The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 05, 1914, Image 4

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    Let Us Help You Get
A Start
per bap* with many people. th#r
mam objert uf >j*mg »ank protection
lor the '.dd end* of »h**ir income i* to acnirnu
: ite ■mull lurna into a useable lump surn.
there »« a brooder and more constructive
principle involved the building of a Bank
t red it getting oneself m a pom t ion where the
Hanker ran help one to get ahead
vt hy not take immediate advantage of
Our Batik Af t taint Plan and make ut»e of our
lot I'ltie* and equipment for helping you’
Loup City, Nebraska.
IIw^IIk( ijfurt. ’|>iUiio, I WI,r. IM f»‘t alliiml
•i>rtl»i>i£ in tJ.« it In.. \t,ti mo wish, «l |>riw'« »<*
l»« M tiv
Give Us A Gall
Wlifn I
I *n»|i I
U*<>ki»>if lor &
Squire Meal
n \ t TIwi
4i I ho for it Good Lunch
We a I ho tarry it Full Line of
Mri'iiil :iml Pantry Goods mid
111*0 send bread by parrel
|m>hi Phone Black 127
South Side Public Square. \
Wm. Dolling.
When in |
Need of M
i COAL g
wf ,£j«o have „
i.°t CokeMl
'w ■* .■* .„;; '■■ "
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Office Phone. Red 21 Residence, - Black 21 j
r. W. BT fil.fclOfl Ra;v,r **<4 fur, J. R. GARDISKR M*oa*«r
The political pot hasbegan tosimmerin this blessed
county, but so far only with democratic symptoms.
The office of sheriff causes the first ripple, and we un
derstand in favor of our good friend, W. D. Zimmer
man. as we know of several prominent democrats who
have cornered Will and tried to squeeze out of him a
promise to get into the race. Outside of his pesky po
litical idiosyncrases. Will is all right and we know of
no democrat who could put up a more scrappy fight or
come nearer securing the plum. Will, however, has
not signified his willingness to enter the game.
The new court house campaign can now he said
to he fairly launched. The general court house com
mittee got together for their first meeting last Satur
day. selected its permanent officers, and fired its first
guns in the campaign. Now, let every blessed moth
er’s son of you who have the best interests of Sher
man county at heart, get busy in securing an up-to
date fire proof court house. •
One can almost see the finish of W. R. Mellor as
secretary of the State Fair and prominent public man,
as Judge! Edgard Howard, the mouthpiece(?) of Ne
braska democracy, having killed off Preacher Savidge
now contracts to end Mellor’s public career. How
ever. as all his victims are still alive and more in ev
idence than when the jackal began on them, there is
hope that Bill Mellor, too, may escape.
While a little steam is arising over the sheriff
plum, some of the friends of the biggest democrat in
Sherman county are mentioning him for the office of
county judge, and we do not necessarily have to name
jolly Bert Charlton by name. However, we have not
heard from headquarters whether the gentleman is in
a receptive inood or not.
Congress has been trying to limit the power of the
postnaster general in regard to parcel post matter—
weight, rates,-zones, etc., hut all efforts went over the
transom and Burleson is cock of the walk regarding
same and if ho wants to raise the limit to 100 of even
1.000 pounds, as suits his fancy, no one but Mrs.Burle
son. if there is one, can stop him.
The supreme court last week knocked another pet
law of the last democratic legislature in the head. It
was the law allowing boards of supervisors to levy tax
in support of new court houses, when 51 per cent of
the voters of a county had so petitioned. The court
hud the last guess and it guessed the other way,
Little Giant Thompson of Grand Island is said to
be grooming himself to enter the democratic race for
governor this fall. Sure! It will be then two years
since he ran for office. But then, of course, it will
have been two years since he had a chance. Bless
the biennial election law.
Some enthusiastic worshiper of William Jennings
shouts "Bryan for governor!" That’s the latest. He’s
been named for about everything now—even for the
Messiah, you will remember, by a woman in Missouri
who wanted to kiss the hem of his garment when he
was running for president one of those many times.
Perennial candidate for governor, Berge, and Lo
beck, present democratic congressman from the Sec
ond district, are both thirsting Jor gubernatorial hon
ors. So far. only McKelvie has been spoken of for the
republican nomination, and that mostly by himself
Nebraska democrats are just now worrying over
whether Gov. Morehead is going back on his campaign
promise of oniy one term. There are so many hun
gry-for-office democrats that the question is of vital
Aurora has settled her electric light troubles for
the present at least although each side claims to be
in the right and that the patch-up is a temporary af
fair only.
tarzisd of tbs stem* of t-i.1 ei^
tr*e* trCM through the enter ta4
cut tm lengths of about ti feet, om
sad being tapered te «* u tt teto
the a4j«iaia( pipe. Tt* vooda pp*.
of which at oae time mare than 450
min were la me. Inked eocstder
ahlT. decayed rapidly, ton daring* and were always troublesome
It *u cot at til 11)44 that they begat
to be superseded by cast iron, and a
r tarter of a century later some of tke
old wooden pipe* were atm ia ut
Parse sal Wit <w Pulpit.
