Andrew Carnegie Says: | ■ i “It is not capital that men require, it is the i man who has proved that he has the busi- l ness habits which create capital.” jj t < € The greatest proof of business habits is the • j i HABIT OF SAVING. When you start an i i account with us you simply press the ~v j J BUTTON OF PROSPERITY ] j Why not call and talk it over with us NOW? | < We Pay 5 per cent on Time Deposits. 1 1 ! Firs! National Bankl Loup City, Nebraska. j i A Complete Line of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. E. P. DAILY ■ ■ M.II.I.B jnMKFm*' ■ II HI ■■ Ml ■■■!—.1 MAKE A STORM DOOR TOR 20 CENTS A ton of coal saved by using our storm windows. KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY SOLID COMFORT GwOD LOOKS and ENDURING QUALITY THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT MAKE DREW SHOES FAMOUS We have them in Brown, Tan and Black, Velours, Nu Buck, Gun Metal, Patent and Vici Kid at. Prices from -50 to $5.00. COME IN AND LET US SHOW YOU. ' £. E YOUNGQUIST, Prop. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND i * i 1 THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW | At the New Opera House • | j Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday | Matinee erery Saturday afternoon | Change every nigl t and nothing but the best of §; |.ietu«‘« s will be shown hce. Everybody is cordially | | invited to attend. | THOMAS DADDOW I < I LOCAL NEWS. -,—<— Harold Hancock returned last Fri day evening from a several days visit to Lincoln. Guess the Northwestern will have to add a female gossip and scandal mon ger to its reportorial staff in order to keep up with the spirit of the times. Wanted, hides and chickens at Eg ger’s meat market. Highest market price paid for same. Fred Richmond was among the many over from the west side as in terested spectator at the State-Pot ter preliminary hearing. Moncil Milburn, who has been clerk ing at the Oliver Mason implement house, left last week Wednesday to accept the management of an imple ment store at Arcadia. Toys and dolls of all kinds are be ing recieved at cent Ten Store. Betr i ter come in and look them over. Druggist Joe Cording was over from Litchfield last Thursday attending county court and getting points on the beauties of what he is to go up against in the near future, as his por tion of the Litchfield lawing. Bring in yourchickens to Lee Bros, and receive from them the highest market price. Jesse Fletcher is another of Sher man county’s progressive young farm ers who adds his name to our big list of readers. Jesse is among the lucky ones who secured a fine piece of tland in Uucle Sam’s recent lottery aud ex pects to move up on his holdings in the spring. See the advertisement of Cooper's Special Bargain Sales in this week's paper. The mumps continue to run riot in Ravenna and there is hardly a family that is being slighted. Seems like tiiey are making a cleanup this time, but there will be a new crop of vic tims next time the malady makes a visit.—.News. Boyd Burrowes and his company will be here at the opera houseUec. 20. F. W. Clancy of Litchfield was among the many who auued then names to the Noithwesteru's list ol west side readers last week, being in ter. sted in knowing tile happenings of the west side especially. We ac-; knowledge a pleasant call Friday. For Sale—Ply mouth Bock Roosters Inquire ol P. C. Parks, .J*. C. address Arcadia, .Nebr. The Litchfield Monitor issued h t boom edition last week, and Editor Rightenour is to be congratulated over his effort which has given to that village and the Monitor readers a very creditable exposition of the village and in fact a credit to the county.. The Sturtevant Vacuum Cleaner the clean way to clean. See C. R Sweetland or phone. He has them for sale or rent. Mrs. C. A. Potter, the charming wife of one of Litchfield’s leading druggists, was an interested spectator last Thursday at the trial, in support and sympathy with her husband. The loyalty of wives and mothers is one of the grandest things of our American republic. . Lee Brothers will pay you the high est price for chickens. There Is one thing certain, and that is that we are having a generons sprinkling of Litchiieldians in our city these days, and so far as our peo ple are concerned they are most wel come, noth individually and collect ively, yet just how many of them feel and talk would not look well in print. See adv. of Cooper's special feature sale in this week’s Northwestern. Roht. Jenn.