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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1914)
HEWS Of THE WEEK CONDENSATIONS OF GREATER OR LEASER IMPORTANCE. i boilhib down of evenis Natieeal. Politic**. Personal and Other Matters m Brief Form for All C<»—ad of Roadora. « WASHINGTON. Bastes Bey. who la to succeed T W nrf Zta Pacha as Turkish to haul r ha* arrived In Washington. • • • Beert-iary Garrsoe will go to Near Tack nest Wednesday and June 11 and 12 w ill he present at the graduating eiem*e* at the military academy at West Point, making aa address and BandUag the graduate# their diplo e • • The hoaae passed the Rucxer ream htios which la eEect. exonerate* the democratic congressional committee of caarge* that it ruiated the corrupt practice* act in as setting senator* and representative* far campaign con triMr in— • * # The I'cited State* Commi*«ion on ladastrial Relations, la Its search for Cacta oa which to base recommenda ttom* to euagrews for remedial indu* Inal eg s atioa. took the testimony of tnitaewees with knowledge of the Men • garment trade • • • A year's labor of the cungreaaloBal Bunt committee oa railway mail pay ewimiaated la a bill prepared by Rep •ammtatiie Tuttle o< Xewr Jersey to Bay the rwtiway* not oa the weight of ■am: earned aa at present but upon the apace required It Is expected to aa>* a year. • • # After onaferear* between leaders af the fight to pass the Panama tolls exemptum repeal bill. Senator Sim mon* predated that tbe measure *o«i4 get the vote of fifty-too sen* •ora a safe majority. Senator Bin aott declared bis line up did not in Ciade say senator considered doubt Cal. e e e President Wilson and Speaker Clark delivered addresses st tbe Vie sod'is. day services under tbe aus -ptces of the A R in Arlington eesne'.ery at Washington. Tbe presi dent bad not exported to participate. Vut feeling that a false construction had been plared upon his declination, decided to attend and speak. • • • Wool producers who closed a three day conference m Wash melon asked Ittwtvf) Houston of tbe Department af Agriculture to institute plans for gumdardiciag their products. Tbe noaference putctad out tbe need for govern meat sheep breeding farms and a *cstle*e where tb* industry migbt he studied. • a * Cn-rd States Senator Lee 8 Over man of North Carolina was unanim aosly renominated and tbe position taken by President Wilson for repeal of (be Panama toil! exemption clause was endorsed by tbe democratic state cuaveatioa at Raleigh, x. c. The eon*cotio* pledged tbe party to en art a state wide primary law. DOMRST1C. Clinois prison oftda'.s assert that tbe opportunity to win good time by working <<* tb* n<ads is an inspira tion to alt of the prisoners who are eligible Of these there are but coo •ut af ljtM. as (be law provide* tjat tbe privilege shall be extended only to thus* who hats leas than Bve years to serve. • • • J. K Codding, former warden of tbe state penitentiary at Lansing. Kan sad at present aa assistant at torney general st Leavenworth, in charge of the prosecutioa of Illegal liquor sales, was shut and seriouslv wounded by Jake Weiseman. an al leged resort owner Physicians said tb* wound probably would not prove fatal Weiseman wsa arrested. At RprlnuteM. II!, reorganisation Itow of the Wabash railroad were dioruaaed at a a*",tin* of the Illinois Puboe Utilities commission and rail mad commissioners of Missouri. A. B. Pruar. receiver at the Wahash; Wins low Pierce. Xew York, chairman of the rvurgmaissttun committee; J. L M'.nnis. solicitor for the receiver; Mr. thorn at •'.indbourne A Shores of Kew York, who bald I14A.MII in unse cured claims, and others. • we Members of the Xew York .Coffee exchange adopted amendments to the by«*i. providing for a chance in the Contract effective July 1. 15115. fixing difference* between growths as well as hotween grade* new The administration antitrust pro gram wan definitely rfarted on Its way to the statute books when the bowse, with the legislative machinery working under forced draft, compiet Od of the Covington Trade Conm'oion, bill and laid that B*ea* are a aide for final passage, n e « Under guard of United States ear «lrr. l-odlow. the striking coal miners «mt colony, whicj was destroyed in the fatal battle between miners, mi litia and mine guards on April *6, ha* beet- {<--rstabliabed. • • e practically every department s’ore In the country and every trade jour •a! is owned by New Yorkers, accord lag to W. J. Pilkmtoa. representing a grade journal at Des Moines. la, who ppoke during the Journalism week ceiehrsuon by 'he School of Journal tap of the University of Missouri. • • • Mayor linn M Roberts of Terre gfewte. I»d, charged