The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 20, 1913, Image 3

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□ N GREECE today coun
try life refers almost ex
clusively to the peasan
try. The modern edu
cated Greek is essential
ly a townsman, and
though some few of the
wealthy classes have
seats in the vicinity of Athens, rustic
pursuits have little attraction for him.
There is but little, also, of what we
should term provincial life, for Athens
is the one city of any pretensions to
culture, and in it is centered the whole
social life of the nation. The majority
■of well-to-do Greeks make their money
abroad—in Egypt, Smyrna and other
parts of the Levant, as well as in west
ern Europe—returning periodically to
Athens to spend the fruits of their
toil. Rural Greece, nevertheless, pre
sents many interesting aspects. The
scenery, in most parts possessed of a
splendour entirely its own, is made
■ the more romantic by the great his- ;
r torical traditions associated with al
most every name upon the map; I
against such a background the peas
ant—physically and, perhaps, morally
t>y far the finer half of the modern '
Greek race—makes a picturesque fig- !
ure. The currant fields at least in the
Peloponnesus, are the most character- !
istic scene of rustic labors. But great
and important as the currant industry
is, the vines are curiously lohal in ■
their distribution, and it is only a rel- I
atively small portion of the country
which can be thus cultivated. Else
where the crops are of a more uni
versal kind, and in essence the occu
pations of the peasantry are familiar,
however peculiar the details which
arise out of local conditions may ap
The Greek peasant has much
ado, thanks to the general poverty of
the soil, to wring a bare living out of
agriculture. His indutsry is pro
digious, especially in the mountainous
regions where the traveler's admira
tion is extorted by the diligence with
which small
patches of
ground, stolen
as it were from
the barren
slopes, are cul
ti rated and
the peasant
works with im
plement of the
most primitive
kind — witness,
for example, the
plow seen in
one of the ac
photogr aphs,
which consists
of little more
than an iron
shod spike,
yoked to a pair
o f undersized
cattle. No doubt
js. pripcTIzz jpjoivarziGHr' ■3azzs
the said spike efficiently achieves all
that Is necessary'—the soil is so shal
low that it will bear little more than
a mere scratching!
Naturally, in a country with the j
physical charcterlstlcs of Greece, j
the activities of much of rural
population are pastoral. The
goatherd is a familar figure every
where; the shepherd also, but to a lefes
degree. The goat, indeed, is the
Greek peasant’s cow, providing him
with milk, cheese, and flesh. It is in
teresting to note that the herdsmen
still retain that knack of throwing
the voice from height to height across
the intervening valleys, which in
classic times made possible the trans
mission of news at a speed that al
most rivalled the modern telegraph.
The national costume (which is.
strictly, Albanian in origin! is dying
out in Greece, but is still worn by
many peasants, though donned in
fullest glory only on festal occasions.
Usually the working garb is a pair
of shoddy trousers in place of the
snowy fustanella, or kilt, and a flimsy
cotton blouse (generally of a greyish
drab color and a check pattern), which
has very full skirts, and thus appears
to end in a quaint abbreviated petti
In Thessaly, where reminiscences of
Turkish rule survive, not only in the
mosques and other buildings, but in
the habits and appearance of the peo
ple, the fez is not unusual, and gar
ments in the Turkish mode oj baggy
breeches and a sash round the middle
are often seen. It was from the great
plain of Thessaly that the ancient
Greeks obtained their finest horses (of
the type seen in the Parthepoi frieze),
and in this northern part of Greek ter
ritory horse-breeding is still an import
ant pursuit.
The windmills of Greece perhaps de
serve a word of notice. In place of
the cumbrous great arms which a
similar structure in this country car
ries, the Greek windmill carries sails
of canvas which can be spread to
greater or less extent, as circum
stances require, upon the spider's web
like arrangement of spokes to which
they are attached. The wells also—
or, at least, their machinery for draw
ing the water—are often of a very
curious pattern. It is no uncommon
thing to see a blindfold donkey
patiently perambulating a circle and
supplying motive power, through the
beam to which he is harnessed, to an
arrangement of clumsy wooden cog
wheels actuating an endless chain of
earthen pots, which automatically
empty themselves of the fluid hoisted
from the depths.
