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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1914)
One Thing You Can Do RIGHT NOW e • Thai » 11 in- really worth while is to itlfe$lif»!e and Irani how Our Bank Account Plan 1% ltelpinj* others to jM ahead. It may in- that y. 'i have never given -eriflUs ill..-.giii n> till- in- •1 • • 1« f helpingyoiir —-If t«> a in-tu-r. a umn- |»ro-peiou> fu ture, U-. au—- tin- words*'!lank account " are a*M«iat«-d in your mind with “big money.** However, our plan is suited to vo ir need- no matter how small or U>a large t our account, come in and let us tell you aiioot it. Loup City State Bank Loup City, Nebraska. I SOLID COMFORT . | GOOD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT j MAKE DREW SHOES FAMOUS * | We have them in Brown. Tan and Black. Velours. Nu Buck. Gun Metal, Patent and Vici Kid at. Prices from 5-'.50 to *5.00. j COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. E. E YOUNGQUIST, Prop. When Looking For a Square Meal Go To THE IDEAL RESTAURANT also for a Good Lunch We also carry a Full Line of Bread and Pastry Goods and also sends Bread by parcel post. South Side Public Square. Wm. Dolling, Proprietor The Keystone Lumber Co. Has a very complete line of window screeis and door screens which are right both in quility and price. Come and see them KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY - JUNE BULLETON OF EXCURSION FARES TO THE PACIFIC COAST: General excursion rate of *<;o dailv. • YELLOWSTONE PARK . .t****^*1 Mcuraion rate $.72.00 to the entrance, and from $82.00 ' tAfHW. all-expense tours, diverse routes, etc. Inquiry about Wylie ! I'ertnanent ianqi tours and conducted tours from Cocfv ROCKY MOUNTAINS .1 ■JPS&SHSfftS I'enver. Eates Park. Glacier Nation al l ark. Salt Lake City, with diverse route mountain tours. THE BLACK HILLS 1 ..I?fryit<>uri*t r*Urj> to Hot sI»eadwood and Lead. This suanw n*Mm & attracting a greatly increased patronage every THE BIO HORN REGION Wyo W Sheridan Winchester, Tiiermopolis and Codv, EASTERN TOURS excursion fares commencing June 1st. They cover ' direct, two Circuit routes. Secure hasten) rate leaflet. I jb i< ations free. Low rates to the I*acificCoast ” ^Yellow raliforniaexcursionsT-Low Rails , 1ft . »g »<”?? R«>c»* Resort*." -The L.ack Hills," -Colorado- ' l tali Atadbook. a\sk u?» for such publications as you wish and ! let us help you plan your tour. J. A. Banieisen, Agent ; L. W. WHEKLfY, General Passenger Agent • 1004 Farnum St. Omaha, Nebr } satuunmmu^mi iMf/M/Miiw! THE NORTHWESTERN Entered at the Loup City Posiofflce for transmission through the mails as second class matter. Office Phone. Red 21 Residence, - Black 21 W. BURLEIGH.Editor and Pub. J. R. GARDINER Manager We do not believe any of our people in this neck o’ the woods are in favor of University removal. If so, we have not heard from them. To us there seems every reason for opposition to removal. It would mean millions of cost to the taxpayers of the state and without adequate compensation. With compara tively little cost, additional ground can be secured adjoining the present site, while removal means loss of present buildings, new and costly buildings erect ed on the proposed site, and what is worse than all to our belief is the fact that removal would mean that many students who work their way through the University by securing work here and there over the city would be complied to quit the school when taken so far away as they could not hold positions which give them the necessary financial aid to carry them along. Leave the University where it is and thus help our young men and women to gain a State Uni [ versity education. .. — 4 Just now the democratic party is having so much grief of its own that it has no time at its disposal to di gest the republican-progressive doings. To be sure, the party which has surprised itself by securing gov ernmental control tries to forget its own grief by call ing attention to the attempt at harmony in republi can ranks, but their piteous condition is so acute that they cannot dwell on for any length of time any thing but their own woeful affairs. They are in no position to do otherwise. In the meantime, the two wings of the republican party are slowly but surely coming together, and democracy in state and nation sees its finish in the coming state and national elec tions. And that is sure as anything can be. What a mix-up the democrats of the state have got into on the gubernatoral question. First More head was going to get out of that part of the game and into the congressional race, but afterwards changed (?) his mind and got back into the running for re-nomination, after several fellows had filed for the governorship. Then after quiet was partially re stored, Dick Metcalfe comes home from the Panama canal and concludes he wants to be governor and further complicates matters. Oh there is merry sheol among the Bryan and anti-Bryan hosts of Nebraska, and everything is up in the air from the legion of pie hunters. Whqjt in the world will Bryan do and how can he possibly keep the wolf from the door, if he is stopped from his mountebank Chautauqua money-earning work. You must not expect that he can possibly live on a thousand dollars a month he gets from the government for posing as an exponent of peace with Mexico on the “watchful waiting” program. It is possible that the people will of necessity have to make up subscription lists to tide him over his pre sent crisis? Or will his postoffice appointees come to his relief? Just at present, with the democratic administra tion slowly approaching dissolution, it is said that the democratic postmasters are beginning to hedge and plan for all postoffices to be taken out of politics and under civil service rules, that in event of democratic defeat they may not be ousted from their gravy-buy ing places and go down and out with their party. That is what might be expected. Self preservation with them beats party affiliation to a finish. Any i thing with them to save their jobs, eh? Who has noticed any reduction in the cost of liv ing as a result of the democratic tariff law? And by the way has any one noticed any progress made by the democratic part in solving the trust problem? And isn’t it funny how cordially the democratic party takes up and houses the equal suffrage ideal? Representative Trumble was over from Hazard last Thursday and filed for re-nomination for repre sentative at the hands of the democratic party of Sherman county. We do not know of a better or more satisfactory man the party could hand the plum to than the genial and talented Hazard man. > \ Just Received From New York] ------ A Beautiful line of Ladies’Embroidered Voile Dresses and House j Dresses. We are going to sell them at a remarkably low price. I Remember we carry the largest and most up-to-date Dry Goods i in Loup City and our Groceries are the best money can buy. Try a sack of Gooch’s Flour and your flour troubles will by over. | It makes beautiful white bread every time. Took first prize at f the Lincoln State Fair 5 years in succession. Every sack guaran teed. I -.