The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 19, 1914, Image 8

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    We Have Just Received
A New Line of - - -
Direct from the Manu
facturer, and these Goods
are bought with the Tariff
off. If you are in need
of a good boys suit, call in and see us
.. ......— -t . ■ ~
Loup City Nler. Co.
N S «.p. meres. 4 miles from Milburn. 110
n re~ n • uit : rat ion. very good soil, it has a good
- i w. frame lmrn. com crib and jrrainary,
•> itnsll and tanks. l*rice £12.50 per acre,
< »ft- r rnigh’ except smaller place or town pro
l«erty. if priced right, for payment.
\.I>. I have a good 5 room house, small barn
and *'< good lots only two blocks from school.
Price si"""*. s.V«) cash. £500 in trade, balance
in 5 year* at |ier cent interest.
K. U.K. fiood house of 0 rooms, barn and
blacksmith shop on 5 good lots, only one block
from main street, for sal.- or trade. Price $4000.
L. F. K. (»i*od 11 room house and large lairn
«.n «• g« i>d lots, for sale or trade. Price £5000.
I liave liead of horses that I will sell cheap or
trade for town |iroperty.
(«‘ <>d g t- iine engine and pump jack for sale
If you fail to find anything in the alntve that
interests you just let me know and I will try to
find something that will.
List your property with me for quick results
Losp City, Nebraska.
I li»\e on liand a quantiry of the Council Bluffs
Remedy and »ou,d he triad to figure with vou on your
spring supply of Stock Remedy. All of the' big feeders
are good feeders o» the Coundii; Bluffs goods. Phone
or see
Alfred N. Cook, Loup City, Nebr.
Am Tour Shoes Cleon by Using
Foot Scraper
F« hit I)
0. L GOODELL, Ageit
Loup CHy, - Nebraska.
The Northwestern the People’s Favorite
Subscribe Now.
Death of Infant Son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Little Iver Edwin, infant son of
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ward of
Webster township died last Friday
afternoon after only a few hours
illness, burial taking place in the
Moon cemetery the following Sat
urday, Feb. 14. The many friends
' of the family will be deeply griev
ed over the loss of their little one.
M e wish to extend our heartfelt
thanks to the friends and neigh
bors who so kindly aided us in the
sickness and death of our darling
baby. T. M. Ward and family.
I For Sale—Alfalfa hay. Phone Burr
Robbins, 9811. jan22tf
!■ or Sale—About 30 White Leghorn
bens. Mrs. Geo. F. Douglas, Route 1.
For Sale—a few pure-bred Poland
jChina sows. Milo Gilbert.
For Sale or Trade—Froehlich build
j in* in Loup City, Neb. Gallon or ad
dress IraTimson, Arcadia, Neb. j22-4
For Sale Cheap—A one and a half
horse-powe. gasoline engine and pump
jack. For particulars see Tom Lay at
the Keystone. 2-5tf
Hillcroft'sChoice, No. 6785<i. a year
ling pedigreed Poland China boar,
bred by P. O. Oswald of Wisner, Neb.
Certilicate of pedigree goes with tlie
sale of boar. See Alfred Raillie, Loup
City, Nebr., or phone 9220.
For Rent—My city residence pro
perty consisting of a block of ground,
house and barns in Loup City, former
ly owned by J. T. Hale. Call at First
National Bank. Ed Zakrzruski,
-*5 Owner.
For Sale—Good 8-room house in
Loup City, with pantry, bathroom
and 6 closets: equipped with all mod
ern conveniences, located on second
block north of public square, east
frontage. I am offering my residence
property in Loup City for sale on fol
lowing terms: House and three lots
for *3,750, or house and six lots for
*4,500, deferred payment of *1,500, se
cured by mortgage on the property.
Time given on the entire purchase
price, if desired, provided good se
curity is furnished. A discount of
three per cent on purchase price for
ail cash. Contract to be entered into
on or before Feb. 28th. with deposit
of *500. Sale to be completed on or
before March *21st and possession
given April 1st. R. J. Nightingale.
Two white turkay gobblers, five
dollars each. A. E. Charlton. Loup
City, Nebr. p
As 1 am going to Montana, I will
sell at public auction at my farm, 8**
miles eastjpf Loup City and 3 miles
north of Schaupps, on Thursday, Feb.
