The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 16, 1914, Image 2

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He«» and Foreign Intelligence Con
deneed Into Two and Four
Line Paragraphs.
A MS to appropriate SjthM*"* for a
guierumetit rthiMt bunding at the
StL natripw np»itloa, ib ncca^d
noco with President \\ tiaoti • sugges
tion a sa fa i oraWy reported to the
W -» - by • iBduatnal arts and ea
P»il «oa» rOBIBIt!M
• • •
Vegucialiun* of a Ben commercial
treaty with Kusste mil sot be begun,
sxerdmt to Prewideat Wilaon. until
a new tabauadst la appointed The
prewidon* • lid that he aas still unde
cided aboc* <he amb»**ad«ir*hip and
•aa tesudmar three men
• • •
Fur: er .n.|uir> into the financial
•pera us of the New York. New
I la -ea a Hartford ra: r»*ad. under the
Sham irnstr*’ ->c of former President
Fharlos " Yritse. will be begun by
the tcferstato commerce commission.
SI- Hr t and a cumber of New Knir
land rs ->«d men and banker* have
he- i subpoenaed
• • •
Assrdts’t Bryan revolted official no
tification wotu Mini-ter Thompson, at
Bogota. <*f the «.suing of the new
trea'* *■ . IVoebu to settle the
IcStf • .andtr.c dispute over the parti
tarn of Panama A rash payment of
t.i.-ea- -> a-, the I iiited Stats# to
<elnshi * the principal feature The
official j-SE -• to publish the details
later by MRSMMSit with the for
e-gc «Br« at Bogota
• • •
ilrea* 1st es pat ke; boat lines, in
ArprLCes’ of the railroad*, are mail
t f tcrurd tig to test.ttxmy subu.tted
t- the uterstat# commerce cunait
f l. s««.>d profit oa shipments. al
Itwvitt they carry .eaa tonnage than
tie t:a#s .t»4#r railroad control. Th#
In’ .i't» of sitceaer* for the shipper
were that the rail line* were "starv
ing their boat lines through expen*
• e management and the continuance
#f out of date method* of operation to
dttwer traffic to th# rail lines.
• • •
Formal tuiixicratiw of ike ad nan
torsi «a till to repeal the toll* exernp
tjoe pn?.*k»n of the Panama canal
art ail! beg .a oa the senate side of
the capita. a:th hearings before the
tt'erocoBhle canals committee, to
roatlaae fifteen days Senators a ho
have introduced substitute measures
•ill he beard first and they will be
lol.owed by representative* of com
mercial -rgan.rat ions of Pacific coast
and g if state* mho have asked an
opportunity to present their view*
• • •
Uepr-s.natste Vaughan. democrat.
« 1ru» *e»»>fted before ihe wave and
■toons committee that his hill for fed
*ral r«-operstjns *jih state and local
off. ta - enforcing local prohibition
’a* »o id help break up the "blind
tiger* Tbe btl mould require liquor
Stealer* •<» *h<»* that he is no' legally
C - ua • rd from fitting such a bu*i
t*i» Mao he raa be recognized un
der the "ernil revenue laws. Rep. t.arner democrat. of
Texas favored an internal revenue act
tbal mould be prohibitive
A record breaking winter a beat
crop i* in pruapect this year ;he lie
partmeat of Agriculture estimating
•a a tuasifvaine basis that the yield
a» eac**d husheia The
coadiuon of the crop April 1. was
Pi* per cent of a norma! or 11.5 per
seat belter than the average April 1
condition for the last ten years
• • •
Ket uaara4si»ss that tbe rural
SrBooj teacher be employed for life
w during good behavior and that each
he furnished v * i house and plot of
land far his own and experimental
use* mere made by P P. Ciaxtoa.
Vc.ted Stale* commlsauvoer of educa
••on. at a session at Lamtsviile of the
« oaferetsce for Education in the south.
