The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 22, 1914, Image 8
JANUARY 1914 SPECIAL SALE GROCERIES 1 pound of our Non Such coffee, for. 1 pound of our Special coffee, for. 1 pound of African Java coffee, for. 1 pound of steel cut Rob Roy coffee, coffee 1 pound of Barrington Hall coffee, for. 3 cans Good Com. for. 2 3-pound cans of Tomatoes. 6 pounds of Jap Rice for. 3 pound Mexican head rice, for. 100 pound of oyster shell for. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! We are retrieved our new line of SPRING SHOES daily, those that are interested in nice SHOES, call in and we are more than pleased to show them. We have them in all leathers and all styles, and sizes to fit Father, Mother and Babies. W« Handle the STAR BRAND. None Better and the W. L. Douglas for Men when once you buy one of either of these Shoes you will buy no other. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Hats! Hats! Hats! We have just received our line of Men's and Boy's Spring Hats the very latest out. and silk bands In the velvet ribbons ^ £ % DEATH OF ttARMU CAROLINE DINNER Sunday. it the heme of her d j(hter Hn Yern Alieman, on 1: >ute 2. occurred the death of Grand me Busker, whose health has been . -its feeble for tome time. The fuoerei *u held Tueeder and the |0«ed form we* tekeo to lie venue .'or burial in the cemetery et thet piece. The deep sympathy of our people is with the berm red daufhterand other relatives < eroUne Donhjr M-henkel was bora March lit, IkiS. In Germany. Sim came to America in 1*41 and aettled in Sc Louis- Mo. She was married to Henry Vandrala in IW. who died in October, inti. In 1M&. «he was mar ried to J U II tinker, in Warren com n ty. Mieeoun. who died Nov, 9, 1886. la ISM the. with her family, moved to Nebraska. At the time of death. dt rcaaad was at ed T» yean, lu months and 19 days STORK VISITATIOIS A little dauftoter bora last Friday mandat in Oils city to Mr and Mra Muluman A baby Ctrl was bora Tuesday crea tor Jan Such to Mr. and Mra. Stanley iUwonki. who Upped the acalee at 9 pon ml» Contra total ion* Mra O. G. Hunt visited at I R. HarrC k ft laet Tuesday. bd Tucker and family spent Sun day at H McLaufhlia's. Jobs. Geor»e moved last week to the place vacated by Joe Biatchke Remember the literary at the Cobb Crush school house this cornier Fri day evenior Sadie Morrison returned boom 8m dat after helplav Mra. Gus Younf lund tor um past three weeks. Tharu ve eo school In District » TT~111nadir and Thuradav on account of the mass of the taecher. ADVERTISE In Thio PAPER ALONfi ROUTE TWO Mb. L D. Coi it visiting 1b Ham ilton county. Fritz Biehel went to the Springs tins week. Jim Roush bought Frank Daddow's corn last week. Mrs. Ed Lewis returned last week from a visit to Marquette. W.G. Tucker and wife were in Loup City Saturday. Vida Cowling spent Sunday at the Fritz Biehel borne. J• A. Mcllrary and sons were load ing pop com Saturday. Adolph Sboltz spent last week near Columbus, NeO Jim McBeth helped Joe Blaachke load his car last week. Frank Topolski hauled a load of bay and straw last Friday. John Olson’s new house is almost ready for the lathers. There will be a dance at the home of Frank Wagner Saturday night. C. R. Spencer and family were mov ing to Loup City Monday. A good deal of the ice in the river has gone out the past week. Mrs. Andy Gray has moved back on her farm. Frank Casteel hauled borne a load from Loup City last Friday. Hiram Cramer is busy unloading coal this week. A. W.Wilson had his corn shredded last Wednesday. John Callaway hauled com to mar ket for Art Wilson last week. Mrs. E. M. Marvel returned Tues day from her trip to South Dakota. E. M. Marvel was on the sick list last week. J. T. Hale visited over last Sunday at the home of W. O. Brown. Carrier has a good horse power and endless chain elevator for sale cheap. Get your mooey orders, stamps, en *•*<>»— and postal cards from tbs carrier. Mrs. Henry Bansink was over to Ed Vlyrurs Monday to aee the new ar rival. Ed Tucker and family and Wayne Mendenhall spent Sunday at Mr. Mc LaughUa’n ~ Alva Lewis and wife of Ha.nilton county are visiting his brother, E. G. Lewis, this week. Bom last Thursday to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flynn a fine boy. Congratula tions. A big crowd attended the play at the Wiggle Creek school house last Friday night. Emma Paulsen has been working at the Vern Alleman home the past ten days. Wm. Rutherford and sons shredded corn fodder for F. G. Casteel Thurs day last. Chris Oltjenbruns is beautifying his farm home by trimming up the the big trees along the road. Mrs. Roy Conger's brother who had been visiting her has gone to Califor nia to visit his father. John Gallaway and wife and Art Conger and wife took dinner Sunday at the home of