OUR BOY’S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT ^ft#E HAVE just received ci new line of Boys Suits, and this line of Suits have got the quality. They stand above many others and the prices are | not any higher, so why not get the best for the money. They come in both boys m m and young men's suits. Call and see us when you are in need of a new suit. Loup City Mer. Co. THE BUSY PLACE COMING UNDECANVAS The WfM. F. LEWIS STOCK COMPANY ONE WEEK Commencing MONDAY JULY 13th The Largest and most Complete TENT THEATRE in the middle west, carrying their own electric light plant, Change of Play and Specialty Nightly i Admission, Adults 35c; Children 25c; Season Tickets Adults $1.50 Season Tickets Children $1.00 Opening play will be “The Call of the Woods” SALE OF LAND AT AUCTION STEPHENS’ ESTATE TO HIGHEST BIDDER * 1 - - Tlw following tract* of choice fanning and grazing lands will lie sold at the Court house in Loup City, Nebraska, June 7th. At 2 oYh.-k p. m. at Public Auction to the highest bidders, under order of the court; terms one-tenth balance on September 1st, at time of confirmation of sale: No 1. Abort 131 acres of extra choice level, rich farming land, black soil, in southwest 5-13-14. All under cultivation, adjoining town-site of Rockville, Nebraska; no sand. No. 2. Two hundred'and fifty and nine-one hundredths acres, according to government survey, but actually much more land, in Sectym 6-13-13, and in Section 1-13-14, adjoining the Middle Loup river; well wooded; brick house of nine rooms; good improvements; a fine stock farm. No, 3. Two hundred and four and one-fifth acres of school, contract and lease land, in Section 96-14-14. as follows: 117 1-5 acres under contract of purchase from the state of Nebraska, upon which there i* incumbrance due the state of $5<>4 on or before Jan. 1, 1928, and $755.50 due on or before Jan. 1. 1932, all 1 tearing only 5 per cent interest. The state will give a clear deed on payment of said a.imnnto at the dale of any interest payments; but said land is not subject to taxation until deed issues, ao (hear contracts are more favorable than deeded land. Abo eighty-seven acres of land under school lease from the state of Nebraska, running until Oc tober 11th. 1925. The aliove real estate will be sold in three pieces as numbered. Abstracts of title certified to date will be famished. Abo. nineteen fifty-foot fronts in the Original Town of Rockville will be sold separately, for The above properties adjoin, and will make one splendid large farm or several good smaller ones as bated. For further particubrs, see or write Lamont L. Stephens, or the undersigned, at Loup City, Ne R. H. MATHEW, Referee LOCAL NEWS The Ravenna Creamery close at noon July Fourth for the day. Commencing nextMonday night July 6th, Manager Daddow of the opera house will give a 4-reel pic ture show every evening during each week-day, instead of every other night as has been the cus tom the past few months. He has just installed a new film machine of the latest and most approved pattern, which throws the pictures upon the screen in the clearest and best manner. Remember, 4 reels each evening. Plenty of rubberfrult jar rings and Jar lids at the 5 10 & 25c store. Miss Addie Leininger left Tues day morning for Flagler, Colo., to be with her sister, Mrs. W. E.! Henry, who is still a severe suf ferer from rheumatic troubles, and to take the place of another sister, Mrs. Coral Zimmerman, who had been there for sometime. Mrs. Zimmerman arrived home the same evening. Plenty of crepe paper napkins, lunch sets, and paper plates at the West side 5 10 & 25 cent store. Victor Vicner of the Huh store at this place received word Sun day that burglars had entered the Viener Bros, store at Mason City the night previous and stole some $250 worth of clothing. The thieves entered by aid of skelton keys, showing they were profes sionals. No clues to the rascals up to the time Vic received the word that morning. Two large sheets of carbon paper for 5c at the 5 10 & 25cstore. The fine enlarged store room of Vic Swanson is complete and and makes one of the best appear ing as well as most convenient that could be asked. Making the room the same with