The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, April 02, 1914, Image 2

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PARAGRAPHS that pertain to
Bre* Mention of Whot to Transpiring
In Yens— Sections of Our Owe
and Foreign Count rise
Feuerai rt-*el*t ton of elect ions of
•enaioro and represent alive* on de
mand of eftiaeas mas sought In tmo
Mis introduced bj Senator Sherman
• • •
Kepnoa hit Hire I'adrrmood. candi
date for the democrat senatorial nomi
natloa has t.Ud his campaign coairi
hmtesi and expense showing expend!
tare* of S3.f7T.lfc. with contribution*
from private mum amounting to
• • •
Serious depletion of rmtimay retra
aacrn through tbe allonance of lumber
“tap line* of a part of through rales,
mu alleged In _n argument filed with
the supreme court by chief Counsel
loseptr Folk and Charles W Need
Banc for tbe interstate comtumeree
• • •
Opposition, led by Representative
Swtuas. defeated a motion to agree
to the caafereuee report on the urgent
Ntcirfirjr bill mhich mould bam cat
the appropriation for tbe Bern depart
r> | **• to Sfc.Net.
fcia uinc an appropriation of ll.fcf
for th * fcarexa of labor statistics The
b. ! wax then seat hack to conference
• • •
1‘m.lUsr Lane of tbe interior de
fsartmest announced that be had au
• thorurd the roastrurtior of a railroad
tmeaty kmc. south of Yuma.
Arte, to provide transportation faci
lities lor the formers and settler* «>n
tbe Yuma irrigation project. The
mad arts be boat along the levee run
Bing from Yuma sad mill be of
standard gauge It is expected to he
CMBpleted and ready for operation
m Phis etuy days
• • •
Debate am the Stni’h cotton es
rtitr* regulation MM in the senate
Indicated that the measure would tie
radically amended before it passed.
f»- -!e |.-a4ef> said that, while pr»d»i
Met of wse of the mail to members
Of riHuati* demine in future* for
ether than actual delivery would be
•WtUeOad » the MU, the aeuioa prob
et .f would be changed to make it
apt i only to questioa* directly relat
ing to fstrre contract*
• • •
V. hi. a i jew to developing comm uni
ra ■•* Mvev the I'witcd Stale* and
*» -ah hue. -«ra. lie&ator Week*, re
paharaa v£ Massachusetts. Las .ntro
&ucx a re* -!ct*aa requesting the sec
re ar* at ?h- navy ta prepare a plan
lor es'ab-iahtag a line at naval cruis
er- ta carry passengers. freight and
ci. eweea New York. New ftrleans
at: \ a. Paramo. OrtSe. and ititcrme
dal pert The resolution designate*
as the slips ta be utilised for such
ae-iae the erutoer* Colam bis and
X u ~jr utd the scoat c-ulser*
la.rn. f'Xmnpr and Birmingham.
C ■ «s»: ilnorge W fjaethal* and his
w .:e wave arrived at Colon from (he
I ad d it* tan. With thaa were Dr.
Ksrsnal ©srbria, chief quarantine offi
cer. and W M Way. the aewiy ap
pwjsrad ma'afaal of the Canal zone
• • •
Two nutadrsd and fifty hotel prop: i*
tees at Man Fran* into agreed ia an
me-dt»* e iet«sa of their association
*-j* to raise their charge* above the
rate now prevailing during the year
at -ta Panama-Pacific Interna uonal
s • •
t .-tense on freight rate* on cement
nujnr from 1 la : cents a hundred
pounds proponed by railroads operat
ing throughout the middle west and
northwest have be~u saspended by
the Interstate commerce commission
af Warhiagum until July 34. The
proposed advances average about 15
per rant
Coder a black banner, bear
tog it blood-red letters the tn^erip
Ua. "haoSKloM," l.we men and wo
men anarchists. the unemployed and
member* <jf the industrial workers of
(be world marched up FUlb avenue
to New York for miles without wait
ing to wak the city authorities the
pern..' required bjr ordinance
• • •
Charged wiit obtaining money un
der false pretences from the fidelity
Trust company at Tacoma. Wash.
V H Tender, formerly of that city,
was arrested on the steamer Aiastlan.
which arrived at Halifax.
• • •
Chicago's regivtr. tkm ILK was re
Curwd to below cTo.Umm by striking off
the names of approx imately 20.000
persona who failed to respond to 'sus
per notices More than TZ.OO0 of
these nonces were mailed. l.C&S in
the first weed where there are a large
number at cheep lodging houses,
An snanymone cash gift of $&
las been received at New York by
«ae hoard of foreign missions of the
Me'yodist Episcopal church, to be
ndded to the permanent fund tor the
care id retired missionaries.
e e •
The gover.ment*a regulations re
■ard.xg the manufacture and sale of are so strict that the
rnolsi.-ma of the law charged against
John f. Jelke and others were im
-«,e*ib> it was argned at their trtai
n the Chicago federal court by their
attorney. Jobs Barton Payne.
