The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 27, 1913, Image 5

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    CTHESE DAYS a bank account is a ne
cessity if one expects to accumulate a
campetence and become one of the ac
knowledged factors in future business affairs.
Our Bank Account Plan is a definite, practi
cal and systematic method for building small
amounts into a lump sum and holding thief
' sum ready for instant use when the opportu
nity occurs, Come in and let us show you
how nicely this plan will adjust itself to your
particular needs.
Loup City State Bank
Loup City, Nebraska.
Handles Cigars, Tobacco, Candy, in fact almost
anything in their line you may wish, at prices as
low as the lowest
Give Us A Call
/ O/Afjr AT ' \
1 When Looking For a
THE IDEAL J Sq||are Mea|
Drop In At> The
also for a Good Lunch
We also carry a Full Line of
Bread and Pastry Goods and
also send Bread by parcel
post. Phone Black 127
South Side Public Square.
Wm. Dolling.
When in
Need of
or first-class
of all dimensions.
We also have a car ot Coke.
We also have a awd line of Fence posts, range
in g in price from ten to fifty cents.
Phone Red 29 and you will receive prompt attention
There are Winter Tourist Rates to Florida and Gulf Resorts
that incfude also the route through New Orleans and Washing
ton-an interesting circuit tour of the historical Southland. |
For southern iandseekers, desiring trips of shorter duration, J
there are still lower Winter Excursion fares the first and
third Tuesdays of each month. Burlington main line, high
class trains run so Kansas City and St. Louis, connecting in ;
Union Stations with all trains to the South.
Or, will it be Southern California this Winter? If you would
like to go ti ere in the greatest comfort, over the interesting
and scenic way, ask about the Burlington's personally con
ducted excursions via Denver, Scenic Colorado,Salt Lake City.
Call or write for WTinter Publications—“Low Bates South.”
•’California Tourist Excursions,” “Pacific Coast Tours,”
Describe your proposed tour and let us help you amplify it to
include all possible attractions.
J A. Da ielson. Agent Loup City, Nebr.
L. W. Wakeley, Gen. Pass. Agt. Omaha. Neb.
Let as figure on that next bill of Job
Work, We Guarantee to suit you
in both work, quality and price.
j. .K,v "
Entered at the Loup City Postoffice for irant j
mlasion through the mails as second
class matter
- j
Office Phone, - Red 21
Residence, - Black 21!
J. W. BURLEIGH. Editor and Pnb1
J. R. GARDINER Manager.
Board of Supervisors met pursuant
to adjournment of Sept. 18, 1913, pre
sent, J. H. Welty Chairman, W. O.
Brown, Dan McDonald, Thos. Jensen,
Wenzel Rewolinski, H. W. Lang, J. S.
Pedler, County Attorney; L. B. Pol
ski, County Clerk. Hyio Aden absent.
Minutes of last meeting read and
Estimate of Standard Bridge Com
pany for the building of three steel
bridges, and the county clerk instruct
ed to draw warrants on the bride fund
in the following denominations: One
warrant for 82,000, and three warrants
of £1,000 each.'
The Hell road petition was up next
for consideration said petition prays
for a road comeDcing at quarter stake
between sec. 22 and 23, twp. 14, range
14 running thence east on half section
line and intersecting with road No.
■ 260 and there terminating, said road
to be 40 feet wide. The board find
ing that all the provisions of the law
had been complied with and that said
road was a public necessity, on mo
tion allowed the same as prayed for
in said petition: also allowed Hiram
Hartwell 840 per acre as damages to
his land by reason of the establish
ment of said road.
County clerk was ordered to correct
the assessment of David Brown, exec
utor, to correspond with the correc
tion of county assessor and change the
assessment from school District 32 to
to school District 62.
Aufrecht vacation petition prays,
that a road commencing at a point
about 80 rods south ot the northwest
corner of the northeast quarter of
sec. 1, twp 16, north range 16, west of
the 6th p. m. and running thence in
an easterly, south and southerly dis
ection, know a§ a part of old road No. j
142, and terminating at southeast!
corner of said section one. be vacated.
The board finding that the law had
been fully complied with, on motion
vacated said road as prayed for in
said pttition.
Aufrecht consent petition was now
up, said* petition prays for a road
commencing at a point about 80 rods
south of the northwest corner of the
northeast quarter of sec., twp. 16.
range 16 and running thence south
twenty rods on quarter section line,
thence in a.easterly and southeasterly
direction and terminating at the
southeast corner of said sec. 1. Said,
road to be 40 feet wide. Board find
ing that all the provisions of the law 1
had been complied with and that the
land owners adjoining said road had
waived all claims for damages on mo
tion granted the petition and ordered
same road established, platted and re
County clerk was ordered to have
all record books repaired and rebound
that are in poor condition. Board on
motion adjourned till 9 a. m. tomor
County Board met Wednesday pur
suant to adjournment of yesterday
with all members present, expect
Heyo Aden.s
Besigndtion of C. W. Conhiser as
precinct assessor of Loup City town
snip was on motion accepted.
