The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 02, 1914, Image 8

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Loup City Mercantile Co.
Men's Work Shirts
i I
tbi- alt.
Some splendid
values in well
made work
| shirts. Good
| wearing mate
rials in plain
and fancy col
lars. A money
saving Chance
not to be over
looked. during
Men's Heavy Work Suspenders
A big kit to choose
from. All the popular
stales and weights, with
eitra value elastic price
25c to 50c
* m ^
Men's Hosiery
A *{4rndtd lot of
Men s half bose in- ^
Hodinjr various
St.\ le* aiid color black JH|
and browu only
Men’s Cloth
) Cloves
I Bleached ciinton
flannel gloves.knit
wrist only 3 pairs
for 25C
Men’s Underwear
We want the men to come
in and look at the wonder
ful values we have in the
pure Sea Island Cotton
Underwear, the two piece
garments are 50c each or
91.00 per suit
Ladies Muslin Underwear
We bare a must complete line in ladies
mu>iin underwear call and see it.
Women's Ribbed
In this choice assort*
ment .you'll find some
exceptionally attractive
garments, everyone a
bargain at the price.
While they last, Price
10c, 15c, 25c
Corset Covers
Attractively trimmed with the newest lace
and embroideries, rare values. Price
50c to 25c
Ladies’& Child
ren’s Hosiery
One of the most famous
brand of boys and girls
stocking in America.
For solid merit there
are very few stockings
for the money that can
camimre with them,
for out door every day
hard wear and yet they
make a very good ap
pearing dress stocking
as wen, me.v are called V*
the FAY. The price in
ladies or children's 25c
Ladies & Childrens Stockings
An assortment of ladies’ and children’s
stockings, including various weights
is called our LITTLE GIANT this is a
splendid wearing quality, and stands with
l>est for the price 15c
Pretty Baby Bonnets
An assortment
of dainty
French styles
in various ma
terial s and
trims, price
25 to 50c
Face Clothes
\ Good sizes bleached terry
face-clothes with strij>ed
borders. Price only 15c
Hemmed Towels
-. - — <m ■—g-n
Good size unbleached
cotton, Turkish bath
towel, good value for
only I5C
Loup City Mer. Co.
A. M. AYE, D. C.
After everything else has failed do
not give up. Come and try
and get well. Office: two blocks east
and one south of opera house
We have for sale the pro
perty kaowa as the B. T. Say
Per Uvsry bora lacludlat four
lots. Caa live foot tenas or
caa sail the baiMtag without the
We also have soae cheap ro
ifPeacc lets oa easy tanas.
Two S rooai houses for reat
First Trust Coarpuay,
Loap City. Nebr.
Order of H«arin| and Notica of
Propots of Will
le lir County Court of SI erman
Coaatv. Nebraska
State of Nebraska. >
M.rnnan County. » ^
To U>* heir*. legatees devisees and
to all Demons interested in tlie es
tate of Lucy tialua, deceased:
Ob reading Uw petition of John
GaJue. praying tiiat the Instrument
filed tn this court on the lath day of
March. 1V14. and purporting to be the
last will and uvtament of Lucy
Gal us. deceased, that said instrument
hr admitted to probate, aad the ad
ministration of said satata be granted
to Frank s Gains and Jacob J. Slo
mtnsfcl as esscutors for the state of
Nebraska. It is lierebr ordered that
poo and all persons interested In said
matter, may. and do appear at the
cd .atv court bo be Iteid in and for
oak) eoor tv on the 22nd day of April.
A. D. t«M. at Id o'clock a m . to show
cau««. If any there be. why Uie prayer
of the petitioner should not be grant
ed aad that aotice of tlie pendency
cd -aid peri' Ian and the hearing there
of he given to all persons interested
la mid matter by publishing a copy
of this order tn the Loup City North
western, a weekly newspaper printed
In mid countv. three surreseive weeks
prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand aad the seal of
•aid nourt this 30th day of Msrrh, A.
D- »»!l E. A. Smith.
[uut] Countv Judge.