H. S. Conger. E. M. Marvel and A. H. Newhouser tipped over with a four-horse load of alfalfa on the Plambeck hill Saturday last. Frank Fross will engage in the dai ry business on Robt. Dinsdale's farm east of Chris Oltjen»>run's, where C. R. Spencer has lived for the pa-t several years. -Chas. Widmeyer was down on Wig gle Creek after the last load of his household goods Monday. Chas. has a good outlay on Felix Makowskis place near Valley county. Rural carriers, in a new order just issued, can take the road bosses in their wagons and show them the con dition of the roads in their district. This is a good order. Come and take a ride with me. Grandma Hunker, mother of Mrs. Vera Alleman died Sunday at the daughter's home on Route 2. She bad been very low for some time. Fu neral Tuesday. Carrier sympathiser with the Hunker families in their great bereavement. Carrier collected two turkeys Mon day sent to one of the merchants by paroel post, weight 30 pounds. It will not he long before the farmer does most or his marketing this wav. You can send SO pounds now and there is talk of making the weight limit 100 pounds. To Studio Patrons My Studio will not be open Sundavs exoept to those who have previously made appointments. A. F. Eisner. I LOCAL NEWS. Lon Woods had business at St. Paul last Tuesday. Henry Bredthauerand wife went to Scotia the first of the week. See the fine display of shell poods at the Ten Cent Store. Willie Thrasher visited relatives and friends at Arcadia from last Fri day till Monday of this week. Three big boxes of matches for 10c at the Ten Cent Store. Mrs. J. K. Ward of Arcadia spent Saturday in this city. She reports her father as steadily im proving. A good corn popper for 10c at the Ten Cent Store. W. P. Reed returned last Saturday evening from a business trip to Om aha. C. P. McLaughlin came up from Aurora Tuesday for a few days visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McLaughlin, and expects to return home Saturday morning. F. M Henry left Wednesday morn ing for a visit to Tipton, Iowa, partly ■ on business and partly to visit his aged mother, » ho is verv poorly. He may be absent a couple of weeks, or may be home in few a days. 100 copies of sheet music just arriv ed at the Ten Cent Store. A. N. Cook came up from Council Bluffs, Iowa. Monday evening, where he had been for a few days attending a big cattle convention. Hes&ys they had the finest of rains in that section while he was there. For Sale—Alfalfa hay. Phone Burr Robbins, 9811. jan22tf Mr. and Mr. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Yer Valin return ed from the meeting of the Nebr aska Retail Lumber Dealers As sociation at Lincoln Friday night. They report a splendid time. Wanted—To buy Hereford bull com ing 2 years old. H. F. Anderson, pone 9803, Loup City, Neb. Miss Nellie Erkelens left last Fri day to visit an aunt in Holland. Michigan. A farewell party was given for her at the home of Mrs. J. W. Thompson 1 *st Thursday afternoon, and a most enjoyable time had by all. Farmers—Don't forget your discs this is the time for you to get them sparpened and A. C. Ogles is the place Chas. E. Smith of Route 3 returned from Hamilton county Tuesday even ing where he has rent-d a farm of 160 acres for the coming year six miles south of Aurora, and will take posses sion the first or March. Charley is a mighty good injun and we regret los ing him from our county. W. J. Hadfield has some horses for sale on the Jaeschke farm adjoining Loup City. jan22-4w J. F. Bock, accompanying l is car of household good* and stock, left Tuesday morning for his new home at Pacific Junction, Iowa, his family to follow a few days later. We are sorry to have Friend Bock leave us but will wish for him and his all sorts of good fortune in their new home. Don’t forget the dance after the concert. With the best music you ever danced to. -At the opera house Jan 28th. J. T. Campbell of Litchfield writes from his new home at Zephyrhills. Florida, saying, ‘-We are having all kinds of garden vegetables and straw berries from our garden and plenty of oranges from our grove, which I have no doubt is in contrast to conditions in Sherman county.” Wonder if he writes that to make us envious of con ditions there? The famous musical Shirleys Amer ica's greatest saxophone players. The Shirleys are known from coast to coast, and have never failed to satisfy the people. At the opera house Jan. 2S at 8:30 p. m. O. G. Runt was called to Palmer yesterday by the death of his brother, S. W. Hunt. which had occurred at 8 o'clock on the evening previous. De ceased was known to many here where for some time he drove buss for the St. Elmo under Landlord Lundy. Deceased had been in ill health for some time The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Gzehoviak