The appointment of Gaorge Brill as
precinct assessor of Loup City town
ship by the county assessor was on
motion ratified and approved.
Offical Bonds of Geo. Wilke, Fred
A. Debreeler and Henry Doan were
on motion approved.
Motion made and seconded that the
county superintendent be moved from
his present quarters to the two rooms
south of his present location, the
rent to be <14 per month for the com
ing year.
The Heil road. Aufrechb road and
that part of No. 208 commencing at
northwest 4 of 35-13-16, running thence
east (2) miles to road 66, were on mo
tion ordered surveyed.
Claim committee reported that they
had allowed all claims and the clerk
was on motion instructed to draw
warrants on the respective funds.
General Fund
University Pud.Co. $15 00
Hammand Stephens Co. 30 60
Omaha Printing Co. 42“ 50
Klopp & Bartlett 1 55
Litchfield Monitor 7 50
State Journal Co. 5 65
Klopp & Bartlett 1 53
C. E. Thornton 6 00
Zion Office Supply 6 60
Albert Anderstrom 7 00
L. E. Dickinson 2 75
C. W. Gibson 2 25
A. S. Main 4 75
Omaha Printing Co. 97
Ubiversity Pub, Co. 5 00
C. F. Beusbausen 9 25
Jaco>' Albers * 2 00
Loup City Mill & Light Co. 79 90
State Journal Oo. 37 50
Klopp & Bartlett 84 50
Hammond Printing Co. 5 11
Klopp & Bartlett 5 07
Dr. J. W. Jones 19 00
Matt Januiewicz 12 00
W. S. Waite 45 00
L. B Polski Co. Clerk 362 59
L. B. Polski 275 00
Lee Burnett x 12 00
L. A. Williams 200 00
L. H. Currier Oo. Supt. 25 90
L. H. Currier 325 00
Times Independent 41 40
Keystone Lumber Co. 78 15
K. A Smith Co. Judge 20 45
J. S. Pedler Co. Atty. 215 Ofl
Harrison twp. 400 OC
Hayhurst-Gallaway 29 35
W. O. Brown 8 20
H. W. Lang 9 8C
Wenzel Rewolinski 9 2C
Thos. Jensen 9 70
Dan McDouall 8 80
J. H. Welty 15 0C
Road Fund
W. T. Gibson ‘ , 2 90
S. E. Thresher 2 90
E. F. Bell 2 9C
Matt Januleweez 3 8C
John Stanczyk 3 8l
J. W. Burleigh 28 OC
J. J. Rebhan 8 0C
Vincent Rebhan 3 OC
J. Albers 4 OC
H. De la Motte 2 0C
Henry Osbourn 2 OC
W. Hawk 4 0C
C. W. Burt . 4 0(1
Eric Nystrum 9 0C
Henry Kohls 9 Ofl
John Roberts 8 Ofl
Hans Swenson 7 5C
John Croston 7 OC
E. B. Corning 118 6C
Bridge Fund
Loup City Mill & Light Co. 2 10
Standard Bridge Co. 2000 OC
“ “ “ 1000 OC
“ “ “ 1000 0C
“ . “ 1000 OC
Howard W. Lang 20 80
Wenzel Rowolinski 4 50
John Isaacson 1 25
J. Andrew 15 0C
5. Thompson 12 0C
iyo Aden 49 0C
Board on motion adjourned till
January 8, 1914.
L. B. Polski,
Co. Clerk.
Choosing The Right
Are you in doubt about a certain
present? The Youth’s Companion
lias proved to be one of the best that
can be chosen. Remaps you have not
seen it lately and are not quite sure.
Then let us send you a sample copy
or two. Suppose you ask for issues
containing the opening chapters of
Arthur Stanwood Pier's tine serial
story of life in ., boys’ school—“His
Father’s Son.” ir you look the pape*
over carefully , bearing in mind that
there are fifty-two such numbers for
a year's subscription of $2.00. we are
sure you will say that a better present
could not be chosen, whether for a
young person or an entire family.
For the year's subscription of $2 00
there is included a copy of The Com
panion Practical Home Calendar for
1914, and all tfio issues for the remain
ing weeks of this year, dating from
the time the subscription is received.
If you ask for sample copies we will
send with them the Announcement
for 1914.
