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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1914)
sc L MISER, Cashier y « Even toim iu warts to uo« BOW TO MAKE MONEY I .1 EVERT TORRS MAR SHOIL0 WART MOW ROW TO SAVE NORET Bat he thinks he'll get his bird first and then look for the cafe. And when he finds the cage, the bird has flown. i So earn and save at the same time young man. Be on the Safe Side. WE OFFER YOB ABSOLRTE SAFETY AHO WOOL! APPRECIATE YOBR PATRONAGE First National Bankf Loop City, Nebraska. to to sc We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. to to. THE EARLY BIRD gets a bird of a Spring fabric if he orders his Easter suit X( )\\ Spring Woolen Lines are now fresh and unbroken—and the buyer who makes his choice now. before the Easter rush begins, gets the pick of the season’s newest and richest woolen novelties. That magnificent Royal Tailor Spring Line is now waiting for you The finest custom tailor ing at $16 to $35. THE HUB VICTOR VIENER, Proprietor. The Place Where *00 Save Roney K H N M D N H SOLID COMFORT GOOD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE DREW SHOES FAMOUS We have them in Brown. Tan and Black, Velours. Nu Buck, Gun Metal. Patent and Vici Kid at. Prices from 52.50 to $5.00. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. E. E YOUNGQU1ST, Prop. I N H II I II II r «I'fnar •CS>lCv meg uA’jCuXuC ■ffl8gy«*sgggggSeg»BS5ffg3? VOV ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Matinee every Saturday afternoon Change every nigfct and nothing but the best of pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW LOCAL NEWS Miss Mary Hiddleson is hew from Jefferson, Iowa, visiting hei cousin, Miss Pearl Needham. Miss Bessie Owens attended the reception to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson at Boelus last Friday. Lee Brothers will pay you the high est price for chickens. D. L. Jacoby and family moved on their farm in Logan township last Friday and ready for spring work. Mrs. D. A. Lee per was called here from Columbus last Friday by the illness of her daughter. Miss Zoe Lee per. Leave orders for John McDonall dray at either lumber yard, or at £ G. Taylor's. Mrs. Peter Thode was called to Lincoln last Friday morning by the illness of her good mother. Mrs. Fred Thode. A marriage license was issued last Friday, Feb. 27, to Peter K. Fast and Lena Schierling. both of I Litchfield. j M«rrifi«ld Pianos for sals by O. F. Potsrson R. P. Starr was called to Grand i Island on business Friday morn ing. Mrs. Starr also went to Grand Island Saturday morning. Mr. Howard Simmons of Bel mont, Wis., who had been visit , ing his sister. Mrs. W. T. Owens, for a couple of weeks, returned home last Thursday. Bring in your chickens to Lee Bros, and receive from them the highest market price. • Miss Stella Stickney, daughter of Charley Stickney of Logan township, left for Omaha last Sat urday morning where she goes to learn dressmaking. J. B. Hiddleson of Jefferson, Iowa, who had been visiting his cousins, the Hiddlesons and Need hams, for a few days, returned home last Saturday. If you want good, prompt draying. call on John McDonall, successor to L.C. McDonall. On account of Pastor Slocumb being unable to occupy his pulpit because of a recent operation, there were no services at the M. E. church last Sunday. Mrs. Lawrence Lofholm and in fant son left last Thursday noon for a visit at Kansas City with the lady's good mother. Law rence accompanied them as far as Grand Island. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. Black 63, of leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Houser were up from Aurora over last Sunday visiting Mrs. Houser's mother, Mrs. Margaret Leininger, and other relatives, returning home Monday morning. Henry Kuhl was called to Mills county, Iowa, Monday morning by the death of his brother-in-law, Wm. Kay, aged some 70 years, whose death was caused by paral ysis. Mrs. Kuhl accompanied him. Farmers—Don t forget your discs, this is the time for you to get them sparpened and A. C. Ogles is the place. Mrs. C. H. Ryan and little son went to Gresham. Neb., last Sat urday morning for a visit with parents and friends. C. H. now puts his No. 10s under the tables at The Frederick. , A. J. Newman of Omaha, was here over last Sunday visiting his : sister, Mrs. John Lofholm, and i family. Mr. Newman is the gen tleman who lost his wife in the terrible tornado last spring in Omaha. Highest cash market price paid for hides and chickens at Eggers Meat Market. Earl Harper arrived here last Saturday evening on a visit to his friend, Clark Reynolds. Earl has been engaged in the work of sing ing evangelist for the past few months and is on his way home to Scottsbluff on a vacation to visit his parents, Rev. • and Mrs. W. C. Harper, formerly of the M. E. church here. Earl will be here several days. No need of going out of town this year to get your spring and summei goods, as you can find most anything you want at the Loup City Mercantile Co. they have certainly got the goods. BARGAINS AT THE TER CERT STORE Some prices of interest at the Ten Cent Store: China nest eggs 3 for 5 cents. Wire hens nests only 10 cents each. Good hickory hammer handles 5 cents each. Cold Cream per jar 10 cents Talcum powder per can 10 cents Chamois skins 5, 10 and 15 cents. Stocking feet 3 pairs for 25 cents. Harness rivets per box 7 cents Good half soles per pair 15cents. Professional Cards ROBT. P: STARR Attorney at Law, LOUP CITY. SEBR£SK£. RJ-Nightingale & Son ittajudfamcr>iUAV Loyp City, Nebraska. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor. Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lcrp Citt. - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONGACRE Physician & Surgeon Office. Over New Bank. ; TELEPHONE CALL, N0.39 A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phone. 