Last pub. Apr. ltt
I want cattle for pasture on Cole
Creek, in Washington township, about
12 miles northwest of Loup City
Phone 9240 for particulars. R. P
12 Pure-Brad Shorthorn Bulls 12
Saa Biamond tt Son
Phono 112 Loup City
Shoe Department
Does it p«y"lo buy an off brand of
shoes at a cheap price ? No it does
not, for many shoes are not made
of pure leather and to look at
them they look as good as the best
but when one comes to wear a
pair they will soon see where the
trouble is, and this is the cause of
so many SHOE dealers going out
of the shoe business. They have
not been handling the right kind
of shoes. We handle the STAR
BRAND SHOES which stands
with the best. When you once
buy a Star Brand Shoe you will
wear no other We handle them
in Ladies’ Men’s, Boys. Girls and
little Children’s. STAR BRAND
Loup City Mercantile Co
—. i
Methodist church. Sunday April 5.
10:30 a. m., “Teachings of God.” 7:30
p m. “Lost Opportunities.’’
German, April 5, at Kelso 10:30 a.
m. service 11:30 Sunday school.
9 -.... ■
Dear Friends:— I certainly thank
you for the business which you have
thrown to me 'this spring so far and
es there was a big rush on ray make
harness this year* I am running a lit
tle short on the same. But don't be
afraid to come to me. I can still fur
nish you any kind of harness you
want inside of three days, as I have
plentv of leather on hand and all
kinds of hardware to finish it with,
also have all sizes of horse collars and
prices can’t be teat. I can also fur
nish you with Manufactured harness,
but I cannot put such a strong guar
antee on them as 1 do on my own
make, therefore wait 3 days longer in
case 1 have not got the kind of har
ness you want, on hand, and 1 will
make it for you. You no doubt will
get the benefit.
You know me
pi*- MS " ~ |
_- . Anyone con Apply
Varnish Stain
For Finishing Roots, Fumltore
and all Interior Woodwork
Stain and varmabea with oae aweep of the belt.
Cary—tar Mart— Co. . Boat—, Miaa.
Wid. a pmchneeoj Campbell VanridiSmm.
25 r rM m ar laiper, ham dealer named be
the ammdaelman. •
% ’ * * ; :
T ‘ -e»i . 1
Swanson & tofbolm
Drugstore ^ \
C. B. Wilkie is digging a cistern.
C. W. Burt has reshingled his house
Horace Casteel and wife visited at'
Frank Casteel’s Monday.
A good rain has covered the route
the past week. »
Walter Koch is going to the sand
hills next week.
Mr. Obermiller and wife visited
with Mrs. Neisuer last Sunday.
Floyd Burt is sick with bronchitis.
II. W. Brodock and brother, Dick,
were repairing fence Monday.
Both ends of the steel bridge at W.
O. Brown’s need a load of dirt.
Car) Mickow took home a load of
flooring Tuesday.
Mr. Obermiller has purchased a new
gasoline engine, separator and wash
ing machine.
J. E. Roush and Tom Ward were
fixing a well Monday.
Tom Ward and family moved on
Route 2 last week.
Road Boss Ernest Daddow fixed a
culvert on the route last Thursday.
Jim McBeth took home a load of
lumber last Wednesday.
F G. Casteel is doing some build
ing this week.
C. O. Wagoner lowered and thor
ough overhauling last week.
Ed Flynn bought a mare of Milo
Gilbert last Thursday.
Frank Pincoski put down a well for
Follson last Thursday.
Lon Woods and Skip Thrasher and
sons autoed over the route to Litch
field last Friday.
There was a surprise partv at the
home of Floyd Howard Saturday
night. We did not learn any parti
Don't forget Vida Cowling’s school
program Thursday. Everybody In
Chris Olt jenbruns hauled a big tree
over to A. M. Lewis’ Monday and had
it sawad into lumber.
Mrs. Will Betts autoed to Loup
City from Litchfield over this route
Wednesday last.