with conspiracy go corrupt elections, was found rot gui«» by a Jury in the Terre Haute circuit court. The Jury *« out lbif» (y-fite tunstaa. Greater New York spends $38,293, 408 on public schools yearly. In the Cnited* States cities there was last year one bank to every 9,700 people. • • • William J. Parent of Philadelphia was elected supreme chief engineer of the American Order of Steam En gineers in convention in Baltimore. • • • Sir Thomas Lipton has placed an' ! order with Charles E. Nicholson, de signer cf Shamrock IV. for a 12-meter racing Yacht to compete in the Pan ama-Pacific exposition regatta. • • • John D. Frederick, prosecuting at torney of Los Angeles county, Cali fornia- has announced his candidacy for the republican nomination for governor, following the withdrawal of several other aspirants. • • • The Pennsylvania progressive party laid plans for the coming campaign, organized its state committee and adopted its declaration of principles. William FlinB of Pittsburgh was con tinued national committeeman. • • •* At Pftinsv’lle. Ky.. it was announc ed that Mrs John C. C. Mayo, widow of the Kentucky capitalist, who died recently in New York, will be elected a director in all the big business com panies .n which her husband was in terested. • • • Mrs. Danske Bedinger Dandridge, wife of Adam S Dandridge of Shep ardstowc. W. Va.. committed suicide by shooting herself. She was a daughter of Henry Bedinger, Ameri can minister to Denmark under Presi dent Buchanan. • • • Commander Christy cf the Scout cruiser Salem, at Puerto. Mexico, re ported to the Navy department that a boiler tube blew out on '.iis ship, ser iously injuring three men of the en gineer orce. The names of the men 1 were not given. • • • At Canon City. Colo., twenty-seven men were arrested on indictments re •urned by the grand jury, charging grand larceny in connection with the capture of the Chandler mine of the Victor American Fuel company April t'S by s'nkers. • • • The once thriving mining town of White Hiver, Cal., was purchased out right by E. G. Zalud and Lawrence White All that remains of the town is a diminishing population, a store, hotel, post office, dance hall, black smith shop and a few residences. • • • Two persons are reported to be dead, a dozen injured and a number of destroyed by a terrific s'orm of wind, rain and lightning which swept along the valley of the Casselman river in Pennsylvania, tic cording to meager and unconfirmed advices. • • • The cScials of the T'nited States National Lawn Tennis association have af" anted the members of the ranking committee. The three men are F. C. Inman. Rockaway Hunting club. New York: W. L. Pattee. Nas sau Country club. New York; and W. M. Hall. West Side Tennis club. • • • Miss M Carey Thomas, president of Bryn Mawr college, in an address to ,'be graduating class, asserted that if nstituticns of higher education in the t’nited Stales expect to meet success fully the new demands that are being made upon them for more advanced teaching methods they must make the teaching profession more lucrative and attractive. FOREIGN. Acnouscement of the appointment by Provisonal President Huerta of iienjamin ltarrios as new Mexican minister to Guatemala has been made. Mr Barm/* is a Mexican citizen of English extraction and is an inter ; national lawyer. • • • At Oreglia. Italy. Countess Tieupo lociggioni. a Venetian noblewoman, , was acquitted on a charge of murder ing the orderly of Captain Oggford, 1 her husband. November 11. 1913. The countess testified fhe killed the man when iie entered her room and at tacked her. The French ministry to replace that hetded by Premier Doumergue, which resigned June 2. has not been formed. Kcne Vivlani. the former minister of public instruction, who was requested | ky President Poincare to organize a cabinet, was unable to submit a list .to the president, but promised a i definite answer soon. • a • The Japanese government has be ' come so resiousiy concerned over the anti-Japanese spirit that is being cul tivated in Australia, New Zealand and Canada, that missions have been sent to England and the dominion named to counteract this feeling. In \ustralia the antagonism against Asiatic immigration is even more bit ter than in New Zealand, Canada or the western stites of America. • • • Perlin appears to have imported for itself what the French have called crimes or passion,” and to have ex tended their range far beyond the French example by a series of recent murders and attempted murders. • • • German sport is rapidly becoming Amer.canized. Three American ath letic trainers are busy showing Ger man athletes how to win the Olympic games of 1916. and now the kaiser