• • •
Tie federnl grand Jury »t Council
Bvfi. Iowa, r-turned as indictment
against Harry H WoodJiag. proprietor
«t a Council Bluffs mail order hots*,
charging misuse of the mails by cir
grtr"r misleading advertisemecta
Kansu last >eor produced 5,000,000
bushels of potatoes.
• • *
Gold filled teeth have been found in
t:ie jaws of skeietenc exhumed in
• • •
In a battle with a sheriff's posse
near Shawnee. Okl., Joseph Patterson,
w ho. It is charged, robbed the State
bank of Newella. Oki.. recently of $1,
-00. was shot and killed and Clar
ence Hawk, chief of police of Shaw
nee, and Frank Trtnmous, a deputy
sheriff, were wounded.
- • • •
It would be better to leave the pres
ent anti-trust statute unchanged than
to risk losing the advantage gained
through yean of judicial interpreta
tion. in the opinion it William H.
Taft, as expressed in his closing lec
ture before the law school of the Uni
versity of Minnesota at Minneapolis.
• • •
A plea for half a million dollars
more to provide for retired Methodist
ministers and their families was made
by Rev. Dr. L. C. Clemens of Des
Moines at the formal opening of the
seventy-fourth annual session of the
Mew England southern conference of
'be Methodist Episcopal church at
WlUiamantic. Conn.
• * •
A -trcng stand for prohibition was
taken at Bangor b> Maine progress
ives at their first state convention to
nominate candidates. Their platform
adrocated the submission of the ques
tion of national prohibition to the
peop e of every state and pledged the
party to a strict state-wide enforce
rnent of the prohibition liquor law.
• • •
Indictments growing out of the re
: cent street car rioting at Terre Haute,
Ind.. have tieen returned against Chief
*rf Police Edward Holler. Edgar I
Hrown. a laltor leader, and Hilton Red
n^ui. an attorney and politican. who
are • harged jointly in one indictment
I with conspiracy to cause the riots for
the purpose of causing injury to the
property of the traction company
• • •
\\ :i. tam B. McKinley, former mem
ber of conpres- and manager of Presi
dent Taft's campaign for re-election,
ha.- returned to Chicago from a seven
:: tntbs trip around the world and an
nounied himself a- a candidate for
e-election to congress as a republican
from the Nineteenth Illinois district.
He expressed a belief in a union of
the republicans and progressives with
in a short time.
Re-'urns received at Little Rock
from the democratic state primary
eiection in Arkansas had not indicat
'd a probable result in the contest be
■ *s*!i United Slates Senator James P
'»ar*. ><-eki:.e renotuinations. and his
opponent. Wiliam F. Kirby, a-sociate
justice of the state supreme court,
contests in several districts in which
oncressiionai reperesentatives were
opposed also were in doubt. fl
• • •
The Michigan motor car lax law.
••_s>ed at the last session of the legis
• *i, e Providing for a of 50 cents
per horf-j'' wer on motor vehicles, has
b.-r declared uuconstituional by tlie
Mm-:, is an f upreme court ot loin sing.
It tir ?.-id at rue secretary of state's
-flu the.' approximately $-2t'>,0<»0 has
’■ .*t. collected under the new law and
this money will now be returned to
mobile owners with the exception
I }:i. which was the tax under the
prov talons of the old law.
FOREIGN. municipally owned street
railway last year carried 8.920,120
P-seng-rs and averaged $1,714 in daily
• • •
Tae Turkish government has de
nied to admit women to the universi
ty. where special lectures in hygiene,
domed!;c science and women's rights
w ill be delivered for their benefit.
• • •
M .dame 1 aillaux. in her prelimin
ary examination before Magistrate
ilenri Bouchard at Paris, recounted
the motives which induced her to
kill Gaft- n t’almette. editor of l-’igaro.
She was taken from Saint luczare.
• • •
John Lend. President Wilson's en
voy may make a trip of observation
« ver that portion of the Mexican re
public controlled bv the federals. as
a result of the conference at Vera
Cruz with the Mexican foreign minis
ter. Jo*e Popez Portillo y Rojas. The
recommendation was made by the
minister, who said Mr. Lind appeared
to be favorably impressed.
Legalized gambling in France has
increased so enormously ;hat the gov
ernment has decided it ought to get
a greater share of the profits. Under
an act passed in 1907 the state has
been getting 15 per cent of the gross
receipts. A parliamentary commis
sion has brought In a recommendation
that from the gross incomes of gamb
ling casino the stale should have 3
per cent on incomes less than $7,000
up to 45 per cent on incomes exceed
ing $1.0vo.<KH). according to a gradu
ated scale.
