i DURE well selected drugs are just as needful in curing your horses, cattle and other live stock as they are in curing yourself. This is constantly in our minds when we compound 4 vetrinary prescriptions. You are sure of satisfactory results when you buy here. Swanson & Lofholm LOUPCITY TAILOR SHOP Will do your Cleaning, Mend i n g, Altering o r Refitting, promptly, neatly and satisfac tory, Ladies’ or Gentlemen. We also carry 2000 samples of cloth for SUITS, TROUSERS, , MACKINAWS, Skirts, Dresses, and Rain Coats. If you want a perfect fit re gardless of your form, I can fit you and do do it. Your clothes will wear longer and you will enjoy them more if they fit. Prices are reasonable. Come in and see us. THE TAILOR I. C. SMITH I Double-Breasted Shawl Collar Overeoat, No. 837 G. W. OiSEN, D.C. Chiropractor n If you have tried all other treatments for your ailments and received no good why not try Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments and.have the cause adjusted A Gomplete Line of Faraiture, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. Daily & Krebs For Sale, My Herd Boar I Dutch Cheif No. 129967 at a price that will move him, this Boar has proven ! to be a good breeder, think him good enough to head any herd. | BEN KLIMPER LOOP CITY, NEBRASKA. ■V. --- ' V Let us figure on that next bill’ of Job Work, We Guarantee to suit you jn both work, quality and price. LOCAL NEWS. Druggist Cording was over from Litchfield yesterday. Miss Edith Smith was a passenger to Grand Island Wednesday mbrning. The county dads met in regular ses sion Tuesday of this week expecting to finish their business yesterday. A big turkey, goose or duck shoot at Schaupps, Nebr., Saturday, Nov. 22, 1913. Everybody come. Begining at 1 o’clock p. m. sharp. A good corn popper for 10c at the Ten Cent Store. Lee brothers will deliver your meat Phone your orders. Mrs. D. L. Adamson was called to Council Bluffs yesterday morning by the illness of her little grandson, Jack Taylor, who is suffering from diphtheria. Mrs. John Fisher had so far recover ed her recent stroke of paralysis that the nurse employed returned to her home in Omaha Monday. Good fresh candy at 10c per pound at the Ten Cent Store. Miss Meroe Outhouse goes to Lin coln Thursday for a few days visit with her sisters who are attending the State University. Toys and dolls of all kinds are be ing redeved at cent Ten Store. Bet ter come in and look them over. Agent Danielson will move into the Mrs. Ditto cottage about .the first of next month, to be vacated by H. Krebs, upon his moving to Boise City, Idaho. Leave orders for theC.L. McDonald dray at either lumber yard, or at E. G. Taylor’s. _ Mrs. W.T.Owens, whom the North western reported last week as being on the sick list, was taken very rapid ly worse the latter part of this week, but at this writing is said to be much improved. If you want good, prompt draying, call on C. L. McDonald, successor to Hagood. _ Mrs Ed. Jones, who had been so frightfully ill for the past week or two with typhoid fever as to make her recovery" a question, is reported much better and on the fair road to recovery. Special blend whole roasted coffee 20c at The Mogul Store. Phone 58. City orders deliv ered. Joe Yaghn. Miss Ruby Charlton left Monday morning to assume charge of the as sistant librarian’s duties of the Iowa State Teachers’ School at Cedar Falls, Iowa. May good fortune attend her. The Sturtevant Vacuum Cleaner the clean way to clean. See C. R Sweetland or phone. He has them for sale or rent. W. A. Clark of Blaine county, bro ther of Mrs. H. M. Mathew, visited over last Sunday with her, leaving Monday morning for Texas, where he is interested in exploiting Texas land. Crown, Kimball, Price & Teeple Packard, A. B. Chase, Schaeffer. McPhall and other high grade makes of pianos to select from at Schwaners. The Methodistchoir was hospitably entertained by Mrs, Wm. Steen last Friday night. During the evening Mrs. Steen, assisted by her mother, Mrs. Conger, served an elegant three course luncheon. v Why rent, when you can buy a farm with a payment of $500 and get good terms on balance? For particulars, see J. W. Dougal, Loup City, Nebr. The death toll on the great lakes during the terrible blizzard which swept over them the first of last week reaches into the hundreds and is claimed to have been the worst storm in the history of the lake region. Two house brooms for 35c at The Mogul Store. Phone 58. City orders delivered. Joe Vaughn. D. A. Johnson was up to Loup City this week looking after busi ness affairs. He seems to like that country and the business the store does up there.