But Greek peasant activities are by
no means entirely agricultural and
pastoral. In addition to currants and
vines, are orange groves at Kalamata
yielding superb fruit scarcely inferior
to that of Jaffa, and tobacco is grown
in various districts. The mineral re
sources of the country are consider
able, and large numbers of workers
find employment in the lead mines of
Lavrion, in the marble quarries of
Pentelicon and elsewhere. Among
the accompanying photographs will be
■found a picture taken at the mag
nesite quarries of Limine, in Euboea,
which are worked by a British com
pany under a concession from the
monks at Galatake. near by.
Made Up For It
Fay—The Widow Dashaway s hus
band didn't leave her much when he
died, did he?
Hay—No; but he left her very often
when he was alive.
The Quiet Harmony Which Prevail* in the Furnishing of This Suburban
Living Room Is Worth More Than Passing Notice.
Do not use soap on window panes.
Either alcohol or ammonia will give
a fine polish.
Remove stains or discolorations
from tinware by dipping a damp cloth
in common baking soda and rubbing
Salt water is a tonic for the eyes
and should be used frequently.
Broken orris root is more delicate in
flavor than the powdered, and imparts
a violet-like fragrance to the linen
Chopped dates may be used in rice
pudding instead of raisins.
The addition of a well-beaten egg to
mashed potatoes improves potato
cakes very much.
To dry a wet article quickly, wrap
it in a Turkish bath towel, and wring.
The towel will absorb most of the
If irons are rubbed with a flannel
wet with kerosene oil, it will keep
them from rust, and starch will not
stick to them.
All fruits and vegetables should be
carefully washed before eating.
Most Interesting Results Have Been
Obtained Through Banding
the Flyers.
Bird banding has lately become
popular in the United States and evi
dently will soon reach a record. . The
banding consists of attaching an
identifying tag of the leg of axaptur
ed bird and then releasing the bird,
in the hope that later, perhaps In a
year or two, it will be again captured
and the tag reported, so as to trace
something of its migrations or other
flights. More than 800 birds were so
banded last year, and an association
of thOBe interested has recently been
organized. The bands are attached
so as not to inconvenience the little
travelers and are all numbered, be
sides carrying the words: ‘Notify
American museum. New- York.” An
example of the facts determined in
this way is the experience of an en
thusiast in New Hampshire last year,
who found on the leg of a chimney
swift that fluttered down his chim
ney a band showing it was the same
bird he had banded the year before
under similar circumstances. Chim
ney swifts are reputed to go as far
south as Central America for the win
ter; so this bird had made a long
journey to get back to his old home
for the summer—Saturday Evening
The title of admiral derives its orig
in from an Arabic word, emir-al-bahr,
meaning "lord of the sea.”
Eugenlcally Speaking. J
The attention of those scientifically j
and charitably inclined is called to a '
sad case that has recently come to our 1
notice. A young woman of German ■
parentage and a young man of A us-;
trian descent were married seven j
yean ago. Since then they have had
Biz children, of whom one died al
most at birth, one is very delicate and
two are said to be deaf mutes. The i
^ mother is devoted to them and the
father is very energetic and industri
ous, but is unprepared to make a liv
ing because of lack of proper training
in his youth. The family is now de
pendent in part on the public for sup
port, and as the trade followed by the
father is extremely hazardous, he may
become entirely dependent at almost
any time. The only thing that pre
vents us from appealing for contribu
tions for them is the fact that the par
ents are the king and queen of Spain.
You can drive a boy to college, but
you cannot make him think.
"Oh, John,” sobbed Mrs. John, "I’ve
done something awful, and I am al
most afraid to tell you—but I most.
I made an awful mistake this morning
and sent your new dress suit to the
rummage sale instead at your old ona,
and when I found out what I had done
and ran over to get it back it had been
"That’s all right, Mabel, dear,’’ said
John amiably. “I stepped in at the
sale myself and bought it back for 36
cents."—Magazine of Fua.
Opposition to Plan Calling for
Dropping of Rover.