• • •
Tbe rebel net about Torreon and
vicinity was drawn closer and General
Hererra fought the most important en
gagement of the advance near Ha
cienda Santa Clara, twenty-two miles
north of Torreon.
• • •
Kfng George of England has assum
ed the role of peacemaker in an effort
to prevent threatened trouble in Uls
ter. Just what the result of his ma
Jestey's conciliatory move will be is
a matter of conjecture, but it is
known that the king is using every
influence to avert the bloodshed.
• • •
Announcement of the death in Mad
rid. Spain, of Adolph Francis A. Bando
lier. one of the foremost authorities
on archeology in the United States, is
contained in a cable message. He
was 74 >ears old.
* * *
A brief, defending slavery for the
colonies, declaring that its immediate
abolition would deal to native upris
ings. is handed in by the governor of
German East Africa. Dr. Schnee, in
response to a resolution passed by the
reichttag last year, calling for the
termination of household slavery.
t —_
Preliminary Draft of Report of Senate
and House Committee on Legit
lative Procedure and
Following Is the report of the joint sen
ate and house committee on reform in
legislative procedure and budget which
has been at work since the adjournment
of the last session of the Nebraska legis
lature. The investigation was conducted
by correspondence for a period of nine
months with persons familiar with legis
lative practice in the various states of the
union and other countries. Several hun
dred letters were written and answers se
Great interest wras manifested in the In
vestigation by governors, legislators and
students of political science in other
st ates. In addition to the correspondence
a member of the committee visited in per
son the provinces of Manitoba. Saskatche
wan. Alberta ami British Columbia, in
western Canada and made a first-hand
study nr the methods of government in
use !n those provinces.
To Honorable John H. Morehead and
Members of the Thirty-fourth Session of
the Nebraska Legislature:
The joint committee of the senate and
• the house, appointed under a resolution of
j the thirty-third session of the Nebraska
legislature to make a careful study of
j methods of legislative procedure in other
states and countries, including the pr»*p
j arution of the budget and appropriation of
j money for public expenses, and to formti
; late a report and recommendations upon
; these subjects, herewith submits its flnd
; tngs.
We recommend the following schedule:
A. Bills.
1. Sir*, style, type, margin, etc.
Paper—Same quality as that used for
tiiirtv-third session Nebraska legislature.
Pize—7*5X11 Inches, the same as us ell
In Wisconsin.
i Type —10 point, with nonpareil (C-potall
| slues between lines.
si ze of type pages—5xSS Inches.
Display headings—not more than 11« at ton of bill, using the same
words for heading as in tiie thirty-third
session Nebraska legislature.
3. Amendatory hills.
T'se the same form as that used in
Wisconsin, viz.: New matter in italics.
Old matter to be omitted with horizontal
black line across face icanceled letters!.
S- Enrolling and engrossing bills.
Ise Wisconsin plan, vis.: Engrossed
b iis typewritten, enrolled bill printed
w.tti different headings with different
t.'pe and upo.a different sized paper from
t> ,.t ■ sed in printing for regular bill files
I Suffie ent copies of enrolled bills shall be
printeil to supply members and furnish
secretary of state’s office for use in mak
ing cer tified copies of laws.
4. Bill drafting.
The establishment of a bill drafting
diViS’O:. of the legislative reference
bureau on lines similar to the one r.ow in
sm in Wisconsin. Service by tin's
division shall be rendered to members of
the legislature upon signed requisition
from members and without charge.
5. Rill files.
F r the use of the senate during the
se ss: on house bill files shall be made up
SO s to include only those bills which
I have already passed the house, therehv
■ :iV‘ niine the great hulk of unused bill's
upon the desks of members. A similar
1'. in shall be used in the house for sen
ate hijis.
6. Number of bills.
In order to check the introduction of
tin necessary hills, anil at the same time
afford the people a fair hearing in the
i ii l_,I P their demands, a rule
sea1, lie adopted in both houses providing
that t imbers shall introduce such bills
onlv :s they are willing to give their p.
sona. endorsement and defend before the
coir nut-tees and upon the floor.
8. Legislative Publications.
j 1. Journals.
A printed daily Journal of the dav’s pro
ceedings shall be placed iijsin the desk of
2* !VP,,llTr uP"r* t*>e next following
lecislative day. The presiding officer at
’bP r”>'r'Pr 'lnT p’"’h da> shall call for
eorre-tions of the printed .journal. When
all eormectiotis are agreed to the corrected
r. « o ,1 shall ;.t once )>»■ hv the
chief c.erk or secretary to the official
in.or. who shall nro-ced to mint from
type forms the full number
f’. 11 pryssionx required for the hound vol
u nes of the house and senate journals
d,'.'S«£rtwS ’lh?JI bp f-’P-ated from dav to
,P,!bu at the cl,>se of the session the
, "Jttion of both journals shaH be
n i• t d und require only indexing and
tlon bP rP;,flv for Public distribu
°ther publications.