—Aurora Sun The Sophomore class of the High School and invited guests held a most enjoyable social time at the home of Mrs. Minnie Hansel last Friday night. A splendid seven o'clock dinner was followed by an evening of games and music. Trade at The Mogul Store. Quality and quantity for your money. Phone 58. City orders delivered, Joe Vaughn. And now conies the report from Washington that Senator Hitchcock is working hand in band with the re Sublican minority in getting out a issenting report on the currency bill. Shades of Thomas Jefferson, what is democracy coming to? Woodward’s fine candles at The Mogul Store. Phone 58, Joe Vaughn. It looks very much last week as though war with Mexico was a fore gone conclusion, but at this writing the clouds seem to be scattering and peace will be the outcome. Too bad that Billy Bryan can’t have a chance to pose as a colonel again. The first five g-ades of our schools will give a Thanksgiving entertain ment Wednesday afternoon, begining at 2:30 o’clock, at which an admission price of 5 cents will be charged. Par ents and patrons of our schools earn estly asked to be present. New line Box Stationery at The Mogul Store. Phone 58. City orders delivered. Joe Vaughn. Thanksgiving services at the M. E. church next Thursday evening, Rev. J. C. Tourteilot of the Presbyterian church delivering the address. All invited. _ Dr. S. A. Allen’s good mother from Council Bluffs, Iowa, returned home i yesterday after a few days’ visit with her new grandson, his excellency, Dr. Allso,Jr. | Mrs. A. Anderstrom and Mrs. Jos. Hruby. two of the popular young matrons of Ashson, attended the play of ‘-Thelma,” at the opera house Tuseday evening and incidentally vis ited Papa and Mamma Corning. The Norwegian drama, “Thelma,” at the opera house Tuesday evening prove a good drawing card and re- | ceived much favorable comment from our people. It was presented by a very capable company. Rowen Sutten and family from Ar cadia and Clyde Wilson and wife of Ashton visited last Sunday at the home of Theo Wilson of this city. Lost, Wat or For Sale Ads For Sale—Scotch Collies. See H. G. Hosier, or phone Red 17. For Rent—Farm of 320 acres in Valley county. A. E. Charlton, Loup City, Neb., phone 9203. 41 For Sale—Good 4-room house, barn and 6 good lots, two blocks from school, *1,600, will buy this property, if taken soon. $500 cash, balance in five years at 6 per cent interest. For particulars, see J. W.' Dougal, Loup City, Nebr. ___ COAL! COAL! COAL! We still have some Colorado coal on hand. At the same old prices, but cannot buy more when this is sold out. Taylor’s Elevator. For Sale or Trade—The Froehlich business block in Loup City. For particulars, write or phone Ira Tim son, Arcadia, Nebr. SHERIDAN COAL gets better each year and the price is much less than most coal sells for. If you try Sheri dan we guarantee it will never till up vour stove pipes. Lump $7 00, Nut $6.50, Pea $6.26 for sale at Taylor’s Elevator. Didn’t You Draw a Claim? Just as cheap to buy. Good land in ranch country from $5 an acre up. Improved 320 near Sarcent only $24. 