himself, the crown prince and the heads of most of the princely and grand ducal houses are complaining • • • Amy circles of Honolulu are stir red over the reported theft from army headquarters of complete maps and information concerning the island or Oahu. The theft is said to have been discovered on the moming of May 9 ! • • • The famous yacht. Princess Alice, formerly owned by the prince of Mo naco and used by him in his deep sea researches, has been purchased by lavrd Inverclyde, who will take a party of friends on It to San Francis , co rt-r the opening of the Pan&ma j Pacific international exposition. BILLS PMi HOUSE ANTI-TRUST MEASURES NOW UP TO SENATE. OPPOSITION FADES AT CLOSE Vote Came Unexpectedly After Weeks of Speechmaking, and Was Soon Over. Washington, D. C.—All three bills on the administration trust legislation program have passed the house and have been sent to the senate for ac tion. ( Opposition melted when the final test came, and the motion went through quickly. The Covington inter state trade commission bill was passed without a record vote; the | Clayton omnibus and trust measure received 275 votes to fifty-four against it, and the vote on the Rayburn rail road capitalization bil was 325 to 125. The clerk hardly had finished the last roll call before the members had settled down to consideration of the sundry civil appropriation bill, one 3f several supply measures that must be disposed of before the session ends. The adjournment problem now is squarely up to the senate, and the iemocratic leaders on that side of the capitol are expected to agree upon a program in the near future. Action”*on the trust bills in the house came unexpectedly. The three measures had been agreed to in "com mittee of the whole” after weeks of speechmaking, consideration of the Rayburn bill as amended by the com mittee being completed late in the day. When the trade commit sion bill came before the house for a final vote. Progressive Leader Mur dock moved that It be sent back to the interstate commerce ommittee, with instructions to report the Mur dock bill as a substitute. This was re- i jected 159 to 19, and the pending bill ! passed without a roll call. Then the ■ votes on the other two measures were ' taken in rapid succession. Represenative White of Ohio was the only democrat to vote against the Clayton bill, and all the progressives voted for it except Representative Chandler of New York. Forty-three republicans and sixteen progressives joined the majority in supporting the measure. Wet and Dry Issue Again. Superior, Xeb.—Under the referen dum, a petition by the prohibition party has been filed for another elec tion in thirty days. It was two weeks ago when the wet ticket won by eight votes and it has taken since this time to get the required number of names to call a special election. On the first vote in April the town went dry by one vote out of over 600 cast. The next election may be close, as over a hundred more per sons have come to Superior, in the employ of the cement company. Kelly's Army Must Work. Fort Wayne, Ind.—Fifty-one tat tered and footsore men, the remain der of "Kelly’s Armly” which left Sac ramento, Cal., weeks ago. with Wash ington as its destination, have reach ed Fort Wayne. They are quartered now at police detention station, charges of vagrancy, and Police Judge Kerr declared his intention of putting them to work. Hodges Denies Striking Mrs. West. Topeka, Kan.—Governor George H. Hodges flatly denied he struck Mrs. Luella West of Wichita during a scuf fle for the possession of certain pa role papers in the governor’s office on .April 8 last. The governor was testifying in the suit brought by Mrs. West for $2,315 damages for an al leged assault and battery. Cry for Harvest Hands. Topeka, Kan.—Kansas needs 01,950 men, 6,375 extra teams and 2,260 extra cooks to harvest its wheat crop this year, according to an esti mate made public by W. L. O'Brien, state labor commissioner and direc tor of the state free employment bu reau. His estimate is based on the reports of correspondents in every county in the state. Volunteers Get More Rifles. Belfast.—The army of the Ulster “volunteers” has. been strengthened by the addition of 3,000 Mauser ri fles as the result of a daring gun running feat of an Irish yachtsman. Sex Hygiene Dropped. Denver, Colo.—Sex hygiene will no longer be taught in the Denver pub lic schools. The school board adopt ed a report dropping the name of the instructor in this department. Westinghouse Employes to Strike. Pittsburg, Pa.—According to offi cials of the Allegheny Congenial In dustrial union, a labor organization formed here last February, 10,000 em ployes of the Westinghcuse Electric and Manufacturing Co. and the Pitts burg Meter Co., will go on a strike. Taft Lays Cornerstone. New Haven.