At pal pit la aot immune froa wit
B oar owa day. kat seldom takes tbs
personal fora of a certain divine who,
preaching a university sermon at Ox
ford. ended abruptly by remarking that
he "maw ft was time to ahntte hya
books bocaase the doctor's men bad
aow cone, wiping tbetr beards, from
tke alehouse.” referring thus to the
custom of the moor bearers, who were
wont to repair W a neighboring public
bouse during the preaching and re
turning only when they thought it was
nearly over.
Proved Worth of InvontloM.
“Shortly after Gal van i s lnveatto*
Mat oat he rloited America, and wltk
a Utter of introduction called upon Dr.
Doa&e. medical officer to the Bank of
New York,” writer a correspondent of
the London Chronicle. "He found the
family in distress at the death of the
Infant son. Galvan! asked u> be al
lowed to try his battery; the child re
vived and Was christened Galvanl
Doan* His father was a cousin of
Sugar's Real Value.
A cane sugar solution Injected di
rectly Into the blood is apparently un
fit for assimilation, for It is eliminated
by the kidneys unchanged. The real
value of sugar seema to be that the
carbon obtained from Its dUintegra
tlon la available for forming the gas
known as carbureted hydrogen or me
thane, which seems Indispensable to
the growtn and respiratory processes
of all living organisms.—American
Pood Journal.
Get Sugar In Other Ways.
It is significant that the nations
who consume the most oil and li»,ht
wines, all of which contain greater or
less amounts of compounds of carbon
and water, consume the least sugar
per capita. The natives of Italy,
Greece and Turkey, for example, con
sume annually but one-tweirth or the
amount of sugar per capita that la
consumed by the natives of Great
Britain.—American Food Journal.
Too Much Responsibility.
A lady remarked to her nephew,
aged seven: "Tommy, you should try
and be a better boy. You ardour only
child and we expect you to be good,”
and be replied: “It Is tough on me
to be good for a lot of brother! and
Bisters I haven't,got!”
Not Much on Him.
“Oh. I know a few things,” said the
haughty senior. "Well, you've got
nothing on me,” retorted the fresh
man. "Guess I know as few things as
It’a Human.
Tell a man that there are 270.169,
625,481 stars and he will believe yon.
But If a sign says "Fresh Paint,” he
has to make a personal Investigation.
—Cincinnati Enquirer.
Crawford—“How do you know our
daughter and her young man haven't
made up their quarrel yet?" Mrs.
Crawford—“Because the gas has been
turned up high all the evening.”—
Quite Safe.
"So he accepted a job like that, did
he? Well, 1 did not know that a man
of his standing would accept such
S money." "Oh, he washed his
s with an antiseptic solution be
fore he took the fee."
More Happy Than Sad.
"At any given moment I will pro
duce nine happy persons for every
miserable one," said the bishop of
London in an address at Queen's col
lege for women recently.
False Alarm
They were in the country. The lit
tle girl had heard that a hen cackles
every time an agg is laid. All of a
sudden the cow "mooed." and she ex
claimed: "Ah! Another egg, 1 bet.”
Irate Patron—“I thought this rail
road was for the benefit of the pub
lic." Railroad Official—“You're away
oft. The public is for the benefit of
the railroad.”
Tough for the Baby.
In one of the Cleveland schools the
girls use a live baby In learning how
to bathe an infant. It may be good
for the girls not we can't help teal
lag a little sorry for the child.
We don't know who pat the pan*
tn punctuation, bat we da know a
whole lot of punctuation la pot Into
punk.—Berkshire Eagle.
Mara Than Owe Woman’s Share.
A Baltimore woman has applied ter
her se Tenth divorce. Some peo
ple are never satisfied —Washington
The English prison mission every
Christmas send* out 4O.S00 personal
tatters to lameun of ”-fK-w JnBa.
Owe two seated carriage, nearly
new: ana term wagon and five or six
ncrea of gianad In altelte. fenced
chicken tight. For terms mad pnrtico
tus. see Alfred Ai
The Greatest Necessity in
Sherman County
Of More Value to Every
Individual Taxpayer
and Citizen, than
any other One
In this Campaign on all
Matters Pertaining to
This Great Issue
by Reading the
' V
If you have a
horse or mule
to sell call No.
20, or see
M. A. Warrick
G. W. OLSEN, D.C. 1
Will be in his office in the T. D. Wilson resi
dence, 6n Mondays 6:30 to Tuesday 11 a. m. of
each week. TRY
Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments
and have the cause adjusted
6 ft
o Dreamland Theatre $
^ Changes Pictures Every ^
A Mtiday, Wednesday and Friday. Q
Only the best pictures shqwn. Everyone passed on Q
' by Board of Censorship. q
Far an Evenings Fun and Pleasure §
9 0
ft Meet Me In Dreamland. ft
Let is figsre on that next, bill of Job
Work, We Guarantee to silt yon
h both work, qiality and price.