Claud Burt left Monday for Scotts
bluffs, where he has accepted a posi
tion in the experimental station
IIomeT Ogle was out to Henry
Kuhl’s teaching the boys how to run
their new auto. Henry told carrier
two years ago that he never wanted
one on the place. Time works won
A carrier in the south is reported
have bought 30 road scrapers and giv
en them to the farmers along his
route to drag the roads with. He
must be more flush than carriers out
of Loup City.
J. E. Routh got a shipment of wall
paper from Kearney Tuesday by par
cel post that weighed 55 pounds’. This
and three other packages and a very
heavy mail made the heaviest maii,
carrier has ever delivered in the ser
vice. There is strong talk of making
the limit 100 pounds.
There will ba a special t<mnship
meeting in Clav at the regular voting
place on April 7. at 1 p. m., for the
purpose of making a levy to run the
township. It will take one-third of
the votes in the township present
that day in order to make the levy.
Unless you attend this meeting there
will not be any money for road work
and other purposes. Remember and
lie there.
There was a big court house meet
ing at the Wiggle Creek school house
last Thursday evening. President
Long of the Loup City Commercial
Club made a tine talk, explaining
fully about the court house. Rev.
Slocum followed and soon had the
hearts of every one. Johnson. Sch
waner, Hinman and Allen entertain
ed the crowd with some dandy songs.
The one that seemed to get ever? one
most was “The Old Oaken Bucket,”
each one acting a small part. The
house was packed.
E. G. Taylor has a large force of
men working at the head of the mill
race putting in head gates. This is
something this race has needed for
years, and in the ea rly years when the
race was first built tbe carrier can re
member seeing it there. This is the
reason the mill in the early days hard
ly stopped all winter, for just as soon
as the slush ice would commence to
run the head gates would be closed,
keeping out the water and slush ice
and as soon as the river froze over
the gates would be opened and the
flow of water would be as good as be
fore. Mr. Taylor has spent hundreds
of dollars on tbe race since he has had
it and realizes that this work at the
head most be done in order to make
the race a success. It will be differ
ent than any thing ever put in there,
as it will be made so the sand cannot
get into the race at any time during
the year. The sand in the summer
has been nearly as bad as the slush in
winter. With scarcely any sand com
ing in, the race will constantly be dug
deeper by the swift flowing' waters.
The gate will be 80 feet wide. To
make things complete. Mr. Taylor
will put a dam across the river, driv
ing the water against his new head
gate insuring plenty of water at any
time during the year. Nelson Smith
has charge of the work-in fact work
ed out the entire plan for the gate,
making all the parts that were put in
it. __
Born, Friday, March 27, 1914,
to Mr. and Mr. O. M. Whitford,
on Route 3, a charming daughter.
Born, Thursday, March 26,
1914, to Mr. and Mrs. H. R. H.
Williams, a charming 11-pound
girl. Friend Williams has grown
another inch in height since. His
family is now composed of a king
and two queens. Congratulations.
I want cattle to pasture, 7 miles
west of Loup City. Phone 7024, or
see I. M. Holmberg, for particulars.
In the matter of the application of
John J. Goc for liquor license.
Notice is hereby given that John J.
joc. did on the 30th day of March
L914 tile his petition with the Village
Cleric of Ashton, Nebraska, addressed
bo the trustees of said Village, asking
For a license to sell at retail, malt,
ipirituoas and vinous liquors, in the
auilding situate on lot (4) block (6) of
She original town of Ashton. Nebras
ka, for the municipal year beginning
>n the 1st day of Mai. A. D. 1914, and
sontinufng for one year, from and af
ber its date in the manner provided
jv law.
Any objection or remonstrance to
bhe issuance of said licence must be
lied in writing with the Village Clerk
>f said Village of Ashton on or before
bhe 30th day of April 1914.
John J, Goc., Applicant
Attest; H. W. Ojendyk.,
(mat.) Village Clerk.
14 cans corn.$1.00
1 keg Holland Herring.65
4 pound dried Peaches.25
2 large cans pork and beans. 25
1 can peas f.10
1 can Salmon.*..10
5 pounds coffee.90
100 pound sack of sugar. . 4.90
These Prices are for CASH ONLY
Mrs..M. C. Mulickjfreturned
Monday from a two weeks' visit
with her daughter. Mrs. L. P.
