BIG SPORT EVENTS MARK 1914 CALENDAR ^ me at Vtioca Broca. L. I™ Doling Polo Game Between British and Amer ican Players. A* ha* bees U rearht cup aad the polo cup The Imrts tennis trophy w'.IS hare To be defended. and Osfocd university has accepted an in vitation to enter a team at the t'nt **T»:ty of Pennsylvania's relay < arnt *ai t. be held on April 25 These are hot lb* forerunner* of other interna tional event* ye» to be announced, and It hemarf autre evident each month that the I'etted States sportsman Is g-< ar :o ha»* an ei< .~ all odds the most important eren af the comm* year mil be the effort of Sir Tht-r :it l^p' n to regain the Amer ica's cup with Shamrock IV The «"• ehaller.ger. nos building at Gos port. Is empected to be the last word •a Kngiish speed yachts, and. accord to I v signer Charles E Nicholson, •ill »how a surprising turn of speed and f rera innovation* in the way of haild and rig \\ H Burton, an Eng iish amateur yachtmat. of renown, will •ail Shamrock IV and Albe-t Turner ■til act as captain The sat nation from a defending •tandpo at * more com pin at*d. since *t least thr -e TS-f< -ters are assured as wadi-late* for the task of defeating Shamrock IV While the yachtmen are In the throes of tuning up race*, the sirtb natal for tie International polo cup • til be w»tie:*ed probably at Mendow Brook L I.. and here again the Cnlied States is going to bare a lively time defending the cup against the attack of laird Ashby St hedger's challenging four As was the case in 1913. un limited money is at the disposal of the challengers and the world is being searched for the fastest polo ponies in order that the English team may not t»e handicapped by slow or poorly trained mounts. According to present plan- Iajrd St. hedger does not in tend to leave the least little thing to chance According to announcement made immediately after the polo matches ■ f 15*13. the American 'Big Four,” con sisting of ("apt 11 F. Whitney, harry Waterbury. Monte Waterbury and IV-vereux Milburn. decided to cease cup defending as a team, but it is thought that when the battle cry sounds again a majority of the four will be found in the saddle. htiless there is a most unexpected upset in the Davis cup preliminaries, the tennis Menace of 1914 will come from Australasia. The semi-official statement that Norman F.rooks. An thony Wilding Stanley Doust and A. B Jones will probably form the team. gn*-s a line on what may be expected n the way of opposition for the Amer ican I»av!s cup defenders. As safe guards the rnited States has Mc Ixiughhn. Williams. Bundy. Johnson. Johnston and Strachan among the younger generation of players, while rumor has it that William learned and Malcolm Whitman, players without a peer in their day. will endeavor to re gain their previous prowess with the racket and offer their services as cup defenders If such a comeback feat is possible a combination consisting of I-arned .McLoughlin. Williams and Whitman would daunt even the fa mous Antipodeans. Wilding and 1 Brookes DANNY MAHER AGAIN IN LEAD Fo»~f' An-er can Jockey Scored More T*ien Ore hurer-a on Eng *n Tjrf During P«*t Veer. I>UD) V it-r 1» a*».:l (bn trading ytrk'-f am tbr Kt,« >h tun’ and tbr *■!> rtdrr to arc** tuorr that: »:na fh<- fwrainf Hartford rr.idr^t had 11a irni Oancy Matter •rat *s I be seaaoc's sport. whuh a ms awriM'4 rec* ntl» ml Manchester Ptisk WaetUo was second with SI —cressinl nuut;t> PEANUTS COST CfliCER JOB Munchixu; peanuts ran l»u <’ri ser. the veteran catcher his Job ms and of (b* fit boms Krosns Kmiij is ths 1>13 cajnt<*i*n the Brows* were |>L)ms New York tad Krui f'haste went to bat out at tors The Yankee manaper siu * *!•< starun* a ralit whk-h beat sit l>JttH Mean while «'rl*er was ■awkiiif teanuta os the Brown beta- s and when the official Mltr at iW»>- park tried to attract his ■ffisMts* Lou restated and c:»n flawed to -at has peanuts That vic tor? helped New York noee out the Browns lor seventh place and in rsdesr.alt? east ('riser his berth vrsth Ksrkr> • teats Cup to Coast. The historic Vanderbilt Cup race. Che In' aatuesufci-le cosiest to become a classic ta America, and the equal ly important Grand Prise are to be course at Santa Monica February 21 and » The auKMincemeat was made follow .ug a meet in* at Santa Monica of the Santa Music Bay chamber of Commerce 1 he purses will he |15. saw. divided equally between the two Loop Auto Baca. OUt Daria el Sac D-e*o won the / 570.4 mile auto road race .rom I»s t»P Cal. to Phoenix Aril. in 18 hows and M minutes Grey Ball came GOSSIP Y YAMOSIG I i SPORTS, Rochester will try to organize a pro fess lonal basket ball league. Massachusetts and also Michigan agricultural colleges are to have new athletic fields Richmond Amateur Athletic feder ation is talking of erecting a $25,000 mun.ripai club house. Th* Reds -ill use a swimming pool of salt water at their training camp, Alexandria. 1-a.. next spring. Ed < i -enems. once coach of the St. 1x>u;b university. and later Karnes, may coach at Preighton next season First Base mar, Blulim of the Toledo Hens is to be shifted to the New Or leans club, and Kutina given in ex change. • • • John Si-gie of frbana. O., has been appointed manager of the Huntington team in the Ohio State league, succeed ing l>ee Fohl. In reply to a query. 