20, 1914, at 10 a. m., 13 head of horses,
31 head of cattle, 48 head of hogs,
farm machinery, etc. Free lunch at
noon. Terms, 9 months and 10 per
cent. Col. Pageler, auctioneer, Jos.
Jankowski, clerk. Frank Rossa,
_ Owner.
We have several five room
houses for rent at $6.00, $9.00
and $10.00. First Trust Co. i
Mrs. M. A. Gilbert and little daugh
ter returned Monday from a visit at
Silver Creek, this state.
Don’t forget Frank Rossa’s public
sale, next Thursday, Feb. 26.
The Industrial Society of the Pres
byterian church meets with Mrs.
Henry Ohlsen next Wednesday, Feb.
A new line of boys' clothing just in
for spring and they are dandies, at
Loup City Mercantile Co.
Riggest sale of the season by Frank
Ilossa. at his farm 8 1-2 miles north
east of Loup City Feb. 26, (next
Thursday). Don’t forget it.
Cummunion service at tlie Method
ist church next Sunday morning.
Usual services in the evening.
F. 11. Gustafson returned to Hamil
ton county Tuesday after a visit with
his brother. W. W. Gustafson.
Found—A lady’s bar pin, Tuesday,
on the street in front of the editor’s
home Call at this office.
Miss May Lewis went to Aurora
yesterday naming for a visit with
relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Toohey of Greeley
visited at the home of L. G. Lofholm
Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.
The Loup Citv Mercantile Co. cer
tainly have a swell line of spring
Will Rasmussen and sister from
Hazard were visitors last Saturday
and Sunday at the home of Fred
Johnson on Wiggle Creek.
Special bargain in closing out boys’
suits at Lorentz.
We received a pleasant call last Sat
urday from J. .1. Dilla of Schaupps.
one of the many good friends who are
sure of reading the Northwestern for
ten years ahead.
No need of going out of town this
year to get your spring and summer
goods, as you can find most anything
you want at the Loup City Mercantile
Co. they have certainly got the goods.
Mike Kaminski and John Pilanow
ski were over from Ashton Monday
on business, and while here John ad •
ded his name to the big Northwestern
list of readers. Thanks.
Owing to the crowded condition
of our columns this week we were
obliged to omit news from the
routes and not a few other news
notes which came in at a late hour.
We must insist on matters of all
all kinds for publication getting
to thisoffice earlier to insure their
getting in the paper.
Get your boys'suits, will meet all
competitors prices, and are better at
II. W. Gustafson is out square-foot
ed for a new court house. You may
be sure all the boys from Hamilton
county beleive in an up-to-date fire
proof building for our officers and re
Frank Rossa's public sale at his
farm 8 1-2 miles northeast of Loup
City and ,? miles north of Schaupps
next Thursday, Feb. 26. Positively
everything will be sold.
Rev. ane Mrs. Slocumb went to
V\ isner, this state, Tuesday morning
of this week, where Mr Slocumb was
called to preach the funeral of a for
mer aged parishioner. They are to
return Friday.
Arthur Hansel and wife arrived
from Omaha Monday, where lie has
been engaged in one of the packing
establishments for some time and
may conclude to remain and go into
t rank Kossa s public sale next
Thursday Feb. lfi. A line lot of farm
machinery on sale, besides an especi
ally good lot of horses, cattle and
hORS. _____
The members of the R. N. A. Rave
Mrs. Pretson Bell a surprise party
last Wednesday afternoon, on the eve
of she and her husband leavinR for
their new home in south west Nebras
A marriape license was issued Tues
day of this week to Thos. MeCarville
and Miss Helen Dumbuski, both of
this county. The marriape took place
at the Catholic church of this city
Wednesday morninR.
Milo Gilbert returned home last
Friday eveninp from Florence, this
state, where he at a biR Iior sale of
D. C. LoneRen purchased two pure
bred Poland China sows. He received
the beauties Monday.
Some fifty of the friends of Mr.
and Mrs. F. E. Kennedy gathered
at their home last Saturday even
ing for a Valentine party. A mog
enjoyable time was reported by an
present, but no details given.
Chas. E. Smith and family left
the first of this week for Aurora,
where Mr. Smith has rented a
farm a few miles south of that
city which he will farm this com
ing year Mr. Smith came from
Hamilton county here some two
years since and now returns to his
first love. We sipcerely wish for
Charley and family the best of
good fortune, but hope he may
again conclude to come to Sher
1 man county in th6 near future.
The first of our SPRING
LINE is now on display.