’hit primed calendars of committee
me. tings, subject Indexes of hills intro
dneed and the r order of hearing before
tvimmutees and in each ’house be ore
SoTinai,«,sJri,;t<,d dallv ’tubing the ses
,r! .U rtl form and manner as will
JT. .thp most adequate knowledge hv
legis’atjon'. iI,,PrPS,Pd 1,1 «he progross of
C. Legislative Printing.
e*tting of contracts.
s. -F'-i'on,h^f '',fiSl,V-‘\P Pb'htmg of the 34th
. s.on of the Nebraska legislature the
stat** commissioner of printing i« re
btlbT'n^a ,,°,prepare specifications, invite
f?.™ !pf t™.tracts in accordance with
ibp ffOPP8“ri<r recommendations and pur
suant to the resolution of the senate and
house O. the thirty-third session of the
Nebraska legislature. To that end he is
re<|!ies».f=d to confer and co-operate with
the chairman and secretary of the joint
committee presenting this report.
D. Committees.
1- Names and membership. The rules
tees wdtTmen £T 'hbe folloBi'’* commit
tees with membership annexed:
~ ??=?
2 = 23
~ , = far
Stnate—* - = t
= 3*3
2. 2
Accou.'ts and expenditures. 3 “ s
Agriculture . . 2 }
Banks and current:)-.. - -
t onstltuticinal amendments and "*
federal relations . .
Drainage, irrigation and" Water
power (combinedi _ s in
■duration (including university
r!,orm2l Kcho:>ls and library). 5 16
Enrolled and engrossed bills. 3 -
,I‘nfUlc€>» w*ya und means. - o
1 iaims and deficiencies . “ 4 ^
Fish and game . « -
lli*rhways, bridges and ferries 7 u
Judiciary . 2 ;
i-tbor .a ?
I-ive stock and grazing..’****’ - V
Manufactures, retail and commerce
(combined) . <r 1n
j Medical societies .’ * ]. -
Miscellaneous corporations !!!!!.’*
Miscellaneous subjects = 4
Mi^ olianeous affairs . k ? j
Municipal affairs . £
Privileges and elections . 5 ‘7
Public institutions (including In
sane hospitals, reform schools
and otaer asylums. soldiers'
homes, state penitentiary, deaf
dumb and biind institutes, pub
lic lands and buildings).. -
Railroads . 1
Revenue and taxation ...!!'.!!! *’ 7
School lands and funds.!!!!! 3 4
Rules and resolutions (combined) 5 3
standing committees . - -
Note: In the above list of senate com
mittees are 2. committees with a total
membership of 139. compared with 4s
committees with 25.-1 members at -the
thirty-third session. |n addition to*the
committees consolidated with other com
mittees the following hitherto existing
senate committees are omitted the'r
■work, where any existed, devotviwg noon
other committees:
Apportionment .i. ^
Employes .
Internal improvements . 1
Public charities . V
Military affairs .•••••. e
Public printing .****”' j
Counties and county boundaries.j
If si
= ? “7
House— ' 5 5 15
£ °
C. 3
Accounts and expenditures. 5 11
Agriculture . 11 15
Ranks and banking . 9 15
Cities and towns . 11 15
Claims and deficiencies (combined) 11 22
Constitutional amendments . 7 11
j Corporations . 9 9
Education iincludes university and
normal schools, public schools
and libraries) ..•. 11 33
Irrigation, drainage and water
Bower i first two combined, last
one added) . 11 20
Engrossed and enrolled bills. 3 9
! Fees and salaries . 7 9
I Finance, ways and means. 11 15
Fish culture and game. 7 9
| Insurance .,. 9 15
1 Judiciary .v. 11 15
I-abor . 7 14
Live stock and glazing. • 9
I Manufactures, retail and commerce
j (combined) . 5 14
Medical societies . 5 11
Miscellaneous subjects . 11 11
; Privileges and elections . 7 11
Railroads . 9 15
Revenue and taxation. 11 11
Roads and bridges. 11 15
Rates and resolutions (resolutions
added) . 5 7
School lands and funds. 7 11
State institutions i includes in
tone hospitals, other asylums,
public lands and buildings, sol
diers* homes, state penitentiary) 11 49
j Telegraph, telephone and electric
companies . 9 15
Note: In the above list of house com
mittees are IS committees with a total
membership of 23S. compared with 47
committees with 49t> members at the
! thirty-third session. In addition to the
committees consolidate with other com
mittees. the following hitherto existing
house committees are omitted, their
work, where any existed, devolving upon
' other committees:
I Apportionment . 9
Benevolent institutions . 7
' uty boundaries, ,-ounty seats and
^wnship organisation . 9
! Employes . 7
| Federal relations . 7
I Immigration . 9
\ lrtemal improvements . 7
i Militia. 9
] Mines and minerals .7
! Public printing . 9
2. Meetings.
The rules shall provide that regular
meetings of committees shall be held
from 9 until 12 o’clock a m. daily, after
the session has advanced to the stage of
committee work upon bills: that a sched
ule exhibiting tile time and place for
meetings of each committee each week
■ during the period of active committee
j work shall be prepared and printed: that
I the schedule shall be so arranged for
1 different days and hours as to secure full
i membership of each committee at meel
| ings without interfering with meetings of
other committees. The rules shall provide1
for >>int meetings of the senate and
house committees on finance, ways and
meagrs. claims and such others as may
seem advisable.