died Sun day of this week. The little one has not been strong from birth and its frail life closed at the age of some three months. Our sym pathy goes out to the sorrowing parents. You don't want to forget that the Strollers Quartets the third number on the Lecture Course, is dated for Tuesday evening, the 27th, at the Opera House. It is said that as a singing organization the Strollers are simply tine in every number and should be heard to be appreciated. Don’t forget the date. Tuesday, Jan uary 27. On the 10th of January, 191*. there came to the home of H. Henke at Rockville a darling little daughter whom they named Alice Magdalene, but on the 15th instant, only five short days thereafter, death called her from them, and burial was had in the cemetery at Boelus. The sympathy of the many friends of the bereaved parents are with them in their time of sorrow. mm m r S KEEP RIGHT ON I Gold IVIedal Flour. It j just as good now as it / S k/w/j i i is ! i g 5 s GIVEN AWAY Automobile Contest for Girls and Boys under 14 years of age, beginning next Saturday JANUARY 24th. SEE THIS MACHINE and get the particulars, regulations and condi tions governingthis contest at the Mogul Store. GET BUSY AND WIN AN AUTOMOBILE JOE VAUGHN. II ! pi 1 I 3 \ REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National Bank OF LOUP CITY CHARTER NO T177. IN OKPUKATED Al LoupClly intbeStat- or Nebraska., at thecloeeof business January I3th. 1914 RESOURCES. 1 • sins and discounts. $20; 66! 66 overdrafts secured and unsecured 2,468 St C S. bonds lo secure circulation. 7.CM) tw Hank me bouse, farm lure, fix’ ores. 91 6 61 Due from approved reserve agents_ 32.542 10 Checks and other cash items. 871 34 Notts of other National banks. Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents. IT# 15 Lawful money reserve in bank, vit:— Specie. .#7.515 25 Le#al tender notes. 4.500 00—12.015 25 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation). $50 00 Total . .IK66 913 SO LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in . $25,000.00 Surplus fund. 25.000 UO Undivided protits, less expenses and taxes paid. 792 06 National Bank notes outstanding. 7,000 00 Due to State and Private Banks and Bankers. 630 03 Due to Trust Companies and Barings Banks. 6.340 74 Individual deposits subject to check.. 109.053 26 Demand certificates of deposit .. 93.<&7 19 Total.$286 913 3u Stale of Nebraska, f ,, County of Siecman I 1, L. B tHSKN. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief U HANSEN. Cashier CORRECT-ATTEST: W. F eiais. Director A. B. ••UTHOPSk. -ireclor. B. J Nightingale. Director, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th day of January. 1914. E- A Miner (SEAL) Notary Public CHURCH ROTES. Presbyterian—Did you go to church last Sunday? Well, don't miss being present the coming week, for you will lotonlv be phased with the good music and interesting discussions, but will find yourself helped to higher views of life, 10:30a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Look out for February 1. There will tie something doing at the evening service, especially. Be sure you read the announcement nest week. Methodist—Jan 25. 10:30a. m.. sub ject, “Mountain Top of Experience" 7:30, subject, “Ditliiculties in tlie way of the Prodigals Return.” German—Jan. 24. lesson in German: Jan. 25. Sun lay school 10:00 a. m.. service 10:30 a. m., service at Cole Creek 3:00 p. m. Instinct Above Intelligence. A boy was asked to explain the dif ference between animal instinct and human intelligence. "If we had ii> j stincChe said, “we should know every- j thing we needed to know without teaming it, but we've got reason, and so we have to study ourselves most blind or be a fool." For Sale 80 acres four Biles north east of Ashtoa, near Paplln church, about oae-fcalf Id gbIU vatioe, practically all caa be farwed, alee field of fall wheat, good frawe hoase, bara and other oat buildings, wall aad wtadaHL Price (MOO; $500 cash; (1000 to (1500 Harch j 1st aext wbea poetctsloa Is glvea, balaoce long ttae 5 per csdL first Trast Coapavy, Leap City .Nebraska , y One animal saved pays for vaccinat Just a little pii! to be placed under the shin of the animal by a single thrust of the injector. I «Jt NO DOSE TO MEASURE. lag a nunarca. at NOTICE For a limited timewewillgive to any stockman an injector free / NO LIQUID TO SPILL. NO STRING TO ROT. NOW IS THE TIME TO VACCINATE TO PREVENT LOSSES AND PROVIDS AGAINST INFECTION USE BLACKLEGOIDS Swanson & Lofholm CALL OR «lm FOR PAIR AOORLRT. 4 4 0 0 4 4 41 >0 LOUP CITY FLOUR WTjy bu.v Flour shipped here by outside mills when you can get Loup City White Satin Hour for less money, and every sack guaranteed. All dealei> handle o r flour. LOIIP OTT MILL & LIGHT CO. it o o ^ n v I! fi Q u V