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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1914)
Lima. cuMw THIS IS HOT ft Knocking Proposition If you haven't a bank account, isn’t it about time you were starting one? HO BETTEI TIME THftH THE PRESEHT Our facilities for caring for your ac counts are good - We would be pleased to have you place one with us First National Bank Loup City, Rebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. Buy Your Clothes at— “THE HUB” The Exclusive Clothier’s And Gents Furnisher’s Loup City, Nebraska The Place Where You Save Honey v ■J. G. PAGELERI Auctioneer j LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA j All Auctioneering business attended to « promptly. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give \ me a trial : SOLID COMFORT GOOD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE DREW SHOES FAMOUS We have them in Brown, Tan and Black. Velours. Nu Suck. Gun Metal. Patent and Vici Kid at. Prices from r- 50 to *5.00. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. E. E YOU NGQU 1ST, Prop. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House j Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Matinee every Saturday afternoon Chang** ev*-ry nigtt and nothing but the beat of picture* will be shown bene. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW LOCAL NEWS Sunday was a good time to stay at home, and the scarcity of pedes trians on our streets proved it. Did you remember that last Sunday was the anniversary of G. WVs birhday: or did you care? Lee Brothers will pay you the high ; est price for chickens. Howard Simmons of Delmont j Mo., arrived last Thursday for a 'week’s visit with his sister, Mrs. | W. T. Owens. Read the dog ordinance in this issue. Perhaps there'll be a fewer number of worthless curs about town in the sweet subsequently. Leave orders for John McDonall dray at either lumber yard, or at E G. Taylor's. Fred Johnson reported his pub lic sale being a big one with most satisfactory prices for everything. Fred said we could not say any I too good word for Jack Pageler I who did fine in selling the stuff. Merrifield Pianos for sala by O. F, Potorssn No preaching service at the M. E. church last Sunday evening on account of the ■ blizzard, the few present going over to swell the light contingent who had braved the element to hear t-lie evangelist at the Baptist church. Bring in yourchickens to Lee Bros, and receive from them the highest market price. A big and beauteous bunch of birch wielders came down from Arcadia last Saturday morning to take teachers' examination. They we re augmented by many other bevies of busy bees, making live ly time for the county superin tendent. If you want good. prompt draying, call on John McDonall. successor to L.C. McDonall. The Presbyterians had no ser vices last Sunday, except Sunday school, no arrangements having been made for preaching that day. And it was just as well, consider ing the weather. However, they will have preaching next Sunday. See notice elsewhere. If you want a dray, phone A. L. Er derlee. Black &>. or leave your order with either lumber yard or E. G. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed The Southerland male quartet, composed of colored boys at the opera house last Saturday night, was greeted by big h<|use. well pleased and appreciative as the entertainment, vocal and instru mental music, jokes and dancing, was good and entirely devoid of the questionable. Farmers—Don't forget your discs, this is the time for you to get them sparpened and A. C. Ogles is the place The worst blizzardy, approxi mately mile a minute wind, blind ing snow storm of the wintercame down upon us Saturday night, continued Sunday and Sunday night and left for the east the fol lowing morning, leaving the train service on this branch thoroughly demoralized for a few hours. Highest cash market price paid for | lodes and* chickens at Eggers Meat Market. We last week received the M. , E. church bulletin of Columbus, where Dr. Leeper is pastor. By i it we see the church is to hold March 8 as the “Every-one-go to-Chureh'' Sunday. Evidently the doctor means to keep himself up-to-date wherever he is. And. by the way, why have not Loup l City churches exploited the “go to-church" Sunday fad? If you want PEA Coal, we have Nigger Head pea and Sheridan pea. Give us a trial and you will be happy. We also have hard coal in nut size. Taylor's Elevator. There will be a joint meeting of officers, teachers and parents in this city this week Saturday. The forenoon session will lx*gin at 10 o'clock and the afternnon session convenes at 1:30. These sessions are to be held in Society hall. Professors Neale and Martin, two well known school men will talk at both