Secretary Von Berauth of Amateur
League, Brushes Aside All Argu
nfents Advanced by Shirreff,
Russell 2nd Other Stars.
Opposition to the plan of eliminating
the roT«r from hockey teams has de
veloped since the strong plea of Jimmy
Shirreff and President Russell of the
Hockey association. The first com
plaint comes from H. C. von Bernuth,
secretary of the Amateur Hockey
league. He brushes aside all of the ar
guments advanced by Shirreff, Russell,
bobby and other stars with the theory
that the plea for a change is only local.
“I am unalterably opposed.” he says,
“to the dropping of the rover from the
forward line on our hockey teams and
I shall fight any such move when it
comes up. I have carefully read the
reasons for the suggested change and
I have certainly been impressed with
the list of well known players who fa
vor the shift. To my mind, however, it
would be a mistake, for several rea
sons. First, those arguing for the
change apparently believe in it only
because of the size.-or lack of size, of
most rinks. It is certain that with a
larger rink there would be no talk of
any change. The second sound reason
advanced is that the crowded rink has
fostered shinneying. That fault. I be
lieve, is due more to lax officiating than
to the presence of four men on the
forward line. A strict penalizing for
cross checking and 'tripping would
eliminate a lot of that shinneying.
“Now, as to the origin for this want
ed change. Kuch has been said about
the big professional league of Canada
having adopted the six man team. The
real reason for the dropping of one
man in that league was economy. As
it has been stated, they pay great big
salaries and it meant the saving of one
stipend. Then, again, many of the
stars of that league were ‘drawn off’
to the Pacific coast league of hockey
players, and it left them in a fix to find
enough stars who could play the same
speedy game.
"It is not right to my mind to change
the rules here just because New York
cannot boast of a big rink. Now, in
Boston, where the rink is 242 feet long
and amply broad, you could easily play
five men in the forward line. The
same logic holds good in Syracuse,
Cleveland, Y’ale and Chicago rinks,
where the size is ample for open
hockey. Supposing, for the sake of ar
gument, we were to drop the rover.
There would be difficulty every time
we were to play a Boston, Chicago,
Cleveland or college team. Further
more, the New York league is looked
upon as the authority in this country.
“Why should we be the only ones to
have six men to a team? If the pro
ject should eventually go through in
Canada, and, by that I mean the ama
teur ranks, it would be time enough
for us to adopt it. So far as I can Bee
It is purely a matter of a local rink.
Rather let us get to the seat of the
trouble, and that is the rink itself. Do
you suppose that the colleges will
adopt any such change? I don’t. Fur
thermore, I am not at all sure that the
plan will ever be adopted by the ama
teur teams of Canada.
“I am aware that many of the play
ers look forward to the change, but in
several cases It is because they think
it will aid them to get in some spec
tacular work that is almost impossible
now. I shall certainly oppose any
change, even If I am the only one to
voice that opinion.”
One of the Star Players of the Iowa
Chavez Beats Conley.
Benny Chavez continued his climb
to the bantamweight championship
by taking Frankie Conley into camp
for a scalping Ju ten fast rounds at
the Colorado Athletic club. Chavez
outpointed the iron man of this di
vision with a peppery left.
Two Ways of Figuring.
Connie Mack figures Walter Schang
the best young catcher in the game
and Schalk the next beat, while Man
ager Callahan thinks Schalk the best
and Schanx the next best.
Alonzo Stagg, Chicago University Coach.
With the dedication of the Univer *
sity of Chicago field on Oct. 4, a cere
mony which was one of the features
of the annual gridiron struggle with
Indiana university, it is of interest
to note that every captain who ever
led a Maroon eleven is still living, j
The name of Alonzo Stagg, its
first captain, is a byword with
all small boys of Chicago with
football proclivities, while the
coach's ability to develop teams which
won only on their merits without re
sorting to unsportsmanlike tactics has
made for him a name which will live j
in Chicago, at leaBt, as long as ath
letics is one of the student activities
o; the university, writes Walter K.
Eckersall in the Chicago Tribune.
The list of captains follows:
1892— A. A. Stagg.
1893— A. R. E. Wyant
1894— C. W. Allen.
