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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1913)
FOR IRE BUST MIN MEWS EPITOME THAT CAN SOON BE COMPASSED. MANY EVERTS (BE MENTIONEB 1 Mem* and Foreign Intelligence Co*.. ceroed Into Two and Fwr Liao Paragraphs. WASHI\GTO*t. Krpr»s<sQ-.aciTe Britten Juts iatrode* ed Fits resoiatioft for an i*Testi*a*ien of rfce s*tt‘s coetrtcrs for AsRraisan kerf • • • 3eprtserA::»e Ckaries P toady of Maryiaad. *ao succeeds t&e to Sep rseiu'-ZTe *>«;« Koctg its ke« «*c-ra feta o£ee. • • • Estimates Secretary Daaieh tas mu to the house tnaouialioei eos Kiiitee ash ec-scress to tckc $143jM»>.- . «** far the aaiaj wwMiitut ia the text fiscal year. • • • interest will he rerteed is tie ksbby tr actir-tiss ia Wtse fcigtox when tse senate ~ special eoansaitTee reepecs 'ssr a short tias. Ciarrsaas Ocerataa ias cased a sseettx? ass piass win ties be aside for a coerls «t-:a of the Is r.thry • » • Secretary ilorm desires ctagnu te Appropriate th*.-W.ri*) frr tie agrt suBszsI wuri of tie r~ertE«t Hs i situ iff w:2 be sahasrtted a=d tie S*E3se oa. agriculture wE Veglx rrts f~~ittrs e? tie agrtc r_tsrtl tspceprancc. id earty ts. OewEter. • m • SrW?:rc-- for jltslj sMEupctatissf were lard before coc- t cress ty tie War departrsest- Seere ■ i —r Gsarrtsc-s msstmtsd to the sense irs estimates foe tie ni—iary estai tisirsest strix* tie test iscal year. *£gre*At-x.c . wiki. »’ rc-isAi fil'♦* * ■ greater ini tse tetres auhasittei a year ago far tse ar tsy brE. DOMESTIC. Ia a twesty-seTeE-stisste fight fr-rrs Los Axgeies to Situ Asa. thtrty-fiTe e:« iwiurhfu Glees Martin aviate r, atzazued as aitrrade of >.m feet, with a passesser. • • • .’as>?s K. McGuire, firmer stayer of Syracuse- who _a sade- Ls-t-Ctstes: is New Tcrh far scil-titixg a political see.trfssties frost i eerperatio® is is Sis Juts. Porto R:«t • • • Mrs. A dial E. Stevenses wife of tie !rrs»: cine president as-d past presi deut-®e»eral of tie Daegfete-s of the Americas Rew>ldttiaa is serious! * iU is her he-me at Bloomiagtca BL Chicago women to whom have been jranM appointments as e-lectioc fndges or clerks for the coming year, mas* declare their allegiance to some p. .• a'. party in order to get the job*. • as Mrs. BUHiios Panknnrst. England, militant saSrigdte. su sailed for home, tnking with ter. she said S14. W* collected daring ter recent lecture lonr :n this country She will devote ' the money to the cams* ;f vemo snf fraee Ie E&cfaud * • • Tie bsiiding trades detxartmeas k the Americas federation. of labor has decided that a bstlding trades cs®> cil. representative of the American federation of lahr and its polities ska’1 be established in Xev York city as a refeske to the nrkm se-eaSeef ceetrai todies »feics rat- reeo*s> tioa to dnai axd seceediag nwwm* • » • V n less there is a snbctastmf in crease soon in the nnmber of men re tnrainc to work, several mines is. the Borti end of the Calumet- Mich., dis met will done far the winter, the manage sent anmmm. The prop erties which S3? he temporarily shat down ircinde ike Ahzseei. AlSowea. Nactk earsazge. Wolverine and Mo hawk. « * • Mrs. Charlotte Campbell. who died recently in Yianhand. X. J_ at the ace of tb4. was the eldest vcm la the state aad had never been in it rnte of the state having bee* horn in Moamoatk. m m m Tie * ire-ess ssat-on oc. the- chons of Lake Harm akcte Pki’. Ed •sari Oct- pecked ap sign.;* from the wire less suuioc. at Darwin. near Pilaws tea. Soath Amnia *i'A was call lag the wireless stance 1: Sydney The signals received were pane clenr Thrs is said to be a recced datasce * • » Dr. William T. Elam., the Sc. Josepr. M®_ physician kla list Tues day shot and killed W. Parana Cramer of Ckksia waived prtEata ary bearing at Kassas City and was booed over to the eriatmtnal coart. • • • AH card tables, chairs a=4 mssacal instruments have been ordered remov. cd from stKcti lit St. Lonis- coaaty. Masse-iir: by R. J Fine, progressive member of the county excise board, who said be had takes the artier be cause sack equipment consulates a •Wileat Invitation' for ptmta to eater • • • The American federation at Labor •djosraed. after electing officers and rkcoeitf Philadelphia as the place at the next naitstioe. which will as semble oa the second Monday ia No vember. Wl. • • • It has been announced that the case of President John P. White of the United Mine W trier* of America, and seventeen other officials cf the •rgaainuoa aader indictment for alleged conspiracy in restrain: of trade would be called in the federal court of Charleston. W. Ya. » • • fhk illations based oa present mar ket price of Sam products, the raise of this venr's crop of com. wheat oats and potatoes raised in Nehraskn to tal* tl«-S«t#5T. compared with »«. SPT.tli for the earn* craps «< Mat ysnr. At'asta. Ga. bas adopted tie laid* tit RfttodEffi and recali. New York bow bas- cob plaint kwrewa. wfcitier citixeas may resort to “kick.’ • • • Slice IwK tie Y sited States govem cea: baa paid ost $4. t*!*>jWd .*>?*> ii pessteis. • * * Tie campaign tar a Yt.WdjW# fapd • for tie Yang Stan's Christian as»> - etaisi asi :be Yonf Wonsea s Chris tian assoc a::ec. which has been is [ progress is Xew York, closed ssceess fpfiT whes it was mow Ted that a •a*cai ed S4 »wl_*c*: bad bees donated Tie Oise federm*ic»* of labor , adopted ai its aaetsai ceeventioa a ; reset ntjca declaring for tie establish- ' ■test csf a life isscrasee iejarowat ( by the state. The recent amendsteats ■ •o tie CBSititta aationxed the 1 state to issue msiratt-re co-etract*. • • • As initiative pet :.ct bewrixg JiJtTS , ^atitna filed with the Caiiforia j secretary of state ia favor of a gu«ni eigrt-bcsr la* makes it almost terrain tia: tie measure *G find a place cn tie ballot at tie state electioa seat : Xe vernier. Tie petition htought tie total signatures ap to fSo>4->- *iici is ■ bet. !JM»> short of the required ».-<►>. a * " Tie proposal shat a national inter state trade eostmtssioc- fashioned f aimy tie lines of tie interstate cota merce commissacn. sacnld he formed to deal with pce-bless arising from large industrial corpora tiows *13 he cae of tie important sni.-ccts to be dealt with by tie national arse federa tion at its meet r g to to held at Xe* York. » • • Jota X. Hennessy. who was former Gcvemcr Siller's graft in.T<asmg*£cr. _s iitiortty fsr tie statement that two men will make a ccafodn in the Join Doe proceedings in Xe* York which *31 involve a “high state cfi lial. ~ and j«si y others. Tie na rm» of the alleged crime *21 be the most starting tia: has been exposed ,n the entire graft investigation. Hen nessy maintains, and it will involve tie pai r? of money. FORFJGPt Tie Chilean bti f ir ip Aimirante Latorre was launched at the Qswaefc • » • • o-nnrmat oo. has been received or tie conspiracy in. tie island of Fbr taesa to overthrow Japanese ml* there. • • • Tie American ambassador, and Mr* Frederick Con inland Pecifieid gave a large Thanksgiving dinner to premia ent American residents at Vienna • * * Charles Topeka of Chscagu. tie newly appoiated America* minister tc Satwuia. servia and Bulgaria, pre sented its credentials to King Charles at 3senates:. a • s Sir John Simoc. tie new- attorney general of Great Britiaa. is 4d. an apostle of free trade a lawyer with, a bnlfiait -ecord. and aE elective po litical campaigner. a a m The Biaber of articles handled by tie Egyptai pot ogee department CariEg lFii ss estimated hr SljCIFjS&l. i afcoo; one el i~lion. six imired thaw* and acre shag in !>!'