123 out of 159 college* replied that they required of fr-»i:imen physical exercise under proper instruction. • • • Tom White, & well-known Austral ian trainer ot greyhounds, is now in England with the team sent from Aus tralia by Oscar Asche. • • • Jack Dillon made un impression on the miners of Butte. Mont., by his great milling against Sailor Petroskey. a solid piece of fighting material The Boston Braves have been given permission to use Fenway park, the American league park, until July 1, when their new stands will be com pleted The Notre Dame basket-ball sched ule was given out the other day. and it includes one of the greatest east ern trips ever taken by a western college Jack Britton had a tough time with Mike Gioi.-r cf Boston at New York. Glover, who is a clever fellow, got credi' for a shade over Britton in sev eral papers. • • * Henry 1-a us sat Geyelin was elected pr» - Uent of the Athletic association 1 of the i'nlrersity of Pennsylvania for I the twentieth successive year at a j me the side ditch, the surface at the side ditch should at least bo ten inches lower than It is at the center where the horses travel. The road then has a ten-inch crown. The rain that falls on a road properly crowned will run quickly to the side and not soak into the surface or form pools. The side ditches for surface water should run parallel to the right of way. and should be open at every low point so that the water can run out of them into neighboring brooks or streams. If the ditches merely collect the water from the road surface and it can not run away, large pools will be formed along the roadside, which will gradually 6oak into the soil beneath the road and make it so soft that the wheels of the wagons will cut through the road surface and soon destroy it. Sometimes water runs from land along the road into the road and forms a little stream down the wheel tracks or in the middle where the horses travel. When driveways into farmyards are built across the side ditches they frequently form channels for water from the farmyard to run into the road. The pipes under drive rubbish and the water can no longer run away. If the driveways that stop the ditch water were rebuilt so that no pipes were necessary and the ditch could be left open, much trouble from surface water would be stopped. Sometimes a road runs across low ground or through a swamp where the road cannot be drained by side ditches alone. If the road were built higher like a railroad embankment across such low land and made with a crown, it would be dry and hard. Sometimes a road passes through what is called a cut. This is a place where the earth has been dug out so that the road can go over a hill without oeing too steep The water which always flows quietly under the ground on hill sides is known as ground water. In road cuts such water sometimes makes the road very muddy, and the road then needs what road builders call underdrain age. A good kind of underdrainage is a trench to go along under the side drain and about three feet deep and a foot and a half wide. In this trench a pipe is laid near the bottom and cov ered with loose stones no bigger than an egg. When the trench is com pletely tilled with loose stones the ground water, instead of soaking into the roadway, will stop among the stones and flow down the hill through the pipe. To keep a road smooth and crown ed the best method is to drag it with a road drag. A road drag is made easily with two halves of a log which has been split. CONCRETE AND GRAVEL ROADS Time Will Come When Permanenc) in Thoroughfares Will Be More Highly Appreciated Than Now. A prominent good roads advocate be longing to the American association says: “It is a waste of time to build roads of anything better than gravel and not so good as concrete.” By which he means that if the road is to to be anything less than absolutely permanent, it should be of gravel or plain earth. One thing is sure, the au tomobiles are putting macadam roads in the category of things which will not do, says the Baltimore American. Concrete roads built over 20 years ago have been kept in repair under country-town conditions at an annual expense rate of $15 a mile, and are still better than any macadam road Is likely to be in one-tenth the time In this age of rubber tired vehicles. The ideal road would seem to be a narrow concrete roadway with earth or gravel ways at the sides. The mo tor cars will follow the concrete, and in ordinary going the drivers who con sider their horsse' feet will keep on the pleasanter and softer track at the side. In bad weather all could use the narrow concrete roadway with earth gravel road should run alongside every macadam, brick or concrete way. It keeps teams off the motor path and makes pleasanter going for both horse and horseman. The time will come when permanency in our roads will be more highly appreciated and work ed far more generally. Thrifty Turkeys. On farms having high, dry land which has a light growth of grass, and where a new breeding gobbler has late ly been introduced, the largest flocks and the most thrifty-looking turkeys are found. Avoid Winter Troubles. If fowls are started out right in the fall they will go through the severest winter without trouble. Do not house your stock closely in the fall. Get it accustomed to the weather condition* as they come. Cloth Gown Suitable for Daily Wear AS comfortable and easy hanging as a morning gown bnt with every mark of afternoon