LOCAL NEWS. Mr*. Nelson Smith and children » 'ited last Sunday at St. Paul. V»c Swanson left Tuesday noon f«*r Kansas City on a goods buy mg trip. <.cautae taaJ skin handbags, new n* pattern* at M.raar'i M\ P. Marsel of Aurora, who »d been visiting lit* son. K. M. Marvel on Route 1 fora few days returned Inane last Friday. < *. Calkins of Henderson, rv i rt*r-d home Monday morning, alter a few days visit with his nephew, Frank Cridel. ■h*» very tine land leatlier bags t- w on dispiay at is-..waiter* Mailer Mozniek last week trad •ed a car to parties near Ravenna for a threshing outfit and will run two threshers during llie season. The Maxwell, purchased at I hn aia by John Biaska, and in which took Ins honeymoon trip to t dorado, was sold to Homer Hughe*. Vice new line of souvenir spoons at > iwaiM-rs Clarence M< laughlin who with h s wife and litUe son wen* calleil here to atteud (lie last sad rites to t .eir hrutiier, returned home to Aurora Friday morning. Mcrrifiold Piano* tor aalo by O. F. Potoraon The Misses Jennie Sutton and Eunice Chase were visitors to to Grand Island last Thursday. Mrs. Myrle Warrick was a pas senger for (trand Island Saturday morning. New line ot Parasols detachable handles popular price at Schwaner’s. Miss Bessie Smith and her guest, Miss Esther Coltraineof Sargent’ w ent to York last Friday for a few days’ visit, Chris Dnmgard and wife re lumed last Thursday evening I from a two weeks’visit at Broken Bow. _ There is a world of satisfaction in carrying a nice handbag. Schwaner | lias the tiuest ever shown in the city. O. L. Swanson and Nick Ladde I gard attended the session of the , State Pharmaceutical Association at Grand Island last Friday. Mrs. A. I„. Baliman of St. Paul was visiting here a few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Sam'l. lhtddow. and other relatives, re turning home Thursday morning. If you want good, prompt draying, call on John McDonall, successor to L (_’. McDonall Phone Red 104 Mrs. Chas. A. Davis and little son left Monday for Childress. Texas. It is possible Mr. Davis will go to Texas later, but if not the wife and boy will return after concluding their visit.