.. * w • Sixties xa Ber’.xn iming October retch-d record astxres. Nine oat of es’exy ten deaths ire ascribed to the rnxntLxng tats - h .eh pervades the Genou capital and most of Esrope. m m m Tie great strike of nx.ners lx north ern France have beea seftM. the As scciluob of Mi* Propr.etnrs agree ing to an eight-fee sr day sxta the bill £xzg an esght-ho nr cay far egrtiac EM*. * fetch is mix before she Frees n Parliament. is passed. • * • StatisnUxs issaed by the Bswi fac tory taspeetoes .rcic-fe t tax xt-fctt class ns rest, which had seen. allayed dxtrtng the years IF vl . has mere re cently reappeared is a steadily ji rrearfac ratio. • • * la a Mgfettiae speech leinmi at the weekly meeting of tie women * social and pottscal ns.;* sa Loodcn. Mrs. nacre-Fox *trs*i the nueri mens that “if the pc lice attempted to arrest Mrs. Emmeline Pxaki srst when she lands in England ca her arrival from the Cared States they wiE hate their hands SbE.” • we The pmednet*:* of potato Sc<cr in fioUasd increases rapidly frost year to year and. the pnsdact is also stead ily Indie? markets abroad. The total prodmettoe ss mow ace less «Ewb ftp - #•<#♦ pomads axe rally. • Cetottet K-cseTCit. af'er sightseeing at Valparaiso. Chile, returned to San tiago The lsrresz dkanTsat T<*ssei ts tie sorid- kiiisp a of 'if* tixi. «as Lissc-ied at Jarre*. Ecy hai • • • Tie Assertcris wa-si ps is the bar ber eoKhacd z itmg anroethriT* tie pec-pie c# Naples. Mas? ihln west aboard the skips aad were wirta s* thesr praise d the appearance and -iiseipiiae c! the crew. * m m The selerisss trcaz iiaper. di sease aad 33 treats.-* st at Rzassas so-" litseal pctsc*«rs asd esSes are set {Berta is as appeal published is saaa? Roeptu se»s5»p«s awer the sjgBatsres sd serosal isadred j-rr«E> aeet nea aad seswa od Gemaay. Esgtaed. rraace asd ether ccma tries • • • Brsyandsge in China has spread ss | the dtfst'.y ct *ssa£ amis** says a !V&±s£ disrates. The? kt«t hath feet asd camby aad are aa range as two Aaaesita* rejpt2uss.ts. • mm A report prepared hy the Tieasa Chaaafcer ct tcawm «s the tnOt of the aturjel scree: railways m ' IblJ sic i s iC rssie* of mete, ii» of ■ which were eteesrically chopped aad tw-eiie mil** operated hy staaaa The etanrit Bae* carried 2mM*J39 paa HAVE El CORNER INQUIRY SAID TO SHOW PACK ERS CONTROL 55 PERCENT. — j INVESTIGATION WIDESPREAD -i —i - Secretary Houston Learns of Alleged Attempt to Buy Up Snort Crop of Potatoes. WiMhmtron.—A new of the rest of living problem has teen brought to tie inatioa cf tie De partment cf Agrtcunre. T. P. Gill, secret*: * of the Irish Board of Agn ealtare, tcid Secetary Houston that speculators ia the large cities of the Vt.-M States were arcvciy bajing up this year's short Americas potato crop and planning to hold oat for high prices, oootiag upon tie exist ing ganUm against potatoes from maay foreign cose tries to aid them la their ssdetakmg. Mr. Gilt is here to sage tie removal ef tie embargo oo potatoes from his doustry and ha* received private ad rices* from various sc-ircee act the po tato situation is America. He ce dares that powdery scabs found on potatoes imported from Ireland is no cause for a -t iarastise. because a IMr biemish already is common in tie Uaited States and says that eoatiaa aace of tie embargo wHi eomir.t ate to tie growing cost of living Conference Held. Secretary Houston and the federal borctcainre beard held a conference after Mr. Gill's statement, bu-: so *c- j non was iiaotacei. fiepreseatarive McKeiiar cf Tennessee, gather of a pstdinr bill to prohibit the keeping od products in ooii storage for more than ninety days, was in conference wit Department of Justice cSciab over tie department's investigator cf the storage of eggs, poultry and dairy predicts. It is said that a pre l.mtnary inquiry has revealed the fact tiat Z* per cent of tie present egg supply held in storage is in the bands of tie great meat packers of tie country. Letters and zeiesmms soared la front mil parts of the country. from ia ctvidiais. associations cf varies* kites and frees business ssec- prais ag the department* effort to break b«b food prices by proceedings •S*ns® the alleged OMskastios of cold storage dealers. Hotsewives who say they have felt the oppressive bare of feigjs petces is =asy way* wrote teftiag of their ia diTidsal experiences and scads of or SkiiMLons which have taken an act ive par*, in trying to rectsce the lit ecs-:. expressed ^eemass to tell what they knewr. Many of he letters contained accusatioas against the packers of Chicago and charged them ■with responsibility for coid storage prices. Others biataed the smdle n*a. Ctawtwriaw Ci.iti VI-■ 3 Sensation '■''ashnsnoc.