1895— C. W. Allen.
1896— C. F. Roby.
1897— C. B. Herschberger.
1898— W. S. Kennedy.
1899— W. S. Kennedy.
1900— K. Speed.
1901— J. M. Sheldon
1902— J. M. Sheldon.
1903— C. Ellsworth.
1904— F.«A. Speik.
1905— Marc Catlin.
1906— W. H. Eckersall.
1907— Leo De Tray.
1908— W. P. Steffen.
1909— H. O. Page.
1910— W. Crow ley.
1911— C. Rademacher.
1912— H. Carpenter.
1913— N. Norgren.
When Stagg organized the first Chi
cago team he started to build up a
football team from a square of men
who had scarcely seen a football be
fore. Stagg acted as captain and
played right half. The first game w-as
played with Northwestern on Oct. 22,
and resulted in a 0 to 0*tie. In the
second battle the Purple were the
victors, 6 to 4. In this year Chi
cago played seven games—won one,
lost four and tied two.
Zulu Prince Announces Intention of
Introducing Milder Forms of
Game Into His Country.
“American college football is alto
gether too brutal," said Prince Madi
kane Q.-Cele of Zululand, who has been
studying this subject as the guest of i
the family of Robert T. P. Storer, cap
tain of the Harvard ’varsity football
team. The prince expressed the in
tention of introducing “milder forms”
of the game into his country, as well
as basketball and baseball.
Prince Cele is in this country to
raise money for the establishment of
an industrial and trade school in Zulu
Honus Wagner Indignant.
J. Wagner, upon being told that Mat
hewson had got his goat by watching
hla feet, delivered himself of the opin
ion that Matty or anybody else could
fool him In his present slump, but that
he could murder the best of them when
he is hitting! Back of which statement
lies a quartet; century of proof. Honus
delivers himself further. "I’ve Seen
home runs made oft balls that were in
tended to be wasted pitches. I’ve seen
batters hit balls that were never near
the plate into two-baggers. I've seen
bat handle singles and all sorts of
lucky ones, but I never saw a batter
who could hit when he is in a slump.
Did you?"
Tyrus Raymond Cobb
Gets “Rebus Letter”
Postal clerks from Syracuse, N.
Y., to Detroit solved the rebus of
a letter bearing as Its address noth
ing more than a rough sketch of a
necktie and a corn cob. A Syracuse
newspaper artist made the odd test,
dropping the letter into a street
mail box without the slightest hint
other than the pictures as to whom
it should be delivered. The letter
was promptly delivered as Intended
into the hands of none other than
Tyrus Raymond Cobb, the popular
idol of the baseball ‘'fans."
Captain Munna of Cornell.
Captain Munns, on whom rests the
hope of Cornell university of New
York for the supremacy on the grid
iron. is a tried-out veteran and knows
every little crook and elbow of the
game from alpha to omega and back.
He has a method of getting his fellow
players into shape that is distinctly aU
his own.
Carr’s Baseball School.
Charles Carr’s intentions to go
through with his proposed haseball
school at San Antonio this winter are
indicated by his contract with Owen
Bush of the Detroit Tigers to be one
of his instructors. Bush is to report
to Carr at San Antonio shortly after
the first of January. Carr also hopes
to get Mathewson as professor of
pitching; Lajoie to hold the chair of
batting and Ira Thomas to teach
Stahl’s One Record.
Jake Stahl has one record he need
not be ashamed of. In the year and
a half that he managed the Red Sox
he played nineteen games in New
York with the Giants and Yankees
and only lost one. Jake suffered his
lone defeat when Buck--O’Brien made
his celebrated balk in the sixth game
of the world’s aeries last fall.
“Pape's Diapepsin” settles sour,
gassy stomachs in five
minutes—Time It!
You don't want a slow remedy when
your stomach is bad—or an uncertain
one—or a harmful one—your stomach
is too valuable; you mustn’t injure it.
Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its
speed in giving relief; its harmless
ness; its certain unfailing action in
regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs.
