The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 08, 1914, Image 1

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Loup City Northwestern
Rev. C. 6. F. Johnson and Wife Surprised On New Years Day By About
Sixty of Their Swedish Friends
< mt
On New Year’s Day the Swedish
friends of the Rev. C. G. F. John
son and wife to the number of
so ne sixty descended upon them
in a body, and supposing it was
thj 25th, or silver, annivarsity of
the worthy couple, took along
more than enough bright dollars
to nicely decorate each year of
their married life. And notwith
standing they made a mistake of
Bad Accident in Ravenna Electric
Light Plant Wednesday Morning
Th ■ interior of the Ravenna
E'ectric Light Co’s engine room
was badly wrecked Wednesday
morning, about half past seven o'
clock. by the exphision or the
parting of a coupling in a big six
inch steam main which connect
the boilers with the big engine,
and the city is apt to be in dark
ness for a week or more until the
necessary repairs can be made.
Engineer Westlake had noticed
a leak at the point of breakage,
and had mounted a ladder and with
a wrench was attempting to tight
en the joint when the break oc
curred. Suddenly the big pipe
parted and volumes of steam under
a boiler pressure of 120 pounds to
the square inch roared through the
open pipe just above his head,
throwing him from the ladder to
the fl;>or below. Fortunately he
retailed consciousness and pre
sence of mind, and groped his way
through the blinding smoke to the
outside. He was quite paiufully
burned about the face and hands,
but not seriously so, strange as it
tqa.v seem.
The force of the explosion was
such that it to^e nearly a third of
the st el ceiling off the room, and
c»‘ver d the machinery with scald*
ing steam and hot water, and set
awry the system of steam pipes
leading to the engines, making a
scene of wreckage and disorder
that appears worse than it really
is. No damage was done to the
machinery other than dislocating
the system of steam pipes, which
will probably have to be rebuilt.
This may require a weeks’time,
and possibly aiore, depending up
on the amount of new material re
quired to rep dr the damage, and
m the length of time required to get
it hear from the east.
After the dismantling ofthe old
pumping plant, of the city water
works, the 10-horse power galo
line engine was moved to the new
pumping station, and placed in
position for use in just such emer
gencies, and it is ready for use, so the public water service will
will lie maintained without inter
The street lights will be out of
commission until the repairs are
made and business houses and re
sidences having electric connection
will have to temporialy resort to
the use of kerosene lamps. The
Pastime theatre will be out of I
business until Dr. Gehrke can
have his private electric plant,
which he formerly used, returned
from Cario, where it has been in
use for several months past. He
t hopes to have it installed and ready
for business by Thursday night of
this week.
dotne of the «tfd and discarded
a- '- . .^ ^
a year in their calculations, the
worthy people only being able to
ce'ebrate their 24th anniversity,
the assembled friends remained
and celebrated just the same, and
leaving the silver tokens just as if
they had not been mistaken. Of
course the guests brought along
baskets loaded with good things
to eat and all present had a feast
not only of eats but of every form
of good cheer, and departing
wished the reverend many yearly
revolutions of their wedding day.
private gasoline plants will be put
back in service, temporarily, in
stores and business places. Jas.
K. Rese, Deputy Fire Warden,
and Chief of the local fire com
pany suggests that it will be well
to look carefully to the conditions
of these plants, in order that the
fire risk may not be greater than
is necessary.
It is a matter of congratulation
all round that no one was killed or
even seriously injured in the ex
plosion, and with this in mind the
people will cheerfully put up with
temporary inconvenience until the
necessary repairs can be made.
Mr and Mrs. Jno. Silva of Tarnov,
Mho have been here spending the
holiday season at the home of Mrs.
Silva’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Augustyn, returned home Tuesday
morning. Of course they will be fu
ture readers of the Northwestern.
Succombs After Operation in Omaha
C. F. Bodinson, an old-time re
sident and business man in Kear
ney, at one time treasurer of
Buffalo county, which position he j
held two terms, and later for twjo
terms state senator from this dis-1
trict in the Nebraska legislature,
is dead, and was buried in Kear-.
ney, Sunday. He died in an Om
aha hospital after an operation for
ulcers of the stomach. Mr. Bod
inson came to Buffalo county in
1878, nearly thirty-six years ago,
and has since been almost continu
ously identified with the business
interest of Kearney. He was a
native of Sweden, and was sixty
eight years of age at the time of
his death.
The Northwestern regrets that
its society reporter was not onto
his or her job last week and re
ported the great Warrick-Cox so
cial reunion at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Myrle Warrick in this
city on Christmas day. It is said
that some <38 of the Warrick ard
Cox families from this and Ham
ilton counties and other states sat
down to one banquet table in the
big J.,T. Hale mansion occupied
by Myrle and that there never was
a more enjoyable reunion held in
the city. Cornering Myrle Tues
day, in the lobby of the First Na
tional, he begged off for not put
ting our society reporter wise to
the big time, and after crossing
his heart that he would hereafter
not be so negligent was allowed to
go and sin likewise no more.