-r returned Thursday evening from a week’s visit in Oma ha. Bob was there at the time of the run on the Citizens’ National bank, and enjoyed the exciting times in cident thereto. The run arose from an irresponsible rumor, and shows what a little thing will cause a gener ous scare. See the fine display of shell goods at the Ten Cent Store. The Northwestern lias added the names of C A. Potter and J. T. Camp bell, two ot the principal men in the Litchfield troubles now being aired in our courts. Naturally the gentlemen wish to keep posted on what is being done along the interesting lines fur nished by that live little village, and take the best, methob of doing so. We acknowledge pleasant calls from both gentlemen. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber yard, or at E G. Taylor’s. Miss Charlotte Bushong returned last Friday evening from Edensurg, Texas, where she was called to attend the funeral of her stepfather. Rev. W. C. Miller, account of which is given in another column. On her re turn she was detained at Houston, Texas, for a number of days by the great floods which devastated that southland. Three big boxes of matches for LOc at the Ten Cent Store. NOTICE To Whom it may Concern:— That njy daughter Annie having left my house and home against my will, I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her after thi6 date. John Kowalski. COAL! COAL! COAL! We still have some Colorado coal on hand. At the same old prices, but cannot buy more when this is sold out. Taylor’s Elevator. Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law LOUP CITY. NEBRRSKM. R J. Nightingale & Son Attorney aad Cmmseicr-&t*Lav Loup City, Nebraska R. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H.MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Uottp City, - Nebraska. July set of Abstract books id count y 0. E LONCACRE Physician & Surgeon Office, Over New Bank. T ELEPHONE CALL, N0.39 A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon 30. Ottice at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Lnnp Eitp - NEhraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup City, Nebr. Office at Residence, Telephone Connection 1. E. Bowman M D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIAN S & SURGEONS Phonell4 Loup City. Valirask* S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office up stairs in the new State dank buildinp. W. L. MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. OFFICE: East Side Public Souaie. Phone, Brown 116 V. I. MCDO.VU.L Prompt Dray Work Cal! lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran* teed. Phone B^own 57 C. ii. SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come aDd get my prices i W. M. DONER Contractor and Plasterer Phone White 7o Give me a call and get my prices. I will treat you right. Satisfaction Guaranteed Rufus Hiddleson DRAY AND TRANSFER Your Business Solicited Phone, Either Lumber Yard or E. G. Taylor's Elevator FRANK ADAMS General Blacksmithing H* rse Shoeing and W'God 's ork. Come in and see me. J. E. WE.NMAN Veter inarian Authorized to make inspec tions for Inter-State Ship ments Office up stairs, State Bank Building Phone No. 108 Mrs. R. N. Pritchard DRESSMAKER aad - Spirella CoracUerre. Loop City, Nebraska ALONG ROUTE TWO Mrs. Henning is still very poorly. John Petersen fixed a bad washout at Frit? Biehel’s place Monday. Joe Johnson has been helping Floyd Howard get his corn out this week. Lloyd Scott moved from the farm to town the past week. Frank Casteel was painting his house Monday. Mr. Czaruek has a new baby boy at his home, born last Thursday. Jim McBethstook dinner with Mr. Brodocks last Sunday. H. S. Conger and wife visited thei> son Roy on the route last Sunday. Ywn Alieman marketed hogs las; Monday. S. Yunglund and son hauled hale hay from Route2 Monday. Mrs. James Arre't visited at ti. home of Gust. Yunglund Monday. Heny Goodwin and son Floyd to >1 loads of hogs to Loup City