the entire length, raising the ceiling to the same height from front to back and taking out the balcony has improved the look 500 per cent. Vic may well be proud of the change for the better. I hereby announce myself as candi date at the coming Primary Election for the Republican nomination as County Superintendent of Public In struction and will greatly appreciate the support of the voters of Sherman County. Respectfully. Ethel Pearson Heapy. Two large rattlers, one over eight feet in length and weighing 22 pounds, were received Monday for exhibition at .Tenner's Park. They are by far the largest sj»eci mens ever seen in Loup City, and must be seen to be appreciated. The Ravenba Creamery will close at noon July on Fourth for the day. The announcement of the forth coming engagement of the Wm. F. Lewis Stock Company which opens here Monday night, July 13 and continuing for the week should bring delight to the minds of the local lovers of threatrical amuse ment. This organization is al ready well and favorably known in Loup City and the company boasts added strength and merit in their line of plays offered and the personnal of players. Each play has been selected af ter careful consideration and the features of interest to the audi ence are the possession of merit and the fact that it is new to all. The opening play is “The Call of the Woods,55 and it is said to be a particularly interesting comedy drama laid along novel lines, and dealing with the people of the great northwest lumber region. Other plays to be offered during the week are “California,55 “The Stranger,5’ “Rose of the Ranch,'5 “Cinderella,55 and ‘'Olivia.55 The Lewis Stock Company ap pears in its own mammoth elec tric lighted and absolutely water proof tent theatre. Remember the opening play next Monday night will be “The Call of the Woods.” Admission prices are to be 25 and 35 cents. The Ravenna, Creamery will be closed at noon on July 4tn for theday. ALONG ROUTE NO. ONE L. W. Schlote threw his arm out of place Sunday. Frank Wienier lost a valuable horse by lightning last week. Tom Parsley has had quite a time this spring keeping his water tank at home, high water hrs taken it out four times already. J. McMullen marketed hogs Satur day. A lecturer from Omaha will speak at Cleora Sunday at 3 p. m. To the patrons of Route 1: Mrs. Edgar Foster and carrier on Route 1 wish to express their sincere thanks for their gift of $38 as a wedding present of June 16. We will purchase the Have land china sst as suggested. ALONG ROUTE TWO J.H, Burwell shelled corn last week. John Miller hauied lumber for Henry Obermiller Monday. Lula Scotts has been working at C. O. Wagners the past 10 days. E.G. Taylor is patting in a big culvert under the mill race. Ethel Thicket of Albion visited her sister Mrs. Jorgeneen last week. Neta Conger visited her brother Roy Conger the past ten days W. H. Gunn returned to his home at Kearney last. Floyd Howard has been suffering with Lumbago the past week. Ray McFaddfg was tlte first one to CHURCH HOTES Baptist—Morning subject, “The Origin of a Christian.’’ There will be no evening ser vice. as state superintendent of the Anti-Saloon-League, H. F. Car son of Lincoln, will speak at the Presbyterian church. Presbyterian—Sunday morning at 10:30, communion of Lord's Supper will be observed. The Session will be convened at 10:00 o'clock in the lecture room to re ceive any who may wish to be come members of the church. Parents who wish to dedicate their children to the Lord in Bap tism will have an opportunity at the morning service. At 8 p. m., union service in interest of Anti Saloon League work by Prof H. F. Carson. The Swedish Christian church of Loup City will have their Sun day school picnic July the 5th at Brown's grove at 10:3<> a. in. An invitation to all Swedish fam ilies to bring their dinners. Free ice cream and lemonade will be served to all. Rev. Johnson. THRESHING. COAL You will soon need threshing coal we have a full supply and our prices are right- Also let us figure with you on your winter’s supply. Taylor’s Elevator. FOR SALE OR RENT For Sale—A fine 80 acre farm, im proved, 3 miles from Loup City. Easy terms inquire at this office. For Sale—A good milch