Telegram Announces
Death of W. B. Owen
Last Sunday evening a telegram
vas received here announcing the
death of W. B. Owen at North
Yakima, Wash., of uremic poison
ing. Deceased was husband of
our former Loup City girl, Miss
Beth Zimmerman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Zimmerman,
and who is left with an infant
daughter to mourn the death of
loving husband and devoted father.
A letter had been received just
prior to the receipt of the < tele
gram, telling of the serious illness
of Mr. Owen, that everything was
being done possible, but giving
little hopes of his ultimate recov
ery. His death occurred at 9 o’
clock on the morning of Dec. 31st,
and the funeral was to be held on
Monday of this week. No parti
culars have been received of the
illness and death of Mr. Owen,
save that given above.
Denver, Jan. 1. —Listen, mar
ried nen! At what price do you
value your kisses? If a pretty
young woman climbs down from
liehind the footlights and singles
you out in the audience as the man
on whom she bestows her kisses,
even if by ill fortune your wife
should be present, would you
briug suit for damages? Of course,
if your wife were asking the ques
tion, your answer is perfectly ob-1
vious. But ’way down in your
hearts, now would you?
Yet that is exactly what a Den
ver man did when Myrtle Howard
a vaudeville actress tripped down
from the stage and Hssed. To
be sure it required several months
for J. S. Blakeley to make up his
mind to bring suit But after due
consideration he has filed suit
against the actress asking $5,000
damages because she kissed him
last May.
Blakeley declares that he was
seated in the Tabor Grand theatre
and conducting himself in a per
fectly ‘‘orderly fashion” when he
was the object of Miss Howard's
“osculatory attack/’ The man
agement of the theatre states
in Miss Howard’s sketch, “New
Year’s Eve in San Francisco,’’ she
comes down from the stage and
mingles with the audience, kissing
some man who has consented to
the salutation. In this case, how
ever, it is said that the actress
mist >ok Blakeley for the chosen
man, who was seated near by, and
tenderly saluted him.
With the beginning of the new
.year, or nearly so, a change is
made in the office of general man
ager of the Sherman County Tel
ephone Company, Glenn A. Steven
tendering his resignation, and the
company selecting Mr. J. A.
Chandler from Ravenna to fill the
vacancy, and who will take active
charge of the office the 15th of the
present month. As to the future
intentions of Mr. Steven we are
not. apprised, butithe large circle
of friends of himself and Mrs.
Steven will follow them with best
wishes. Mr. Chandler is a pleas
ant appearing, prepossessing gen
tleman and comes highly recom
mended to the company. For the
past four years hfi has been with
the telephone system at Ravenna.
Our people will extend a cordial
welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Chand
ler, as m'ost desirable additions tp
our business sod social circles.
A Few of The Time Honored Pro
cesses of Extracting the Coin
From The Farmer Who
Farms The Farm.
It is not only hard to teach an
old dog new tricks, but it is just as
hard to teach him that his old tricks
have long since been found out to
be no tricks at all.
The personally conducted “farm
ers’congress” of the Omaha Bee
and Regent Ooupland of the uni
versity, that has just concluded its
labors in Omaha, adopted the us
ual number of resolutions upon
topics of interest to its conductors.
Among them was one petitioning
educators of other states to “butt
into” the university removal ques
tion, and another demanded a re
organization of the state board of
In the congress an assault was
made by a representative of the
Omaha Bee's agriculture supple
ment upon Secretary W. R. Mel
lor of the state fair board, and up
on C. H. Rudge of this city and
Peter Youngers of Geneva, mem
bers of that board. It was charg
ed that these three constitute a po
litical machine in the management
of the board’s affairs for perpetu
ation of their own official tenure,
that they give free state fair tickets
to a large number of their political
supporters and that they run the
affairs of the board without re
gard to the wishes of its other
This is no new outcry from the
section whence it comes. It has
been heard perennially for twenty
five years. Once it effected a re
moval of the fair, with disastrous
results to that instition and to the
state board of agriculture. And
nothing that could be said could be
more unjust and untruthful.
So far as Mr. Rudge is concern
ed, he has several times sought to
retire from the state fair board,
but has yielded to the importun
ities of the other members to con
tinue. He is at the head of one of
Lincoln’s largest business enter
prises and has interests enough of
his own to keep him busy. He has
had nothing to gain personally
from his efforts to aid the state
fair. The thought of his partici
pating in the maintenance of a
machine to perpetuate his official
position is ridiculously unfair.
