The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 02, 1914, Image 2
EPITOME J EVENTS Paragraphs that pertain to MANY SUBJECTS. IRE SHORT BUT INTERESTING Srw* Mention erf What la Transpiring In Various Sections of Our Own and Ftrtign Countries. r WASHINGTON. vt»emp<» by Onus interests to the United Stales tor rights to •uastract as iaterorenslc < anal across Nicaragua aere revealed to the sen ate ISroigii fetation* committee by Nicaragua t> Minister «hamorro. The ! minister said Hermans had urged that the offered by the Tnitnd Males for canal rights and other con cession* tw net enough . • • • Pre«.4e»t Wilson is eapeeted this w*eh to announce a derision on tje petition of Frank M. Kyan. former P'eouiest «♦ the siructura! iron work j era hum. and the other twenty-nine - dsrfendgat* la the dynamiting eon- . spiracy she have asked tor executive ! e'.emee *.•. The convicted men are at j liberty on bail, but unless the presi dent intervenes they must go to Jail this sert s o e House leader* are aaid to have about agreed not to fore* a vote at I this session on the Hobson resolution . to amend the federal constitution so 1 as ta provide a nation-wide prohibi tion Many of the democrats in the bouse have protested Strong!) against Immediate action on the resolution an an <xmt of the effect it might hare np«ti their fall campaigns for re-elec tion s s s railway companies, con ■tenting transcontinental freight mates, are liable under the decision of the United States supreme court In the eo-ca!led nler mountain cases for man? millions of dollars in regaration on shipments made since the institu tion of to* rases The precise amount la lolled in claims already Sled with the interstate commerce commission has not been estimated, but it approxi mates IllMt.ttt. • • * Ha-lroads are not liable for Injury to interstate employe* or members of their fassiile* riding oa passes w'jich contain stipulations that The pasaen- j frf assumes alt risksk while being so transported Th* United States su preme court so decided, and held that a pass is not to he regarded as part of the compensation for which the employe works, but is in reality few* aad subject to any conditions the ra . oad may impose. poMima Jut. w Good now approves of change* made :a the Chinese consti tution • • • Former President William H. Taft rere.ied the honorary degree of doc tor of lasts at the Amherst rotnmence Lust at AaUMirst. Mass • • • A -cure of person* injured, (wo of whom are expected to die. and about fifty homes either totally or partially wrecked, are the results of a tornado which stnsrk Watertown. 8. D. • • • * Shots fired into a crowd of nsur gen? miner* by sheriff * deputies sta tioned ia miners union hall ia Butte. Moot hilled a bystander, woualed two others, one fatally and led to three partially successful attempts to dyna mite tbo bu.ldtoff. ■ • • Announcement has been made that on Jnty 1. W Averi!l Harriman. son of the late E H. Harriman. will sue ewei W. V. 8 Thorne as vice president and director of purchasers of the Un lea Par me railway Mr Thorne will rsaix so the board of directors • • • A minimum weekly wage of U for ] wouaea and girls employed in laund ries aad dye works la Washington has lees recommeo led to the state in-, Sta'riaJ well are commission by the mfstese- of employer^ employe.' and interested citizen* called to fix a wage for that industry • • e Delegate* to the Northern Baptist eoavenlioa at Boston subscribed in p* -**-n fSo.■■■•*• tows' is wiping out the dedr. of irTc.WW hanging over the Hosts aad Foreign Mission societies. Is additioa. John 1). Rockefeller gave §>-.**•** sad promised a second in stallment of the same size, if needed. • • • The head ramp of the Modern Woodmen of America reelected A. R Talbot of Lincoln. Neb., head consul of toe society for the fifth consecutive time, together with all the administra tta maoidsise ■ e • T V Artraod. superviaor of land appraisals for the Inter stale Com merce commission, has gone to San Francises to begin sa inspection of the various district* apportioned by an art of emigres* for the physical eaiwalloa of the railroads of the ratted States • * s The Aero club of America announc ed that K bad received advices from the Maasachusstta institute of teeh watocy that it will offer a course In aerewsatte*. beginning with the next acadeuUr year e * e The administration anti trust pro gram was definitely started on its •ay la the Mat ate books when the house, with the legislative machinery