The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 27, 1913, Image 8
pURE well selected drugs are just** as needful in curing your horses, cattle and other live stock as they are in curing yourself. This is constantly in our minds when we compound ; vetrinary prescriptions. You are sure of satisfactory results when y >u buy here. Swanson & Lof holm See My Wlndon This Week F^OR the most com plete line of Rings ever shown in the city.. The Ideal Xmas Gift QUALITY HIGHEST PRICES LOWEST • ..... — , . . . Lou Schwaner f JEWELER (XMAS IS ALMOST i , ; HERE_ f' ^ou must dress well on X this day if none other. The way I fit makes you look better, feel better and of course you would be better. » 1WO higher price but a fll J ^ more perfect fit, makes | clothes wear longer and !J you are sorry when they I are gone. | DoabU-Brtasted Shawl If dollar OwwoaaUNo. 83f Three-Button Novelty Sack, Nor. 814 J7TE make Ladies’ Suits. Sk i r t s, Dresses and Overcoats also Gents Suits, Overcoats, Trou s e r s and Mackanaws. Cleaning, altering, refit ting and re lining, neat ly done Both Ladies and Gents. I LOUP CITY TAILOR SHOP K l To Oar Corrcspoadepb Several of our correspondents were left out this week, not from choice but from necessity. We would res pectfully ask you to please get items in sooner, we appreciate them but if in at the latest hour, it is utterly out' or the question to get them into t\ pe j and into the paper without delaying hour of going to press. This week for above reasons we are compelled to leave out many items of interest. To be sure of publication have your news items in first. JLOCAL NEWS. Mrs. H.George has been quita ill the past week. Gus Oltmann came up from Omaha last. A good corn popper for 10c at the Ten Cent Store. M rs. R P. Starr was a passenger to Grand Island last Friday. John Eggers returned Tuesday from a trip to Denver. * Chris Petersen came from up from Lincoln last Friday for a week or more visit at home. Lee brothers will deliver your meat Phone your orders. C..A. Potter and John Anderson of Litchfield were Loup City visitors on Monday of this week. Gaod fresh candy at 10c per pound at the Ten Cent Store, v - W. R. Mellor came up from Lincoln Tuesday evening to remain till after the K. of P. district convention. Toys anfi dolls of all kinds are be ing recieved at cent Ten Store. Bet ter come in and look them over. Mrs. H. M. Hiddleson and Mrs.GE. Waggoner left last Saturday morning for a visit to Grand Island and Carlo. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber yard, or at E. G. Taylor’s. We acknowled a pleasant call yes terday from our good friends, Messrs. Albert and Harry Treon of Bristol. - ' • If you want good, prompt draying, call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Hagood. Mogul Brand Canned Goods and Groceries, means Quality and Quanitity. Phone 58. City orders delivered. Joe Vaughn. The ladies aid society of the M. E. aid society will meet Friday afternoon of this week, instead of Wednesday. Three big boxes of matches for 10c at the Ten Cent Store. On the 22nd, County Judge issued a marriage license ip Louis A. Kush of Nance covnty and Della Barnark of LoupCity. Watch my window you will see new things at Eisner's the jeweler. Last week Wednesday, Rev. John Roos was united in wedlock by the county judge, to Esthea Carlson of this county. 20 pounds granulated sugir for $1. cash at Vic Swanson’s Saturday. The members of the Modern Wood man lodge are called to meet’ in ses sion Woodman hall on Nov. 30. All menbers asked to be present. Special for cash at Vic Swanson's for Saturday, Nov. 20, 20 pounds granulated sugar for $1.00. Judge Wall. John Long and S. Gall away autoad to Ravenna, Shelton and Gibbon Tuesday on K. of P. business, returning home that evening. A new line of ladies watchrs. Come in and see them, my information costs you notiiing. is worth money to you. Henry M. Eisner. Two house brooms for 35c at The Mogul Store. Phone 58. City orders delivered. Joe Vaughn. The annual meeting of the Sher man County Agricultural ’Society will be held the nth of December. Ot!1ce;s for the ensuing year will be elected. f Crown, Kimball, Price & Teeple Packard, A. B. Chase,« Schaeffer. McPhall and other high grade makes of pianos to select from at Schwaners. Miss Anna Leschinski visited last week at the home of her uncle, J' Leschinski, attJrand Island. Judge Aaron Wall is in receipt of an invitation to speak at a conserva tion congress to he held at Goodland, Kansas, Dec. 11 next, but as it comes the day following rhe district conven tion of the K. of P.’s in this citv is obliged to decline the invitation, he being one of the speakers at the Ban quet in the evening. Goodland's loss is our gain. Special blend whole roasted coffee 20c at The Mogul Store. Phone 58. City orders deliv ered. Joe Vagina The Sturtevant Vacuum Cleaner the clean way to clean. See C. R Sweetland or phone. He has them for sale or rent. A double runaway occurred In this city Tuesday just before noon. Lan Benschoter’s team made a getaway from south of the square and in doing so frightened the farm team of Ben Klimper, who tried to make a short cut across