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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1914)
L HANSEN, Cashier JONES SAVED $50.00 JONES owed one of our merchants fifty dollars He gave said business man his check for the amount. The business man forgot to give him credit and the next month presented Jones with a bill for $50.00. “1 have paid that bill,” said Jones, “and there is the check.endorsed by you.” That settled it SMITH LOST $50.00 SMI IH owed one of our merchants fifty dol lars. and paid it in cash. A month later he was presented with the same bill, and though he was certain he had paid it, he had no proofs and paid again Be like Jones and pay your bills by checks on our bank, and you will never have to pav a bill twice. First National Bank Loap City, Nebraska. We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. A Complete Line of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. E. P. DAILY WE HAVE ON HAND Roik Springs. Juniper. Hanna, Monarch and Maitland Lump Coal Also Canon City and K<> k Sprngs nut and Anthracite stove and Nut oaL <*ur twenty-six years in the coal business aeie enable u» to select the coals of quality Try your next order from here. aEiSTONE LUMBER COMPANY SOLID COMFORT Z . OD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE DREW SHOES FAMOIM W'e have them in Brown, Tan and Black, Velours, Nu Buck, Gun Metal, Patent and Vici Kid at. Prices from -.50 to £5.00. CO E IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. E. E YOU NCQU 1ST, Prop. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW At the New Opera House Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Matinee ererj Saturday afternoon Change every uigl t and nothing butthe best of •irtu^s will be shown he^e. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. THOMAS DADDOW LOCAL NEWS. W. B. Gile left for Lincoln Monday morning — Mr». Mary Bascomb is hen; from Omaha visiting her daughter. Mrs. Art McCullough For Sale—One Du roc Jersey boar. S. Iossi, Route 2. Mr. and Mrs. Hansel of Hastings I were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Harrison in this city. Miss Sell, a nurse from Lincoln, was visiting the Drs. Bowman a few days last week on a vacation from sick • rooms. Good fresh candy at 10c per pound at the Ten Cent Store. W. B. Reynolds and wife were over from the west side last week, visiting relatives and friends, return ing iome Sunday. Rev. Raymond Kearns returned to i Chicago last Friday morning, after a few days visit with his parents, and exchanging greetings with old time friends. Marrifiald Pianos for sals by O. F, Petersen Clark S. Reynold left for Omaha Monday morning of this week, w here he will be for some time, but just how long he was unable to state. Of course, the Northwestern will keep him posted on home doings while absent. Lie Brothers will pay you the high est price for chickens Mrs. A. H. Hansel and daughter went to Omaha last week Wednesday. where they will consult .t specialist regarding the daughters health. I They visit their son and bro her. Arthur Hansel, while in that city. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald ; dray at either lumber yard, or at E ! G. Taylor s. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman ar rived here from Richmond. Virginia, last week Wednesday evening, remain ing over till Monday, when they left for North Yakima. Washington, to be with their daughter. Mrs. Beth Owen, so recently bereaved in the death of her husband, account of which was given in last week's Northwestern. Bring in yourchickens to Lee Bros. ; and receive from them the highest market price. The county board met Wednesday of last week ani made settlement | with the county treasurer Thursday j and Friday thev were in session for genera! routine business, adjoining till Tuesday of this week when tl ey re-organized as a new board. How-' ! ever, there were no new faces on the supervisor map and simply re-orgau i ized the old board into the new. If you want good, prompt draying, '•all on C. L McDonald, successor to | Hagood. — Last week the Northwestern had an i item to the effect that E. B. Corning j had served 20 years continuously as i county assessor, when it should have I rtad county surveyor instead Just how these aggravating errors creep in to a newspaper, when writer, compos itors and proof readers pass upon and know better is one of those unex plainable reasons, otherwise careless ness. For Sale—white Wyondotte roosters inquire of True Leatherman route 3, Arcadia, Neb. There being so much time-table change on the U. P. branch for pub lication last week, the Northwestern even hooked a B. & M. change on in addition thereto, when we spoke of the U. P train getting into Omaha at 3:30 afternoons, when instead it should have been tlie B. & M. Now listen: the B. & M. passenger train gets into Omaha at 3:30 instead of 3:45 as formerly. Sahbe? For Rent—Farm of 320 acres in i Valley county A. E Charlton. Loup ; City, Neb., phone 9203. 