Its millions of cures in indigestion,
dyspepsia, gastritis and ether stomach
trouble has made it famous the world
Keep this perfect stomach doctor iif
your home—keep it handy—get a large
fifty-cent case from any dealer and
then if anyone should eat something
which doesn't agree with them; if
what they eat lays like lead, ferments
and sours and forms gas; causes head
ache. dizziness and nausea; eructa
tions of acid and undigested food—
remember as soon as Pape's Diapepsin
comes in contact with the stomach ail
such distress vanishes. Its prompt
ness. certainty and ease in overcoming
the worst stomach disorders is a reve
lation to those who try it.—Adv.
It is easier for a country minister tc
earn his salary than it is to get it.
Mrs.Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children
teeth ingr, softens the gurus, reduces inflamma
tion,allays pain.cures wind coiic^&c a bottle.**
The first public telegraph office was
j opened on Seventh street, Washing
! ton, D. C., April 1, 1845.
Don't buv water for bluing. Liquid blue
it almost all water. TSuy Red Cross Ball
Blue, the blue that's all blue. Adv.
Sharp points on the inside of the
fid of a new egg cup cut the smell
away without disturbing the contents.
T*he Rev. Edmund Heslop of Wig
ton, Pa., suffered from Dropsy for a
year. His limbs and feet were swol
len and puffed. He had heart flutter
Rev. E. Heslop.
ing, was dizzy
and exhausted, at
the least exer
tion. Hands and
feet were cold
and he bad such
a dragging sensa
tion across the
loins that it was
difficult to move.
After using 6
boxes of Dodds
Kidney Pills the swelling disappear
ed and he felt himself again. He says
he has been benefited and blessed by
the use of Dodds Kidney Pills. Sev
eral monthB later he wrote: I have
not changed my faith in your remedy
since the above statement was author
ized. Correspond with Rev. E. Hes
lop about this wonderful remedy.
Dodds Kidney Pills, 50c. per box at
your dealer or Dodds Medicine Co..
Buffalo, N. Y. Write for Household
Hints, also music of National Anthem.
(English and German words) and re
cipes for dainty dishes. All 3 sent freu
Please Do!
Although she was suffering from a
severe attack of laryngitis, she decid
ed to descend to the parlor and re
ceive Jack, who was making a “sym
pathy” call.
Sympathy being so cleaely akin to
that other -sentiment* matters prog
ressed. Finally he ventured:
“And what would you do, Gladys,
if I attempted to kiss you?”
“I’d scream!”
“Then I won’t.”
“But—but. Jack—it’s all I can do to
Taking no Chancee.
“Popsy, dear, I might win a rich hus
band if you let me go to the seashore
this summer.”
“But, my daughter, you have been
going to a different place each year.
Remember, a rolling stone gathers no
"I know, popsy; but this time I am
going to a place where 1 will be the
only pebble on the beach.”—Judge.
The Intent.
“What do you think? I called Jims
by a hard name and he looked
"That's funny! What did you call
him?” %
"A brick.”
Girls wouldn’t be prudes if it
wasn’t for the fact that they know too
All Drank Coffee From Infancy.
It is a common thing in this country
to see whole families growing up with
nervous systems weakened by coffee
That is because many parents do
not realize that coffee contains a drug
—caffeine—which causes the trouble.
(The same drug is found in tea.)
“There are five children in my fam
ily,” writes an Iowa mother, “all of
whom drank coffee from infancy up
to two years ago.
"Afy husband and I had heart trouble
and were advised to quit coffee. We
did so and began to use Postum. We
now are doing without medicine and
are entirely relieved of heart trouble.
(Caffeine causes heart trouble when
continually used as in coffee drink
“Our eleven-year-old boy had a weak
digestion from birth, and yet always
craved and was given coffee. When
we changed to Postum be liked it and
we gave him all he wanted. He haB
been restored to health by Postum and
still likes it.”
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Write for the little
book, “The Road to Wellville."
Postum comes in two forms:
Regular Postum—must be boiled.
Instant Postum is a soluble powder.
A teaspoonful dissolves quickly in a
cup of hot water and, with cream and
sugar, makes a delicious beverage
instantly. Grocers sell both kinds.
“There’s a reason" for Postum.