You will find these goods
to be dependable and the
You are Invite Call, and
Mrs. R. P. Starr entertained
the P. E. O.’s Monday afternoon.
See adv. of R. J. Nightingale’s
residence for sale. It is' a dandy
home for some one.
John W. Long and son went to
Omaha Monday night where they
were to meet Miss Ella Long.
J. A. Gibson was over from the
west side Tuesday, and of course
will hereafter read the Northwest
ern for all news of the county.
While removing ashes from the
furnace at his home, Sunday, W.
S. Waite became suddenly ill, fall
ing unconscious on the ash heap,
where he was found later. His
physician was hastily summoned
and Mr. Waite was soon able to
be up and around. It is reported
his illness arose from gas fumes
from furnace or ashes.
Mrs. A. B. Outhouse returns
today from Spencer, this state
where visited her daughter, Miss
Emma, for the past three years
principal of the Spencer high
school. On her return trip she
visited at Wisner, the guest of
Gus. F. Kenower, editor of the
Wisner paper. The two were
school faiends in Clinton county,
Tuesday night at the home of
Mrs. Cora Zimmerman was held a
pleasant surprise on Miss Ethel
Bullock, soon to be married at
her home in Boelus. After the
first shock was over, the announce
ment that there was a man in the
house caused a dilligent search,
but all that could be brought forth
was a doll dressed a la Fountle
roy. A number of useful house
hold articles were left for Miss
Bullock. .
Our good friend. George W. Marvel
came down from Arcadia last week
Wednesday and gave us a pleasant
call. Mr. and Mrs. Marvel left Mon
day for Plattesville. Wisconsin, where
they will make their future home.
That is where George lived as a boy
and where he received his first experi
ence in the mercantile business, the
same store being in existence to the
present day. Just what Mr. Marvel
will engage in he did not say, but as
the better part of his life has been
spent in the mercantile business it is
probable he will soon again get into
the harness. The Northwestern, with
their host of friends here will wish
the worthy people all kinds of good
fortune in their new-old home.
—— •
Sherman County
School Notes.
By Supt. L H.Currier
The joint meeting of the teachers of
Sherman and Buffalo counties was a
very profitable and pleasant affair.
The morning was very threatening
and stormy but in spite of tbis fact
the meeting was well attended. Near
ly all of the teachers from the south
of our county were present. All of
the Rockville teachers, some from
Litchfield, some from Hazard and
three from Loup City were also in at
tendance. The names of all teachers
in attendance from this county will
be given in the school items next
The fact that there were more
teachers in attendance from Sherman
county than than there were from
Buffalo county speaks well for the
teachers of our county. The meeting
was a success and furnishad an op
portunity for good fellowship on edu
cational matters. A great many help
ful points in teaching were set forth.
At the close of the program there *
was a basket ball game between the '
teachers of Sherman county and Buf- '
falocounty. Buffalo won the game 1
by a score of 12 to 0. Prof. O. W. ■
Neal of Kearney State Normal deliv- ,
ered an address in the afternoon
w hich was very much enjoyed by ail i
^[JL have the most Com
plete Line of Wall Paper
ever shown in this sec
tion. -
i You Should See It
before buying your
spring order
His subject,'‘The Teacher and the
Child," was so handled that it must
have created in the minds of every
teacher and parent present the fact
that the child's surrounding and home
life has a great deal to do w ith the
success of his school work. The fol
fowing are some of the thoughts pre
sented; What is a child£ Knowledge
of the home influencd^reviously ex
erted necessary if the highest train
ing is given in the school, %-actical
knowledge of this home life. If the
teacher is aware of these parental
failings, she can deal with the new
generation, gravely yet gently. Ex
amples of home influence upon the
child. All parents want the best for
their children—sometimes we do not
know what the best is. But the desire
is there. The lecture deals with the
types of children found in a school
room. Seeks the causes of their short
comings and gives remedies.
The lecture brings out the idea of
more co-operation between the parent
and teacher—a better understanding
of the aims and methods employed.
The idea of both law and government
in both home and school. The train
ing of the will. The lecture points
out why children, lie. cheat etc_
w rong ideal held before them by par
Prof. ^Neal will give this talk at our
parents and teachers meeting Satur
day. February 28. The lecture is for
parents and teachers especially. Don't
miss it.
A Joint Officers’, Parents’ and
Teachers’ meeting will be held in
Loup City, Saturday, February 28.
