The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 19, 1914, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern
» . m .
Mm Mootut I* Negord to Calling Special Election to Vote on New Court
Bern Van an Agreeable Surprise to AN in Numbers and Enthusiasm
TV m*» mreung arid at tbe
l>addom <pera bwiar Monday af
ternoon. at per call, for the pur
la*** of ascertaining tbe sentiment
of ibf people of tbe CMistT in re
gard to calling a special election
f r tV purpose of voting bonds
f -r the budding of » #15. <**» court
bow fot **L* rman c*» inty proved
*»!«e of u*e biggest *on*haas of
anitL ng occurring in our city for
• < ng tune. A* tbe bwr ap
; - .-el for t* • .-nt. : u
fr»l n^mVrv >aae to ti»e
county, abuwmg an unprecedented
intern* to regard u< tie- «'-ect for
wtsXtt it *u • ailed, liy tlje time
Lite nowtug * a* called to order by
President Long <*f tbe Loup City
1 ~Tiiir-i-1 Club, almost every
Meat m lift boose «a» occupied,
a Lie on tbe stag, by request of
tbe president were sealed tbe
county board, tie committee bar
ing tbe eat. of tbe convention in
cbnrge. and aeverai gentlemen
frw id tbe Greeley county and
Armitect Hnnberbof of Lincoln.
• bo furnished tbe plane of tie*
• f-eeyey w»otitv court bouse we
well a» art tutect of tbe Howard
county court bouse and many
Fieaulet t Lung a a* chosen
chairman witb C. F Beushausen
MBcrwU-ry. Tbe chairman stated
tbe onjec* of tbe mass convention,
mat of getting tbe feeling over
tbe e**unty a* regards, tbe erection
of a new and up-to-date fireproof
court bouse for >berman eounty.
fmng a l«-» facts and figures and
arguments ui fit or of Mich a de
kinni and mat urgently needed
pu'dic building. Arcbite* t Bnn
krrfeof and (jetitietnen O'Malley
and Keed of Greeley county were
called out and made m«»st interest
ing arid instructive talks in «ip
port of a court house proposition
Fallowing Architect Bnnkerhof's
talk he was ,***s*ejf**d with nutn
iwriess question* in regard to the
< ireele v. Howard and Custer coun
ty courthouses. which he answer
ed qntcfcij and most satisfactorily.
Vf uite a numbrr of gentlemen spoke
on the subject, pm and eon. none
of whom dented the need of the
building, the only content ion of
those opposing being as to the
time such election should he held,
whether at a special election, at a
general election, or wait till some
future period. At the close of tlie
debate, a motion to call a special
election brought near.y all of tlie
large and cnee to their feet, while
• tn w r.-ting to tie- contrary w*-re
9 scarcely a couple of dozen, with
several who voted neither way.
The surprise arose from tlie fact
tia. near y every one present were
pronounced in favor, w hile those
tn opposition were rery few and
really for the most part wavering
Those haring matters for publi
cation. to insure their insertion in
full, and «*« curtailed, will do
well to make them as brief as pus
aible and get theca into this office
at the rery earliest moment. II
your contribution is blue penciled
and decapitated as to length, then
will be one of two especial reason:
therefor - too great length, or re
ceipt ui same at too late an hour
Kflocabrr almost everything foi
publscauon crowds in al the las
moment and our typesetting ma
chows are not ran by electricity.
and undecided. many of them at
< i— of the convention signing the
petition' calling: for the special
d-.-tion. which were handed them
for their signatures. On motion,
i lie chairman was instructed to ap
point a committee of gentlemen
from each precinct in the county
! • i m|*He a general committee to
r.: > i" tr.- :r respective precincts
n a i of the j.r< i t. and the con
vention i-arne to an end.
All in ail. it wa- a happy end
■ g • mi ' h anxiety felt a- to the
it *me of tne comention by
favoring the erection of the
a • »urt bou-e. and showed con
iU'irely to those present that
**ncnnan county's progressive peo-,
; • \iere i*-termined u> have a safe
j i t- *-for tlie county records, an
i* i late fireproof home for our
i ty ofii ials and a building that
-•a pride and honor to the
C4. J. G. Pag- ler*. our up-to
dau- auctioneer, was called toFre
mont la«t Saturday, liaving two
h.g public sales near there for
Mon lay and Tuesday of this week.