2950 acres, 9 miles from town, well im proved, at 17 50. Easy terms. Write to or inquire of E. E. McCray, Loup City, Nebr. > ALONG ROUTE NO. ONE Liebhart hauled out plastering for his new house. Ray McCullough hauled a load of hay to liveryman Woods, Monday. S. A. Pratt and wife of Hazard were visiting their daughter, Mrs. T M. Ward Sunday. A. Kuhn is going to build a cistern and put down a well on the hill east of the house. Fred and Lena Zwink attended church in Loup Sunday. Mrs. A. Kuhn was visiting 'Mrs. Schultz in Grand Island last week. Ross Haddix is putting up a new frame building on his place. The bad places in the road between the mill race and the west bridge have been filled with dirt. R. A. Henderson has returned from the east where he has been looking for land but has made no deal so far. Irvin Barrick shredded his com the past week. Ed. Liebhart has tom down the old barn and is using the new one. Joe Blocskl has returned from Tex as where he has traded for land and will move there the first of January. Lena and Fred Zwink visited at the home of Ernest Johnson on Davis Craek Sunday. Ruby Coppersmith was on the sick list this week. Those present at the basket social in the Moon district, from town, were: Mrs. Wm. Rowe, Lettie Peugh, Ma ble Smith, Ethel Sickels, Bessie Fish er, Florence Reed, Art and Howard Rowe, Edgar Foster and Jannie Cole. Frank Zwink and wife spent Sun day at W. E. Miller’s. rete kusek has purchased a new Maxwell auto. Mrs. Melvin Sickels and Mrs. A. Minshull visited in Loup Wednesday. G. Zahn has rented the Panek farm for next year. F. Pinckney has returned from the east where he had been to attend his brother’s funeral. H. Hulls hauled out a load of coal for A. E. Charlton, Thursday. Ross Warrick took home a load of coal, Saturday. R. Jack bought a load' of straw of Beccard, he is baling it and hauling it to town. Maud Reynolds was sick the latter part of last week. John Burt of Litchfield was in Loup Saturday. W. Panek of Kearney was out to L. Hayden’s looking over the place. Mrs. Chas. Shipley and little son have been visiting at H. Shipley’s. The were forty in attendance at the Cobb Creek Sunday school last Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Tucker’s parents arrived last Monday and will make their home in Loup City. George Douglas and Bill Curtis each took a load of hogs to town Monday. John Fredrickson is visiting his brother Chas. Johnson. Clara and Sadie Morrison visited at Hunt’s Sunday. A literary society was ojganlged at Cobb Creek school house, and the following officers elected: Pres, C, S. Morrison: vice pres., E. C. Tucker; sect., Zne Lee per; treas., Sadie Mor rison; sergant at arms, W. G. Tueker. The next meeting will be Nov. 28th. Ed. Tucker’s sister and family of Merna are visiting at his home. Bethene Leney was quite sick a couple of days last week. Otto Aufrecht was down bo Chris. Oltjenbruns Fiiday looking at some cattle. The Moon school, with an enroll ment of 16 has had a perfect attend* ance during the past month' A new heatingtnd ventilating plant was installed in the Moon school last . week. / Notice to Creditors ^Sherman*Coimty* f “ th« °«^ Cour‘ In the matter of the estate of Julius E. John 8'in, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Loup City, in said county, on the 17th day of January, IBM, at 1 o’clock p. m.. and on the 18th day of June. 1B14. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the present ation of claims against said estate is the 18th day of June, A. D., IBM. and the time limited for payment of debts is One Year from said 18th day of November. IBIS, Witness my band and seal of said County Court. tbiT18tb day of November, ISIS E. A; Skits (Saar.) County Judge tLaat Pah. Use. U> I : Saturday Nov. 22nd. :S ■ Will give a DEMONSTRATION of their 57 varieties of good things to eat at a» w- • '_i - Come!!! i ALONG ROUTE TWO (Continued from page four) John Kociemba marketed hogs last Thurday. A1 Fagan will be on Route 2 with his shredder next week. Ed Flynn’s corn makes 20 bushels or better. Miss Helen Holmes is visiting at J. Flam beck’s this week. Otto Holm, whom many on the route know, was married a short time ago. He has homestead in Wyoming. C. W. Conhiser hauled hay on roure 2 Tuesday. Mrs. Fritz Bichel and daughter, Sarah, and the Mesdames Henry and Ed Obermiller had a close call Tues day morning coming down the hill at Ed Flynn’s place. They were trying to catch the Loup City train for the Island. Near the foot of the h 