* * •
‘"hsrge* that E I‘ Green, former
president of the Pacific Coast Casual
ty company of San Francisco, em
bettiofi at least $Z-akb. from his com
psav and tied up approximately
BMW* by quasitonable transactions
were made to the San Francisco dis
trict attorney's office by E C. Coopor.
< aiiiornis state insurance commia
r «<* bandied city police and de
tectita »»ept from all sides into a
anob of men and nomea la 1 nloa
square. Ve» York, when union and
non-onion labor opposed one anothei
a! maa» meetings
• • •
(.• "ternmen: financial aid. state, fed
era! or both combined, for th<* relief
1# irrigation project* in tbe west was
help up as a crying need by apeaken
at tbe ftrel day # session of the irriga
lion conference called by Secretary
laas of tbe Interior department ai
lien tec.
• • •
An ancnymooa cash gift of 150.00«
la been received at New York by
«*e board of foreign missions of tbe
Method tot Episcopal church, to be
•ddod to the permanent fond for tbe
gw re of retired mteejooanea.
• • •
Governor Ammon* of Colorado nt
fteater eent a telegram to Represen
tative Scott Kerri* at Washington.
rot os-lag in tbe name of tbe
•majority of tbe people of Colorado"
;be proposed bill providing for
. -_, imuag of miaeral-radiDm
E5T*.r—-cf #
Tbe federal grand Jury at counei]
Rlufi*. Iowa, returned an Indictment
' |>r Marry H Waodllng. proprietor
"5“ Comaeil Ruff* mill order bonse.
charging * tonee of tbe mails by cl
m*»! advertioetaeata
Pittsburgh this year will spend $2.
231.000 for new school building*.
• • •
Sprir.gtleld. Mo., has for the second
time within a year defeated counnis
] sion government proposition.
Dr Edward F. iaike. a physician ol
Donver, and (w»st grand master of the
Fraternal Order of Eagles, was open
ated on at Baltimore in an effort tc
prevent death from canter. It was
raid that it would he some time be
fore the result could he determined.
• • •
Wellesley college at Wellesley,
Mass , received a gift of $750,000 from
the Rockefeller foundation toward res
to ran eii of facilities lost in the recent
destruction of College hall by fire,
< nditional upon the raising of $2.
omi.AOO before the first of next Janu
• • •
The Rockefeller institute for medi
cal research in New York has an
nounced that John D Rockefeller has
added $1.©0' '«•<> to the general en
dowment fund of the institution, to
ha devoted to the study of animal dis
e.isa*, and that James J. Hill has
p .nlged $50,000 to he used specifically
for the investigation of hog cholera
• • •
A movement seeking a pardon for
rrembers of the structural bridge and
iron workers convicted at Indianapo
lis of i !< gaily transporting dynamite
ir. interstate commerce has begun at
Chicago. Petitions to President Wll
s u: charging that the men were rush
ed through their trials, were circulat
ed at the me*>tinc of the Chicago Fed
eration of Ia»i>or.
• • •
Harry Erz ('leaded guilty at Chica
go to using the mails to operate—in
tie words of Federal Judge Humphrey
one of the rnes:;'*si swindles in
. exited." Erz told the court be watch
el new papers for re(KTts of deaths of
ministers or priv-.-’s and wculd send
l ills for books on religious subjects
1 which he asserted he had sold the
' relatives A false bill was paid in
s'al inspec
! tor said.
• m m
rule?* dissatisfaction with action of
s lie committee of United Mine
Workers in withdrawing demands for
ighor waees should unexpectedly de
velop among the ranks of the miners
and the referendum vote to be taken
April 14 should repudiate that action,
high officials at the mine workers’
headquarters at Tndianaiiolis believe
the other difference' between 'h?
millers and operators in the bitumin
ous fields will be amicably adjusted,
vith the possible exception of Ohio.