Monday. Don't miss the big play at Wiggi* Creek literary Eriday night, “Jurnbu Jum,” in 4 acts. A sister of Anton and Frank Spo tanski on Route 3 has been at the point of death for some time. Don Holmes. Ira Daddow and Fred Johnson helped Lloyd Scott move to town last week. Ed Radcliffe and Lew B)y were do ing some carpenter work on the route Monday. Ernest Iossi came up from Colum bus, and was not alone, either, when he readied Loup City. Simeon Iossi has dragged the road along his line several times the past week. Romeo Conger and Miss Burt took ! dinner at the home of Roy Conger i Sunday. . I Artnur itowe put. new siding on: part of Frank Casteel's house the past week. Jim and Clarence Arnett and Gust Yunglund were baling hay on the Bichel land this week. X. P. Neilson repaired the signal and painted his name on his mail box of late. J E. Roush has reset his mail hox so it is handier for the earner. This i is something every carrier appreciates C. S. Morrison has shown the right spirit the past week. He has dragged all the main traveled roads in his dis trict. Albert Snyder.Ernest Paddow and Tom McFadden and wives did Xmas shopping in Grand Island Saturday. Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Vergie Paddow last Thursday The next meeting will be Jan. 8, i914,with Mrs. Julia Howard. Luthec Goodwin is still at his j brother's home on Route 2. the back of his head and neck still very sore from his accidental fall some time ago Mr. King, Fred Johnson and J P. Hansen with their families, and Miss Kassmussen of Hazard, all visited Sunday with L. Hansen and family on Route 2. The carrier has seen farmers reset small grain on account of wet weath er in summer time, but never until this week have seen corn fodder re shocked on account of wet weather. J. Plambeck and son burned the grass along the road side at his place last week. lie did this to help the carrier. When the grass is burned the snow does not have anything to lodge in. It not only helps carrier, but all who travei the road. All of Wiggle Creek with well filled baskets, swooped down on Clark Alle man and family last Friday night and gave them a glorious surprise. About 75 were present and presented Mr. Alleman with a fine Bible as a token of remembrance. All spent a very enjoyable evening but regret very much that this good family is to leave us so soon. E.B.Corning the past week surveyed the island that lays east of B. T. Sny der's place. About 20 years ago. car rier t ried to homestead this island and wrote the land department at Lincoln and found that the consent of parties laying on each side of the river opposite the isiand was necessa ry before it could be surveyed Then it would be put up at auction and sold to the highest bidder. LOUP CITY OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT DECEMBER 20 Barrowes-Leon Amusement Co. Offers THE RURAL* COMEDY HIT THE CORNER GROCERY With Boyd Burrowes and Superb Company - Special Scenery - 8 CLASSY fW YAUDEYILLE X FEATURES U Concert Orchestra Free Band Concert Twice Dally " X SEATS ROW 01 SALE AT VIC SWANSON’S * * You Can Buy Lots of Cheap Suits at Low Prices, but you ’ Can’t buy A GOOD for a Low price buy a garment, all wool, and hand tailor ed for less money than any store in Loup City Get your suit for Thanksgiving OF LORENTZ MESSER’S FOR MEN and BOY’S ONLY tsr ^ Gordon Furs Pamper your pocketbook. It’s your best friend in time of need. And the Ford keeps the pocket book satisfied. Ford light* ness and Ford strength make Ford economy fa mous the world over. Cut down transportation cost. Buy a Ford. Five hundred dollars is the nev price of the Ford runabout; the touring car is five fifty: the town car seven fifty—f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment. Get catalog and particulars from William Schumann. Loup City. Nebraska. ^ STEAM LAUNDRY I Solicits Your Patronage ' Family Washings Made a Specialty Rough Dry 24c Per Dozen i E. E. McFADDEN, Propr. I LOUP CITY FLOUR I Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills , when you can get Loup City White Satin Flour for less money, and every sack guaranteed, fe All dealers, handle o-jr flour. I LOUP Cm MILL & LIGHT CO. Help as make the Northwestern better