The YfcntlPs Companion.
144 Berkeley St., Boston, Mass.
Kew Subscriptions Recieved at this
1 have a complete stock of Ford re
pairs. When in need of anything,
call on ' A. C. Ogle.
Notice of Chattol Mortgage Saia
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of
•hattel mortgage duly filed and recorded in
:he office of the County Clerk of Sherman
['ounty. in the City of Loup City, State of Ne
braska. on the fifth day of July. A. D. 1911. ex
ecuted by Peter P. Dzingle. of the county of
Sherman and state of Nebraska, mortgagor.
lo Advance Thresher Company, a corporation,
to secure the payment of the sum of Twenty
Hundred Ninety-eight and 80-lOOths Dollars
irid interest, as evidenced by nine promissory
notes, which notes and said chattel mortgage
fiven to secure the same were by the said Ad
rance Thresher Company duly and legally
assigned to Rumely Products Company, Inc.,
a corporation, which is now owner of same,
and upon whic there is now due the sum of
Sixteen Hundred Ninety-six and 67-100ths
The undersigned, the owner of the said
ihattel mortgage, will sell the property there
in described, viz:
Ooe 36x60 Advance Separator,No. 21643.
One 22 H. P. Advance S. B. Steam Engine.
No. 11883.
One No. 4 Advance Steel Water Tank.
One 36 Advance Feeder, No. 10668.
One 60 Advance Straw Stacker, No. 9677.
One Advance Iowa Loader. No. 376. -
Oone Water Carrying Outfit attached to
At public auction on the Lot 15. Block 5. In
the Town of Ashton. County of Sherman.
State of Nebraska, on the 13th day of Decem
ber. A. D. 1913. at tho hour of 10:00 o'clock A.
M. of said day.
Dated at Ashton, stateof Nebraska.this 20th
day of Novemiier. A. D. 1913.
Last published Dec. 11,1913
Notice of Petition of Executor u
to Payment of Legacies
In the County Courtof Sherman Coun
tv Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of John
Brown, deceased.
State of Nebraska 1
County of Sherman i
To Hattie Smith. Walter Leitch.
Mary Leitch. John E. Brown, James
L. Brown, Charles S. Brown, Addison
F. Brown, David Brown, and all per
sons interested in said estate:
You will take notice that on Nov
ember 10th, 1913, David Brown, execu
tor of the estate of John Brown, de
ceased,tiled his petition in the county
court of said county, the object and
prayer of which are to obtain the
decree of said court determining the
persons to whom the several legacies,
provided in said will, shall be paid and
for an order of the court directing
the payment of the same,and that the
hearing upon said petition is set for
the 3rd da of December, 1913, at ten
o’clock in the forenoon, at the county
court room in Loup City, Nebraska,
and that notice of said bearing is
ordered to be given by publication
for three successive weeks in the Loup
City Northwestern, a legal newspaper
published and of general circulation
in said county.
Given under my hand and the seal
of said county court this tenth day of
November, 191A.
E. A. Smith,
seal] County J udge.
Last pub. Nov. 27.
,.V ’
Articles of Iscorporatiei
The Austin IrrigatiM Ditch Company
of Sherman County, Rabraska
Know All Men By These Presents: That
we the undersigned, residents of Shermsn
county, Nebraska, do associate ourselves to
gether for the purpose of forming and liecom- .
mg a corporation under the laws of the state
of Nebraska.
The name of this Corporation shall be "The
Austin Irrigation Ditch Company of Sherman
County. Nebraska.”
The principal place of transacting the busi- ;
ness of tills Corporation shall be at Austin,
in Sherman county. Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to lie
transacted and conducted by this said Corpo
ration shall lie to appropriate and use the wa
ters flowing in the Middle Loup river in the
State of Nebraska for the purlmse of irrigat
ing lands in Sherman county, susceptible of
and for irrigation from itscanal. laterals and
ditches, and for its purposes to erect and
maintain a dam in said Middle Loup river and
all the necessary structures and appliances
for diversion and appropriation of its waters
thereof at a point near said Austin. Nebraska,
in said county of Sherman: to construct,
maintain and operate a principal canal from
said first point near said Austin. Nebraska,
and running* thence: southeasterly direc
tion. to a point or place, near Rockville, in
said Sherman county. Nebraska, and to a
point o i said Middle Loup river where its sur
plus waters can be conveniently and easily re
stored to said Middle Loup river; to construct
and maintain all the proper and necessary
branches, canals and lateral ditches for the
distribution of water upon lands in said Sher
man county. Nebraska, susceptible of and for
irrigation from its canal, laterals and ditches;
to construct an<!maintain head-gates, sluices,
flumes auueducts. pipe lines, and all other de
vices connected with the use and sale of water
for irrigation purposes; also, to construct and
maintain reservoirs for the storage of waters,
to erect and maintain such buildings and
structures as may be necessary, convenient
and proper for the carrying out of said enter
prise. undertaking and business, and to pur
chase and hold real estate as a site, or place,
for such buildings or structures, and for the
right of way of said principal canal and its
branches and lateral ditches and reservoirs.