—Senator Chamberlain cf Oregon tansed a slid sensation at a tantcfceoa aiiended by all the r Aatriaa dip! ;-mats in Waabiagtoa ®y annc-ancing that fee w<xtld vote '■fnsitce lo Cole—bit from th* Eited States,' if fee ever had as e^ portnnity tc cast a deciding voca in me cc-ntrorgrsy between ifrt* conn try and the Bctrit American cu.tny brought about p? tie sepuratica fnsa Paaawa As sooa as Senator C bus ier Ian sat dovx. Amhassadcr ia Gama of Braxii. dean cf the La.tjn Am ercan corps suggested that ike party break up. sad in sile&ce rV « was dene. AiMHRitiM Se'xed. Xe v Tort —Ten tiessand ro-ijU cf rifle and mait*: aasodta were s*»ied 'ey enstome is specter* •board the steamer Sudwle, lyisg at its pser here. The Seminole is so *ail for Hx,it and San Domingo, "Hie «*Soeuted ammuaxtioa was kaddea ia many different parts of tie vessel. The Seat mule s officers said they asot know cf its presence. AeteSoutf Law VaJid. 3-smark. X. Dl—Tbe North Dakota aw prc-iibitiag tie sale of staff, pasa ed at the iast session of tfee iegisia rtre is ccastrnrtaoaaL The state sm i-retne co®n has so decided Want More Troop*. Cafaaiec- Mirk.—Fear tsat tk* #*»■ orders of tie copper attaers” strike were gettin* beyond eoatret of tie errs astkorities capped tie sstfeni- ' sees of Ke»i3*e coasfr to ask Gcr ersor Ferns to iacrapae tie auaber e* troops 04 F34T*.* May Attend Cpe Loedea.—A suggestion tkat tie priace of Waies skewed atteas tie «•. cia! opeaixg of tie caxal ss tsder ecciideratifs by Kfisg Gcagk aceonLag to tie Lxreryoot Cocrler 8and<t ie Tumaei. Salt Lake City. I'tak- Haiyc Lope*, tie Met. :as biadrt for waes. 3f»: -test iare bees searrkts* tie mmmmtmimi m tie rsefeity s sow i-fasg is tie tsa. sel of tie Ctai Apex *i»e sear Bisg ’taa* and its captisre it feast a »=» **«=■» of a ikert tlae.. ————i——_ Tra»* Dynamited. Hwiri* City. Mex—A aastary tral* wits 15# soSfcsrs aboard was dy» site* at El Saiado. sixty iffa— n^n» of SaitnS©. Tie casualties are tsx. tzr>TX BRIEF NEWS OF NEBRASKA * The basketball team at Fairbery tax been reorgaaixed. Ord is worrying «t«t tie water problem is that place. The new Christian church at Alli ance was dedicated Sunday Governor W or eh cad has become a sastaiaing member of the Lincoln T M. C. A. A shortage of material is delaying operations at the new Fremont high school bai&ing Tbe corn crops a: Bennington yield ed an average of frcm thirty-5te to forty bushels an aere. Lester Vacderester of Stella sus tained a broken nose while playing in a scieol football game. Omaha alums, of the state univer sity will banquet the Corahusker foot ball team December - willaa Baker, one of tie oddest pioneers of Jefferson county, is dead at at* home is Fair i ary Furgeoas oi Fails City have fitted up a hospital in that place far the treatment of surgical cases. Jcas McNeil of Fremont was raa over by a street car and instantly killed near Krog park at Oaaaia. Miss Anna Regers is dead at a Lin coln hospital, as a result of isiines received La a runaway some weeks ago The new electrolier light ig system, few the business section of Grand Island s aow installed and is opera tion. The Nebraska Veter.nary associa tion with z membership of over lw, will hold its anaaal meeting a: Lin coln. December * and lij. Mrs N. A. Kolme. a Lincoln wo man. chased a woaidbe burglar from her home with an empty revolver, which she skilfully handled. Fire, supposed to have been caused by sae of a cook, stove de stroyed the borne of Mart Ford at Beatrice, with all its contents. The price of sulk in Fltats- has been raised from g to 7 cents a quart and 'be creameries are paying 14 -sets a fci.