cow. tf James Johansen Notice to Creditors State of Nebraska, ) ^SS. Sherman County, ) In the County Court. ' In the matter of the estate of Helen J. Taylor, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the county court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 30th dav of July 1914, at lo o'clock a. m. and the 30th, day of January 191.5, to receive and examine all clam - against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is the 30th day of January, A. D. 1915, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from the 30th day of .1 une 1914. Witness my hand and the seal of said county court, this 30th day of I June, 1914. E. A.Smith,' [seal] County J udge last pub July 23 Be Considerate. Don't ask the college graduate to translate his diploma.—Boston Herald. MEN’S UNDERWEAR j Both two-piece and Union Suits * Will Make a Reduction of From I | 25 to 35 per Cent j R. L. ARTHUR ! RAVENNA vs LOUP CITY ! ! JULY 4, at JENNER’S PARK 1 \ v. i Ravenna lias never been beaten this season, * ! - ' f so you can rest assured of a good game. I t $ cut grain on the route. Henry Obermiller’s man was on the Loup City market with hogs Monday. Fred Folk has been visiting his sis ter Mrs. Roy Conger the past week. Mrs. Robert Lowery of Donipan has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. Jorgensen. Hattie Hayhurst lost a windmill on her farm during the high winds a short time ago. Dr. and Mrs. Wilkie of Ravenna visited at the home of G. B. Wilkie of over Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sny der of Comstock a baby girl Wednes day. W. T. Draper came up from Cen tral City Saturday night to spend Sunday with his family. E. B. Coming assisted by Janulew icz surveyed a road though Dutchey Rettenmayer’s land last week. Mrs. Harney of York spent last week at the home of her neice Mrs. W T. Draper. Harold Burtsof Grass Range, Mont, is slowly improving from a severe sick spell. Vandergriff Bros, marketed a load of hogs a few days ago that weighed 555 pounds each and received *7.454 per hundred. Clarence Burt has a field of corn that he had to lay by the first of the week as it will be in tassel by the last of next week. June 22nd was a beautiful day for the Children’s Day program at the Bethany Sunday school. A large crowd were present. At noon a bas ket dinner was spread, after which Rev. Slocumb preached a sermon that exactly suited we farmer folk. The past week has been favorable for all kin<|s of farm work and the farmers needed it. Most all com has been cultivated over twice and some three times. Rye harvest commenced an Saturday the 27th. Some wheat being cut. Barley will be ready to cut next Mondey. Early oats com menced to ripen and the crop will be heavy. Every crop is made except Bom and the subsoil is wet down 9ver 6 feet barring hot winds when jorn is in blossom nothing can keep as from raising one of .the best all round crops in years. The hay is twice as good as last year. Potatoes have had almost too much moisture. THE WEEKS « program; At Dreamland Theatre i FOR WEEK ENDING JULY llth j Monday and Tuesday “A Treacherous Rival”—Edison \ “How God Came to Sonny Boy”—Vitagraph • “At the Eleventh Hour”—Selig ^ Wednesday and Thursday * “Whiffles Balcony Buds”—Pathe fl “The County Seat War”—2 reel, Kalem Friday and Saturday * ‘ Pathe Weekly No. 15” I “Indian Fate”—2 reel, Kalem J “Skelly Buys a Hotel”—Biograph | _ ^BB_ _ ^^B A AB^ ^BB _ ^^B _ _ BB “ Oh! What a Lot of Hair!” You often hear this remark because everyone delights at the sight of a luxuriant head of hair There is notiiing that, will pro mote the growth of soft and glossy hair to a greater extent than Nyal’s Hirsutone There is nothing ”5ust as good.” because it is not merely a hair-wash—It’s a Tonic—a REAL FOOD—cleanses, nourishes and stimulates the roots of the hair— removes all dandruff and preserves the Hair’s natural color and beauty. Fragrantly perfumed—easily am>lied—put up in handy sprinkJe-top bottles—NYAL’S HlRSU TONE should be on your dressing table. Only 50c and U the bot tle, Highly Tecommended by us We are exclusive agents for Nya Family Remedies—one for each ill—fully guaranteed and recommended. SWANSON & LOFHOLM. THE NYAL STORE