Jack got back home yesterday and
said they were the most extensive
-ai"' he has ever had. running way
;p the thousands of dollars.
Tin* i' not the first time he has
failed down into that coun
try t- cry l*ig -ales, having been
i : Ui“n' la-t year, and. made so
-uivt-^fully that he was called
again. Tli«- fact is that be is a
bigger and better man along his than he is naturally accredit
ed at home, for according to the
id saying, "a prophet is not with
out honor MW in liis own coun
try." and the -ame may be said
ii'o'ijr hi' line of work as well, and
yet .lack is a splendid auctioneer
as all are ready to testify.
Surprised ky Two
Separate Parties
Last Saturday evening. Fred
Johnson and family down on
Wiggle Creek had a sort of doub
le surprise perjietrated upon them,
-on the eve of their removal to
Platte county. On that evening.
, a big P'wd of surprisers from the
h and another surprise delega
tion from the south came upon
fhat h <me at t tie same tune, neith
| . r crowd knowing tlie other had
ie-igns uj«>n the good family.
| However, the biggest and jolliest
• me imaginable was had. It was
; i‘ie first doubling up of surprises
u the history of the county to out
| knowledge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Hoklas oJ
■steam1 K>at Springs. Colo., arrived
Tuesday noon for a few days’ visit
with Mrs. Hoklas* sister, Mrs. A.
T. Conger, going from here tc
Blair fora further visit with re
latives. *lr. Hoklas is counts
surveyor of Routt county, of whicl
•iteamboat Springs is the counts
seat. We acknowledge a mosi
pleasant call from the gentlemax
who has been engaged for mans
years in that country as a civil en
gineer and engaged on survey in j
railr >ad lines through the mount
Last Friday being the eve of St
Valentine Day. the rooms of tkv
• smaller scholars provided valen
t tine boxes and each little one w a
. the recipient of at least one vaien
tine and a good time beside.
Miss Helma A. Froehlich of This City
and Lawrence Polski Our Popu
lar County Clerk Married.
i - .... .... .
Last Sunday morning at 9 o'
• clock at St. Josephat church in
■ this city occurred the marriage of
' Lawrence B. Polski. county clerk
I of this county, and Miss Helma A.
Froehlich of this city. The ser
vices were very impressive and
unite two of our best young peo
ple for life. The bride is the
youngest daughter of Mrs. J. H.
Froehlich, and has been for sever
al years an attache of the tele
phone central office, and very pop
ular with her large circle of friends.
The groom is the son of I. M.
Polski of Ashton and for a couple
! years was deputy county clerk
under W. C. Dieterichs. deceased,
was later connected with the.First
! National Bank of this city as as
sistant cashier, resigning that po
sition upon the death of County
^ Clerk Dieterichs and was appoint
ed by the board to fill out the un
| expired term of the deceased of
i ficer, and which position he has
ably filled. A wedding dinner
I was served at The Frederick at 2
o'clock Sunday following the cere
mony, at which only the bride
groom and near relatives, to the
number of some 22, participated.
; except the presence of Mr. and
Mrs.M.C.Mulick,where the'groom
had made his home in this city
i for years. The happy couple left
Monday morning for a week's ab
sence at Omaha and other points,
after which they will be at home
in the Kettle cottage just east and
north of the Methodist church.
The Northwestern, with the large
circle of friends of the new home
makers. will follow them through
life with best wishes for them in
all ways.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas.'D.
Shipley on Route 1. Feb. 16,1914,
a big bouncing baby boy, who
tipped the scales at 12 pounds.
Charley says he challenges the
world to prove he is not the best
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
' Swanson, Sunday evening, Feb.
• 15, a fine little daughter. Oscar
has been busy since disposing of
a big case of choice Havanas to
• solicitous friends who were inquir
5 ing as to his mental status since
. that important event. Mother and
. daughter doing nicely. Congrat
ulation all around.
Large Audience Witness One of The
Gamiest and Most Intensely In
teresting Contests Yet.
-- i
Last week Wednesday evening
was pulled off at the oj>era house
the much advertised and intensely
interesting wrestle between Lee
Scott of Ansley and our own local
man, Warren Miller. The exten
sive advertising given the event,
with the reputation of the two
men. brought some two or three
hundreds of the lover of the game
to see what proved to be the most
interesting'ever pulled off in this^
city. The principals shook hands
and the battle royal was on. There
was apparently little difference in
the weight of the big fellows and
they were about the same hieghts.