The forenoon session will begin at 10:
30. The afternoon session at 1:30.
Plans are being made for a particular
ly interesting and helpful meeting
and a large attendance is anticipated.
The following are some of the suU
ject that will be discussed:
Presenting fractions to fourth grade
How may the school promote the in
terest of the school?
New thoughts on school unit.
Practical application of Grammar.
How to maintain good attendance.
Every parent in the county should
try to be present. Remeber Prof
Neale gives his talk in the forenoon.
Teachers will you not bring an ex
hibit of your school work? Come
early and arrange it that other teach
ers may have an opportunity to see
some of your work and receive sug
gestions and ideas from you. Read
the program sent to you carefully, and
see what live, vital subjects are to be
presented. Then decide that you will
not lose an opportunity of enjoyment
and of increasing efficiency as a teach
er. Do not miss the talks to be given
by Prof. Neale and Prof. Martin.
Alvin Jack
Herald Rowe
Rex Currier
Hugh Ver Valin
Earl Daddow
Walter Jones
Willard Lay
Walter Grzywa
John Cowling
John Jolkowski
Fred Amick
Edwin Goc
Felix Grzywa
Rennie Bukowski
Theo Currier
Joseph Gaopa
Herman Miller.
Buy Sunshine Biscuits in packages
at The Mogul Store, save the outside
wrappers for your favorite contestant,
and help him win the Sunshine auto
5 cent wrappers count • 5 votes
10 “ “ “ 10 “
15 “ “ “ 15 «
15 “ “ “ 25 *•
Get Busy. Only two more weeks to
work. Joe Vaughn.
Interesting Washing
ton Program
There will be a Washington pro
gram and social given at Verdurette
school house Friday evening, Feb. 2o,
beginning at 8 o’clock p. m. Ladies
are requested to bring supper for two.
A cordial invitation is extended to
all. The following program will be
Song, school.
Recitation, Greeting.
Recitation, “As Great as Washing
Recitation, "Washington’s Birth
Exercise, “The Visitor.”
Solo, selected.
Recitation, “An Unfortunate Mal
Recitation, “Playing at Washing
Recitation, “Little February.”
Song. “Lincoln is Sleeping.”
Recitation, “At Valley Forge.”
Exercise, “Like Washington.”
Recitation, "Something Better."
Recitation. "The Boys We Need.”
Instrumental music, selected.
Recitation, “Kate’s Agent.”
Play, “The Train Leaves in Ten
Solo, selected.
Recitation, “Lincoln.”
Recitation, “At Home and at
Song, “The Story of the Hatchet.”
Recitation, “Like George Washing
Dialogue* “Harry’s Pockets.”
Recitation, “Our Flag.”
Exercise, “Telling About George
Song, “A Songof Washington.”
Play, “Uncle Peter Visits School.”
Recitation, “Washington’s Birth
Tableau, “Wife wanted.”
Recitation, “Mr. Johnsing’s I)e
Piay. “Mrs. Pepper’s Ghost.”
Song, “Washington’s Grave.”
Carrie Bogseth, Teacher
W. C. T. 0. NOTES
Our union held a very interesting
Frances E. Willard memorial last,
Friday, after the program dainty re
freshments were served. We present
ed a silver spoon with the letters “W.
C. T. U. ’14” engraved on the handle
to Mrs. Tourtellot as a farewell me
mento. _Our next meeting will be a
sort of Kensington, February 27.
—Ida M. Burwell.
Boys’ Clothing Just In.
We have just received one of the
best lines of Boys’ Clothing money
will buy. Call and see them.
Loup City Mercantile Co.
Notice for Liquor Lieonso
In the Matter of the Application of
Julius J. Dilla for aLIquor License:
Notice is hereby given that the said
Julius J. Dilla did, on the 16th day of
February, A. D. 1914, Hie his petition
to the chairman and members of the
County Board of Supervisors of Sher
man county, State of Nebraska, for a
license to sell malt, spirituous and vin
ous liquors at retail at Schaupps, in
the southeast quarter of section twel ve
(12 township fifteen (15) north range
fourteen )14) in the county of Sher
man and State of Nebraska,
from the 6th day oi March,
1914, to the 6th day of March, 1915.
If there be no objection, protest or
remonstrance filed on or before March
3,1914, said license will be granted
Dated this 16th day of February, A.
D. 1914. Julius J. Dilla.
Attest: L. B. Polski. County Clerk.
A. W. Boecking, Deputy.