-<?n ins; tad of Id as heretofore. An ordinance has been presented to the Omaha city council to prohibit the mar ifaetire sale ase or storage of the ordinary parte - or snapping match. Several persons were seriously in jured when a speeding aero plunged into a crowd of pedestnsns on the walk in frost of an Omaha business hoese. A district meeting of the Odd Fel lows was held a: Odeil Tuesday eves tag. which was attended by about 3#£ members of the order Blue 5;rnrs lodge carried off first honors in the competitive drill Prof. E. W. Hunt former professor of E-sgfcsh a: the state university, and well known over the state, was found dead in his room at tie Flat iron betiding a; Omasa Death re silted from heart trouble. The explosion of a cac of store pobsk which she was ssts* :a blickes a eoek stow? sec 5r* to tie 'ciiae of Sirs. Jobs He~ea of Nemaha. ic.d she was xTersi; bsraed before the Hanes coaid fee ext:-gushed J. C. r»rt:tr.ts of Hoaxh Xeft. who ssot iiscse'f la the head with a pistol at tie s-io-a kk;<k at Omaha ?b the eight of XoTttsber >. d.ed at 5t. Jese-a s hospital ter days liter without regaining CDascionsHes*. The Wytaare Tol55.teer depart reest win bold a fair. December IT to Id. :o raise money for tie t food. The fireaaeE hare a best 4 la tietr beiidns frae at prepes* and fit xo erect the rr next sprix?. Erery pepfl asd nenber of tie fir city of tie Beatrice school were oat of the bnOdtcg within two as safes after the iartn was soamdee. wiea a ire dr2l was he 1: receatly Pt-p.Ix were 3 ecery part k the irc-idm* wbeE the alarm was rt-es Ray Trabert eff A'i-aaee was sew ly taiared by strack :x the face by a crowbar *.th *k'ci be was try ing to tar:* ottt a C; rtefe ci tie i? wheel of a EhreskiEg etc :- H.- a* was broket, i* two places and he w;a badly cat afeosst the :xee and scci. Approximately T" sects per eap.t* of the city's pifluTws is row os de posit at the Beatrice postal ssTimgs bask. accord .c? to a report of Past suste: A. H. H-t “lEgworth. A religtcrts censas tas-tx of tie Sec cad wars of Beatrice shows that there arc thirty-focr resaserts who bate K chareh preference and only ate wh-t .5 a i.sbe-i.erer The coraerstote of tae sew I. . *1 Presbytetiaa church in Mattisoa was laid Tinraiay is the prosese-e of a large coaccwtrse of extiaen* and the program thronghent was eery taterest tag aad impresses? Bee; bar*e*r m the North Platte Tal ley is at as end. axd it is said to be the tiiest crop of the saga- prodneiag T-egerabse ewer crow- in that sectaoa. George A Witmetb. a LiseoEa bis. was tiled when a asgro knocked bin down with sots farce that the fa£ cm the concrete walk drier-red i s skail HUSam Sears Poppietea. oxe of the best knew® rei is Omaha was f&md sitting at bis desk is bis. nff-:e dead with a ballet bote in the corser of his right eye and a psd on the floor be tween bis- feet. Sunday aught. The coroner ressrxed a reedier of acri destai death. A ssi£» »*} dsg cat of 23 vizier gsarters 5»e feet aader gm tad by *trita»- esessatiag the Sa“3^: </ she *a* Christ, aa chaaxh at Brswa *f3e T»® ears of trie, esessiy k». «iy pie i*d eat. hare bee* -i-srrtVited arwag tie Zaire* aad stress®* gf Ne itasAa aiseg the Isae of the Xorrh * esters raHaray fa the Elircrs Talley. Albers Herat** H»t»'irit ese of tie oKe*t pbcreers of Xessnsia City, is dead xr ka bne. *bere he ha* re «aged state* 1*54 He eras bora tx the pewrtae* of Westphalia. Gerzaay. Jasaary 7. 