JONES SAVED $50.00 JONES owed one of our merchants fifty dollars He gave said business man his check for the amount. The business man forgot to give him credit and the next month presented Jones with a bill for 150.00. “I have paid that bill,” said Jones, "and there is th<* check,endorsed by you.” That settled it SMITH owed one of our merchants fifty dol lars, and paid it in cash. A month later he was presented with the same bill, and though he was certain he ha'* paid it, he had no proofs and paid again Be like Jones and pay your bills by checks on our bank, and you will never have to pay a bill twice. First National Bank Leap City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. SMITH LOST $50.00 \ \ f I * wmmmm ! A Complete Line of Fnrniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. E. P. DAILY ivt.fAi j.-.n / . 1 WE HAVE ON HAND Rock Springs. Juniper. Hanna. Monarch and Maitland Lump Coal Also Canon City and Hock Spr ng* nut and Anthracite stove and Nut oal Our twenty-six years in the coal business here enable us to select the coals of quality Try your next order from here. KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY -j K II i) SOLID COMFORT GOOD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY I THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE DREW SHOES FAMOU^ I » w I) We have them in Brown, Tan and Black, Velours. Nu Buck. Gun Metal, Patent and Yici Kid at. Prices from 50 to *5.00. » I CO ‘E IN ANO LET US SHOW YOU. I I I E E YOU NGQU 1ST, Prop. I YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Matinee every Saturday afternoon e%rrv nigl t aud nothing buttbe best of *4 1'ietun f trill be shown be-e. Everybody is cordially n-. M - k. ’ - < inriteJ to attend. THOMAS DADDOW LOCAL NEWS. For Sale—One Du roe Jersey boar. S. lossi, Route 2. C. C. Cooper was in Omaha last week purchasing goods for his store. Judge Wall had legal business in Omaha last week, going down to the city Thursday morning. Good fresh candy at 10c per pound at the Ten Cent Store. The Commercial Club annual banquet has been set for the even ing of the 30th of this month. Marrifiald Pianos for salo by O. F. Potsrson Mr. and Mrs. W R. Boyce were visiting friends at Arcadia seve»"al days last week. Lee Brothers will pay you the high est price for chickens. J. T. Hale came up from Grand Island last Saturday on business matters. Have you seen the samples for men's clothing the Loup City Merc. Co. have got in for spring? Miss Zelpha Richards of South Bend is the new stenographer in the State Bank. August Volkman left Saturday for southwest Texas, where he has purchased £ tract of land near Edenburgh. Five hundred spring samples for men's SUITS at the Loup City Mer cantile Co’s. County Assessor W. T. Owens ; left Monday morning for Lincoln to attend the annual meeting of county assessors. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber ward, or at E G. Taylor’s. Some one left a pair of rubbers in this office last week. They are No 8s and won't fit our Cinderella feet, hence can’t use them. Owner ; come and get them. Bring in your chickens to Lee Bros, and receive from them the highest ^ market price. The dates for the coining Coun ty Fair have been set for Sept. 22 25. Jenner’s Park has also been selected again as the place for holding same. If you want good, prompt draying. call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Hagood. Myrl Warrick shipped fifty horses to Grand Island last Satur day, some of which Myrl says were especially fine. Glen Steven and wife went to Shelton last Thursday, where they were to visit with friends and re latives. ■I - . Joseph Biaschke left Monday morning for Eden burgh, Texas, k near which town he has purchased I a tract of land and will become a I full fledged Texan. For Rent—Farm of 320 acres In Valley county. A. E. Charlton. Loup I City. Neb., phone 9203. 41 Elsewhere in this issue will be I!found the dray card of Norton Lambert, who is now engaged in the draying business in this city. Ij Give him a call when in need of service of a dra.v. For Sale or Trade—Froehlich build ing in Loup City, Neb. Gallon or ad dress Ira Timson. Arcadia. Neb. j22-t A. E. Chase, Wm. Hancock, . Henry Beck and H. J. Johansen. S of the board of directors of the Sherman County Fair Association. * went to Lincoln Monday to at i tend the meeting of the State Board of Organized Agriculture in session at the capital this week. A. J. Johnson also went down with the bunch to attend the meeting. It looks as if the Loup City Merc. Co. were going to sell every man a SUIT in the country for spring. Chas. Schwaderer returned from his trip to Texas last Thursday. Charlie tells us he purchased a 120 acre tract in the Rio Grande country, of which W. D. Zimmer man is agent. He expects to move down there in the near fu ture. As we understand it, there are a number of German citizens buying and going to buy in and | around where Charlie has his land and make it a German community. \\ hat a time the boys will have there with their reunion of old I Loup Cityans each year. Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY. SEBRSSKS. R J. Nightingale & Son totorwy ui Cmcr-it-lif Loup City, Nebraska. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall La-w^rer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lour City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E. LONCACRE Physician & Surgeon Office, Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, NO.39 A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon j Phnae. 30. OIBce at Resilience | Two Doors East of Telephone Central | Laup Eita. - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup Gity, Nebr. (>t£ce at Residence. Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M. D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phonel H Loup City. 'Sabrweka S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - NEB. Office up stairs id the new State dank bmldimr. W. L. MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFH E: East Side Publi:- Sou we. Phone. Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone brown 57 C.SWtETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For i£o»*d clean and ne:tt work Sati-faction Guaranteed Come and get my prices Rufus Hiddlesou DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor's Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmithing Horse Shoeing aud Wood work Come in and see me. J. E. WEiNMAN I%eter • tt a r * a n Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship ments Office up stairs. State Bank Building Phone No. 10S Mrs. R. N. Pritchard DRESSMAKER aid Splrella Corsetime. Loup City, Nebraska Norton Lambert DRAY A TRANSFER Solicits Your Business— Phone Blue 60, or E. G. Taylor's Eleva tor or either lumber yard. Reports Roads in Very Bad Shape A. Spelts was down from his place last Saturday and says up at the head of Dead Horse he saw at least three autos stuck in the bad roads. Mr. Spelts says if the Commercial Club wants Loup City to get the big trade from that way and earn the eternal gratitude of those patrons of the county seat for the love of Moses look after the horrid condition of the roads up at the head of Dead Horse. No one not acquainted with the conditions could for a moment aj> preciate them. We tried to get Mr. Spelts to write of them, but he said just tell the people that they could not be worse and sigi my name to what you say. From that we should glean that the roads are not just as smooth and nice as a city boulevard. But candidly will not the Commercial Club take cognizance of the above and see if the conditions may not be bettered? M. E. Choir Shown Pleasant Time The M. E. Choir were enter tained in a most hospitable man ner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Tracy, Friday evening. Af ter the usual practice several guessing contests were held with forfeits jtaid by the losing sides. Then came a very dainty luncheon with a pro and con discussion of the Texas fever, which seemed to be raging. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Johnson, Rev. and Mrs. L.V. Slocum, Mr. J.W. Long. Mr. L. X. Smith. Mrs. R.P. Starr.MrsJ. W. Jones.Misses Edith Smith. Nettie Southwell, Nettie Mead and Meroe Outhouse, Mr. and Mrs. Steen. COAL! COAL! COAL! We still have some Colorado coal on hand. At the same old prices, but cannot buy more when this is sold out. Taylor's Elevator. FOR SALE Fifteen pure-bied Poland China bred sows. See me for prices. H. J. Johansen. FOR SALE One team, mare and horse, weight 1200 pounds each: one set of double harness, nearly new; one two-seated carriage, nearly new; one farm wagon ind tire or six acres of ground in al falfa. fenced chicken tight. For terms ind particulars, see Alfied Anderson. SHERIDAN COAL gets better each rear and the price is much less than most coal sells for. If you try Sheri ian we guarantee it will never till up rour stove pipes. Lump 97.00, Nut S6.50. Pea 96.25 for sale at Taylor's Elevator. Notice of Sheriffs Sale of Real Es tate. Notice is hereby given that by vir tue of an order of ale to me directed riom the District Court of Sbermrn Jounty Nebraska, upon the decree of foreclosure rendered in said court on the 17th day 01 December, 1912, in the consolidated action wherein the cause (therein Solomon P. Farhat was plain tiff and John Far rah Sal i me Far rah, Abdallah Ayoub. Anisie Ayoub. the unknown heir* of Frank Kwiatkowski ieceased. Tekla Polskl, Edward 6 raylor, J. D. Lau. Noyes-Norman Shoe Company and Nebraska Mercan tile Company were defendants, was :onso!idated with the cause wherein Solomon P. Farhat was plaintiff, and Ed. Farhat. Kos&ie Farrah, Abdallah Avoub, Anissie Ayoub, John Farrah, Salime Farrah. Edward G. Taylor, J. D. Lau. Noyes-Norman Shoe company. Nebraska Mercantile Company and Tekla Polski were defendants,—! have levied upon Lot Seven. Lot Eight, and Lot Nine in Block Nine, and Lot One in Block Twelve, all in the original Town, now Village, of Ashton.situate in Sherman County Nebraska; and 1 will on the 27th day of January, 1914, at two o clock p. m. of said day at the south doer of the Court House in Loup City. Sherman County, Nebr braska. offer for saland sell the above described real estate at public auction to t he highest bidder for casn, to sat isfy the several amounts found due the plaintiff, towit: the sum of *1230. 47 and 1783.03. witn interest from date of decree at seven per seven cent per annum, and the amount found due the cross-petitioner, Tekla Polski, in the sum of *bo2.S5. and the amount found due the cross-petitioner. Ed ward G. Taylor, in the sum of *267 00, and tiie amount found due the cross petitioner. J. D. Lau, in the sum of *373.69 with interest at ten per cent per annum, on said last mentioned sums from date of said decree, and costs of said action and accruing costs, and which several amounts were adjudged to be due the plaintiff and said cross-petitioner from the de fendants, John Farrah, Salime Far rah. Abdallah Ayoub, Anisie Ayoub, Ed Farrah and Bossie Farrah. and to be liens on the above described pre mises. Dated at Loup City, Nebraska this 23rd day of December, 1913. L. A. Wntuxi, Sheriff of Sherman County Nebraska. R. J. Nightingale & Son, Plaintiffs, attorneys. _ "WVWV I AM GOING TO CONTINUE TO OFFER YOU better Merchandise than I ever sold you before. I am going to make it your store in sellicg better Clothing and Gents Fur nishings than can be found in any other store, at prices you can afford to pay. I am going to buy the best, and the style that you can depend on is the latest You will find it at LORENTZ’S * HORSES AND MULES WANTED If you have a ( horse or mule to sell call No. 20, or see N. A. Warrick 5 HAVE YOU FORMED THE I CALIFORNIA HABIT? | 1 if not, begin now. Go to California where it is Summer all Winter long and where you may enjoy outdoor sports every day in the year instead of being cooped up one-third of the time. ^ Travel in comfort and in pleasant company by selec * cting S I I I I 1 i 5 Union Pacific 1 STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST ^ Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals. |* Five splendidly equipped trains to California every I day. For California literature and information ^ about train service, reservations, etc., apply to jjr G. W. COLLIPRIEST I AGEKT a |/Wrt/W/**RWW/W//A^