3. Committee work and roll calls.
The rules shall provide that final action
in reporting bills from committees shall
be taken only in the regular daylight hours
of committee meetings and that a bill
shall be reported for the general file of
the house of senate only when a majority
of all the members of the committee de
i clare themselves in favor of the bill and
willing to defend and promote it upon the
floor in committee of the whole.
The rules shall provide that a record of
the vote in standing committees, where
a division occurs in the committee, shall
be kept, accessible to the public during
the session and shall he filed with the
secretary of state at the session’s close.
E. Employes.
1. List of employes.
The rules shall provide for the follow
ing schedule of regular employes for the
house and ,s< nate. and no more. The
statute shall be amended, where neces
sary to conform to the rules:
A ~
Officers and Employes — 51
of the Senate— ~ —
? I
Secretary ..... 1 1
Assistant secretaries . 1
Chaplain. ] J
Sergeant-at-arms . 1 l
Assistant sergeant-at-arms . 1 1
Clerk of enrolling and engrossing
room . 1 1
Pages. 2 3
Stenographers- -
Engrossing room . 2
Clerk's office . 2
Subject to call . 2 6 .t
Messenger (jointly with house).... ’* 1
Bookkeeper . 1 1
Custodians . 1 ll
Mall carrier ijointly with house).. 1- i
Postmaster . 1 1
Janitor (to care for .11 rooms). 1 2
Proof readers and copv holders.... I 4
Bill room . 2
Finance committee (jointly
with hbusev .ij
Claims commute (jointly
with house) .)»
Subject to call . I 4 25
Mimeograph or amendment clerk.. 1 1
lktorkeepe r . 3
Watchman . 1
Note: Extra help in thirty
third session was rendered by six
different persons, aggregate of
161 days, equal to two regular
employes . 2
25 71
__ _
Officers and Employes — “
of the House— V —
r- x
Chief clerk . 1 1
hirst assistant . 1 1
Second assistant, third and fourth
assistants . 1 2
Chaplain . 1 l
Postmaster . 1 j
Sergeant-at-arms . 1 1
Assistant sergeant-at-arms . 1 1
Clerks— *
Enrolling and engrossing room 1
Bill room . 4
Judiciary committee . 1
Finance committee and claims
committee . 1
Mimeographer . I
Subject to call . 2 10 i2
For clerk's office .2
For enrolling and engrossing
room . 2
Subject to call .4 8 3
Timekeeper and bookkeeper. 1 3
Mail carrier (jointly with senate), hi 1
Custodians . 2 38
Messenger (jointly with senate)... W 1
Pages . 2 5
Proof readers . 3
Porter . 1
Day and night watch . 2
Notary . 1
Poor and gate keepers . 3
Note: Extra help In thirty-third
session was rendered by !4 dif
ferent persons, aggregate of
233)4 days, equal to 3 regular
employes . J
31 71
2. Employes' wages.
-■» iiMdparison oi me oost or me neces
sary help to run the legislature with the
oost of legislative help in the thirty-third
srssion has been made upon the hasis of
full time for 90 days for each regular em
ploye. as follows:
Tost of employes as per this commit
tee report:
Estimated Actual Cost
Cost of 33d Session
’louse .$ yjfiO *30.358
Senate . 6.750 21.505
*15.210 551.S63
Estimated saving to the state by adopv
tion of tile committee's report of *36.653.
3. Overtime.
In order to abolish the abuse of over
litbe and the absence of employes from
their duties during the legislative session,
a rule shall be matfe requiring all em
ployes to check their time in and their
time out each day of service during the
4. Selection of employes.
A rule shall lie adopted providing for
the ejection by ballot of the members of following officers In each house:
Senate—Secretary, chaplain, sergcant
at-arnis. postmaster.
House — Chief clerk, first assistant
clerk, second assistant clerk, chaplain,
sergennt-nt-arms. assistant sorgoaul-at
nrms, postmaster.
Other employes of the senate shall be
chosen by the president pro tempore and
secretary, in the house by the speaker
ii v ” clerk Any appointed employ*
shall lie subject to removal by the np
polntlng power or by a two-UVrds votq
of the house which he serves.