• • •
\earl> 3p»* grain dealers, members
rf the association convened in the
fourteenth annual meeting of the
Western Grain Dealers' association at
■'edar Rapids, la. Deliveries on fu
■ures was a subjec' which occasioned
great interest, the association taking
the stand that futures should not. for
■'onvenience, be required to be un
'oaded on ’he last day of the month,
hut had better be left on track, to
avoid hints of a corner, which are
prevalent at the last of each month.
The widow of Thomas Henry Hux
ley. the cei. brated English biologist,
died at East Bourne. England.
• • •
i Paul Johann Ludwig von Heyse.
German poet and novelist, died in his
i eighty^-fifth year He was awarded
the Noble prize for literature in 1910.
• • •
The Kalian chamber of deputies
and senate has reassembled. The
new cabinet under the premiership of
>ignor Salandra made known to both
•muses its legislative program.
• • •
Wireless trans-Atlantic service un
der the system developed ty Dr. Val
demar Poulsen of Copenhagen will be
! open early in June. The station in
• Canada is ready for service and the
station at Rally-banian, in Ireland, is
nearing completion under the direc
, tion of an American engineer.
. . .
Ijst week closed with two impor
tant political even's in England, both
of which tended to clear the air and
'how where the two great parties
••‘and on the home rule issue. The
,Time minister. Mr. Asquith, opened
I his campaign for re-»leotion with a
speech at the village of ladybank.
Scotland, while many thousands of
unionists of London and the provinces
as'embled in Hyde park for a demon
stration of protest.
w w m
The guillotine has made its appear
ance in Mexico and a new form of
execution confronts tht enemies of
the constitutionalists in the state of
San Luis Potosi, it has been learned.
At Concepcion Deloro. a home-made
guilotine has been erected. It was
, built by rebel mechanics in the corps
commanded by General Eulalie Gu
I tierrex. Already the new instrument
has been tested, and. as the general
says "It works splendidly." The
test was made with a lamb as the vic
• tim.
• • •
Xuremburg. Germany, and its ad
joining city of Fuerth have a combin
ed population of 430.000. Their street
railways last year carried 49.000,000
passengers over thirty-six miles of
* • •
Albert Ballln. shipper, "the man
who could b« minister." is seeking
new worlds to conquer At least so
says Hamburg writers. They, and the
anti-Baltin press generally, put down
the new Atlantic rate war to Ballin’s
consuming ambition, which requires
aiways some new sacrifice.
• • •
Mme.. Sarah Bernhardt has an
nounced in Paris she intended to
make a tour of the United States.
Australia. Russia and England She
j will open in the United States at X’ew
I York in October.
• • •
Plans for the observance of a
j "woman's day" in St. Petersburg by
i the workmen of the capital were
i broken up by the police. The day was
to hare been observed chiefly by
lectures in rations halls on general
topics affecting women's wgrk and po
! rition.
Opponent* to Repeal Measure Con
side Agreement Furnishes Them
New Ammunition.
Washington.—Free use of the Pana
ma canal by Colombian men-of-war,
troop ships and army and navy supply
vessels is proposed in the new treaty
between the United States and Colom
bia, signed at Bogota, to heal * th«
breach between the two countries
over the separation of Panama.
This was announced by Secretary
Bryan with the explanation that the
clause in the convention was identical
with the one in the Colombian treaty
negotiated and ratitied by the United
States senate, though never accepted
by Columbia.
Mr. Bryan's statement folliflved a
long conference at the State depart
ment with Senator O’Gorman, chair
man of the senate canals Committee,
which has under consideration the ad
ministration bill, repealing the clause
of the Panama canal act exempting
American coastwise shipping from I
canal toll6.
Gets New Ammunition.