30. Office Residence Two Doors Kast or Telephone Central Lnnp Eily - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup City. Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection J. E. BowmaE M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M D. BOWMAN &, BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phonelli Loup City. Nabmka S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State Bank buildinp. W. L MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public Souare. Phone. Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. R. SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN" For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices Rufus Hiddleson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor's Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing and Wood work. Come in a^nd see me. J. E. WEINMAN J*eter inarian Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship ments Office up stairs, State Bank Building Phone No. 108 Nortoi Lambert DRAY A TRANSFER Solicits Your Business— Phone Bine 60, or E. G. Taylor's Eleva tor or either lumber yard. LOCAL NEWS. E. P. Dailey went to Scotia Monday. He said the wells had (rone wrong on his farm and lie liad to £0 up and see vas isht. Thos. Ward's children, who have all been suffering from tonsilitis. are re covering nicely. A new line of boys’ clothing just in for spring and they are dandies, at Loup CityMercantile Co. Ed. Oltman has rented the Hale property vacated by Myrl Warrick and will move therein the last of this week. Ed wants the use of the big barn, as he is bent on buying horses for future sale, believing there's good money in them. John Schrove. formerly a resident of this county, who has been visiting here a few days, was called home to Covington. Xeb.. across the river from Sioux City. Tuesday morning by the serious illness of a son. Myrl Warrick will move down on his farm this week and get down to strenuous agricultural pursuits. He will this winter get again into the horse buying busi ness, but for the summer will let that rest. The Loup Citv Mercantile Co. cer tainly have a swell line of spring goods. Those receiving perfect attend ance certificates in District No. 6 the jiast month are: Edmund A. Maschka. Raymond Bydalek, Ralph Maschka. Anna Peters, Gertrude Peters. Victoria Maief ski and Minnie Maiefski. Elsewhere in this issue will be found notice of the annual meeting of the Ladies Aid Cemetery As sociation. It is the earnest wish of the ladies that there may be a full turnout of all members and of all interested in beautifying our cemetery, at the Frederick Tues day afternoon, March 10. Don’t forget Weaver's big embroid ery sale at Rockville Feb. 2". Miss Leola Burt, one of the teachers in our city school, went to Omaha last Friday, to consult a specialist For some time she has been a sufferer from appendi citis, which has of late grown so acute that she felt compelled to see if an ope ration were necessary. It is to be hoped not Miss Meroe Outhouse taught in her absence. Wanted—To buy Leghorn chickens. Robt. Fulliton. Austin. Neb. Loup City and Sherman county are figuring on submitting a pro position to issue bonds to the amount of $75,000 for the erection of a new court house. The Sher man county court house is said to be one of the poorest county buildings in the state.—Ravenna News. Don’t forget Weaver’s big embroid ery sale at Rockville Feb. 27. The annual meeting of the La dies' Cemetery Aid Society will meet at The Frederick Tuesday, March 10th. at 2:30 o’clock, for the election of officers and for the transaction of all business coming before the society. All members are urgently requested to be in at tendance. Mrs. Viola Odendall, Pres. Wanted, hides, sheep pelts and wool. We pay highest prices. Write for prices and tags. Omaha Hide&FurCo.Omaha A Mas<= Convention was held at Loup City last week when it de veloped that the citizens were al most a unit for the erection of a new court house for Sherman county. A very large and enthus iastic crowd were present and a special election for the voting of bonds to build it was decided up on. Sherman county has long needed a new court house, but in years past has bonded so heavily that it was thought best to wait until a more opportune time, and that time seems to have come. Some twenty years ago the in debtedness of Sherman county reached the sum of nearly $200, 000, but today but little of this indebtedness remains tf> be paid, nearly all of it having been wiped out_Broken Bow Republican. For Sale— One coming two-year-old Durham bull. James Johnson. 3-oLf Boys’ Clothing Jost In. We have just received one of the best lines of Boys' Clothing money will buy. Call and see them. Loup City Mercantile Co. COM! COAU COAL! We have just received a new supply of Colorado coal, have both Lump and Hut in the Pinnacle. We also have some Sheridan Lump and Hut cm band. Lamp at *7.00, Hut at K.50. Taylor’s Elevator. SHIRTS! SHIRTS! Never before have you had the opportunity to find a more complete line of shirts for spring. The IDEAL SHIRTS are best for the money you can buy I will be glad to show you and prices in reach of all LORENTZ’S The Best Ilea’s eel Bey’s Firaishiag Store. WE HAVE ON HAND Rock Springs, Juniper, Hanna, Monarch and Maitland Lump Coal. Also Canon City and I Rock Springs nut and Anthracite stove and Nut ■ coal. Our twenty-six years in the coal business here enable us to select the coals of quality Try your next order from here. KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY \ * A COMPLETE LINE Of Furniture, Rugs, Liaolein, Shades, Etc. E. P. DAILY QIHIh m m turn* | .Burr Bobbins j Auctioneer Loup City, — Nebraska RatQp 1 per cent on farm sales. Give me a call. Phone 9811. Xmimm i turn Bay it Because It’s a Better Car Model T Tourin* Car tab. Letroit $550 Get particulars from William Schumann. Loup City, Nebr. II