the court house square but just after passing the glorious temple of justice which ador/is ttie lawn tried to straddle a tree, shiver ing tha tongue but outside of this neither runaway amounted to any thing along serious lines. • Saturday Special at The Mo. gul Store, Joaathan apples 11.50 per box. Last call. Phone 58. City orders delttaed. ASHTON NEWS j Mrs. Beliel of Grand Island visited here with her parents last week. Peter Badura returned Tuesday for a few days visit. He had been at Grand Island and has had several operations. \ ' J. Clochon has taken Mr. Frantz’s place in the pool hall. G. L. Polski and Ed Adamskl drove t<> Farewell Saturday evening. .1 Rapp. J r. attended a basket so cial near Loup City Friday. Arrived at the home of W. Dethlif’s on Nov. 19, a baby girl. All are do ing nicely. A number of young people visited near Farwell Sunday. A party was given in honor of Vic toria Topolski at Shaupps, Sunday. A number of Ashton’s young people attended all reported a good time. G. L. Polski was the winner of a bicycle raffled off last week. Wrights Old Fashioned, whole roasted coffee 20c pound. At The Mogul Store. Phone 58. Cliy orders delivered. Joe Vaughn. Lost, Wait or For Sale Ads For Sale—Scotch Collies. See H. G. Hosier, or phone Red 17. For Sale—A good top suggv, almost new. A. C. Ogle. For Rent -(arm of 320 acres in Valley county. A. E. Charlton, Loup City, Neb., phone 9203. 41 COA L! COAL! COAL! We still have.some Colorado coal on hand. At the same old prices, but cannot buy more when this is sold out. Taylor’s Elevator. For Sale or Trade—The Froehlich business block in Loup City. For particulars, write or phone Ira Tim son. Arcadia, Nebr. SHERIDAN COAL gets..better each year and the price is much less than most coal sells for. If you try Sheri dan we guarantee it will never till up vour stove pipes. Lump 17.00, Nut Sti.'iO, Pea *0.36 for sale at Taylor’s Elevator. Didn’t You Draw a Claim? J ust as cheap to buy. Good land in ranch country from $5 an acre up. Improved 320 near Sargent only $24. 2950 acres, 9 miles from town, well im proved, at 17.50. Easy terms. Write to or inquire of E. E. McCray, Loud City, Nebr. Notice to Creditors Stnte of Nebraska i __ .. _ _ ,, Sherman County fss ,n the County Court In the matter of the estate of Julius E. John s >n, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notiBed. that I will Rit at the County Court room in Coup City, in said county, on the 17th day of January 1914 at 1 o'clock p m . and on the 18th day of June. 1914 to receive and examine all claims against Raid estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the present ation of claims against said estate la the l8th day of June. A. D.. 1914. and the time limited for payment of debts IsOne Year from said 18th day of November. 1913. Witness my hand and seal of said County Court, this 18th day of November. 1913. E. a. Smith iSKAt.j County Judge Ord«r of Hearing on Potition for Appointment of Admlnietretor or Adminietratrix, In the County Court of Sherman County, Nebraska: In the matter of the Estate of Julius Froehlich, deceased on reading and filing the petition of Amanda Froeh I'ch praying that Administration of said Estate may be granted to L B Polski as Administrator. Ordered that December 23rd A. D. 1913, at 10 o'clock A M., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons inter ested in slid matter mav appear at a County Court to be held In and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the hear ing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Loup City Northwestern, a weekly newspaper printed in said Conntv, for 3 success ive weeks, prior to said day of hear ing. Dated November 20th 1913 1913. [seal] A CAR LOAD OF WASHBURN ! CROSBY’S FAMOUS . GOLD MEDAL FLO . WIL BE HERE* IN TIME FOR SATURDAYS TRADE . Big Coat and Overcoat Sale j The very best assortment of Ladies’ Cloaks and Men’s Overcoats to be found in Sherman county if now in the possession of the Daily &. Bred* thauer Merchandise Store, and each and every garment will be put on sale at a discount of 25 per cent of the original selling price. Each and every garment is the latest style all new and up td date stock, not one old or out of date garment in the stock. This will be the opportunity for every man or woman to obtain a coat and save money. » • Ladies’ $5 to $18.50 all at 25 per Cent Below Selling Price. Men’s $12.50,15, 18, and 20 All at 25 per cent Below Selling Price This Sale will start at once and every one wishing to obtain a Bargain should come NOW while the stock is com plete. You wifi also find bar gains in all Departments. DAILY & BREDTHAUER I Vic Swanson’s, Saturday, Nov. 29 20 pound granulated sugar $1.00 15c can of Peas - all you want at 10c 4 packages E.C. cern flakes for 25c 15c Pink Salmon at, per can 10c ALL Our Ladies*, Misses, and Children’s Cloaks, go at less than cost. All new up-to-date goods. Look them over. Calico 5c per yard All wool Dress Goods at 20 per cent discount. Remember we carry the most up-to-date line of Dry Goods in Loup City i and do not have a lot of Junk to offer you. __1 _____ i Vic Swanson HOUSE OF QUALITY AND LOW PRICES ,