—Former President William H. Taft laid the cornerstone of New Haven’s new marble postof fice, which is to cost $1,600,000. Mr. Taft delivered a historical address. \ Wilson Shows Kindness. Washington, D. C.—President Wil son kept a long line of callers wait ing while he left his private office to shake hands with John W. Kern, Jr., a son of Senator Kern. The boy has infantile paralysis, and went to th« White house on crutchea. Baby of Twenty Pounds. Placerville, Cal.—The largest baby born in El Dorado county within the memory of the oldest inhabitants ar rived in the home of H. H. Long of Caldor. It weighed twenty Dotinda. NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. r- ■ ; ! « ! ' I 1 I ' I ' I ' I I* — ^ w — — — — — ^ — —_« A new brick yard at West Point ia ready for operation. The Holiness association have be gun a two weeks' camp meeting at Gustls. The office of the Seward Lumber and Fuel company was robbed of cash in the safe recently. Governor Morehead has commenced the erection of a large house on his island in the Missouri river. Rev. Ferdinand Peich of Randolph has gone to West Point to take charge of the Roman Catholic church there. Pitcher Kirschner and Second Base man Geyer of the Beatrice league team have been released by Manager Coe. An Indian baby fell from the win dow of a moving M. & O. train be tween Emerson and Nacora but was uninjured. A workman employed by the Pep perburg cigar company of Lincol.n was attacked and knocked down by strik ing cigarmakers. Plans are being perfected at Bea trice for the erection of a $27,000 the ater which will seat about 1,500 and be thoroughly modern. Leon Davis, twenty-four years old, has confessed murdering Mrs. B. F. Cook of Falls City after making a vain attempt to assault her. J. w. Jones, instructor or science and athetics in the Weeping Water high school, has been elected to a position in the Central City schools. The building of the Farmers’ Co operative Grain company elevator at Greeley Center has been started and construction is being pushed rapidly. Miss Bertha Schultz, deputy county treasurer for Seward county, and Vin cent Stahl, deputy state food inspector, were married in Seward on June 4. Mr. and Mrs. William James, living southeast of town, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary this week. About one hundred guests were pres eht. The city council of Humbolt has offered a reward of $10 for the arrest and conviction of any gambler and $25 for the conviction of any boot legger. For the purpose of providing funds for the paving of street intersections in Kearney the city council will call a special election for the voting of $15,000 bonds. Misses Ruth Capps and Helen Stein of Hastings were among the Nebraska girls who graduated from the North western university of oratory at Evanston, III. By a vote of 7 to 5 the Omaha board of education has decided to abandon the Bummer school, where nearly one thousand boys and girls were permitted to make up back work last year. Commissioner King of the depart ment of public safety is reluctant to Install the double shift for fireman. He feels that at the present time the expense of the double shift is pro hibitive. William Maben of North Bend com mitted suicide by shooting in the un ion depot at Fremont. Two months ago Anton Schecta of Lead, S. D., killed himself in the same room. Mr. Maben had been in ill health. The Bradley-Hughey wholesale gro cery warehouse at Nebraska City was destroyed by fire. The loss, which approximates $70,000, is covered by insurance. Several firemen were slightly injured by pieces of falling glass. Congressman Lobeck, in response to a number of telegrams, has replied that he will favor the bill in which Congressman Kinkaid is vitally inter ested, extending the rights for water payments under the North Platte gov ernment irrigation project from ten to twenty years, and do all that he can to secure its passage at this ses sion. Chief Game Warden Rutenbeck has received word from his deputies of the imposition of fines upon several per sons charged with violating the state game laws. A. J. Steele and J. F. Gavatt of Schulyer were each fined $28.85 for catching fish in a dip net. Frank Zion and Tom Kush of Colum bus were each fined $10 and costs for fishing without a license and ft>r shooting birds out of season. At Ash land George Mason. F. English and Mr. Holmes were fined a total of $24 for violating the game law. •*' '.idrew' G. Nelson, railway mail clerk on the Norfolk Winner line for more than ten years, is now post master of Norfolk, relieving John R. Hays