apparel, this de sign is the simplest of all interpre tations of our present modes. The skirt and bodice appear to be cut in one, but are separate. The skirt, made of two pieces in goods of average width, might be draped on the figure from a single width of the widest materials. It is shaped in at the hips and there is a little fullness at the back. The shap ing and gathers afford just room enough for the swell of the figure at the hips. The waist line is high and very easy in order to make a free move ment of the arms possible. It is cut with long shoulders and large arms eyes. The fullness at the bust is ta ken care of by a group of plaits at each side terminating under the belt. It is in its careful finishing touches that the gown displays the talent of its noted designer. All very simple models must rely upon finish and clev erness in cut or drapery, to rise out of the class of the commonplace. The square neck is shaped and fin ished with a piping of velvet. The front is cut into a double breast, the overlapping side fastened down with two buttons. Its lower edge lies over the top of the skirt where bodice and skirt are joined. A narrow belt, with rounded ends, is finished with a piping and fastened with a fancy button at each end. It I does not encircle all of the waist, al- j lowing a straight front appearance (which is smart and clever) in the , interval between the ends. There is a small turnover collar in j the sailor shape, of fine embroidered ! batiste. The neck is filled in with a folded chemisette of fine figured net. ; A plaited ruffle of the same net fin-! ishes the sleeves. A strand of large pearls and a long- j er one of smaller pearls finishes the ! pretty toilette. But pearls might be j replaced with strands of any of the j many fashionable glass beads that ! harmonize with the gown in color. This model is well adapted to the unusual new shades In which fashion able fabrics are made. Mustard col- j or, gold, green, paprika, mahogany j and the curious blues and greens that ! are displayed in cloth and silk look best when made up in the simplest manner. But the design is good in the colors which we know well, such as royal blue, amethyst, golden brown and dark green. It would be pretty developed in black, and is an especial ly good model for velvet. Colonial slippers and silk stockings are worn with it, and such a dress calls for a simple and well dressed coiffure. Lake all simple things it will not grow tiresome to the wearer, and might be used daily during the reign of our easy going fashions. JULIA BOTTOM LEY. DRESSING THE BABY WHEN HE GOES OUT IN COLD WEATHER rHE baby must have his airing every day no matter if the weath ?r be sharp. He must be thoroughly protected against the cold and never illowed to get chilled. Besides the clothes he wears in the aouse he Is to be provided with ar ticles which he will need to fortify dim against the cold. If he is dressed is the right way a jaunt in the open air can do him nothing but good ant1 he will like it and thrive on it. An extra flannel skirt and long soft woolen stockings should be added to the clothes he wears in the house, when he is going out. at this time of the year. His little boots of yarn are to be worn over the stockings. His mittens of silk and wool are knitted double, and his little cap is very closely knitted of the softest yarn. In making the cap it' is not only closely knitted but made large enough so that it turns back at the front. This gives additional warmth, and as he grows larger rapidly, allows the cap to be turned back less, so that he may wear it for some time. Narrow ribbon run through it at the nape of the neck ties in a little bow at the back. This allows the cap to be ad justed to the tiny head and let out afterward as needed. The ties are either of narrow ribbon or soft mull. A small close-fitting silk cap may be worn under the knitted cap. His little boots and shoes are often made of flannel embroidered with silk and laced with ribbon. They are cut out of a pattern and are soft and pretty. Knitted or crocheted boots are made with quite long tops for the baby's outing, and fastened with soft crochet cord and small zephyr tassels at the ankle. When his head and hands and feet have been protected, he has the added comfort of his co&t. Finally he is tucked into his carriage under a robe of fur or eiderdown and the top ad justed to protect him from the wind if there is any. The baby is sometimes kept too warm in the honse, and is fretful on this account. In steam heated apart ments particularly, he will not need a 1 lot of flannels. He must always wear his band over the bowels, but a pin ning blanket is not needed. He wears a flannel petticoat and a light slip. But for a house not so warm, or when he goes out, he must have an ample supply of extra clothing. His dresses and skirts are not made as long as they used to be. Twenty seven inches now is the standard length. They are not much trimmed, but are made of very fine materials and finished with fine face edgings, little tucks, small sprays of hand em broidery and scallops. Feather stitch ing is much admired. One who knows how to sew nicely can make all his be longings in the beet manner at hon» Tea Apron of Finest Batiste. Daintiest among afternoon tea aprons is the one made of a half yard, i half width, of finest batiste or organ die. finished at the lower and side i edges with cotton lace pi cot border ing that is scarcely more than a series of long, loose loops, and at the top slightly gathered into a waistband of narrow ribbon, decorated at both ends with bowknots, from which fall a half dozen or more ends in quarter inch wide ribbon, bowknotted midway of the length. The center of the apron Is ornamented with two insets of em broidered filet lace. One of these, placed six inches below the waistband. 