sessions. Every teacher, school officer and parent, who possibly can, should be in at tendance. COAL! COAL! COAL! We have just received a new supply of Colorado coal, have both Lump and N ut in the Pinnacle. We also have some Sheridan Lump and Nut on hand. Lump at S7.00, Nut at 16.50. Taylor’s Elevator. BARGAINS AT THE TEH CENT STORE Some prices of interest at the Ten Cent Store: China nest epps 3 for 5 cents. Wire hens nests only 10 cents each. Good hickory hammer handles 5 cents each. Cold Cream per jar 10 cents Talcum powder per can 10 cents Chamois skins 5, lo and 15 cents. Stockinp feet 3 pairs for 25 cents. Harness rivets per box 7 cents Good half soles per pair locents Professional Cards Is. ROBT. P: STARR : Attorney at Law, LODP CITY. SEBMSKM. --— R J. Nightingale & Son Alto y asi CimcMVlai Loup City, Nebraska. i | R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska ! Aaron Wall Hi St "W 77" e r Practice* G* ■*!] Courts i. cj; Cut, Neb. ROBERT h.MATHEW Bondec Abstracter borp On v - Nkbea«Ka. ! t)nl\ »et «>1 A ■- •• 'H'i'SBil counU O. E. LQNOACRE Physician & Surgeon Office. Over New Bank, j TKLKPHONi ALL. XO.SS* A. J. KI'ARNS Physical) & Surgeon |-iion«. SO. <>m,f at KM.'Oenr# Two LKK.r^ K»'i of Telephone Ceutrai Lnup Citu - Nehraska I A. NIAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup City, Nebr. t Office at Residence. Telephone Connection I 1. E. Herman M D. Cariie L. Bow-man M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS PhunelU Loop City. >«bnk«k« S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY - NKB. Office up »tau> tii the new State nank bui'diit". W. L. MARCY DENTIST Letup City. Nebraska. JFFltt: t-jt-sl .Sid»- i*ubl>:-Siii’U*. j Phone, Brown lid __ V. I. McDOXALL Prompt Bray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor's elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone brown 57 C. ft. SWEETLANB PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices ‘ Rufus Hiddleson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited |Phone, Either Lumber Yard or‘ E. G. Taylor's Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmithing !Horse Shoeing and Wood-; work Come in and see me. Te. WEINMAN J*eier i n a r i a *t Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship ments Dffice up stairs. State Bank Building Phone No. 108 Norton Lambert DRAY A TRANSFER Solicits Your Business— Phone Blue 60, or E. G. Taylor s Eleva tor or either lumber yard. Report of the Condition OF THE Rockville State Bank Of Rnrkvilic. Charter No. s>l. in thastate of Nebraska, at theclose oflHisinws • February 12th. 1914: RFmKKCES: Loans and llfarount>. . Overdrafts. Hankinsr hou>e. furniture and fixtlrn Ciim-n* expMws.tixpsand int paid One from National ant. >ta* l*rmk> A61UU 73 Choc and items of e\ rhtiiu:'- .V*' 4»* OinvihV 2JH»3 to i<(»ftdctiia. . l .uii u> I silver. nickels amio*Mit> . j»*' *-i f74an» 48 910 94 2JK M 330 20 2W.7B* .**4 Total ... U5 LIABILITIES? V Capital st ork paid In T-50000 >UM‘lu<!uivi ^ l'ndivi.It-il profit^.. . . l.otfs v l/i<11 vicinal dejiosits >ul> ject to one**k £33.134 S« Ik-mnnd **oriificat»" *1 »»«* posil . ««00 I Tim*1 certificate** ot «le I IMisit. ___ _ 43.S.V* if* j Certified rhwk* 142 50— s2.«s*7 M l>eposit* r's jruarantee fund 473 2L Total . .***.S3l v* State of NeVtraska. i County of Howard. ' ! 1. K. I>wehus. cashier of the above named | tiank do hereby '.w-ar that the almv* str.te meut is a correct ami true cop' of the report made to the State Ranking? Ho:*rd. K. NEHrs. Attest: I*. Jensen I>irector. OtjOP Nelson. I>i rector. Sulisrribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of February. 1914. Chris. Appel. [SEAL; Notar.x Public. Boys’ Clothing Just Id. We have just received one of the best lines of Boys" Clothing mouey will bu.:. ( all and see them. Loup City Mercantile Co. Ordinance No. 94 An Ordinance to repeal Ordinance No. 5 01 Uie Ordinances of Loup lit\. Nebraska, entitled "An ordi nance U) pi o\ iae for- the licensing of dugs within the village of Loup Oil) and to regulate tne running at large of ferocious and vicious aogs within sam Milage, and duties of constable and clerk in relation thereto. He it * ndained by toe Mayor and City j Council of Loup City. Nebraska: Section I that Ordinance No. 5 of the ordinances of Loup City, Ne braska. entitled "An ordinance to provide lor Uie licensing of dogs with in the village of Loup City and u>' regulate the running at large of :ero cious and vicious aogs within said vii .age, and dutiesof consiableand clerk in relation thereto’ be and Uie satne; is lierei y repealed. Section 11. Tins ordinance shall t>e in force and take effect irotn and after its passage, approval and publi cation aceoiding to taw. Passed this 17Ui dav of Februarv. it»u