-1 Vic Swanso: 11 The House of Quality and Low Prices ! Dedicate New Court House Editor of the Northwestern, Loup City, Nebr. Dear Sir:— Greeley County’s new court house will be dedicated on Thurs day, June 25th, 1914, and we would lie pleased to have you make mention of the fact and ex tend to the people of Loup City and Sherman county a cordial in vitation to be present and inspect the ccurt house. The Greeley Commercial Club will have charge of the celebration. Thanking you in advance, I am Yours truly, C. J. Harwood, Secretary. Progressive Con vention Call The Progressive party will hold a county convention on Saturday, June 20th, at the court room in Loup City. The business of the convention will be to select dele gates to the state convention, to select a new central committee, and to transact such other busi ness as may be for the good and welfare of the Progressive party. All Progressives are invited to at tend. •- E. F. Jones, Acting chairman and secretary. Chas Bass of Hazard has been appointed by the board of super visors of Sherman county as Clerk of the District Court to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Lewis Rein. Mr. Bass is a com pitant person and we feel sure that he will make good.—Custer Coun ty Republican. Insure your growing crops against HAIL DO IT NOW, tomorrow may be too late. We represent only the best companies, see us for rates. FIRST TRUST CO. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. Black 63, or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed Pure German Millet, cleaned and Is clean. Inspected by State Inspector. Tests 98.7 pure seed. Price $1.25 per bushel. Phone 81. 5-28-3t Mellor & Johnson. To Breeders — My two imported stallions will be at McLaughlin’s barn in Loup City on Monday. Tues day, Friday and Saturday of each week, and on Wednesdays and Thurs days at my home place. James W. Johnson. COAL! COAL! OAU We have just received a new supply of Colorado coal, have both Lump and Nut in the Pinnacle. We also have some Sheridan Lump and Nut on hand. Lump at *7.00, Nut at *6.50. Taylor’s Elevator. NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of sale to me directed from tlie District Court of Sberman county, Nebraska, upon an excution rendered in said court on the 21st day of October 1913, wherein Rena Mellor was plaintiff, and Charles E. Mellor were defendants; I have levied upon the following described real estate, towit: Lots No. 1-2 and 3 in Block No. 34 in J. Wood’s Smiths addition to the original town. Now City of Loup City, Sberman County, Nebr aska west of the 6tli principal meri dian, situated in said Sherman county and State of Nebraska, and I will on the 6th day of J uly, 1914, at 2 o'clock p. in., of said day, at the court house, in Loup City, Sherman county. Ne braska, offer for sale and sell said above described real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the several amounts of *700. and costs taxed at *17.85 with interest at 7 per cent from the 6th day of July, 1914, and costs of the above action, and accruing costs, which amount was adjudged to he due to the plaintiff above named from the defendants Charles E. Mel lor above named, and to be a lien up on the above described premises. Dated at Loup City, Nebraska, this 2nd day of June 1914. L. A. Williams, Sheriff of Sherman county, Nebr isk&. R. P. Starr, Plaintiff’s Attorney. Last pub July 2 * Your Opportunity 320 acres fine smooth table land in Custer County Nebr, all good black loam with clay sub soil, 200 arees in cultivation, balance pasture and hay, new barn, double crib and granary, chicken house, hog house, good- well and wind mill, some other buildings and a good road to town. Price $50 per acre, $2000 or $3000 cash, balance on easy terms at 6 per cent interest. FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Loup City, Nebr. fteawriwr a iwi LAP ROBES y i and Fly Nets. I have a fine i line on hand at right prices. Harness made to order ROPE Pure Manila stacker rope at 17c • per pound ; James Bartunek i | YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND j I THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House | Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday | | Matinee every Saturday afternoon | sj Change every night and nothing but the best of i 1 pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially §j | invited to attend. r I THOMAS DADDOW ^ Low Summer To Colorado, California, Yellow TnnrScf- stone Xational Park' Xorth Pa' * IvPllll^l rfllvv cific Coast Points. j In effect dally until September 30,1914 Vacation time is here. The question “Where shall I go this " summer ’ must be decided now. Let us assist you in form- J ing your plans by suggesting a number of pleasant and rest- " ful trips that may be made within the limits of your vaca- J tion period. Mountains, sca-shore, camping, fiishing—any i diversion that will take you away from your cares for J awhile and bring you back with renewed energy to take i up your duties^ J Union Pacific ( STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST 1 will tell you of a score of pleasant trips, if you will signify ^ that you desire to take a vacation that is different than any i you have ever taken before. ^ We will also tell you more about the reduced round- i trip Summer Tourist Fares, routes, stop-oves privileges, side I □ trips and give you other interesting information r, that will be of assistance to you. Apply to I & W. COLI.IPR1EST, Agent i _____'