who has been postmaster for twelve consecutive years. Mr. Hays was appointed by President Roosevelt, May 19, 19(12. The rural mail carrier* of the coun ties in the immediate vicinity at Emerson met in regular session, when the following officers were elected; J. M. Smith, president. Route 3, Pender; L. W. Cowies, vice president. Route 1, Thurston; Lee Wood, secretary treasurer, Emerson. After a canvass of the city, Fre mont is convinced that the business men want a festival during the sum mer and a committee is already lay ing plans for a combined industrial and agricultural show to be held dur ing August. Four counties will be in vited to participate in the fair. Presidents Van Hise of Wisconsin, Thompson of Ohio and Vincent of Minnesota state universities and Sny der of the Michigan agricultural col lege, a commission which, at the re quest of the Nebraska farmers’ con gress, investigated university location, has reported in favor of removal. WANT CASE TRIED BEST AND HARTE WANT ACTION IN MOORHEAD SUIT. CALLS OUT FOR HARVEST HELP Greuber of Thayer County Declares That It Will be Difficult to Get Men Enough to do Work. Lincoln.—Frank C. Best and Au gust C. Harte, county commissioners of Douglas county have filed in the supreme court a motion to advance the case brought \ by them against Harley G. Moorhead, election commis sioner of Douglas county, claiming that a question of public interest is involved whether the terms of office cf Best and Harte shall be shortened by reason of the provisions of section 1955 of the revised statutes, which provides that in counties under town ship organization having five commis sioners, three shall be elected in 1914 end each four years thereafter. They set out that Election Com missioner Moorhead is unlawfully re ceiving and filing nomination papers from persons, who seek the nomina tion for the offices held by them, as representatives of the Third and Fifth districts, notwithstanding the offices will not expire until the first Tuesday in January, 1916, and ask for action of the court before July 18, 1914, or litigation will be useless. Omaha Road is Sued. The Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Paul * Omaha railway has appealed from a judgment secured in the district court of Douglas county in the amount of $66.26 by Hewy H. Payne, for ne glect to deliver a bunch of thirty-two cattle, shipped from Luther to South Omaha, a distance of 157 miles in the time usually needed for shipments of that kind. Scouting for Harvest Hands. William, Greuber of Thayer county was at the office of the commissioner of labor discussing the proposition of harvest hands for the coming harvest. Mr. Greuber is of the opinion it will be hard work to get sufficient help for the harvest on account of the yield being so great. He says that small grain will be exceeding heavy in and around his section of the country and that corn is looking finely, mcst of it already having been plowed the first time. Wheat Acreage Shows Increase. Lincoln.—Crop statistics from Hall, Sarpy and Red Willow counties hye been sent in by the county clerks to the bureau of publicity and statistics of the State Board of Agriculture. Acreages of the various crops and all the data concerning Nebraska farms and farmers are included in these reports. In the three counties reporting the winter wheat acreage has increased 26,055 acres over 1913, or 15 per cent. In the same counties the corn acre age has decreased $19,956, or 10 per cent. The winter wheat acreages for the two seasons is shown hv the follow ing: Acreage 1914. Acreage! 913 Hall . 83,577 75.169 ! Red Willow ... 88.996 76.018 i Sarpy . 26.054 21,385 Totals .198,627 172,572 Increase 1914, 26,055 acres or 15 per cent. The corn acreage follow’s: Acreage 1914. Acreage 1913. Hall . 64.401 70,827 Red Willow . 62.409 76,803 Sarpy . 42,374 41.510 Totals .169.184 189,140 Decrease 1914, 19,956. or 10 per cent. Sarpy county increased both its winter wheat and corn acreages. In Red Willow and Hall there were de creases In corn acreages and In creases in wheat sowing. Machinists Hold Session. Lincoln.—District No. 2b, represent ing 000 organized machinists of the Burlington railroad system held its semi-annual session here last week. The states of Wisconsin, Missouri, Wyoming. South Dakota, Colorado, Blinois and Nebraska were represent ed. Among the resolutions adopted was one declaring or a pension sys tem for old employes and one pledg ing support to the striking Colorado miners. Officers for the coming year were elected as follows: President, J. A. Bottomly, Hanni bal. Mo., vice president. C. A. Hanson, Aurora. III.; sec-etary-treasuref, G. F. Cook, Creston. Ia.. business agent, E. Eklund, .Alliance, Neb., members of executive b'-ard, .T. J. Osmer. Beards town. 111.; R. E. T,esh, I incoln. Seb.; Glen Abel. Lincoln; E. K. Eahan, La Crosse, Wis., and J. J. Moore, Denver. Horticulturists Elect Officers. I incoln.