1S2S. Z Tfeosteses. of Braises Bo* has last ee®pieted aad presented to the pabDe school of that place a stttiatsre sod boss#. abaoCaieiy perfect ia detail aad eoBstraciio*. ixcfodixg otseZed doors aad glazed radon It is i two-Hory Bofet. toBjiete ia erery pdnieabr. ere* to the ssasrsay. Superior Berchasrs w:E head a Tfartot Day Deceaaier X rka aitatSes at Bcrchaadise nzfizg m Tiisae fro* J? to *35 wEi be grreia my to their csRaaen. Goreraar Xorehead of Xebrasha *=d Gorerwor Hodges of Kxxaas hare bees asked to IS 01 THE WARPATH — FINDS CANNED GOODS IN VERY UNSATISFACTORY ORDER. OOSSIP FROM STATE CAPITAL Items of Interest Gathered from Re liable Sources and Presented in Condensed Ferro to Our Reader*. Commissioner Harmon's oi&ee one day Sast week was the scene of deadly •carsage. and a fight for Be that be came more and more evening and tragic as the contest waged, and the slaughter continued. It was a battle of organisms and they tussled among themselves with great vigor in sweet potatoes, which were captured last week In a food inspection trip to the store of a provision company a; South Omaha. The potatoes were alive : with the little 'unknowns." and nstg 5ed through a microscope at 3u '> diam eters the little bodies were watched ia their conflict by many interested spectators According to statements made by the head of the department, the provision com piny was ordered by an inspector a fortnight ago to take the goods off sale at once During a recent trip to South Omaha the canned goods were found to be on sale a: reduced prices. The oScial booget three cans of sweet potatoes and an e-tuai number of cans of sar dines. The spuds were full of the or ganisms while the small fist were so stale that when the cans were opened the department's employes held their coses when attempting to get por tions detached fc-r further .aspection with the mierseape. As soon as the state chemist's report on the gooes is available Commissioner Harman wi3 likely -uke the matter up in a legal way with the •'rmpisy. State Bark Dents ts Increase. Deposits of state hanks have in » creased Il'dUilltl in the past year, and loans in the same period have reached a mark Jj.523.tnt _■* higher than they were in October, 1512. ac cording to tie state hanking board re port just issued The number of banks reporting is 714 with deposits of IH 7 94.3SS.44. and as average reserve of 23 per neat. Since August 2S. 15X3 loans have m: reused J3.ljj.I22-4k de posits have decreased 12.4 > 14 '■ 35 and there are four new ranks reporting Notes and bills rediseour’ed and bull? payable have increased $3*>7 .<>« and the reserve has increased 5 per cent. Tie number of banks has :n creased forty in the year. Depositor* numbered .n the Las: retort are iK 5*5. 3a:-y—en Pa-3 Cs — sa 3" Dairymen at the state are piaaatKg to inastgaiate a campaign a: tie state of orgaEired agrsesltare look its to tie separata* of the dairy corn mts-sica fraa the a«*m;r :>tr-at.~e side of the state ssTerata-est and pitting it with the state farts hairy interests, there to -tor - uric: the charge of tie reseats ci tie state E-.r«:iy. Other dairymen are preparing to fight tie ac tses. «c. tse gresad that the practical and theoretical *c-t caamec be coe® bissd fireca a bsstsess stand and that the hoard of regents, whir* is rises &o 30 » e r te nfxt - aws woald toe caatfiaosZLy haatpend ia perficrm as? tie sow catiaed far the state dairy nwiwisa. Tie po-at is also- to toe made that the cacsisstoa. e~e_ if ' t.tisitis :.: :rate :* woaM B9t be ah'? tc"' get the aao-ey it does ar-i-er present coadltioaa. Affects. V = -y Vt—Sew sf /)' 0. ‘,V. Jt'-- taoaaaaef jcli-ty holders ct tie '.VccTT-a of tie World are said tc be a®ee:ed by the prahaMe rsiing -at the state iascraa ?e department with regard to coBtsaaataes. of peymeat cs life certificates held by Song-time use at feers tS tie order. Tie payment Is - said to hare been c-occ laded trier the first —ties of the order sad then after wards- when these eertfheates were a5t-Z*#s<i try ary arose as te what the pci -ry haiders rojcb: expect .3 recsre The afars will finally toe adytit-cateii fa the reams, areo-ri.n? to tie attar aey general fastead of being settled toy the departments reling. Actocra a;- the iepurtmesc. iowerer. win like Jfcr be taaed is 1 basts for the lit:?