As to Secretary Mellor, the suc
cess of the fairs that have been
held under his guidance is the best
evidence of his capacity. No mat
ter how unfavorab e conditions
have been, and in spite of persist
ent and continuous knocking, he
has always been able to pull off a
state fair of surprising merit and
Mr. Youngers lives in Geneva.
It may be that he has a specially
effective machine in operation
down there of which the knockc rs
have obtained an inkling, but no
one up this way knows anything
of its plans and specifications.
However, this personally con
ducted farmers’ congress saw fit to
demand an investigation. Un
doubtedly the three gentlemen as
sailed will welcome it. The chief
objection that can be raised must
relate to the unfair spirit in which
it was demanded, and the fact that
it is an old complaint that never
did have any foundation in fact.
There might be another objec
tion. It is this marshaling in
mask as farmers of some of the
men who took the most prominent
part in this “farmers’ congress”
men whose business it has long
been 'to farm the farmers who
farm the farms.—Lincoln Star.
Colonel Cutright of the Star is
absolutely correct in this. How
ever, he might pursue the subject
into its devious bypaths and ana
lyze the item of cost
The humorous part of the whole
thing could then be placed before
the farmers who farm the farms
'and they would doubtless squeal
FOR $1000.00
Wants Money to Open Boarding House
Don’t Heed Husband.
Boston, Dec. 30,—“I am will
ing to sell my husband for $1,000
cash,” wrote Mrs. Agnes Bedell,
of Quincy, to Miss Mary E.
Chandler, in a letter which Miss
Chandler made public tonight
William Bedell, the husband, is
alleged to have expressed his will
ingness to be “sold.”
The letter, after explaining that
Mrs. Bedell had seen Miss Chand
ler’s name in the newspapers, con
“I see where you need a hus
band to take care of your pro
perty and be a father to your baby
My husband is a wording man,
tired of supporting a family on
small pay. I want money to open
a boarding house. He will be
content to sit with you and tend
the baby. As for me, I’d rather
have my cat. ”
R. A. Henderson and family leave
this week Friday for their home at
Oxford, in the southwestern part of
Pennsylvania, his son following with
his car of goods. Mr. Henderson saiys
he does not propose purchasing there
at present, not will probably rent for
a season or two, while he looks the
country over to see where he likes
and can do best, He promises to write
the Northwestern his impression of
country and matters pertaining to
his new home after he gets there.
May success attend him and his fam
Walter F. Sammons is Locked Up in County Jail as Result of Confession
of Postoffice Clerk Delbert Smith.
Lincoln, Jan 5.—A. W. Lane,
deputy federal district attorney,
today filed formal complaints
against Walter F. Sammons, for
! mer sheriff of Buffalo county, and
Delbert Smith, postoffice clerk at
Kearney, charging them with
breaking into the postoffice on
Christinas eve and stealing regis
tered mail to the amount of $5,000
or more.
Prosecutor Lane left tonight for
Grand Island to prosecute the case
before a United States commis
sioner. The accused men were
taken to Grand Island this after
noon and turned over to Deputy
United States Marshal Logan Sam
mons, brother of one of the al
leged robbers.
Mr. Sammons is a colonel in the
Nebraska National ' guard and
claim agent for the Union Pacific
railroad, with headquarters at this
place. It is the opinion of the
detectives that the theft was com
mitted by Sammons with outside
help, having first received the key
and combinbination from a clerk.
It is stated that Smith made a
confession during the night to the
inspectors and that a clean breast
of the affair was made by him.
Smith and Sammons have been
close friends for over a year. Af
ter the supposed confession Sam
mons was placed under arrest at
his home. He disclaims any con
nection with the affair and says
J. L. Owen Dies
Very Suddenly
On Wednesday, Dec. 31st, 1913,
at 5 o’clock in the afternoon at Ar
cadia, occurred the sudden death
of Mr. J. L. Owen, from neural
gia of the heart. The circum
stances, as we learn were as fol
fows: It appears that Mr. Owen
had been in ill-health for some
time, but not thought to be ser
ious. Just previous to his death,
he had looked at his watch and
noted that it had stopped, and as
he uttered the words an awful ex
pression came to his face and he
fell across the counter in his store,
and wps dead in a few moments
afterward, as a friend who had
been with him and had gone for
assistance*returned with others.
The funeral occurred the follow
ing Saturday from the home. He
left a wife, son and two daughters,
all grown.
with mirth at the cleverness of the
farmers who farm the farmers who
farm the farms.
Take for instance Hon. George
Coupland, who presided at the
farmers’ congress at Omaha. He
is supposed to be an unpaid offi
cial who, as regent of the state
university, attends to the details
connected with the management of
the people’s schools. But what
are the facts?