working under forced draft, couplet •ff inaslrtirir— of the Covington Trade Commrssfff* MU and laid that measure aatdo for final passage. * • * hens of Tana with conspiracy was found not the Terra Haute U Secedem at Butte launched a new onion of miners. • • e Mediators at Niagara Falla believe they see a possible solution of exist ing problem. as* The fourteenth international Sunday school convention has opened in Chi cago with 4.000 delegates • • • A forty-year feud over timber land ended when Charles Harris, a farmer, was instantly killed by a bullet fired from the revolver of his brother, James. The slayer gave himself up. He said his brother had attacked him with an ax. a • • Forced to leave Mexico, they claim, because their property was confiscated and their stock stolen, seventy-five Nirkatioo Indians, who migrated to the southern republic from Oklahoma sev eral years ago. are encamped at Eagle Pass. Tex., awaiting aid from the I'nited States government. • e • The gift of $400,000 to the Tale medical school announced as from an "announcing giver," by President Hadley at the dinner of the alumni, following observance of the centenary of the department is from the mem hers of the Lauder family of Pitts burgh and tlreenwich. Conn., it was announced at New Haven. • • • The federal grand jury at Honolulu indicted Jeff MoCarn. I'nited States attorney for the territory, of Honolu lu. who ia charged with assaulting Claudius McBride, an attorney, with a deadly weapon. McCarn and Mo ll’ide quarreled at the head of the *iai™ the federal building in a dis pute over the legal aspects of a case i nder consideration in the federal courts. Two tellers of the defunct Chicago I-aSalle Street Trust and Savings rank. Michael H. Liston and James F. Ahern, were taken before the grand jury investigaiing the affairs of the hank just before adjournment. Most cf the day the jurymen had spent going over the report of Daniel V. Harkin. stale bank examiner, who took charge of the bank after closing its doors. • • • By the will of Mrs. Morris K. Jesup, filed at New York, millions of dollars are left to public ecclesiastical insti tutions and to Mrs. Jesup's relatives. The American Museum of Natural History received $300,0© for research work; the Syrian Protestant college at Beirut. Syria $400,000; Yale uni versity. $300; Union Theological sem inary. $300,000, and the Young Men's Christian association. $250,000. • • • An appeal to strengthen the Irish volunteers and “enable them to con front adequately this audacious at tempt of British aristocracy and an Irish minority to put down by force the liberties of the Irish people” was declared by Michael J. Ryan, presi dent of the United Irish League of America, at Philadelphia, in a cable cram from John Redmond, leader of the Irish nationalist party. The ca blegram was sent from London. • • • Alba B Johnson, president of a lo comotive works in Philadelphia, em ploying 15.00© men when running full handed. told the United States Com mission on Industrial Relations at Philadelphia, that the so-called effic iency system of scientific manage ment has found no place in the plant of which he is the head and also that In the opinion of the management of the works, organized labor "levels downward " FOREIGN. Agents of Carranza seek the return of officials ousted by Villa. • • • A revolutionary plot and a plan to assassinate President Leonidas Plaza and proclaim the rebel leader. Col. Carlos Concha, provisional president of Ecuador, was discovered by the government at Quito. The leaders in the plot were Immediately arrested. An cnexploded bomb was found in the porch way of the Church of St. Mary tne Virgin, at Reading. Eng., apparently placed there by militant jlTragets. The machine consisted of a tin can full of explosives, with a fuse attached. The fuse had been lighted but bad gone out. • Seriousness of the Hatien revolu tion has caused President Zamor to take the field in person. During the president's absence from the capital the government will be in the bands of a commission, which will act with the cabinet. Conditions in Port Au Prince are reported quiet. • • • According to nformation received, the constitutionalist army commanded by General Alamilio. has captured the city of Zopotian. a large railroad center in the stat® of Jalisco, ninety miles south of Guadalajara. The oc cupation of Zapotian is regarded as aa important step in the campaign against Guadalajara. • • • Two hundred coal miners were en tombed