* csom Tie 1*1? ‘report of tie Nebraska state Swarf of agrintaR has been pEbiisfced and is try* ready lor distr". beticn This report eoataias ike :;<* 1 Tea statement of tie receipts sod ei 5*2-1.:zres of the Stale board of »tr eofccre. papers oa var-ic .s farm aad tire stock topics by erperts. a record of the of 'be Betsey memorial baagoet. aad a coaspiete >.wun-. ^ -be ;f!2 crops, compiled asder tike prawfsioaa of the Scotg act by the desartmeac of agricaltaral sta tistics aad pcfeifeitj of the state board of agracairsr*. Baal P:cki Osrt Hwr-estead. Labor Dnabcastr Pool has re tarded from Gran* ernsty. where be picked oat a homestead foBowiag *e the wake of his iwttsf is the recent ly eoodacted era wise* at North Plane. The aSScial drew- No. <5. a®: oa ac tsaa: of disgoaliSeatmci aad witb | drawi5s of 'hose ahead cf him was iaaily gives as opjeTTM .1 to tsake the ibirty-thTt* select in a. His choice j of acreages is located twelve stiles s<»:hw«st of HyaasT aad the 11=4 Is weH feted for alfalfa growlag. Water ■ is only eight feet heksw the ssrfase. With sack a rosy octajoi the oSra! m piaasisg for the time whew he win ocespy the place, raise alfalfa had , spend kit days oa easy street. A Big Apple Orchard. Nebraska has tCil* apple tree*, aceasriis# to tabolstioffis made fey the Sate board at agrsesltsne. Planted ftry feet span, this, rasas* 41.4M ■ acres phasted to apjies. or an orchard • : a mite wide aad EXty-Swe miles taag ▼be grape jsdtsttry is makiag re- : . aearkahie strides is the state sad RIBflC KAES EXPENSE SHOULD BE DIVIDED Railroads Should Share With Farmer Cost of Building and Proper Main tenance of Rc*ds. ■By HOWARD H C-ROSS » In a large sense the mtilding of a road shea id be a local matter: that is no community should have good roads forced upon them, and the building of the roads should not begin until the majority of the people living In a com munity want to undertake it. Let the voters of the township or the county press the button that pats the ma chinery in action. It also would be well to remember that the roads are public property and belong to everyone. Tie farmers ought not to pay all the taxes lot building and maintaining the reads they are the feeders for the railway lines. It is all important to the rail ways that the highways shall be kept A Sandy Read A*ter Grading Before In prmwnt W t- C'.sreo Stone r Town of Oet:», &>.« County. tawi in fiimhu sc the del:very of freight ■u. be e;...;netl There 3 ac reaace why the milrones afccnld act be taxed to heig hefid the eoenty mads. The same may be said af the rat ahaetmre* and the city merchant wh® are doing fees: nee- with the farmers; their :s terests are hnand n; is. his interests. If one suffers, both sniffer The United States 3 a great big family, and what we need as family prospertry - thee* things done that male fsr the best rac of ail rcticemec There 3 noth ing that eentrih-ntes snore tc- this than good highways. They enrich country life and male the farm home sort pies. sant. It wc-nld he hard to «* ceive c? a mere delightful existence than to lire npea a good farm with alt meden cotr«t.sats*—light, h-a. ting ano sstnitai.oc—Socated rp<:r a v?5 belli highway, and therefor- accessibfe to the market town at ir. day in the year, the "rip being made i|w t dTj and with rossdert. Invest ignites shews that it ’mc fc-nr-ifths of the tmSe on tie high ways passes ever aho-nt cee-fourth at the read mijeaze that ce rta n. rca 3 have heavy tradSc These are the cne-s that seed tie ffrrt attmrtue ass should be permanently improved. X» terns. Tale the trank limes. Here 3 a great city w here trams are ano rh; every thirty senates and with an roads seas: hats heavy rails, we., teal lasted and carefnlly r.i. rme; vlfc a ji-m-ner mad has a sizgie trad with, light rx-Is and balsas;—it 3 the J" Sane Reas After Vxcadar-stzinp. ooiy os.