For some IT* minutes the giants
tugged away, both on their feet,
but shortly after Miller jerked
Scott off his feet and from that
time on Scott was on the defense,
taking to the mat whenever he
felt anywise in danger of a fall
from his doughty opponent. For
one hour and thirty-five minutes ]
in all Miller never gave a moment 's
let up on his aggressive tactics and
never was he the least in danger'
of defeat but once and tluit was!
when a few minutes before the I
end of the contest Miller thought
the referee had patted him on the j
back as he had Scott's shoulders
on the mat. loosed his holds and
stood to his feet whereupon the
wiley Scott got a foot hold on the
local man and threw him. but
which the latter soon broke, push
ing Scott loose with his free
foot." The above tactics seemed
to put extra ginger in Warren, who
from that time on exerted addi
tional strength and agility and
soon had Scott securely pinned to
mat with a half nelson and crotch
hold. This proved the end of the
wrestle, as Scott had been so bad
ly handled by Miller that he was
scarcely able to get to his dressing
room, where he in a manly way
gave his hand to Miller, saying he
could not throw him, was in no
condition to continue the unequal
struggle and gave up the match
and money, also announcing he
was through with the wrestling
game forever. It is due to Mr.
Scott and his friends from Ansley,
Arcadia and that section that they
acted in a most honorable and
Large Number of Friends Surprise
Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Snyder
Tuesday Afternon.
Last Tuesday afternoon, the la
dies of the G. A. R. met at the
home of Mrs. W. S. Steen, and
with baskets tilled with such good
tilings as those ladies know how
to prepare, went in a body to the
home of Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Sny
der, where they gave this worthy
couple a complete surprise in honor
of their 58th wedding anniversary.
They have been residents of this
county for 38 years and have lived
in Loup City for the past 26
years. They have passed through
the toils a:.d hardships of the ear
ly settlers and have enjoyed the
prosperity of the later day. Grand
ma Snyder has been an active
worker for the church, in the
Unity Club and in the Circle of
the Ladies of the G. A. R., serv
ing as their prSident two differ
ent terms. The ladies presented
her with a beautiful spoon in token
of their esteem. In the early
spring the honored couple expect
to move on their recently pur
chased farm near Broken Bow.
The afternoon was spent in pleas
ant conversation and a delightful
three course luncheon was served,
after which all departed, wishing
this couple many more happy an
generous manner and made friends
of all by their actions and demean
or. As Lee Scott is one of the
big fellows on the mat in the
state, his defeat by Miller puts the
latter up among the best ones in
the state.
Among the many new and old
subscribers who have increased
the Northwestern exchequer of
late, not elsewhere mentioned,
were T. L. Pilger, L. B. Milligan,
Ralph Teeters. Will Whorton, G.
W. Marvel. Carlos Landon, Al
fred Baillie, Charts Smith, M.
Zellers, M. Enevoldsen. H. L.
Bell. J. C. Steele. John de la
Motte, C. R. Spencer, Iver Holm
berg, C. P. McLaughlin. Miss E.
Fosberg. Mrs. Emil Schenck, J.
I. Mcllravy. S. M. Smalley, Nel
son Smith. A. B. Thompson. Mrs.
Geo. Keeler. Mrs. Clemma Con
ger, Henry Bichel. Chas. Shipley,
Geo. Chapman. Andrew Pearson,
Clark Reynolds. John W iehler,
Aug. Johnson. ,‘H. W. Gustafson,
Jno. Pilanowski Hiram Cramer.
May their shadows never grow
Attempt Made to Assassinate H. T. Richards of Elm Creek.
Aiso Wounded. Both Will Recover.
Mrs. Richards
Henry T. Richards, living north
of Elm Creek was seriously injur
ed last Saturday when a double
barrel shotgun was discharged
through the window of the home
while Mr. and Mrs. Richards were
sitting at the table reading. The
affair happened about 10 o'clock
just before the couple were going
to retire. The first shot struck a
cream separator sitting in the
room and tore a casting from the
machine, thus abating the force of
the bullets. The second shot was
fired as Mr. Richards jumped from
his chair to see what the firing was.