1! one side of h* tongue becone unfast ened, allowing the carriage to swing to one side just where at a point a till had made a ditch on one side 10 feet deep and on the other 4 feet in depth, luckily the carrige tipping over on the shallowest side, no dam age being done save a severe shaking up of the ladies, as the team was a gentle one and easily stopped. They however borrowed a team of Ed and made the train on time. ASHTON NEWS Miss Jennie Long left Monday morn ing for her home at Hazard Nebr. Hans Rein left for Texas Tuesday morning. Sunday school at 2 o’clock and preaching at 3 o’clock next Sunday. Mrs. John Rapp, Sr.,returned Wed nesday from Grand Island. Mrs. John Rapp, Jr., returned Mon day from Grand Island. A. Ayoub was an east bound pas senger Monday morning. A forecloure sale was held on the street Saturday. The property sold was that of J. J. Dudowski. All sold well. Jack Davey acting auctioner. W. Franty left for Grand Island Tuesday morning. $25 is offered for information lead ing to the conviction of the party who entered the Plumbeckhouse and stole a new Victroia Phonograph. F. X. Badura went to Grand Island Tuesday Dr. J. E. Riggins will be in Dr. Wanek’s office again next Sunday, Nov. 23, prepared to fit glasses and to treat the eye, e^r, nose and throat. Good Work on Roadc. Loup City, Neb., Nov. 6—Mr. Edi tor: I wish through the columns of the Northwestern to thank the fol lowing persons for donating work on the road: The following donated two days, N. A. Steen and Wm. Jung. Those who donated one day, H. A. Beccard, W. M. Watts, P. JL Thode, E. E. Tracy, Wm. George, A. Huhn, Hemple Jones, Tony Tryba, Mike Chilewski, D. C. Deniston, Albert Hubbard, Ernest Keron, Frank Ken nedy, David Kay, Thomas Golus, Lawrence White, L Danodack, and August Voakraan. Hans Johnson. Road Overseer of District 5. PUBLIC SALE As I am quitting farming, I will sell at public auction at my place 2)4 miles west of Loup City on Wednes day, Nov. 26,1913, commencing at 10 o’clock a. m. sharp, 12 head of cattle, two mules, one horse, 24 hogs, farm ing implements, etc. Terms 9 months and free lunch as usual. Fred New ton. Col. J. G. Pageler, Auctioner. For Sale, Cheap Large -iard coal burner, good gaso line stove, automobile and automo bile house. All in first class cona tion, and will sell cheap.—H. Kret s. CORSET SUE Are going to close out a lot of corsets this week at - - - - - ~ $1, $1.25, $1.50 values all on table come and select yours before sizes are broken. Daily & Bredthauer Tuesday, November 25th Having sold my property in Comstock, Nebr.,and am going to go to Canada, I will sell at Public Auction at my home in Comstock, my personal property, . among which will be the following breeding stock to-wit: I FAYORE DE VILERS A registered Belgian Stal lion, imported by Frank Imes of St.Paul.Nebr.,color bay, weight 2100 age 9 yrs. Favore De Vilers, has pro ven himself a good breeder and he is a top-notcher in every way, TROY HALE A Mammoth Jack, color black with white points, weight 950, age 6 years. Troy Hlle is a fine looker and a good breed er, and is inspected for 1914. - . I CALDER a grade Stallion, color bay, weight 1700 age 12 years. Calder has proven himself a good breeder and is inspected for 1914. EMELINE is a registered Belgian mare, color bay, in foal I by registered Imported Belgian stallion. MILDRED N. I Mildred, a registered Belgian mare, color bay, weight about 1500 age 3 years, in foal by a | registered Imported Belgian stallion, the above are a fine team, well mated. I was intending to take my registered stock with me to Canada, but the customs regu lations are such that it would not be profitable tor me to do so. Therefore this stock must sell at the sale, November 26th to the highest bidder. - ^ . - . --‘ 1 rv) k o a credit of eight months will be given on bankable notes, bearing 10 per cent 1 IvlviYlo interest from date of sale. No property to be removeduntil settled for. 3 per discount for cash settlement on sums of $10 and over. C. A. BEESON, Owner. Benson &. Roberts, Auctioneers, E. F. Skolil, Clerk.