in the Vielle-Marihaye col liery. near Liege. Belgium, when fire broke out. Two hundred of their comrades escaped when the alarm was given. • • • The British challenger for the America’s cup. Shamrock IV. has had her first hard weather trial with the o!d<»r Shamrock ami acquited herself | well. In a stiff northwesterlly breeze, ; necessitating reefed mainsails, the 1 challenger worked out a lead of three minutes in a run of five miles. • • • The new French cabinet, of which Senator Ribot is premier, was de ' featt-d in the first division taken in the new chamber of deputies by a vote of 30 to 2€2. The premier Im mediately resigned. • « • Some of the unionists who have been the strongest supporters of the Ulster volunteers, including Andrew Bonar Law, Robert Cecil and Leopold Charles Amerv, attacked the govern ment in the British House of Corn irons for its failure to suppress the nationalist volunteer*. WRITES MORE NOTES JAPAN AGAIN PROTESTS AGAINST EXCLUSION. MIKADO PLANS TO RETALIATE Reserves Right of Maintaining Condi tion of Reciprocity Respecting Several States. Washington, D. C.—Japan’s pro tests against the California alien land law, brought conspicuously before the public again by publication of the cor respondence between the Washington and Tokio governments, was discuss ed with absorbing interest in official and diplomatic circles. Secretary Bryan said the Japanese note of June 10 last, which reopened the subject after nearly a year had elapsed since a formal communication had come from Tokio, would be made public with the American reply with in a few days. It is known that, Japan, abandoning the Idea of negotiating a new treaty to guarantee property tights to its subject*, now has asked for a reply to its note of August 26 last in which the United States was pressed to stop the “obnoxious discriminations" re sulting from the California legisla tion. “There is but one remedy,” this note said, “and the imperial govern ment is unable to escape the conclu sion that the duty of applying that remedy devolves solely upon the gov ernment of the United States, as the measure complained of. despite the protest lodged by you. has been per mitted to go into operation.” One phase of the negotiations dis closed in the correspondence which attracted particular interest in offi cial circles, was said to suggest the possibility of an issue entirely new in the history of the United States. In italics in connection with the promise by the Japanese government to grant land ownership to Americans, appear ed the words, “reserving for the fu ture. however, the right of maintain ing the condition of reciprocity with respect to the separate states.” This it was pointed out appeared to be a distinct reservation by the Japan ese government of the right to retal iate directly upon the Californians bj singling them out among American citizens for exclusion from the right to possess real property in Japan. Eastman Case Practically Finished. Buffalo. N. Y.—The government case against the Eastman Kodak Co., 'or alleged violation of the Sherman inti-trust law, was practically finished when John Lord ’OBrien. United states atorney. introduced as evi dence fifty contracts covering the purchase by the Eastman Co. of rival corporations, and the agreements by which it is alleged the European sup ply of raw paper for export was cor nered. Photographic copies of the contracts submitted were order pro duced several months ago by the :ourt_ After receiving them Judge lohn R. Hazel adjourned the case un til September 22. Will Build Cell Houses. Leavenworth. Kan.—The twelve iron workers, convicted in the nunamite conspiracy cases have resumed the ?erving of their sentences in the fed eral penitentiary where they left off when they were released on bail last New Year's day. The men were garbed in prison clothes and assigned to cells. With the arrival of Eugene C. Clancy, of San Francisco, and : Frank J. Higgins of Boston, the men will take up their old places on the work of constructing the cell houses. Minister of Venezuela Died. Atlantic City, N. J.—P. Ezequiel Ro jas, minister from Venezuela to the United States, died at a hotel here. Death was due to a heart condition of long standing. He arrived here two weeks ago with his secretary and valet, who were at the bedside at the end. The body will be sent to Wash ington. The deceased was 70 years old. Operators Issue Ultimatum. Columbus, O.