Twelve Republicans Side With Ad
ministration and Bull Moosers
Stand Solid Against.
Washington.—President Wilson won
the opening skirmish of the greatest
legislative battle of his administra
tion when the house, over bitter pro
tests from the recognized democratic
leaders, and almost solid minority
opposition, adopted a sp?cial rule for
the consideration of the bill repealing
the provision of the Panama canal
' act exempting coastwise American
I ships from tolls.
Speaker Clark, Democratic Leader
1 Mann and Progressive Leader Mur
| dock were at the head of those lined
up against the administration, but the
' house responded to the presidnt's per
| house responded to the president’s per
of the repeal bill as a means of sup
porting the administration's foreign
Two votes demonstrated the presi
! dent’s commanding influence with his
j party in congress. On the first test,
a morion to end the dehate and pre
i elude amendments on the rule, car
J ried by a vote of 207 to 116; the rule
1 itself was adopted 200 to 172. ,
Underwood's Plea in Vain.
Nothing to compare with the scene
: had occurred in the house since the
• famous Cannon rules fight four years
| ago. In v ain Representative Under
wood took the floor of the house and
urged his colleagues to vote against
the rule>. The rank and file demo
crats. after listening to three hours
| of passionate argument, swung into
I the president's columns. 199 of them
! voting to prevent the amendment of
the special rule, while but fifty-five
followed the leaders in joining with
the minority in opposition.
The administration supporters con
sider the crucial poiAt passed, and
’ jubilantly predicted the passage of
j the repeal bill itself by a majority of
1 more than 100.
Given Year in Prison.
Xew York.—Frank Tannenbaum. a
leader of the unemployed, who lias
i been on trial for several days on a
charge of participating in an unlaw
ful assemblage, was convicted. Tan
I nenbaum was sentenced to serve one
year in the penitentiary and fined
I $500. a default of payment meaning an
' additional day's imprisonment for
each dollar unpaid.
Sacramento, Cal.—Edward Teedflale,
one of the leaders in •'General" Kel
ley's army of unemployed, was sen
tenced to six months in the county
jail for vagrancy, of which he was
convicted by a jury. The judge re
marked that if his authority permitted
■ he would consign Teesdale U> Africa, i
where he "would find more congenial
• companions among the gorillas."
Bering River Coal Unfit.
Washington.—Secretary Daniels has
reported to congress that coal from
, the Bering river fields in Alaska was
unsuitable for use by the navy. Tests j
by the geological survey, by officials
at Annapolis and aboard the naval
cruiser Maryland, he said, all were un
favorable, except that the Alaskan j
coal made less smoks. The report j
stated that the Bering coal was in- '
capable of generating sufficient steam
and could produce only 50 per cent
efficiency of power. Dr. J. A. Holmes,
director of the bureau of mines, said
in the report that Bering coal could be I
mined only at great cost, was full of
faults and was chiefly valuable if
turned into coke and shipped.
Combine Against the Socialists.
Milwaukee. Wis.—David S. Rose and i
Theobald Otjen. defeated candidates |
for mayor in Milwaukee primaries,
have announced they would unite
their forces with those of Mayor Ger
hard A. Bading. the successful candi- j
date on the nonpartisan ticket, in an ;
endeavor to defeat the socialist can- i
didate. Emil Seidel, in the election to
be held April 7.
Patron Shoots Waiter.
Fort Wayne. Ind.—Anthony Trent
man. a wealthy brewer, is held in jail
on a charge of having shot H. J.
Bruce, a negro waiter at a local hotel.
Trectman told the police that he shot
the negro because the waiter had
treated his request for his overcoat in
an indifferent manner.
Over Thousand Suspended.
Altoona. Pa.—The retrenchment
policy of the Pennsylvania railroad
company has brought about the sus
pension of 1,250 men from the Altoona
and Juniata shops.
Suffragists Win Victory,
Boston.—Woman suffrage won a
victory here when the house concurred
with the senate in proposing an
amendment to the •.•ons'.itutlon by
which the word "male-’ would be
stricken from the provision describ
ing the qualifications of a voter.
Rivers and Harbors Bill Passed.
Washington. D. C.—After many days ;
of debate, the rivers and harbors ap
propriation bill, carrying an aggregate
of $43,400,000. was passed by the
house without substantial amendment.
Will Try For Congress.
Lincoln. Neb.—Governor Morehead
has announced that he will soon issue
formal statement declaring he is not
a candidate for a second term as gov
ernor, but will make the race for the
democratic nomination for congress in
the First Nebraska district.
Indian Guilty of Murder.
Stillwell. Okla—Tandy Folsom. *
Cherokee Indian, was found guilty
here of the murder of Patrick Dore,
an Oklahoma politician, at WcrtvXla.
He wac given a Ufe sentence
The Nebraska D. A. R. jvill meet it
Omaha next year.