Mr. Coupland spends most of
his tin.e junketing and “uplifting”
the farmers—at their expense. He
has just returned from a long jun
ket to Washington D. C., in the
interest of “conservation.’’ Now
glance at pafee 92 of the Twenty
first Biennial Report of the Board
of Regents. Notice this obscure
“Coupland, George, expenses
paid as regent, $524.21.”
This merely relates to the cash
expended in paying the hotel bills,
the tips, the meal and ad infiini
turn of the Hon. George Coupland,
“professional farmers’ uplifter,”
for the last biennium. Pretty soon
there will be another biennial bill
and it looks as if it would be a
What were those expenses?
Suppose the taxpayers get. a
glimpse of the items!
' Then there is the matter of
mileage. In the above item there
is no mention of mileage. It-is
not included. The state university
buys its mileage in bulk to the tune
of about $12,000 a biennium. Mr.
Coupland is always fixed. It is
impossible to obtain a detailed
statement of his mileage but a re
liable estimate is to the effect that
his mileage strips, used each bi
ennium, if placed end to end would
reach from Omaha to Benkleman.
Mr. Coupland’s “uplifting” is so
expensive that the Nebraska farm
ers had better seek some other
method of elevation.
Take Secretary W. S. Delano
as another example.
He farms a fifty foot lot in the
city of Lincoln. The congress
raised a purse of $700 and gave
the lobby committee full authority
to go to Washington to keep Wil
son and Bryan and others in the
proper orbit. Delano will go.
The farmers will pay the bill in
one form or another.
Then there are a number of the
cheap farm papers which put fake
stuff over on the farmers. These
use cheap premiums and wiggle
methods of getting the cash out of
the tillers of the soil.
These are the specific men who
are engaged in the time honored
process of extractingthe coin from
the farmer who farms the farm.—
Cortland Bun. _
the robbery was committed by
Smith, and he is trying to blame
it on him. The money has not as
yet been recovered. Smith says
he did not receive any of it, and
that the keys were returned early
next morning.
On Tuesday morning of this
week Mr. J. G. Pageler and Miss
Grace Adamson, two of Loup
City’s most popular young peo
people, left on the early train for
Blair, this state, where that after
noon they were united in mar
riage b,y the Rev. Lambreck of
that city, brother-in-law of the
groom. After the ceremony, the
happy couple went to Cedar Bluffs,
for a short visit with relatives and
friends, thence were to go to
Omaha and other points for a few
days and then return to this city,
where they will make their future
home. Mr. Pageler is our peo
ple’s pride as a young and rapid
ly advancing auctioneer and one
of our brightest and most energet
ic young men while his bride is
I one of our prettiest and most pop
ular* young ladies, second daugh
I ter of Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Adam
| son, and has grown from child
hood to womanhood in our midst.
The Northwestern,' with the host
of other friends of the new home;
make re, .will wish them bon voy
age through life. . » '
Sunday morning service at the 3 -
E. church was unusually interesting
because of the many surprises it con
tained. W. R. Metlor furnished
the special music of the morning,
by singing “The strength of the
Hills.” At the close of the pastor’s
excellent discourse eight young boys,
Masters Charles William, John Long,
John Leininger, George Henyon.
Mark Johansen, Earl Daddow, Russell -
Grow and Livingston Sharp were bap
tized and taken into full membership
of the church. At the close of this
oeautiful service the pastor stepped
to the easfi door of the church, and to
the soft strains of the Lohengrr
Wedding March, a bridal party c
posed of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dim
dale, followed by Robert Fross and
Minnie Oltjenbruns entered the
church. During the short service “I
Love You Truly” was played, and at
the close the strains of Mendellsohn’s
Wedding March filled the church
while the people offered their con
gratulations to the worthy young
couple. The Christmas decorations
of the church were still in place, and
they together with the white bridal
flowers made a pretty setting for the
redding. The bride was beautifully
attired in white satin, her wedding
veil being held in place by orange
blossoms, the groom wore the conven
tional black. *,*
Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 1_A
rush to evade the new eugenics
marriage law, effective today,
made yesterday the busiest day on
record for the Milwaukee county
marriage license clerks. At the
regular closing time eighty-four
licenses had been issued and the
office was so crowded with appli
cants it was decided to issue li
censes until midnight.
The new law requires a thorough
medical examination of both appli
cants for a license to wed. It also
stipulates that only $3 shall be
charged by physicians for making
the examination. Many doctors
have declared they will not make
the necessary tests for this fee.
Fear that county officials will
refuse to issue licenses unless the
medical certificate states that com
prehensive blood tests have been
made caused the record demand
for wedding permits in the closing
of the year. Repor s from other
counties in the state agree that an
unprecedented number of permits