Said corporation shall have power to divert,
use. appropriate, buy, sell and lease water for
irrigation purposes. Said corporation shall
have power to buy, sell, ease and Improve
lands which are so situated as to be suscepti
ble for irrigation purposes for itscanal. later
als and ditches and also any tract .through
which any of them shall run.
The authorized capital stock of said Corpo
ration Shall be TEN THOUSAND DOLL A _ ?
(no.OUO.flO) divided into shares of One Hun
dred Dollars each, of which Fifty per cent
shall lie suliscrilied and paid for before the
commencement of business, and the remain
der of said capital stock to be paid at the call
of the Board of Directors.
This Corporation shall commence to exist on
the First day of October, A. D. 1913. and ter
minate its existence on the First day of Octo
ber. A. D. 1933.
The highest amount of indebtedness or lia
bility to which said corporation shall at any
time be subject shall not exceed Two-Thirds
of the paid-in Capital Stock.
The affairs and business of said Corporation
sllall be conducted by a Board of Directors
consisting of five (5) members, tp be elected
by the stockholders: such election shall take
place and at such time and be conducted In i
such mauner as shall be prescribed by the by
laws of said corporation. |
artiqce vm '
No person shall lie eligible to itecome a
memlier of the Board of Directors unless he is I
a Stockholder of said corixiration. '
The Board of Directors shall have power to '(
ail a vacancy in the membership of said board
in the interval between one election and an
other. , |
The officers of said Corporation shall be a
President. Vice President, Secretary and I
Treasurer, who shall be chosen by the Board
of Directors, and shall hold their respective ,
office for the period, or term, of one (1) year, '
and until their successor is elected and tpial- <
ifled. |
At all meetings of the Stockholders each i
share of stock shall he entitled to one (1) vote. '
which may/be east inperson or by proxy.
All meetings of the stockholders shall be '
held at theoffice or place of business of the
Corporation provided and designated In the I
by-laws. !
The Board of Directors shall require the I
Treasurer of said Corporation to give a Bond
in at least twige the amount of moneys which .
shall come into Its hands at any time by
virtue of his office, with sureties to be ap
proved by the Board of Directors.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our
hands this 31st day of October. 1913.
In the presence of
Robirt P. Starr,
Witness to each and every signature.
State of Nebraska. I
_ Vss
County of Sherman. I
Be it known, that on this 31st day of Octo
ber, A. I). 1913. l>efore me. the undersigned, a
Notary Public in and for Sherman county,
Nebraska, personally came W. S. Fletcher, R.
C, Fletcher. R. E. Gilmore. F. O. Henrikson.
Ed. Isaacson, Nicholas Daddow, Hiram Hart
well, to me known to be the identical persons
who executed the foregoing instrument and
acknowledged said instrument to be their
voluntary act and deed.
Witness my "hand and notorial seal the day
and year last above written.
[seal] Robert IP. Starr,
Notary Public.
My commission expires on the 2nd day of
October. 1915.
I have secured the agency for Ford
Automobiles, and would be pleased to
meet all past and prospective buyers
of this car. Wm. Schumann, Agent.
The best all around
automobile manu
factured in the U.S.
A. C. OGLE, Prop. ;
If you have tried all other treatments
for your ailments and received no good
why not try
Chiropractic Spinal f Adjustments
and have the cause adjusted
A Complete Line
Faraitare, Rags, Liaoleam, Shades, Eta.
Daily & Krebs
‘ f * - y • V
Dreamland Theatre
Changes Pictures Every
Meaday, Wednesday and Friday.
Only the best pictures shown. Everyone passed on
by Board of Censorship.
Far an Evenings Fun and Pleasure
Meet Me In Dreamland.
s . % • *
Bargain Day
Now is the time to subscribe at
raarw /our subscription to tbs
Century Farmer
Subscription Price llJO per year
Pay your subscription now for the
whole of next year and we will give
you the balance of this year free.
pays your subscription to
January 1. 1915.
This bargain day offer dose* Dee. t*.
Send us your subscription atooee auS
get the full benefit of our free offer
On it nmte—tmdmy
Help ns mke the Northwestern better
V -v"' ■ " * : ■. • 1