—Operators of the five Ohio sub-districts carrying on negotia tions on a wage scale with 45,000 min ers, have delivered what they said is their ultimatum. They offer to pa> 44.69 cents a ton for machine mined coal on the mine run basis. The min ers heretofore have demanded 59.64 cents. Claim Beth Championships. Ann Arbor, Mich.—As a result of its victory over Pennsylvania, Coach Lundgren claims the 1914 collegiate championship, both east and west, for the University of Michigan. New Postal Card Issued. Washington, D. C.—Issuance of a new domestic postal card has been announced by the postoffice depart ment. *It is to replace the* card now in use. which bears the profile of the late President McKinley. The new one will bear the portrait of Jefferson* Belva Lockwood Breaks Arm. Washington, D. C.—Miss Belva A. Lockwood, the only woman who ever ran for the presidency of the United States, fell in her office here and suffered a broken arm. Correspondence Published. Washington. — Diplomatic corre spondence betwen the United State? and Japan over the California anti alien law extern ling over a period o' more tAan a year, was published sim ultaneously in Washington and Toki by agreement of the two government? Fire at Rapid City. Rapid City, S. D.—Fire in the Wai ren Lumber company’s yard here do stroyed a planing mill and nearl.v 4,000,000 feet of lumber. The iocs is estimated at over $100,000. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. An old settlers’ picnic will be held at Union August 14 and 15. W. H. Goodwin, Geona merchant, suffered a fractured hip In a runaway accident. Mrs. C. C. West, a pioneer resident of Nebraska, is seriously 111 at hei home at Dunbar. Sidney has voted to issue $15,000 bonds for the erection of a new city High school building. The Dodge Criterion, J. J. McFar land, editor, appeared last week In a brand new suit of clothes. The Ma-tison Commercial club is making arrangements to hold a Fourth of July celebration. William Harrison, sr., has sold his cement factory located at Dunbar ant has moved to Osakis, Minn. Pope Coulter. Jr , was injured when kicked by a horse at the farm of John Duncan, east of Dunbar. Harry L. Parsons has sold his hall interest in the Central City Republi can to his partner. Robert Rice. James Schoonover has sold his in terest in the Aurora Republican to hie partners. Clark Perkins and Charles Carlson. Fred Meyer was sentenced to serve ninety days in the county jail at West Point for obtaining $90 under false pretenses. Walter Henry, twenty-two years old, committed suicide at the family home near West Point while tempora rily insane. The city council of Kearney has awarded to the United Trust Co. of Omaha $45,000 5 per cent funding bonds at par. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Johnson and Claud and Pearl Johnson of Cass county have taken up homesteads near Winifred, Mont. Mrs. Robert Schinkus of Madison was granted a decree of divorce and $7,000 alimony Monday by the judge of the district court. The remonstrance against issuing a liquor license to Fred Benson of New man Grove has been overruled by the district court at Madison. The presence of army worms in alarming numbers is causing some uneasiness among the farmers in the vicinity of Table Rock. Seven bootleggers were recently caught by the police of Scottsbluff. The Beatrice creamery at Oxford was partially destroyed by lire. J. R. McKee, seventy-flve years old pioneer of Palmyra, has been sudden ly stricken blind. He was prominent In Otoe county politics for many years. Rev. J. P. Giffen and Misses Arvilht Murray and Audra Wilkinson of Dun bar are attending the Sunday school meeting of the United Presbyterian church at Ewing. Miss Ada Bloedorn of Franklin has left to visit her brother. W. A. Bloed orn, surgeon at the Washington navy yard. Miss Bloedorn Is dean of music in the Franklin academy. A boat was upset with three boys In the flood water of Beaver Creek, near Ravenna. George Bushhousen was drowned, the others escaped. His ! body has not been recovered. A coroner's jury exonerated Mrs, ! Irene Maricich of South Omaha from any responsibility concerning the death of her husband, who died from ’ gun wounds received during a quarrel with his wife. Fred Salto, a Japanese, was ar raigned before United States Commis sioner Cleary at Grand Island Mon day night on a charge of violating the white slave law. He is held under $2,000 bond. The seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Shaffer of Cedar Creek has been taken to Chicago to receive treatment. He