Costello at Grand Island, who be
came a happy mother to a fine
boy the 12th of March. Mrs.
Costello was formerly Miss Rose
Mulick. _
Don't forget that city election
comes next Tuesday, April 7. So
does the district court convene on
that day. That ought to make
next week of unusual interest.
Mrs. Mike Nicolaus and Mrs.
Henry George left yesterday
morning for Sutton, called there
by the illness of Mr. Nicholas'
good mother_
The “Charge of ban Juan Hill"
at the Daddow opera house last
Saturday night, a 3-reel special,
was pronounced one of the best
ever shown there.
Geo. Slofce the big Litchfield
auctioneer was a Loup City visitor
Saturday last, wading the mud
with his auto.
Local Advertisement.
For Sale—Rhode Island Red eggs
for hatching. 50c per 15. or *3 per 100.
Mrs. Ira Timson, Loup City. Phone
7005. _
Wanted to Buy—Double-barrel,
hammer less shot gun. A. E. Chari
ton. _ apr2tf
Your trade is always appreciated at
The Mogul Store. Quality and Quan
tity groceries. Phone 58. Joe Vaughn.
Lost—Pair new wagon doubletrees
near west bridge. Finder will please
leave same at Mason's implement
store. apr 3 2t Mlio Gilbert.
Better set ont some of those Nor
1 wav Poplar trees, home-grown by F.
E. 'Brewef, Loup City. apr2tf.
See our Easter window at the meat
, market. Frank Lorchick.
Phone 58 for vour groceries. We are
grocery specialists. Joe Vaughn.
For Sale—Pure-bred Barred Ply
1 mouth Rock eggs, f 1 per setting of 15:
*4.00 per 100. Mrs. H. J. Johansen.
For Sals—Red Millet seed, *1 per
bushel. Phone 8513. Hans Dietz .
For Sale—Alfalfa hay. Phone Byrr
i Robbins, 9811;_ jan22tf
For Sale—Home-grown Early Ohio
: seed potatoes at 90c oer bushel.
Phone 9220. _Alfred Baillie.
Page Woven Wire at special- price.
_L. N. Smith.
Best and roost for your money at
The Mogul Store. Phone 58
_Joe Vaughn.
Lost—A black fountian pen, finder
please leave at this office.
Milk and cream for special occasions.
_L. N. Smith.
For Rent—Furnished rooms.
Mrs. Emma Komrumpf. apr2-2
Of High Grade Holstein
At 0. A. Wood’s Barn in Loup City, on
Wednesday, April 8th, at
2 o'clock, p. m.
20 Head of Nature Cows, Fresh
or Close Sale Day, The Big Hind
10 Head of Calves.
The biggest bunch of Holsteins ever offered in
Loup City. All of ~.hese cows have been care
fully topped from leading Eastern herds. They
are the big kind and are big producers. They
are right for business, and a well marked lot.
These cattle have been tested by the State
Veterinarian of Nebraska this month and found
to be free from Tuberculosis and have been on
our farm here in Seward County and we know
it will be well worth your time to attend this
Reaember Date and be on hand, Sale Held Rain or Shine
D. M. HILDEBRAND, Sales Manager
We are Closing Out our Line of Men’s Hats, Men’s,
Women’s and Children’s Shoes and can save
you from 25 to 50 per cent.
Men’s Hats, $2.00 to 2.50 values - - $1.00
“ “ $3.00 - - “ - - 1.50
• /
Laces Embroideries, Ladies Skirts and Dresses at
Prices that will be a good saving to you.
Ladies' Kid Gloves, $1.50 values - - $1.00
Men's Dress Gloves, $1.50 “ - - 1.00
Silk Mull 35c to 50c values at • - 25
Novelty Suiting, 15c values - - 10 I
Chambrys 10c values - - - 8 i
Apron Ginghams, 8c values - 6
Dress Ginghams, 15c - - - 10 I
Colored Table Linens, 45c values, - - 35 |
Remember— We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded.
C.C.Cooper <