41 As will be seen by the time card be I low. Loup City is enjoying (?) a punk freight service on this C. P branch. It may be all right in the eyes of the D. P. officials, but to the patrons of that road it comes as a distinct dis appointment and very probably will cause a number of them to change over to the B. &’ M. However, it is pos-ible that the present time-card will be changed back to daily service in a short time, many believing the present a temporary makeshift. In the meantime a committee from our Commercial Club, and we believe also committees from all the towns on tills and the Ord branch, which is also suffering from like bad service, are taking the ma'ter up with the powers of the C. P. road in an en deavor to secure better rather than worse service. Here is the time-card for yonr study and perusal: A new time card went into effect on tills branch of the Union Pacific Mon day morning, affecting train service as follows: No. 38 Motor leaves daily, except Sunday, 6:55 a. m. No 39 Motor arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 11:45 a. m Motor Car Extra arrives Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays at 12:45 p. m. No. 37 Motor Car arrives daily except Sun day at 5:55 p. m. No. 40 Motor Car leaves at 1:10 p. m. Freight service in and out Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Time as follows: No. 87 freight and passenger arrives Tues days. Thursdays and Saturdays at 12:10 i. m. No 88 freightand passen ger leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and jSauudajftMl&ttp. m._ Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law 10UF CITY SEBRSSKE. R J. Nightingale & Son Attraj ani Sou&imI'L&w Loup City. Nebraska. R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Loup City, - Nebraska. Only set of Abstract books in county O. E LONCACRE Physician & Surgeon Office. Over New Bank. TELEPHONE (’ALL, N0.3!* A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon P*»one, 30. Office at Residence Two Doors Bast of Telephone Central Lamp City - Nehraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Fhnnell4 l.oup City. Njbrask* S. A. ALLEX DENTIST LOUP CITY. NEB. Office up stairs in the new State dank building. w. I- MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. 1FF1< K: East Side PuMi Suumc. Phone. Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Call lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satistaction guaran teed. Phone brown 57 C.... SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Sati faction Guaranteed Come and get my prices Rufus Hiddleson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone. Either Lumtrer Yard or E. G. Taylor's Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmithing H. rse S‘ oeing and Wood work Come in and see me. J. E. WE.NMAN Pcfcr t na ria n Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship ments Office up stairs. State Rank Building Phone No. 108 Nlrs. R. N. Pritchard DRESSMAKER and Splrella Corsctlcrrc. Loop City, Nebraska Norton Lambert DRAY A TRANSFER Solicits Your Business— Phone Blue 60, or E. G. Taylor's Eleva tor or either lumber yard. Township Stateacit*. LOUR TOWISIIP. Statement of receipts and expend!' lures for Logan township, Sherman county. Nebraska, for the rear 1913: Bills allowed Feb. 25th. 1913: General Fund Havhurst-Gallaway Hdw. Co. t D C l*enniston. Lincoln White. 1 Q Pray. Bridge Fund Keystone Lumber Co. Hoad Fund District No. 4 14 2 2 3 53 25 00 tt) 00 10 John J Sekutera. 10 00 District So. 5 David Kay. 4 tO Bills allowed July 1. 1013: General Fund Russel Grader Mfg Co."01 sc Frank Adams. 3 J A C Ogle. 11» O F Petersen. 3 SC Lincoln White. 2 tt J Q Pray. 4 5e Bridge Fund Keystone Lumber Co. 100 3>' Leininger Lumber Co. 35 62 Road Fund Dist. No. 3 Charles Quarts.251 95 Tony Silver. 8 «i Earl Petersen.. 4 0c Charles Piacek. 19 Oo Lem Knapp. 3 90 Roman Dembowski. 3 50 John J Golus. 8 65 Andrew Kowalski. 8 60 Tony Kosmicki.. 32 50 John Kosmicki. 14 40 Lewis Palu. 8 60 Charles Mostek. 17 50 Lincoln White. 3 50 Fred Stamm. 15 00 Frank Jarros. 7 00 Road District No. 4 John J Sekutera. 70 60 Thomas Sekutera. 39 90 Stanley M Piantkowski. 4 00 George Thompson. 8 00 Frank Pruss. 22 40 Frank Slabzewski. 19 90 Wm R. Stirkney. 5 60 Grant Stickney. 80 John Lonowski. 21 60 Frank Kowalski. 1 80 Frank Lswandowski. 15 40 Tony Lewandowski . 4 00 Jay E Pray. 10 40 Frank Rossa. 7 00 Charles J Petersen. 2 20 Andrew Kowalski. 31 50 August bundstrom. 40 Ren Ackerman. 7 00 J Q Pray. . 13 3o Joseph Ackerman. 7 70 Road District No. 5 WmJJung. 