1 is a fonr-inch square, and the other, placed six inches above the lower edge, is a two by four inch oblong. Of course, lace of any other substan tial sort could be employed and white net. soutache embroidered, is equally as pretty as filet Duvetyn, which has made so strong an appeal this fall for suitings, has much in its favor besides the exquisite colorings In which it is to „e had. It is not only soft and scfple, but >»«■» considerable warmth. LUBE OF LOG CABIN Rich Philadelphians Show Prefer ence for Structures. John T. Morris of Quaker City Seeks Quietness and Seclusion in One on His Estate at Chestnut Hill— Others Do Likewise. Philadelphia.—The boyish fancy for building a log cabin and playing In dian is being exemplified in children of a larger growth. On many of the estates of rich men log cabins are being built. Thus in a secluded cor ner of the estate of John T. Morris at Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, a tiny log cabin has been erected. The interior consists of only one small room, neatly furnished in con ventional log cabin style, with a Nava jo blanket on the floor and a few sim ple articles of furniture. Here the owner of the mansion and its big grounds retires to read when he has a fancy for complete isolation. A little rustic bridge leads across a brook in front of the little cabin, and in fine weather the owner of the cabin can sit on a tiny porch and listen to the rippling water and be happy in complete seclusion and qui Wealthy Man's Log House. etude, far from the big house and free from the annoyance of such modern demons of unrest as the tele phone. Another iog cabin has been erect ed on the estate of W. H. Newbold In one of the suburbs of Philadelphia. This is a more pretentious structure than that of Mr. Morris. It is model ed after the log cabins that sheltered the patriots at Valley Forge. The floor well waxed for dancing and there is little furniture except the setees around the wall. A feature is an immense fireplace for the burn ing of logs. A more Interesting place for a country house jollification can scarcely be imagined. BIG FLEET OF DIRIGIBLES German Inventor Would Carry 300 Passengers Across the Atlantic in Sixty Hours. Vienna.—The German airship in ventor, A_ Boerner, is here trying to raise cap.tal to finance a line of trans atlantic dirigibles each capable of car rying 30C passengers and of crossing the Atlantic in 50 hours. French experts state that the new airship certainly is the most practica ble yet designed for long voyages. The inventor says It will bring Vienna with in 60 hours of New York. The ships are to be a6 luxurious as the Impera tor. with a length of 800 feet and a width of SO. There are to be 300 cab ins, dining and smoking rooms, a promenace deck, kitchens and electric lights. Built in a semi-rigid car run ning the entire length of the ship will be 34 motors of 150 to 200 horse power each, so arranged that no ballast will be carried. Engine breakdown or explosion will be theoretically impossible. Three separate gasbags in a single envelope will lift the 6hip. The ship will be able to make a nonstop flight of 4,000 miles at an average of 68 miles hourly, land ing without external aid. It can descend on the water, along the top of which it can travel 35 miles hourly with no danger of a wreck. Eoerne* is trying to raise sufficient mone^‘ to build six ships requiring $5, 000,000. BOUND BOY TAKES TO HILL Youth Rolls Himself Almost Back to School After Hold-Up by Bandits. Pottsville, Pa.—The State police are investiga ing a queer hold-up reported to them by the school authorities. James Wentzel, a thirteen-year-old boy, while on his way to school, stood near a stable and overheard two men plotting to steal horses. The men caught Wentzel eavesdrop ping and bound and gagged him, leav ing him, as ♦hey supposed, helpless. Although unable to break the thongs. Wentzel was able to roll himself out of the stable, and then he allowed him self to roll down the steep Race street hill. This kosened the ropes about his feet, and in this bound-and-gagged csn dition Wentzel was able to shuffle along, ard presented himself to his teacher. Miss Mae Snyder, in the Jack son street building. WASHINGTON AD IN OLD PAPER Baltimore Publication of 1773 Says General Has 20.CC0 Acres for Lease. Johnetta, Pa.—In searching among old books and newspapers which had come into his possession, I. E. Allen of this place found a copy of the first edition of the Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, dated August 26. 1773. The paper, yellow with age, contains an advertisement inserted by George Washington. The adver tisement states that George Washing ton has obtained patent to 20,000 acres of land along the Ohio and Kanawha rivers and he ofTers to lease the land at “reasonable rates.” Thomas I’.rereton, a broker, advertises that he wishes to purchase a ‘‘negro girl abonS twelve years old.”