York county has organized a •‘good
roads" association.
The state Sunday school cqnvention
will be held at Aurora in June.
Saunders county schools will visit
the state farm at Lincoln next week.
Blair is making strenuous efforts tc
rid itself of dives and gambling dens
T. J. Majors of Peru will deliver an
address at Seward on Decoration day.
Elder L. E. Snapp has been secured
as paster of the Christian church at
The Wahoo Commercial club cele
brated its twelfth anniversary with a
Fremont will get the next meeting
of the Nebraska Rove! Neighbors of
Walter Warwick of Scribner fell
from a hay loft and sustained, a frac
tured skull.
Monday was the anniversary of the
tornado that left several Nebraska
towns in ruins.
A summer Chautauqua course prob
ably will be held in Havelock during
July and August.
The Fairbury district of the Metbo
; dist conference will meet at Tobias.
April 21 and 22.
Plattsmouth public schools are over
crowded. and additional buildings have
become a necessity.
Fire of unknown origin destroyed
! the buildings and stock of the Zaugg
| Lumber company at Leshara.
A syndicate of farmers has pur
chased the Snyder roller mills and
elevator at the village of Snyder.
There was not a single Indian or
negro born in Richardson dounty in
1913. There were 453 white births.
The Sisters school of St. Mary’s
. parish in David City has been closed
j temporarily on account of scarlet
Fire starting from a defective flue
completely destroyed the home of
, Herman Brandt in Glenover. neat
i Beatrice.
Dawes county farmers have engaged
! George Schaefer, a graduate of the
j Colorado agricultural school, as farm
1 demonstrato’-.
j The Southeastern Nebraska Educa
Itional association will hold its twenty
first annual meeting in Lincoln on
April 1. 2 and 3.
W. W. Perrin, a Lincoln man. was
held up and relieved of his spare
' change on a downtown street at eight
o'clock in the evening.
There are 5.210 communicants ol
l the Protestant Episcopal church in
! the Nebraska diocese, according to the
; church annual just issued.
rtans are oetng drawn tor tne erec
1 tion of a $50,000 library building at
; Burwell and a $16,000 high school
; building may be erected.
The city of Hebron will vote this
I sprinc by direct vote upon three ques
1 tions. viz: Sunday baseball, licensed
] pool halls, and the saloons.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ireland of
Brock celebrated their sixty-third wed
ding anniversary last week. Mr. Ire
land is SS and Mrs. Ireland is 78 years
The Central Nebraska Agricultural
association has leased an eighty-two
acre tract west of Grand Island for a
fair ground. The land may be pur
chased later.
A little son of John Bath. jr.. of
Auburn, was playing with a cartridge
hit it with a hammer and was struck
in the eye by a piece of the shell and
quite badly hurt.
The Bridgeport Commercial club is
urging a $15,000 sewer bond issue
The club is also taking steps to aid
the management of the Morrill County
Fair association.
in honor of the thirty-five year
record of service held by Chief Clerk
John-M. Butler, an informal reception
was given by the railway mail clerks
of the Lincoln division.
Local chapters of the Sons of the
American Revolution are to be estab
lished in Fairbnrv. Lincoln and Fre
mont. Heretofore the organization j
has existed only as a state society.
Church members at Hastings
threaten a boycott if the Sunday base- i
ball election carries in that place.
Walter Dye. aged 30. a well known
young business man of Kearney. •
dropped dead in the billiard room of
the Midway hotel at that place.
A large upper molar of the Colum
bian mammoth was found recently by
George Goodman of Alexandria. It
has been donated to the state museum.
The Stanton county fair will be held
September 1 to 5. The premium list j
is about ready and the different 1
amusements that will be secured for
the fair are engaged.
The women's park association at j
Grand Island has decided to include j
all school grounds in their campaign
for a beautiful Grand Island.
At an enthusiastic meeting of Fair
bury Presbyterians it was decided to
erect a new church at the cost of
$15,000. A committee was appointed
to secure funds for the new building.
The civic center proposal, to use
the present high school building and
site at Hastings for a city hall is be
ing advanced. It is suggested that a
new high school building be erected
on a site farther from the business
The remodeled German Lutheran
church at Kearney was dedicated on
March 15. Three services were held
and luncheon and dinner were served
at the church.
Arthur Wilmes. 13 years old, at
Roseland. will probably lose the sight
of one eye as a result of the accidental
discharge of an air rifle in the hands
of a playmate.
Little Eunice West, the 2-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. JVest
of Grand Island, captured a prize in
a baby show at Corpns Christi, Texas,
while the family were sojourning there
a short time ago.
The body of John M. Johnson, who
disappeared from Plattsmouth. De
cember 13. 1913. was found in the river
at Nebraska Citv by two fishermen.
The shed of the Farmers’ Elevator
company at Beatrice, together with
100 tens of coal, were destroyed by
fire, spontaneous combustion sup
posedly being the cause.