30 80 Charles Smith. 11 00 Wm H Watts. 24 15 Lem Knapp. 15 75 Hans Johnson. 117 00 Ernest Krohn. 33 25 G W Johnson. 80 651 Burr Robbins. 4 00 Wm Kay. 19 25 Bert Kav. 5 95 E E Tracy . 16 30 Bills allowed Jan, 6,1914: General Fund J Q Fray. Keystone Lumber Co. Hayhurst-Galiaway Hdw Co... Lelninger Lumber Co. Estate of T M Reed. A C Ogle. Erank Adams. J Q Pray. Lincoln White. John Augustyn. Hoad Fund Dist. No 3 John Howe. Joe Ruta. Andrew Kowalski.. L White. Stanley Ruta. V S Hansen. Ered Stamm. diaries Quartz.. Road District No. 4 Andrew Pilaster. Stanley Kontor. Bruno’ Lorchick. Waiter Lewandowski. Frank Kowalski. Piantkowski. Chas Stickney. Grant Stickney. Frank Slabzewski. . Tony Lewandowski. J E Pray. Frank Pruss. Andrew Kowalski. L B Milligan. Grant Sackney (assigned by J. J Sekutera). J J Sekutera. Road District No. 5 W J Jung. D C Denniston. Mike Chilewski. Hempel Jones. A W Hahn. August Yolkman. Albert Hubbard. Forenr White. Peter Thode. Frank Kennedy. W H Watts. W TO wen. Ernest Krohn. Bert Kav. J P Leininger Lbr Co (assigned by C S Hile). Wm Kay. E E Tracy. Hans Johnson. 8 00 134 35 3 95 15 38 1 80 10 95 80 2 00 2 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 1 U) 14 Ou 7 00 & 60 23 25 176 lo 21 00 21 00 25 00 21 0U 11 Ou 6 00 34 50 33 Ou 19 60 21 00 11 10 14 00 14 0O 1 2u 100 00 67 90 45 75 26 90 2 00 4 00 4 Oil 7 00 6 30 22 5? 12 50 4 80 56 00 13 30 I 4S 25 ! 29 58 29 70 92 00 Attest: J. Q. Pkay. Clerk of Logan Township. I I WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP i Statement of receipts and expendi tures for Washington iownship, Gher man county, Nebraska, for the year 1913: RECEIPTS December 17, 1912. To bal., t 225 12 January 1, 1913, To deposit 1,100 00 September 30,1913. To dep. 410 oO December 22,1913. To dep. 180 00 Total; #1,915 12 EXPENDITURES Date of check No. Amt. 1913 Cheek Check January 2, 49 # 22 85 January 8, 59 69 10 January 8, 58 63 75 January 10, 32 3 00 Januarv 11, 60 52 20 January 11, 66 52 00 January 11, 69 12 00 January 11. 67 37 65 January 13, 65 x 5 00 January 13, 63 13 55 January 14, 62 25 00 January 16, 64 4 60 April 16, 68 195 46 April 21. 70 5 00 April 26. 69 2 50 May 6, 71 127 40 June 4 72 2 35 June 7, 73 9 15 June 9, 76 i4 25 J une 9, 75 11 25 JuuelS, 78 3 00 June 20, 79 1 85 June 20, 80 11 25 June 23, 82 116 50 J une 23, 84 17 70 J une 25, 85 43 50 June 25, 87 13 00 June 30, 74 6 75 June 30, 83 11 25 June 30, 77 11 25 July 3, 87 3 75 July 5, 86 10 50 July 29, 90 36 00 July 31, — 21 00 | August 2, A# 3# 60 August 15, 91 16 10 August 18, 92 1 So August 19, 93 3 To August 30, 95 36 50 September 15, 96 12 75 September 18, 97 3 85 September 19. 98 35 05 September 20, 99 25 87 September 20. 100 18 00 September 24, 21 2 00 September 25. 94 IS 75 September 27, — 15 00 September 27, 19 15 00 September 27, 22 18 00 October 2, 20 10 00 October 13. 101 19 50 Ocu. * 14. 102 12 00 Octobe. 106 24 85 tVtober i5, 108 29 25 October 15, 110 18 00 ►etober 15. 109 9 00 •etober 16, 106 24 00 Viober 16, 103 45 00 •ctotier 16, 107 1? 00 K: toner 17, 111 30 oo • K toner 17, 117 27 00 Vtober 17, 104 43 87 ’Viober 20, 113 6 00 October 23, 116 i 50 ' K tober 23, 115 6 76 October 23, 117 6 00 October 24, October 25, Octoher 25, November 5, November 8, N’ovetr ber 8, November 13, Xovetr ber 13, December 24, Decemtier 24, December 26, 118 ' 9 114 IS 119 3 120 45 123 6 122 6 125 24 124 6 130 3 128 27 75 128 53 50 *1,828 30 1, 1914, *86 82 Total, Balance on hand Jan. TO MY ICE PATRONS Get your ice houses ready the iceing time is here. 1 am busy putting up now. will let you know when to come. * * J. W. Conger. COAL! COAL! COAL! We still have some Colorado coal on hand. At the same old prices, but cannot buy more when this is sold out. Taylor’s Elevator. 888888888 I AM GOING TO CONTINUE TO OFFER TOO better Merchandise than I ever sold you before. I am going to make it your store in sellicg better Clothing *md Gents Fur nishings than can be founi in any other store, at prices you can afford to pay. I am going to buy the best, and the style that you can depend on is the latest You will find it at LORENTZ'S HAVE YOU FORMED THE CALIFORNIA HABIT? If not, begin now. Go to California where it is Summer all Winter long and where you may enjoy outdoor sports every day in the year instead of being cooped up one-third of the time. Travel in comfort and in pleasant company by selec ting Union Pacific STANDARD ROAD OF THE WEST Protected by Automatic Electric Block Safety Signals. Five splendidly equipped trains to California every day. For California literature and information about train service, reservations, etc., apply to G. W. COLLI PRIEST AGENT Bay it Because It’s a Better Car Model. T Tourlny Car tab. Detroit $550 Get particulars from William Schumann Loup City. Neb:.