was recently bitten by a dog which was believed to be af fected with rabies. While Rolla Gilbert was cultivating corn south of Beemer his team be came frightened and started to run. Mr. Gilbert received a bad cut on the thigh which required several stiches ! to draw together. Prisoners in the county jail and county officers at Fremont have col lected $40 for the hospital expenses of John Carey, convicted of stealing : brass. He has been ill for some time and his condition is critical. Gerd Neibuhr. Ed Palmer, Mrs. J. : W. McKay and Miss Nell Burns, res idents of Syracuse, while returning from Lincoln in their auto went into i a ditch. The women were severely ! injured, while the men escaped with 1 only minor bruises. Wheat harvest is on in full sway in Gage county. Although the farm demonstrator reports that a great deal of damage has been*wrought by the Hessian fly. be estimates that the wheat will average from fifteen to twenty-five bushels to the acre. That the young people who are to be married on one of the principal streets of Beatrice on the Fourth of July at noon will receive a great va riety of gifts, for both immediate anj future use, from the merchants of the city has been assured. They will re ceive a baby buggy, infant’s shoes, clothing, groceries, dry goods, auto rides, etc. Wert L. Kirk, who sold the Creigh ton News to Nolan & Streng, seven months ago and went to Idaho to grow up with the country ,ts back in Ne braska. He has purchased the inter est of Mr. Streng in the News and his name again appears at the masthead, as editor. E. W. North, newly installed collec tor of internal revenues for Jhis dis- j trict. states that between 1.800 an I 2,000 individuals and corporations in j said district must pay their income taxe befor^ June 30 or be subject to a big penalty. This number have as yet failed to respond. Judge Button has set July 10 as the date for the hearing on the John O’Conner heirship at Hastings. Two days before that date is the one set for the hearing on the purported will of O’Conner to John Culivwn of Omaha. That the Gage county wheat yield has been cut short at least ten bush els an acre by the ravages of the Hes sian fly is the opinion of C. R, Lu-1 bers, farm demonstrator for Gage county. Harvest will be on in full swing this week, farmers estimating the yield at from fifteen bo twenty live bushels to the acre. U. P. IS VICTORIOUS BIG ROAD GAINS NEARLY EVERY POINT. NORECEIVEH TO BE APPOINTED Supersedeas Bond of $100,000 Sug. gested by Defendants Is Granted and Filed. Lincoln.—The United States court, with Judges T. C. and W. H. Munger on the bench, has handed down a de cision in the St Joseph & Grand Island railroad case in which the Union Pacific won almost everything for which its attorneys asked. Gen eral Solicitor N. H. l-oomis and Edson Kich for the Union Pacific and Attor ney Myron Learned for the minority stockholders of the Grand Island road, battled before the court in the matter ot settling the decree which was handed down by the same court on May 27. ( The original decision was altogether against the Union Pacific, owner of the majority stock of the Grand Island and the larger line was order ed to divest itself of its stock in the smaller one within sixty days or see a receiver appointed for the latter road. The same decision enjoined the Union Pacific from voting its stock in the Grand Island property. In the later proceedings the court made a number of modifications which, for the time being, leaves the Union Pacific in control of affairs of the Grand Island line, although the in junction restraining the former con cern from voting its stock in the lat ter line is left standing. The Union Pacfio is also enjoined from receiving any dividends on its Grand Island stock. Hut the I men Pacific will continue operating the Grand Island until a final decision is made in the case. In the meantime the Union Pacific asked, and it was allowed, an appeal to the United States circuit court at St. j Louis. The plaintiffs won a strong poiat when the court ordered that, pending ; a final decision. St. Joseph & Grand Island must not purchase the Hast ings & Northwestern railroad, a small line which the Union Pacific built be tween Hastings and Gibbon as a con necting link between the mhin line •and the Grand Island line at Hastings. Nor, under the decree, is Grand Island permitted to spend any more money on betterments to its property. On the other hand thp Union Pa cific scored strongly when the