Senator O’Gorman, who is leading
the democratic opposition to Presi
dent Wilson's repeal policy, went
back to the eapitol with new ammu
nition for his tight. He would not dis
cuss tlie subject, but other opponents ]
of exemption repeal pointed to the |
fact that Great Britain in '1909 had
agreed to preferential treatment for ]
Colombias' peculiar relation to the 1
canal as evidence that Great Britain j
and President Wilson now are putting ;
a new construction on the words “all
nations,” in the close of the Hay- i
Ptuncefote treaty, guaranteeing equal
treatmeut to the vessels ot' the ua- :
tions of the world using the canal.
Their claim is that these words were
not intended to apply to the United
States, the owner of the canal and :
they will urge the admission of Great
Britain in the Columbian matter as
Charges She Was Hit by Governor.
Topeka, Kan.—Governor George H.
Hodges of Kansas was made the de
fendant in a civil suit filed in the dis
trict court here by Mrs. Lucile West
of Wichita, who charged in her peti- j
tion that the governor wrenched her
wrist and arm and struck her with
his fist during an alleged altercation !
in his office.
The petition stated that Mrs. West,
with a woman companion, went to the
state house to get copies of letters
written to the governor in connection
with a parole for a prisoner. After
she had obtained possession of some
of the correspondence. Mrs. West
charges, the governor tried to Regain
them forcibly. In this alleged en- I
counter she charged that he struck
her. . Mrs. West asked for damages
amounting to *2.300.
Metcalfe's Back From Panama.
Washington.—Richard L, Met
calfe. former commissioner from the
Isthmian canal, Mrs. Metcaife, and
their sons, Lee and Kenneth Met
calfe. have arrived in Washington
from Panama, where Mr. Metcalfe
for the last six months in his capac
ity of commissioner, has been the
head of the department of civil ad
ministration. Mr. Metcalfe returns
from the canal cone looking "fit as
a fiddle'' and enthusiastic over the
olim&te in that country, which at on5
time was the breeding place of yellow
fever and other constitutional ills,
but which through the genius of an
American surgeon. General Wm C.
Gorgas. now surgeon genera! of the
army, has become almost a pleasure
Pelts Seen Floating in Sea.
St. Johns. N. F.—Seal pelts thought
i to have come from the missing seal
ing steamer Southern Cross were
; sighted seventy miles south of St.
Mary' s bay by the steamer Kyle,
which has been searching the coast
for a week. This is the first definite
j clew to the fate of the vessel, which
was last reported off the southern
coast on March 31.
It is believed the pelts either were
| washed from the decks of the sealer
! or floated to the sur.ace after it went
• down. None of the sealing fleet
I which came in from the St. Lawrence
1 grounds lost any skins in the vicinity
’ of St. Mary s bay.
Brigands Continue Butchery.
i Peking.—Brigands under the notor
ious "White Wolf" have killed hnn
I dreds of inhabitants of the towns ot
, Huh Sien, Chow Chih and Meih Sien,
in the vicinity of Sian Fu.
Women Beaten and Robbed.
Worchester. Mass.—Four women
| clerks in a jewelry store were held
up by a highwayman and beaten and
j robbed. One of the women is in a
critical condition from wounds inflict
ed with a blackjack The robber got
i only a few dollars.
Car Found Loaded With Whiskey.
St. Louis. Mo.—An oil tank car in
the yards of the St Louis Iron Moun.
tain & Southern railroad here, was
found to be loaded with whisky, wine
and Beer.
Against Votes For Women.
Fargo. S. D—Anti-suffrage head
quarters for North Dakota were open
ed here and an aggressive campaign
against extending to the women of
this state the right of franchise will
be waged until the November election.
Miss Bronson is in charge.
City Gots Part of Earnings.
Chicago.—The city of Chicago wIH
receive $3,299,000 as Us share of the
net earnings last year of the surface
street railways, according to the an
nual reports of the companies.
A twenty-five piece orchestra has
been organized at Beatrice.
The Hastings postoffice will become
one of the first class on July 1.
The Wymore Coursing association
will hold a meet in- that city April 16
and 17 -
The Hastings college glee club has
started on a tour of central and west
ern Nebraska.