Approved this 11th day of Febru ary. 1914. A. B. Ol'TUOl’sK. Mayor of Loup City Ntoraska. Attest: Fete Howe, City Cierk. [seal] ' Ordir.Erce No 95 An Ordinance to Provide for the Tax- j ing. Identifying and Destroying Ikigs VMUiin tiie City of Louo City, Neora^a, and Providing a Penalty j lo' tic* violation tnereol. Be it Ordained by the Mayor and Council of the City of Loup City j Nebraska. section 1. No person residing witl - in Uie City ol Loup City. Neoraska. j eiUier peru.anentiy or temporarily, stiaii ciwii. keep or i.arbor a vk<g »iuc in said city miUioui having first paid a tax and having procured a license therefor as hereinafter provided. section li Any person desiring a license as mentioned in the preceding section shad pay to the City Treasur er or Uie City of Loup City Uie sum of One Iiollar 1*1.00) for each male dog and the sum of Three Dollars *3.oo for each female dog. and upon receipt oi said amount the City Cierk is authorized to issue a license as aioresaid to such person for ttie tlieu current fiscal year, or remainder thereof. section HI. It shall be unlawful for the ow ner, keeper or harborerof a dog or dogs to allow such to run at laige witnout having a collar securely las veiled around Uie neck ol such dog, such cohar to he made of metal or leather, with metal plate or tagi thereon, with the owner's, keepers or harnorer's name engraved or stamped 1 Uieieon. togetner with the number of ! Uie license section IV. It shad he iawful for Uie City Marshal, and it is hereoy j made his duty to take into his care and custody ail dogs and put Uiem in pound, tile keepers, oauers and Liar borers of which shall refuse, or have tailed to pay Uie tax as provided for in Uiis ordinance, or who shall refuse ! or fail to show tne license herein pro-: vided w hen requested so to do by said j officer, and it shall be his duty and het is hereby authorized and empo-veied i and commanded to keep ally and ail j dogs so taken and louno running at) large and not wearing a collar, name and license plate, herein-lrefore pro vided. for the period of Uiree days, and ii no person or persons, ow ners of or claiming property in any or ail of said dogs taken into his possession as aforesaid shall make claim to any of said dogs as aforesaid set forUi. and pay the penalties hereinafter set forth, then it shall be the duty of said Marshal to destroy all of said dogs having remained in his posses sion for the full period of three days unclaimed and unredeemed. Section V. In case any owner or person claiming property in any dog or dogs held by said Marshal in pound as aforesaid, prior to the expiraUon of Uie three days hereinbefore set forth shall pay a penalty of One Dol lar (*L00) and the tax hereinbefore set forth, or shall prove to said Mar shal that the ordinance has been by him or her oomplied with, wiui refer ence to the dog or dogs so claimed, then said Marshall shall turn over and deliver to said person or persons said dog or dogs by them claimed and demanded. Section VI. Any person convicted of violating any of the foregoing pro visions of this ordinance shall be lined in the discretion of the court not less than One Dollar (#1.00) nor more than Five Dollars (*5.00) and shall be liable for the costs in said action and shall stand committed until said tine and costs are fully paid. Seoiion VII. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect on and after May 1st, 1914. its passage, ap proval and publication according to law. Passed this 17th dav of February, 1914. Approved this 17th day of Febru ary. 1914. A. B. Outhouse. Mayor of Loup City, Nebraska. Attest: Pete Rowe, City Clerk. [sexl] SHIRTS! SHIRTS! XeVer before liave you had the opportunity to find a more complete line of shirts for spring. The IDEAL SHIRTS are best for the money you can buy 1 will be glad to show you and prices in reach .of all LORENTZ’S The Best Men's and Boy’s Furnishing Store. WE HAYE ON HAND Rock Springs. ‘Juniper, Hanna, Monarch and Maitland Lump Coal Also Canon City and Rock Springs nut and Anthracite stove and Nut coal. Our twenty-six years in the coal business here enable us to select the coals of quality Try your next order from here. KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY A COMPLETE LINE of Fanfare, Regs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. E. P. DAILY Auctioneer Loup City, — Nebraska Rates 1 per cent on farm sales. Give me a call. Phone 9811. LOUP CITY FLOUR Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills when you can get Loop City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. All dealer?, handle o\*r flour. LOtiP Cm MILL & LIGHT CO. Bay it Because It’s a Better Gar Model T Tourlnr Car f.o.b. Lietrott Get particulars from William Schumann Loup City. Xebr.