court or lered that no receiver be appoint ed for the Grand Island until the final-1 appeal be heard and settled. This j was one of the most important points of the action. The Union Pacific was ordered to give a supersedeas bond in the sum ' of $100,000 in the case, this amount j being suggested by Mr. Loomis. This j bond will cover any damages which ; may accrue to the plaintiffs should j the final decision be in their favor. Supreme Court Decisions. Lincoln—Supreme court opinions banded down cover a few cases that have been through the Douglas county district court. A saloonkeeper who voluntarily gives up a business loca tion and moves to another location, thereby allowing another saloonkeeper to locate in the former location, can not. have his saloon license refunded. In an action against an employer to recover damages for the death of an employe, alleged to have been caused by the negligence of such employe, 'he burden of proof is to show some act of negligence as the proximate cause of decedent's death. This is the opinion of the supreme court in the case brought by Elizabeth C. Rine. administratrix of the estate of Joseph Rhine, who was killed while employed by A. Schall & Co. The court holds that the Douglas county district court erred in refusing to direct the jury to I return a verdict for the defendant. The supreme court hands down a lengthy opinion involving the rights of stockholders of a defunct corpora lien and their liability for stock held therein. The case was brought by the re ceiver, Charles T. Dickinson, to re cover from the stockholders of the Omaha & Nebraska Central Railway company for the amounts secured against the stockholders by judgment of the court. The high court holds that the decree of the district court against the defendants is not valid and reverses the case. Frank B. Holler heck, as a creditor ri the estate of Adam Green, deceased, has petitioned the county court foi the appointment of Fred O. Foster aa administrator. He states that the mem bers of the family have failed to ap ply for administration. ' Stout Geta Life Term. Lincoln.—Harry M. Stout, the De witt murderer, will not try the elec tric chair. He appeared in district court and change! his former plea of not guilty of manslaughter, and was sentenced to life imprisonment. Com mitment papers were at once made out and he was taken to the peniten tiary to begin his sentence. Stout killed his wife and wounded her sister by shooting on a Burlington train in the Lincoln yards about a month ago and then nearly ended hit own life by cutting his throat. Slight Decline in Valuations. Lincoln.—The total assessed vat narion of all property in Saundert county as reported to the state boar* of assessment is a trifle less than th amount reported last year. The tetr* la-st year was $10,493,969. This yen It is $10,480,966, a decrease of $13,00* In the assessed or one-fifth valuation The assessed value of bank capita Stock decreased $£70,000, full valu" tar $54,000 assessed value. But for th * decrease in bank property the tot'! assessed value of the countv wouli have shown an increase. _ VOTED FOR HIM TWICE ON SAME DAY _* ________ Representative Michael Donohoe of Philadelphia, who, his friends boast and his enemies admit, won his elec tion less upon political issues than his attractive personality, takes but a small part in practical politics. "I'm very green at the game," he declares (a good color for a native born Irishman, by the way), “which makes me somewhat of a shining mark in some respects. The morning after my last election there breezed into my office a fellow, large and pleasant. He effusively congratulated me with both hands and every breath —which was alcoholically over charged—and assured me of the satis faction it had given him to vote for me. Thanking him, I asked: " 'What part of the district do you live in?' Ul lii llUUi UVC1 IU U1 liO replied in rich County Carlow brogue! (Mr. Donohoe doesn’t have to make any effort to get that brogue.) "This meant nothing to me, ignorant of political metes and bounds, so I again asked: ” 'What ward do you live in ?’ " 'And Oi'm in Kelly’s ward, to be sure, y’r honor,’ he replied. "'Kelly's ward?' I queried, for I did know enough to identify a well known local leader. 'Why Kelly’s ward Isn’t in my district at all!’ “ ‘Sure, an' it isn't at all. at all,’ exclaimed the sly rogue, with delightful coolness. 