The night school classes which have
met at Hastings for three years have
been discontinued.
Fire destroyed the Ostbloom general
store at Surprise, stock and building
being a complete loss.
The reunion of the Spanish War
Veterans of the state will be held in
Lincoln. April 22 and 23.
Thomas Osterman, editor of the
Blair Democrat, has been recommend
ed for postmaster at that place.
The Fremont manufacturers’ asso
ciation has voted unanimously to fed
erate with the new Fremont Commer
cial club?
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Merwin cele
brated their fiftieth wedding anniver
sary at their home in Beaver City on
March 30.
Governor Morehead has issued the
following proclamation designating
April 17 and 18 as fire prevention
clean up days:
York. Dodge. Boone. Butler and
Seward counties have about completed
plans for the engagement of eight
noted institute workers.
Vol Hyde and wife, former Nebras
kans, were found dead under their
automobile, which had overturned on
the road near Cody, Wvo.
The Hickman schools opened Mon
day after ten days’ vacation caused
by scarlet fever cases. It is thought
that the disease has been checked.
By a vote of 5 to 2 the Adams county
board of supervisors declared against
the sanctioning of Sunday baseball at
any country or village diamond in the
The receipts of the Seward post
office for the year ending April 1 were
over $10,000. This volume of business
entitles the town to free delivery
Members of the Eastern Star have
appealed to the city council of Fre
mont to stop the practice of throwing
ashes in the streets of rhe residence
Mrs. ,T. T. Gist of Falls City, state
secretary, requests the names of all
state delegates to the Chicago meet
ing of women's clubs. June 9 to 19, in
order that hotel reservations may be
Sitting upright at the wheel of his
automobile. Dr W. H. Horton of Flor
ence wds found dead, presumably from
heart failure, a short distance north
west of that village.
Fire hundred and thirty children of
the Hayward school at Lincoln filed
from their class rooms and out of the
building in less than one minute after
a fire alarm was sounded
James G. Russel. Lincoln’s 100-year
old citizen, oldest showman in the
country and oldest civil war veteran
in Nebraska, died Sunday at his home
in that place He was 100 years old
March 1.
Dr. JV. S. Fast, superintendent of
the institute for the feeble minded at
Beatrice, is suffering from typhoid
fever. Authorities deny that there is
danger of the fever spreading to the
Hastings was chosen as the place
for the next annual meeting of the Dis
trict Odd Fellows convention by the
200 fraternal members present at the
banquet which marked the close of the
1914 meeting.
Chris. Deines was buried beneath
several tons oBroal at the power plant
of the Burlington shops at Havelock
and smothered to death. It was thought
he had a fainting spell and fell into
the coal feed chute
Lloyd Hoop four years old. was ser
iously injured when the tines of a
manure spreader struck him on the
head, penetrating the brain. He was
following the machine on his father's
farm near Schuyler.
There is a decided movement in ex
treme western Nebraska to abandon
dry farming and take up dairy work.
The main issues in the coming
spring election at North Platte are the
saloon license and electric light fran
questions. The electric light
company wishes its franchise extend
ed for twenty-five years.
Luther Abbott, a well-known Nebras
ka boy. and former resident of Fre
mont, died at Colorado Springs from
hemorrhage, as a result of an opera
tion for the removal of a gold crown of
a tooth from his lungs three months
David Ridenour, an IS-year-old Fair
bury boy, was dangerously wounded
when a .45 caliber revolver be was ex
amining was discharged, the ball pen
etrating his abdomen.
Valentine Feathers, eleven years old,
narrowly escaped drowning when he
fell through a rotted curbing into a
fourteen-foot cistern at Lincoln. He
was badly bruised and scratched up
Mr. and Mrs. Flvne Fields of Ne
braska cfty died within an hour of
each other Saturday. They are sur- :
vived by thirteen children. The father !
was afflicted with an abscess of the j
Brain and the mother with pneumonia, j
There are sixteen cases of smallpox
in four families at Kearney, but it is .
believed that danger of the spread of j
the disease has been obviated.
