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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1914)
The Procrastinator IS ALWAYS LIABLE TO BE LUCKLESS Tbcrr a young man in this community who t-* well-disposed toward Our Hank Account Plan intended to open an account during the past n-»r. He earned money but deferred opening an account because to him it always seemed ‘’in convenient'* tiw* result is he is acquiring habits of spending instead of the habit of ac cumulation. It is easy to open an account and take advan tage of Our Bank Account Plan—a deposit of $1.00 or more will get you started. However keep in mind that there is no time like “right now” if you want the larger results. Loup City State Bank Loup City, Nebraska. MAKOWSKI & PRITCHARD POOL, HALL Handles Cigars. Tobacco, Candy, in fact almost anything in their line you may wish, at prices as low as the lowest Give Us A Call -'Mnmcr—N THE IDEAL When Looking For a Square Meal Hrop In At The IDEAL also for a Good Lunch We also carry a Full Line of Bread and Pastry Goods and also send Bread by parcel post. Phone Black 127 South Side Public Square. Wm. Dolling. When in Need of COAL or first-class of all dimensions, We also nave a car of Coke. \N e also have a good line of Fence posts, range iog in price from ten to fifty cents. Phone Ked 29 and you will receive prompt attention LEININGER LUMBER COMPANY THE NORTH PLATTE VALLEY I Government Irrigated Homestead Land, Cary Act; Land, and private deeded lands are yet available on ! favorable terms in tbis great rich valley, so close to ;all the good markets. THE HEW RAILROAD: This great agricultural valley is on j the now mainland through Central Wyoming, now being completed, and this is an important factor in , considering the future value of these rich agricultu- - . ral lands. There is no other irrigated valley so close ' .to yll the Eastern markets. REET SMAR FACTORY: Already located in the valley, and thousands of acres are planted to beets each' .year; other thousands of acres are growing alfalfa, but there is lots of room for mote people. For further particulars, write me. « D CLEM DEAVER, Immigration Agt.' 10U4 Farnum St. Omaha, Nebr. ] Let is figure or that next bill of Job Work, We Guarantee to suit you la both,work, quality and price. So Bryan wants to be U. S. senator. And immediate ly all his little newspaper Jack-in-the-box satellites take up the refrain as their demi-god pulls the strings. SHERIDAN COAL gets better each vear and the price is much less than most coal sells for. If you try Sheri dan, we guarantee it will never fill up your stove pipe. Lump, *7:00; Nut, •6.50; Pea, $6.25. For sale at Taylor’s Elevator. THE NORTHWESTERN Entered at the Loup City lostoftice for tr»ns mission through the mails as second clans matter. Office Phone. Red 21 Residence, - Black 21 |j. w. Bl'K LEIGH. Editor and Pub. J. R GARDINER Manager. |___ When the First National Bank at Superior closed its doors a short time since, it was claimed to be on account of slow collections on matured paper, borrowers being unable to meet their obligations. It was soon found that Cashier Felt (what’s in a name?) was missing; could not be locat ed, nor has been yet. Investigation proved the bank had been “touched” to the tune of some $12,000 and over plas 1 tered with worthless paper to “blind” the sagacious bank examiners and bank officials and indictment in some seven counts is out against said cashier for making false i entries in the bank books, juggling the figures, sending | false statement of the bank's condition to the comptroller of the currency, embezzling some four thousand in money and converting notes to the value of $8,100 to his own use. He is also charged wit having duplicated notes signed by farmers involving several thousand dollars. The last trace of Felt was down on the Gulf, and belief is expressed that he may be out of this country by this time. It would ap pear from above that bank examinations are a long way i from being a safe thing to rely upon. ■ ■ ■■ ■ ' ■ „ That was a measly old trick the weather man played | on this part of Nebraska last week. The Northwestern was scarcely printed and in the mail, with lurid comments on the beautiful weather, compared to the effete East with its snow storms and blizzards, or Sunny(!) Southern Cali j fornia with its disastrous floods, when the comptroller oi the weather sent us a blizzard with 14 below zero accom modations and about a 60-mile gale sweeping down on us from the north. If that w’as not piling it on some, we