'But I voted for yez, Misther Donohoe,' he added with a chuckle— ’twice! ’ ” - “JERRY” DONOVAN’S CHANGE OF HEART Representative "Jerry" Donovan, a Democrat from Connecticut, who bristles indignantly when he contem plates absenteeism in the house, re nounced the other day an opportunity to preside over that body and gave to Speaker Clark the credit of uninten tionally preventing a night session. Under the special rule for the consideration of the antitrust bills the house was to hold night sessions while general debate continued. When the hour for the dinner recess arrived one Saturday Representative Webb asked unanimous consent that ad journment be taken until Monday, set ting aside the night session. “I object," said Mr. Donovan. “We have nobody to speak," said Mr. Webb, casting his eye over the twenty-odd members present. "Then go ahead with the reading of the bill," said Mr. Donovan. “Where is everybody? Where are the uiotniguioucu gCUWClilCU Wliu UUgUl lU I ———— I be on the Republican side?” ^thsre are the Democrats?” interjected a voice from the Republican side. " W ell. I m tired of all this debate,” said Mr. Donovan. “You must meet tonight unless the gentleman in charge of the bill agrees to knock off five hour? from the time." Mr. Webb said he couldn't think of doing this. Both Republicans and Democrats crowded around the Connecticut member to beg him not to force a night session. He shook his head. "The chair names the gentleman from Connecticut to preside at the night session,” said Speaker Clark. Mr. Donovan became thoughtful. "Rather than preside over this body,” said Mr. Donovan, who is serving his first term, “I will withdraw my objection." The house adjourned until Monday. . WINGO TELLS ONE ON HIMSELF Representative Otis Wingo of Ar kansas looks more like the southern congressman imaged in the popular mind than any man in the capital's public life. In Prince Albert coat, black slouch hat and black string tie falling over a capacious expanse of white shirt front, as he walks sedate ly down the corridor, he seems to have stepped bodily from the pages of some political novel. And Mr. Wingo knows it; also he is proud of it. Hence, when he told the following little story on himself it was only upon the solemn oath of bis auditor that not a word of it should appear in print. It seems that Mr. Wingo, having in tow a visiting constituent whom he wished to impress with his pollti cal magnitude, was standing waiting at the door of an elevator In the House office building. Mr. Wingo rang the bell; but to his disgust the 1^j aescenoing eievaiur swept airity vy without even hesitating. This hurt. "Why didn't you stop for me on your way down Just now?" queried Mr. Wingo sourly as they were descending on the next trip. "Couldn’t stop for you.” replied the elevator boy with lofty finality. "Had a congressman on board.” "And this." ejaculated Mr. Wingo. as he told the story, "before that con stituent!” MAN WHO CAPTURED SANTA ANNA "Ami so Gen Santa Anna surren dered to me,” said Sergt. Peter Daiy. “and I introduced him to the line sergeant, and off we ail went to Gen. Winfield Scott And." Sergeant Daly added. Impressively, “that ended the war." On the porch of his daughter’s comfortable frame cottage in the Bronx, New York city, on these warm days sits Peter Daly, and smokes his pipe, and tells what he remembers of “the war.” There is only one war for Peter Daly, and although he I* ninety-one yelirs old. and no one thinks of calling him ’’Sergeant” nowadays, the salient episodes of his career as .a fighter stand out as clear ly. and as significantly, as if they had happened yesterday. Sergt. Peter Daly has almost forgotten that the Civil war was ever fought, or that we had battles in 1898 in the West Indies and .Manna Day. me .hcjiwu i—a—; was his war. and Winfield Scott was his general. And he, Peter Daly, was the man to whom the Mexican com mander surrendered. "It wasn’t any of ray doing," he explains, lest pride in his good fortune be mistaken for a false self-esteem. “I just happened to be on the end of the line. That was how it was I took charge of him. “I was a cavalryman in the Seventh New York, and I was on guard duty at the east end of the division line. It was a long front, about a mile, and I was on the very end of it. And I saw a man comingtoward the line, all alore. with a white handkerchief. "Well, I didn't know who it was at first. And then I saw it was Santa Anna. Yes, sir. It was Santa Anna himself, comlnf to surrender. And h« surrendered to me. 1 was on post where he came, so I took him in charge.”