Charged with the desertion of his I
wife and nine-days-old baby. Arthur E. j
Brooks, a blind piano tuner, is being i
sought for by Sheriff Hyers of Lincoln. !
At a meeting of the board of direc- i
atrs of the Gage County Holstein-Fre- j
sian association It was determined to i
make an effort to guard against the ■
importation of inferior Holsteins. or j
other black and white cattle, in the i
state and county, and disposing of
them as thoronf&bred stock.
The farmers’ unions surrounding
Clay Center have incorporated and will
build a new elevator which will be
operated under the cooperative ele- j
vator law.
The barn of Frank Stowell, near I
Phillips, was struck by lightning and I
completely destroyed, together with a !
fine team of work horses, several head
of cattle, harness and grain.
Paul Swan, painter, “Greek god.” j
and heralded In Sunday supplements ;
as the most beautiful man in the |
world, was bom on a farm near Te
oumseh in this state and for a while J
attended the state university.
Saloon Question Was Most Frequent
. Cause of Division—Sunday
Baseball Aso an
W *‘stern Newspaper I 'n ion News Service.
1-incoln. Neb.—Municipal elections
were held throughout the state Tues
day. This year is the "off year" for
this city, and no election takes place
here on municipal matters until 1915.
In contests reported the saloon ques
tion was the most frequent cause of
division. Bond issues and other mat
ters of local government were decided
in many places.
•Albion Ainsworth
Alliance Anselmo
Alma Ansley
Amherst Arapahoe
Ashland Arcadia
Auburn Arlington
Barneston Aurora
Beatrice ‘Bancroft
Benson Bassett
Bloomfield benkelman
Blue Hill Beaver City
Bloomington Beaver Crossing
Bridgeport 'Bell wood
Bruning Benedict
Burwell Blair
Cedar Bluffs Brock
Chadron broken Bow
Clarks ’Callaway
Columbus Clay Center
•Comstock Central City
Cook Dorchester
Culbertson Craig
Crete Curtis
Dawson David City
Deweese Decatur
Elgin Denton
Eiwood Edgar
Eustis Emerson
rairbury ‘Ewing
Fremont "Falls City
Friend Fairfield
Fullerton Franklin
’Genoa Gibbon /
Gothenburg 'Giltner
Greenwood “Hampton
Greeley Hecron
Hartington ‘Hickman
Harvard holdrege
Hastings Humboldt
Havelock .uniata
Herman Kimball
Holstein Lexington
Homer Lyons
Johnson Miller
Kearney Minden
Kenesaw Nelson
Laurel North Loup
Leigh Oakland
Louisville Cgallala
Loup City Ong
Madison Oxford
McCook Pawnee City
Nebraska City Ponca
Neligh 'Red Cloud
Newport ' Rushvilte
North Platte Sargent
Oconto Shuberr ..
Odell 'Silver Creek
Ohiowa Stella
3rd Stromsburg
Orleans Sumner
Oshkosh Superior
O’Neill Tecumseh
Papillion Tekamah
Pender ’Thurston
Phillips Ulysses
Pickrell University Place
Pierce Valley
Pilger Waco
Plainview 'Wahoo
Plattsmouth Wakefield
Prosser Wausa
Ravenna W'eeping Water
'Republican City Western
Rulo ' Wolbach
Schuyler York
'St. Paul
Table Rock
West Point
Wood River
'Changes from last year’s policy.
Sunday Baseball.
For Against
Norfolk Tecumseh
Broken Bow Beatrice
Ashland Clay Center
Amherst Gibbon
Sterling Eustis
Kearney Hebron
A number of surprising changes j
were recorded. Falls City went dry '
after forty-five years of saloons. Su
perior went dry by one vote. Wahoo |
went dry. Hickman. Emerson and
Callaway were other changes to the ’
dry column.