have another think coming. However, after about twenty four hours of that brand of stuff, it let up ashamed of itself, and all is serene once more. Orthodoxy on the Pacific coast has received a severe shock. Dr. Charles F. Aked, a Congregational minister and president of the Church Federation of San Francisco, , has declared his unbelief in the doctrine of “the immacu late conception.” Did you ever notice that when some “high and mighty” preacher wishes to get notoriety and big advertising for himself he denies the whale and Jonah story, the doctrine of immaculate conception, or some one or other of the Biblical narrations? And yet only four of the members of the association took exceptions and asked his removal for heterodox teaching. A bill has passed the house of congress providing that ; every one admitted to this country must be able to read ; some language. Such a measure was vetoed by both ! Cleveland and Taft during their incumbency of the chief ! magistrate’s office, and probably will be vetoed by Wilson, as he has already expressed disapproval of such law. But why not a literacy test, not only for immigrants, but for the right of citizenship with all its privileges? ————— Aurora has been having a battle royal between the city council and the electric light company. The council would not pay all the street lighting bill on account of al leged poor service. The company demanded the whole amount by last Saturday night or the city should go dark. The aldermanic contingent said “Let ’er go dark and be d—ark,” so to speak. We have no wireless of outcome. President Wilson last week gaVe cold comfort to del egates of equal suffrage movement who called at the ex ecutive mansion, and following that 123 out of 180 demo cratic house members in caucus voted against giving their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters the same constitu tional rights they accord a thick-lipped, ignorant negro, or unlettered male biped, white, black, brown or yellow, who wishes citizenship. * Why not get busy in Sherman county on the “good roads" proposition as seems the case in Hamilton county? At Aurora, a few days ago, all but two of the road over seers in the county met at the court house with the coun ty commissioners to discuss ways and means of securing best results. Such meetings can only conserve to very materially advance better roads movements. President Wilson in substance now says to the Mexi cans, “Sick ’em,” and climbing an eminence overlooking the dog fight folds his hands and enjoys the scene. He has withdrawn the embargo on arms and ammunition and now both sides can purchase all the “killers” they can get on this side of the Rio Grande, as long as they have the “long green” to swap for same. AND MULES WANTED = ——■—WILL BE AT ' ' Loup City, Saturday Feb. 14th RAIN OR SHINE, To Bay All Good Fat Horses and Mules. Best Prices for Good Big Horses that will weigh 1500 pounds and up. Will huy any kind of a good horse or mule from 3 years up, but they must be fat. NO TALL ONES AT ANY PRICE. —— I COME TO BUY NOT TO LOOK m—— M. A. WARRICK Special Teacher's Examination. A special examination in county certificate subjects only will be given Saturday, Feburary 21. The subjects scheduled for Friday are to be given Saturday forenoon, and the subjects scheduled for Saturday are to be given Saturday afternoon. L. H. Currier. 2-4 2t County Superintendent. For Sale 80 acres four miles north east of Ashton, near Paplin church, about one-half in culti vation, practically all can be fanned, nice field of fall wheat, good frame house, barn and other ont buildings, well and windmill. Price $6400; $500 cash; $1000 to $1500 March 1st next when possession is given, balance long time 6 per cent First Trust Company, Loop Clty.Nebraska COAL! COAL! COAL! We still have some Colorado coal on hand. At tire same old prices, but cannot buy more when this is sold out. Taylor’s Elevator. FOR SALE One two-seated carriage, nearly new; one farm wagon and tire or six acres of ground in alfalfa, fenced chicken tight. For terms and particu lars, see Alfred Anderson. G. W. OLSEN, D.C. Chiropractor Will be in his office in the T. D. Wilson resi dence, on Mondays 6:30 to Tuesday 11 a. m. of each week. TRY Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments and have the cause adjusted Dreamland Theatre Changes Pictures Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. , Only the best pictures shown. Everyone passed on | by Board of Censorship. For an Evenings Fun and Pleasure Meet Me In Dreamland. I I