This time the shot lodged in the
injured man's body, also striking
Mrs. Richards' who had also risen
to her feet. Mrs. Richards fell
prostrate on the floor and the hus
band. thinking she was killed,
dragged himself eighty rods to the
home of his father. This effort
W. E. Henry returned last
Wednesday from Flayler. Colo
rado. where he has accepted the
position as cashier in the bank
there, where he expects to move
about the first of March, when he
begins his duties. We understand
he also has a financial interest in
the institution. We wish the
young man all kinds of good for
tune, and congratulate Flagler on
the acquistion of Mr. Henry and
family, socially and from a busi
ness standpoint. The Progress
of Flagler has this to say of the
bank enterprise and people:
The Farmers' State Bank was
sold the first of the week. F. E.
Gibson disposing of his interests
to Dr. H. L. Williams and A. J.
Lockwood. The new owners of
the bank will be A. S. Lockwood,
H. L. Williams, J. C. Straub, W.
E. Henry of Loup City, Xeb., and
A. K. Cousins of Denver. Mr.
Henry comes to us with the best
of references as a business man.
and is backed by a large amount i
of capital.
Pleasant Valentine’s
Day Class Party
Mrs. Thompson’s class enter
tained the I. T. class of the Pres
byterian Sunday school last Sat
urday evening. Games were
played and valentine poems were
written by each and then 'read,
causing much amusement. Dainty
refreshments were served and at
late hour all departed, feeling well
repaid for being there.
Officers Presbyterian
Ckarcb Given Reception
The Misses Pearl Needham,
Pearl Keeler, Lizzie Leininger
and Birdie Lofholm gave a recep
tion to the officers of the Presby
terian church last Wednesday
evening at the home of Miss Need
ham. A 7 o'clock dinner in honor
of Rev, and Mrs. Tourtellot was
given, four courses being served,
after which games were played,
a pleasant, social evening result
Rev. C. F. Bukoutz. pastor-at
large of that church in Nebraska,
is here this week holding a series
of meetings. Next Sunday even
ing he will deliver an address,
“From the Barroom to the Pul
pit” giving in detail the story of
his conversion, etc. His purpose
is to locate a pastor here. Ser
vices nex% Sunday as usual. A
cordial invitation extended to all.
completely exhausted him and lit
tle hope was held for his recovery
last night. Mrs. Richards was
found to have only a flesh wound
and was soon revived. Mr. Rich
ards will also recover. The sheriff
is looking for young Wilcox, a lad
of 15 years, who was residing with
the family and is missing. There
is no apparent reason for the as
We have received the following
characteristic card from our old
postmaster, D. C. Grow, from his
home at Jeffersonville, Vermont,
under date of the 13th instant:
“Good morning. The weather is
fine here. You can put on a coat
once in a while, just to keep the
snow off your shirt I wish* you
would send me a copy of the paper
of the 5th; all we got of it was the
wrapper. Let me know how we
stand and will try and sell a can
or so of milk and remit. Tell all
the girls and boys, too, that old
Dar is ail right only weighs 17*1
pounds, but still in the ring.”
And we hope he will be right then*
when he passes his 100th mile post
in life's journey.
Elected Vice-President
Treasurer’s Association
County Treasurer and Mrs. F.
M. Henry returned home from
Omaha last Saturday evening,
where Mrs. Henry had undergone
an operation on her eyes with very
satisfactory results. As we stated
in another column, Treasurer
Henry was elected vice president
of the State Treasurers’ Associa
tion. This means that he will suc
ceed to the presidency of the as
sociation next year, as it is the
custom of the association to elect
each annual meeting every officer
of said association except the pre
sident, the vice president of the
preceding year succeeding to the
presidency, as is the case with the
state editorial association and many
other state meetings. And the
state association in honoring Mr.
Henry did honor to itself.
Loap City Ccaple
Married at Liaceln
Announcements was received in
this city by friends of the con
tracting parties of the marriage at
Lincoln on the 14th of this month
at the home of the bride’s mother
Mrs. J.W.Luce, of Christian Olt
jenbruns of this city and Miss
Elizabeth Luce, who was one of
the teachers in our city schools
last year. The happy couple are
announced to be at home to their
friends after March 10th. They ar
rived from Lincoln Monday of this
week.The Northwestern joins with
friends in wishing them happiness
and prosperity. On the evening
of their return the neighbors for
miles around and about 150 school
children from Loup City went
down and serenaded the happy
There was a valentine party at the
home of Edgar Foster last Friday
evening, some twenty-five friends
being present. A most enjoyable
evening was the result.