St. Paul went wet after a hot fight
on the liquor question. Tekamah went '
dry for the eighth year. In many j
contests the vote was very close.
The following are the results in the j
more _ important towns in the state.!
and particularly when "wet or dry" !
was the issue:
House Passes New Pension Bill.
Washington.—Pensions for widows
and minor children of the officers and
men who served in the Spanish war. '
the Philippine insurrection and the '
boxer uprising in China would be an- j
thorized by a bill which has passed 1
the house by a vote of 276 to 54. The ■
bill would grant $12* monthly to the j
widow of an honorably discharged sol
dier or sailor and $2 monthly for each
child under sixteen years of age. pro
vided that the widow shall have mar
ried the soldier prior to the passage
of the bill.
Kearney.—With the same majority
as that of a year ago, Kearney re
mained wet by 43 votes. The lighting
contract providing for a series of orna
mental street lights ,was carried by
183 votes to the surprise of many who
thought the opposition was too strong.
The Sunday baseball question was de
cided with a majority of ninety-live
Beatrice.—Closing one of the most
bitter campaigns in the history of the
city the three present commissioners,
J. R. Spyer, J. W. Mayer and J. R. C.
Field, were re-elected. The city will
remain in the wet column and the Sun
day baseball and the Sunday amuse
ment questions failed to carry. The
wets carried the city by a majority of
178. Sunday baseball lost by forty
Broken Bow.—At the municipal elec
tion here A. M. Brew, on the people's
independent ticket, was elected over
Mayor E. E. Squires of the citizens
ticket. The contest was close and
spirited. Brew's majority was about
sixteen. Sunday baseball was Carried
and pool halls were voted out. Sa
loon license was not voted upon, and
the town remains dry.
Havelock.—The democrats secured
the election of their candidate for
mayor, one councilman and the city
engineer (uneontested) at Havelock.
The republican candidates were elect
ed to other offices. Sunday baseball
was approved by a large majority.
An unusually large vote was polled.
Hebron.—W. C. Cooper was elected
mayor on the dry ticket by four votes.
The dry element prevailed by a ma
jority of eleven votes. Two. wards
went dry, one wet and one a combina
tion of wet and dry votes. The pool
hall question received an equal num
ber of votes from both parties. Sun
day baseball was decisively defeated
by forty votes.
Columbus.— The ticket nominated
by the citizens and endorsed by the
democrats was elected, although there
was some opposition, especially on
the school board. The saloon ques
tion was not an issue.
Tecumseh.—Tecumseh stays in the
dry column by seventy-three majority.
The town went dry last year by but
six. Sunday basebali was defeated by
ninety-four votes. Harry s Villar
was elected mayor.
rails (. ity.— For the first time m
forty-five years Falls City went cry
today by a majority of 172. Over a
thousand votes were cast during the
Humboldt.—Humboldt changed her
policy and wen t dry by twelve votes.
Mayor Davis, democrat, was defeated
by A. L. Brunn, republican, by eight
Wahoo—Wahoo went dry by a ma
jority of seven, for the first time for
several years. Last year the vote was
close, the wet majority being seven.
David City.—The proposal to license
saloons was defeated by a majority of
three votes. Last year the town went
dry b> twenty-eight votes.
Norfolk.—Sunday baseball carried
by 127 majority and Sunday moving
pictures by a majority of 105.
Superior.—Superior went dry by a
majority of one vote on the initiative
and referendum election.
Clay Center.—J. E. Wheeler was re
elected mayor. Sunday baseball was
defeated three to one.
Geneva.—Geneva went wet by sev
enteen majority, this being no reversal
of policy from last year.
Gothenburg.—After a year in the
dry column. Gothenburg went wet by
only two votes.