—The board of directors of the Nebraska State Horticultural so ciety met at the Lindell hotel June 1. The new officers who were elect ed at the annual meeting of the so ciety last January took their offices. The new officers: president, J. A. Yager. Fremont: first vice president, E. M. Pollard. Nehawka; second vice president, Jacob Hess, Omaha: treas urer, - Peter Youngers, jr.; Geneva; directors, W. A. Harrison, York; G. A. Marshall. Arlington; Val Keyser, Nebraska City. Shippers Want Advice. . Lincoln.—Can the live stock ex change of South Omaha charge 10 cents per car insurance on live stock after it is unloaded at the yards? That question has been put up to the railway commission by shippers of the state. The commission itself Is puzzled as to its rights in the matter, believing that while it has regulation of the stock yards company in hand It has no right to extend its jurisdic tion to control of the affairs of the live stock exchange. The attorney sbjc2;.is3aui oi ueeq scq [BjauoS mm mmm WORKING ROADS WHEN MOIST Much More Labor la Required When Highways Are Dry—Use Road Ma chine When Soil Is Soft. It is a great mistake to put off work ing roads until August or September. The roads should be worked when the soil is damp, so as to make the soil bake when it dries out. If the roads are worked when they are dry, it takes more power to draw the ma chine and, besides, dry earth and dust retain moisture and quickly rut after rains. The use of clods, sods, weeds or vegetable matter in building earth roads should be avoided because they also retain moisture. If the working of the roads is de ferred until the latter part of the sum mer when the surface is baked dry and hard, they are not only difficult to work, but the work is unsatisfactory when done. Earth which is loose and dry will remain dusty as long as the dry weather lasts, and then turn to mud as the rains begin. By using the road machine In the spring while the soil is soft and damp, the surface is more easily shaped and soon packs down into a dry, hard crust, which is less liable to become dusty in summer and muddy in winter. Repairs to roads should be made when needed, and not once a year after crops are laid by. Because of its simplicity, efficiency and cheap r 1■ i King Road Scraper in Action. ness, the split-log drag or some similar device is destined to come into more and more general use. With the drag properly built and its use well under stood, the maintenance of earth and gravel roads becomes a simple and in expensive matter. Care should be taken to make the log so light that one man can lift It with ease. The log should be from seven to ten feet long, and from eight to ten inches in diameter. It should be split carefully as near the center as possible and the heaviest and best slab chosen for the front. When the soil is moist, but not sticky, the drag does the best work. The road will hake If the drag is used on it when it is wet. If the roadway Is full of holes or badly rutted the drag should be used once when the road is soft and slushy. Storm water should be disposed of quickly before it has had time to penetrate deeply into the surface of the road. This can be done by giving the road a crown or slope from the center to the sides. For an earth road which is 24 feet wide the center should not be less than six inches nor more than twelve Inches higher than the outer edges of the shoulder. The narrow road which is high in the mid dle will become rutted almost as quickly as one which is too flat, for the reason that on a narrow road all the traflHc is forced to use only a narrow strip. Shoulders are often formed on both sides of the road, which prevent storm water from flowing Into the side ditches, retaining it in the ruts and softening the roadway. These \ ruts and shoulders can be entirely! eliminated with the road machine or split-log drag. The width of the earth road will depend on the traffic. As a rule, twen ty-flve or thirty feet from ditch to ditch is sufficient if the road is properly crowned. Ordinarily the only ditches needed are those made with the road machine, which are wide and shallow. MANY BAD ILLINOIS ROADS Average Time cf Two and One-Half Months in Each Year Highways Are Unusable. If you want to know how badly Illinois needs good roads, ask the rural mail carriers. There are nearly three thousand of them in the state, their routes cover 66.628 miles of road, and they are out every- working day in the