Miss Jessie Taylor, alias Jessie Wil
son. arrested at Omaha for forgery
through ciever detective work by Miss
Mary P. Doyle, confessed to the police
that she is wanted in a number of 1
middle western cities on the same
eharge. 1
'f- P
Items of Interest Gathered from Re
liable Sources and Presented in
Condensed Form to Our
Western Newspaper Union News Servlcw.
Game Law Penalty.
In most of (iie statements issued by
tae government no mention is made
of ihe penalty for killing water fowl
during the closed season prescribed
by regulations of the department of
agriculture. Mr. Lane. United States
district attorney for Nebraska, has re
ceived details of the regulations which
show that the penalty for spring
shooting is a fine of from $1 to $300.
The penalty is not based on a certain
amount for each bird killed, but is left
to the discretion of the judge of the
federal court who imposes the fine.
It is reported that ducks are being
shot in Nebraska, but thus far no ar
tests have been made by the United
States marshal or his deputy. No
other persons have power to make ar
Lack of Crops CauSt of Deficit.
The principal cause of the mainten
; unce fund at the state penitentiary iy
due to the lack of crops on the prison
larm last year, and the large amount
of coal required to operate the power
plant at the institution, according to a
statement made by Warden Fenton
This plant furnishes power and light
!‘or the prison and the shops and alsc
for the state house, orthopedic hospit
al, and the governor's mansion. Ths
coal bill amounted to $1,700 a month
\s there were no crops on the prison
arm last year feed for stock had tc
; De bought. Also, most of the meat
>d to the prisoners is now bought anc
the price is higher than it was a few
tears ago. The last legislature appro
priated a total of $130,000 for mainten
ance. not including $17,900 for the sal
aries of officers. At this time 73 pet
cent of the maintenance fund has beet
To Limit Number of Entries.
Plans for the next better babies con
i test at the Nebraska state fair are be
1 ing evolved and Mrs. M. E. \ance arc
her advisers are considering methods
of handling the situation. It has beer
suggested that the number of entries
: be limited to about 200. In order «
briug this about two plans have beeL
SUgges=ted. The first scheme is a ser
ies of county drawings. By means ol
these the number of entries are re
duced and the lucky ones allowed tc
: compete at the state fair. Anothet
j plan includes the services of a commit
: tee in each county to eliminate a num
her of the contestants and reduce
them in proportion to the number of
Health Train for Nebraska.
j A health train, to traverse the state
and spread knowledge of sanitary con
! ditions and initiate health campaign:
in all towns and villages where board
of health laws have been dead letters
since time immemorial, may be ar
activity soon to be indulged in by thf
board of secretaries of the state boarc
of health. In discussing the problem
President Carr of that body said that
the railroads are willing to meet the
board more than half way in the mat
ter and the railway commission has
giv«-n permission for the necessary
staff to go along free of charge with
out violating the anti-pass law.
Fire Commissioner is Worked Up.
•> The convict night school classes ai
the state penitentiary are meeting
with great success, according to offi
cials at the prison. The enrollment
has increased since the school re
sumed its sessions and the plan ol
dividing the pupils into classes in con
sideration of their preparation hat
proved a factor in stimulating inter
est and progress. The men who coulo
not read when classes were organized
are now able to read simple lessont
and take great interest in improving
their writing. The large class of
slightly advanced students is reaching
for more difficult work.
Recount of Votes for Womens
An error was discovered in the
number of petitioners for votes for
the submission of equal suffrage from
Douglas county and two members of
the state suffrage association made a
recount of the names on file with thf
secretary of state. They found therf
were ’■eally 11.315 names from Doug
las county, while the number listed by
the association from that county was
only 10.315. Without this extra l.ODf
the petitioners were sufficient in num
ber to require submission of the ques
tion to a vote of the electors this fall
Secretary of State Wait will have an
official count made before the proposi
tion is placed on the ballot.
State Treasurer George has invested
the last of the $100,000 raised by a
levy for university buildings. The
money is derived from a levy the pro
ceeds of which is to be expendtd re
gardless of university removal. The
people wili vote this fall on the ques
tion of whether or not it shall be ex
pended on the city campus or at the
state farm. As the money is not
needed at this time the state treas
urer proposed to invest
Because Lew Richey, convicted at
Walthill for setting fire to a hotel and
pool hall at that place, was paroliHl
'rom the penitentiary after serving a
rear. Fire Commissioner Ridgell. who
issisted in convicting the man, is in
:ensed at the action of the state parole
ward. Chairman Maggi is said to have
promised to let the fire commissioner
inow when the matter came up, but
leglected to do so, and the department
iras given no chance to disclose the
letails of the aftiir. Richey was sen
enced from one to twenty years for
he crime.
.. , . „ «. . ' **