Harvard.—Harvard remained in the
wet column this year by a majority of
Cook.—The wet policy was adopted
Lincoln. Neb.—The Nebraska State
Democratic Editorial association has
been called to meet in thi« city April
21. at which time plans for the com
ing state campaign are likely to be
tentatively outlined
Electric Power for Long Pine.
Long Pine.—Much interest is cen
tered in a plan to dam Long Fine
creek and create electric power fcr
use in this city and other towns up j
and down the road. An engineer has
been looking over the ground with H.
M. Culberson, a well known local cap!- j
talist and promorer. If the plan is |
found feasible it is said a large amount j
of outside capital can be secured to 1
construct the dam and power plant, as 1
the neverending supply of water and i
the narrow walls of the canon render i
the undertaking comparatively easy.
University Place. Xeb—Citizens of
this place were thrown into a high
state of excitement .Monday when forty
sticks of dynamite were discovered in ■
a shed not far from the main street
of the town. Sheriff Hyers was noti
fied immediately of the find. and. after j
inspecting the place where the explo- !
sive had teen, carted the entire con- j
signment to his office at the court j
house. Xo clue as to who took the I
dynamite to the shed has been discor- !
ered. but officers will be keyt on the !
case until they hunt down a clue or !
are compelled to giv*> uo.
But Little Reduction in Revenue.
Washington.—The Underwood-Sim- '
mons tariff act went into effect six
months ago and present indications
are that it will not reduce customs
revenue any more than was estimated
in congress at the time of passage.
According to the treasury’s March
statement, customs revenues amount
ed to about $26,000,000 which is about
Sl.500.0d0 less than the Payne-Aldrich
law produced in March. 1915. That
was a marked increase over February,
when revenues fell over flO.OOO.OOo!
compared to the same raoith of 19'^. ’ *
First in
First in Quality
first in Results
First in Purity
first in Economy
and for these reasons
Calumet Baking
Powder is first in the
hearts of the mill ions
of housewives who
use it and know it.
World*. Par* Food Eipwtioa.
Cbicuo, lllinob.
PariiEnuilu*. France, Mudi.
$3.00 A DAY and Over Paid Men and Women
(oxer 21 years of age) for distributing advert.- n*
matter in their districts. If yon have had ant kind
i of selling experience we can make von A BIGGMK
' OFF MIL Write immediately for territory. Address
boom 1£50. Great Northern Building. Chicago. Ill
Virtue of Self-Expression.
If children are allowed to give vent
to all that is joyous and happy and
spontaneous in their natures, they ■*
be infinitely more likely to blossom
out into helpful men and women in
stead of sedate, suppressed, sad-facec
individuals. Children w ho are encour
aged in self-expression through their
play instinct will not only make much
more norma! human beings, but wiii
make better business men. better pro
fessional mem better citizens, better
men and women generally. They will
: succeed better and have a nobler in
: fluenee in the world. Joy and fun are
great developers, calling out our rich
est resources, educating our fullei
Bitter Sweet.
It happened at one of those places
where one goes to dine and dance.
The cheerful young man about town
blew in and was adopted into a per
fectly good bohemian party. Attached
I somehow to the perfectly good bo
hemian party was a young woman
with that weary, haughty air so much
in favor In the younger tango set.
The cheerful youth asked her to do a
hesitation waltz with him. She didn't
mind if she did. But after they had
made a few turns about the room she
led her partner back to the table.
"Honey,” she said languidly, "you
must go somewhere and learn to
Not Skin Deep.
Miss C&tt—She has a novel com
Miss Nipp—Yes, but the novelty is
apt to wear off.—Judge.
Florida club women have eleven
traveling libraries.
A closed mouth may be the noblest
work of man.
A Sure
—saves the house,
wife much thank*
less cooking—
The factory cooks them
perfectly, toasts them to a
delicate, golden-brown, and
sends them to your table
ready to eat direct from the
sealed package.
Fresh, cnsp, easy to serve,
Ask any grocer—