* pgassrhie » hoiki for the small traE - ’.ha; «B at irss eurcse to is. tar as the tra*t increases so the pi.ys.ei. coxditia* of the read ss omsysshsi iy ispeoTcd tr see* the reciarreasesss The highways a the «atrai west Ac ' sot meet she seeds «£ tie pet-pie. h>ir She geopie do act afways rewrite this We are toe apt to gee akscg wish what we kate. wtsiewi idcifxg to gettixg soaetirag tatter Owe of the ss-prte lag ibe-pt this waefc react wureseBt ts that oee state wtli hate a large aaout of sriescH roads a=*£ the adjotaisg state few if any. iadstxx axd niiacis are sotaiie .zasaxcee of this Nearly 44 per «st of tie * Booster* highways are .spmed axd mess of these are State, white ia aitEcts the peiseatage is sees* *c eteht per cent. Car artyewe a reason why toe peopoe of ;*dSsa* raa aicro good nru.te. while state wesgihers ia EUawss euxe ’ TVs a ax ateerd sitsaSaca. improper aid aafcipwaied aaef hote of emg-tr eggs -x the Cxstid Suites resets a josses that teach ax esi aated tetal of teidte »•*»; e-rciijy This s II per sews ©£ the esesated tolar raise of the «Mfc* srg^ Pswey aeaiiy all this joss as kerne hy tarn q£ -— 1 BELIEVE PE-RU-NA SAVED MY LIFE.** I_ Mrs. Charles A ns pat eh, R R 1, Kitcme’l. Xoble Co, Indiana, writes: ''Peruna has been a godsend to me I can (eel safe in saying that it saved my life, as 1 was all ran down and was just miserable when I commenced tak ing your Pernna. bat am on the road to recovery new. I cannot thank yea too much. ' These who object to liqu-d medi cines can now procure Peruna Tab lets. 4*lr Your Druggist for Free Peruna Lucky Day Almanac for 1914. FOR THE BOYS TO REMEMBER Hew to Rescue a Pe-scr Fr©o 3*c-we'! Ice Wit- the Least P a* to Oneself. To rescue a parses, sic das hr.her. through the tee you she aid first tie a i rc-pe arcane j..r body and hits '.£ ! ocher end tied or held on shere Tier get a long board, er a ladder cr in t at a tree, craw! am ca this as fwsa. it cat. so that the person m the water nay reach it. If acting car. he f-m . ■ ca -which ycu cast support year v -,za :. . dc not to waui cast toward the person so he rescued, tee.' ie fa: ’ ca year face tad crawi out. as as dong this sack less weigh: hears a: any cce pent ca the dot :m iig. If you yocrseif ertsk tirewga the ice rex^nser that if yea try to crawl ap ca tie bccsea edse x »*_. Tery Skeiy hreai tga t with yoo. if rescuers are rear x wceid ie ti1; better to support yortrseif az th :• edge of tie ice tar wait fee then as com* - to yen—-Tan. Boy Seuars ef Aroer sea." SUFFERED FOR 2S YEA*S. Mr. R. M F£-?«scr. 2.T E » Ocff tea, !al. -»rr.*s: "I & se2*j> er fircat Ksteey Trcaii^ f» ite: £S je&rs. I gcz sc bad aa: £ zj~i tc (fast -rzrt. m iocicn a» de 33* uj pro! I 4e*K pscrzsx wane aA '-l* tire.*, ail s a: itsc tmd a trim— aea sf ti« Hrta&tr u4 I tat pens* ib a2 4*5* *>i sc* tar I maw< pitr _ ^ ^ kflUR ki-r*r R. K- F5*eeoe. 353* ycicr yiCa. aasA rssoSrri to try ties. I *4 mm* cci? r*c iexes. ar*i I sew a-,'- : Ati we£L « tt t rice 45 r?3LiTi aife. I car. neomsd Scoc** Kates? PCs to atj cce wed. as ci y^-- -j yjn Si.fce? Trsaii* 131 was.’ “•?? tc Kr Fleecer Arcs? tits Tr®i*iisrfxl lerreit? Scctf-* Sifeey PCs. itfe. yer icx 1 yew dealer or awe's meawesr Cte 9ebte X. T Wrtse fcr Braarta&t fficx. xlse lassie XAttcaai Asriein * Acytsvi at-C Gecma ■stria »-r.r iect yes fee t? t eres. AC 3 jest ^... ACT. lam—Tilly Des. afiex. ‘i tie tie taswaa *£ tsCaras-ett " “XeC Si_i tie wear? ye time sa as i ” wee i:~ truce ire ~dte£ tie rxees cS tie rx—rtA-i rtaie. "Tis s a ii*.e tak&t Sc—ary ~ Perigee.*? T Am*. *Tiat t~a - iaj a '»\Hn£*rrji£5 t - * intend samar? "Tw. He sir. naie te renen :>:.r Ar?zit-r be e&mses * tesSi? :s ..— jrAaifite i.-usne ■ c an«t •: war Swr «—F Aj*. Sir 'inni . 9w 3a_ Ase- lie u-s fwi c.tut t. Tie CCA3 wvti a row— cjirr t ;■: a Kean yasrte 3—e is id Make the Liver Do its Duty Xb* tszaes it sea -mien, tie i««r a raSfi tie stacejci caf Xtwefe xze rjrnt CAKTEm S uttu LUTS PULS 400,000 ^Stttlan a Yaar