year. When the subject is roads, the rural mail carrier knows what he is talking about. Evidence collected from 2.724 rural mail carriers shows that mcst highways of Illinois deserve the name of trails, rather than of roads. In one county, for nearly thirty days in each year, the carriers are unable to make their routes. In the whole state, for an average time of two and one-half months in each year, the country roads are un usable for a load of one and one-half tons, says the Chicago Journal. In some counties, country roads are un usable for such a load during more > than one-third of the year. Such a condition is intolerable. It levies a toll on every farmer and on everyone who uses farm produce. It raises the cost of living and cuts down the rewards of labor. Illinois must be pulled out of the mud. The first step in this work is to use convicts in preparing mater al to make roads, instead of mud lanes. Efficient Road Machine. Don’t reject the split-log drag be cause it is a cheap road machine, but use it constantly, for it is the most efficient road machine that we can use In maintaining the dirt road. Take Next Best Thing. Where macadam or gravel roads1 cannot be built, take the next bust ;hing— build good dirt roads. Build Up and Develop. Good roads build up cities and towns md develop the country as welL KEEP “IN FORK" This really means keep ing the digestion good, the liver active and the bowels free from con stipation. You are then ready to “play the game” to win. For any disturbance in the di gestive functions HOSTETTER’S STOMACH BITTERS has been proven very helpful. You should try it, but insist on getting HOSTETTER'S TRITE REMARK STIRRED HIM Superfluous Remark Unwelcome to Man Who Knew Very Well That It Was Raining. “It’s quite a heavy shower we're having,” he said, cheerily, to the man who had entered with his clothes soaked and his umbrella dripping. “Yes, sir,” replied the stranger, testi ly, “it is a heavy shower; but you have failed to remark also tho Interesting facts that the shower is falling down ward from above, that it's a wet show er, and that it is raining on both sides of the street. Also you have neglected to observe that this is the year 1914, that the earth is round, and that there are four seasons each year. But I’m obliged to you for your information about the weather." And the stranger walked away, with a glitter of vindictive triumph in his eye. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher’s Casteria Natural Wit. “Jims is very good on dog stories.” “Yes, his tales do suggest a natural wag.” The Last Straw. "Everybody knocks that fellow who wants to be a soldier.” “That's so. Even his gun kicks.” Be happy. Use Red Cross Ball Blue; much better than liquid blue. Delights the laundress. All grocers. Adv. But the man who restricts his Joy riding to street cars doesn't have to worry about punctures. Alfalfa seed 15.50. Farms tor sate on crop pay ments. J. Mnlhail. Soo City, la.—Adv. The curiosity of some enables others to live without working. Good Cause for Alarm Deaths from kidney diseases bars in creased 72% In twenty years. People over do nowadays in somany ways that the con stant filtering of poisoned blood weakens the kidneys. Beware of fatal Bright’s disease. YThen backache or urinary iMs suggest weak kidneys, use Doan’s Kidney Pills, drink water freely and reduce the diet. Avoid coffee, tea and liquor. Doau’s Kidney Pills command confi dence, for no other remedy is so widely used or so generally successful. A Nebraska Case j "Several years ago my kidneys got dis ordered,” says J. N. Metcalf, of 815 Pa cific St., Omaha, Neb. "I had gravel and the kidney se cretions were re tarded and painful. I was laid up in bed for six months un der the doctor’s care and was a wreck. One of my limbs be came useless with] rheumatism. A1 neighbor suggested Doan’s Kidney Pills and I took them. They drove away the pains and rid my system of uric acid.” ■FvrryPWrf ItllSi SUo" mi uoan • at Any store. sue a Box DOAN’S ’VftX.V FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N, Y. SPECIAL TO WOMEN The most economical, cleansing and germicidal of all antiseptics Is A soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed. As a medicinal antiseptic for douches in treating catarrh, inflammation or ulceration of nose, throat, and that caused by feminine ills it has no equal. For ten years the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtine in their private correspondence with women, which proves its superiority. Women who have been cured, say it is “worth its weight in gold.'* At druggists. 50c. large box, or by maiL The Paxton Toilet Co„ Boston, Mass. Constipation Vanishes Forever ______iii