governor are at sword’s point; the candidates for congress in the various districts are multiplying so rapidly and are getting so cranky with each other that the split in the republican party is getting to look like a mere bagatelle beside the tons of grief which is swamping the democratic craft in the state, and it looks very much as if the state is going to swing back into the republican line by a whooping big majority. You can always count on the demo crats fighting and fussing enough among themselves to knock all their future hopes into a cocked hat, after they have one taste of the good things at the pie counter. 0 Our bull moose friends are having troubles within their party circle, “allee samee likee Mellican," and can not poke fun at either the republican or democra tic parties. Pinchot, pinchit, pinch’ou, or whatever that great agitator's name is prononnced, has de manded that multimillionaire Perkins, who has been financing that party since its inception, shall be thrown over the transom, and it was put up to Teddy to do it. But this is where Pinch-you got Pinched, for the ex-president gives it out solidly that if Perk is fired he (Ted) goes out with him. So you may bet your brogans that Perk stays and plays moneybags and may go himself, if he can’t play in the same poli tical dooryard with Ted and Perk. This is where Mr. Pinchot over-reached himself. The beauties of the primary election farce is be ing daily evidenced by the filing of new candidates for state, congressional , judicial, legislative and county offices. At the rate they are filing.the primary ballots will be fully twice as large as at any previous election, and God only knowns how short a time it will be at the present rate till the ballot will be so bulky that all common sense will be lost sight of in the scramble for office, as filings may be endless so long as aspir ants can raise the $5 or $10 needed to get into the game. Under the law, pvery man and woman in the state may become a candidate before the primary who can raise the necessary filing fee. Next November the new Nebraska law permit ting voting by mail will go Into effect. It was passed at the request of traveling men, who found it impos sible to be at home on election day. It will be a help to women, also, when Nebraska becomes a suffrage state. The absent voter must sign an affidavit that he is a qualified voter and has not exercised the franchise elsewhere. Then his ballot will be forward ed by the election officers to the county clerk of the county where he lives. Therefore, on a close vote in either county or state, the result will not be known for several days, or until all the ballots arrive by mail, and some of the ballots may come a long dis tance. It was Gen. Sherman who said “War is hell,” but had he 'lived till now and followed the "watchful waiting” maneuvers of the Bryan administration in the Mexican trouble, he might have changed it to "War is a joke,” judging by present history—except in Colorado, when he could have left it as it was before, and charge same to account of Rockefeller. A count of noses in the nearly defunct pop party shows some 237 of the remnant of the gang scattered here and there over the state. And yet they mfet at Lincoln the other day and resolved to die in the last ditch. Let’s see. Can anyone name one populist left in Sherman county? It is said one effect of the democratic tariff has been to have our American flags made in England. That’s a good democratic idea. At VIC SWANSON’S I just returned from the Dry Goods Market and boughtfnothing but up-to-date mer chandise. Goods have now arrived and can show you the largest line of Dr: floods in Loup City. Remember we do not handle junk, and when you buy of ui you can depend on getting the best. Look in our show windows for a few of thi latest novelties in Dress Goods. Vic Swanso: . The House of Quality and Low Prices COMING UNDECANVAS The WM. F. LEWIS STOCK COMPANY ONE WEEK Commencing MONDAY JULY 13th The Largest and most Complete TENT THEATRE in the middle west, carrying their own electric light plant, Change of Play and Specialty Nightly Admission, Adults 35c; Children 25c; Season Tickets Adults $1.50 Season Tickets Children $1.00 Opening play will be “The Call of the Woods’’ To Breeders — My two imported stallions will be at McLaughlin’s barn in Loup City on Monday. Tues day. Friday and Saturday of each week, and on Wednesdays and Thurs days at my home place. James W. Johnson. Insure your growing crops against HAIL DO IT NOW, tomorrow may be too late. We represent only the best companies, see us for rates. FIRST TRUST CO. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derive. Black 63, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed THRESHINC COAL You will soon need threshing coal we have a full supply and our prices are right- Also let us figure with you on your winter’s supply. Taylor’s Elevator. LEGAL NOTICE Notice is'hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of City Clerk of Loup City, Nebraska, on or before noon of the 15th day of July. 1914. for the digging, tilling and puddling of a ditch for the purpose of laying a water main, also for the lay ing of water mains in said ditch all in accordance with plans and specifi cations on tile at the office of the City Clerk of Loup City, Nebraska. Digging, tilling and puddling of ditches shall not cost to exceed $1.75 per rod. Laying of watermains shall not cost to exceed $20.00 per block. Blocks receiving the above discribed mains are, commencing at the south west corner of block (1) one. connect ing with old fi-ineh main in Lalk and Krechbaums addition, and running west across street thence along the south side of block (2), (3) and (4), all in aforesaid addition, thence contin uing west, across street and along south side of block 1 and 2, and con necting with old 4-inch main at south west corner of said block 2 in Barker s first addition. Also water main com mencing at the south west corner of block (10) in Bensehoter’s addition running south across street thence along west side of block(12)in Hogues addition connecting with old main a t south west corner of said block 12. Dated this 23rd day of June, 1914. [Seal] Pete Rowe, Last pub J uly 9 City Clerk --— Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, ) [ss. Sherman County, 1 In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Helen J. Taylor, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 30th day of July 1914, at 10 o’clock a. m. and the 30th, day of January 1915, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for tiurpresentation of claims against said estate is the 30th day of January, A. D. 1915, and the time limited for payment of debts Is one vear from the 30th day of J une 1914. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this 30th day of June, 1914. E. A-Sanra, [seal] County J udge last pub July 23 Your Opportunity 320 acres fine smooth table land In Custer County Nebr, all good black loam with clay sub soil, 200 arces in cultivation, balance pasture and hay, new bam, double crib and granary, chicken house, hog house, good well and wind mill, some other buildings and a good road to town. Price $50 per acre, $2000 or $3000 cash, balance on easy terms at 6 per cent interest. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Loup City, Ncbr. A COMPLETE LINE Of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. E. P. DAILY Notice THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Will Run Every Night in the Week Hereafter A 4-Reel Show Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Change of Program Nothing but the best pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW NOTICE to FARMERS I have on hand a quantiry of the Council Bluffs Remedy and would be glad to figure with you on your spring supply of Stock Remedy. All of the big feeders are good feeders o9 the Coundil Bluffs goods. Phone or see Alfred N. Cook, Loup City, Nobr.