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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1913)
working day of the year men who have used the Bank Account Plan for accumulating a little money and building a credit are starting in business for themselves, while many other men, possibly just as capable,'have to let the opportunity pass because of their lack of fore t sight in preparing for it. Why not start an account with us and be prepared. Loop City State Bank Leap City, Nebraska. iJULSt at the SHOE STORE A Full Line of Children s Shoes, the kind that Looks Well, Wears Good and Fits the Foot E. E. YOUNGQUIST YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE MOVING PICTURE SHOW CHANGE OF PROGRAM Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; Matinee every Saturday afternoon Show every nigl tj and nothing but the best of pictures will be shown here. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. At the New Opera House THOMAS DADDOW , 1 A Complete Line of Furniture, Rugs, Linoleum, Shades, Etc. Daily & Krebs * . 3MXZtiRWBar. 4 .—1 —I MAKE A STORM DOOR | H)R 20 CENTS A ton of coal saved by using our storm windows. ^p————— KEYSTONE LUMBER COMPANY -- ■ -■ Help is make the Northwesters bettei :J LOCAL NEWS. | -. > Mrs. W. T. Owens is reported on the | sick list the past week. | Mrs. Xd. Jones was on the sick list i last week. ^ W. D. Zimmerman left for Lincoln j last Saturday morning on a business ; trip. _ i Msrrifiold Pianos for sals by | O. F. Potsrson | Lonnie Daddow was up from Aus j tin last Saturday on business matters. » —————— [ Mr. and Mrs. Murray Alexander I moved to Grand Island Monday to | make their home in the future. ; Schwaner can and will save you | money on a piano. A. Johnson went to Albion Monday morning to purchase a fine bull for his herd. — Dr. Carrie Bowman left Monday morning for Lincoln andt Omaha, to be absent a few days. ■. * For Sale—A good carriage. A. C. Ogle. Ex-County Supervisor George W. Wolfe of the west side was a visitor in Loup City last Thursday. Henry Beck, the big horseman of uhe west side, was a Loup City vis itor last Thursday. Phone your meat orders to Lee Brothers. They deliver same to you promptly. The little daughter of A. C. Oglt and the little daughter of Ida Ogle visited last Sunday with their uncle near Austin. Dorf McCrosky of Dannebrog was a Loup City visitor last Thursday, guest of his brother and sister, Mr. A. Woods and Mrs. Hosier. Schwaner can and will save you money on a piano. F. A. Harrison’s good mother from Aurora visited t>im sev< ral days last week. Returning home Saturday morning. O. F. Henning has been enjoying a v isit from his cousin, Mr. Henning o Archer, this state, the past week, but who returned home last Saturday morning. The Dreamland Theater last Thurs day evening gave six reel pictures, the house being crowded at both shows. The Dreamland is growing in popularity daily. Found—A rain coat, the 9th of Oct. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. H. W. Gustafson. Miss Ivy Henry and Mrs L Smith went to Gibbon last Thursday to vis. it their brother, Rev. W. E. Henry, and family for a week. Clark Alleman’s good mother, who had bem visiting him on Route 2 for some time, returned to her liome at Maryville, Kansas, last Saturday. Ten per cent off on house paints at the Loup City Faint and Glass Store? Miss J$ae Bitters, who has been visiting at the home of Val McDon ald, left Monday morning for Port land, Oregon. Loup City White Satin Floor de livered to any part of the city Dy Lee Brothers. F. A. Pinckney was called to Coun cil Bluffs last Saturday morning to at tend the funeral of a younger brother who died in that city the preceding Thursday evening-. The many friends of Mr. Pinckney will sympathize with him in his great loss. For Sale—Double-barreled breech loading shot gun. See R. L. Arthur. O. G. Hunt was called to Palmer last Saturday morning to be with his brother whose health 1s rapidly fail ing. The brother will be remembered as being employed at the St. Elmo hotel while the late C. E. Lundy was landlord of the same. For Sale—No. 1 alfalfa bay. Call on J. E. Otlewski, or phone 9802. Oct. 23 It. _ cast Friday, Lou p City and Sherman County enjoyed (?) one of the mo6t rapid transit dust storms ever in the history of the latter. They would, however, been more pleased if Valley county had kept its movable soil at heme, or presented the same to us in a little different manner. Talk about your wind storms—well null 9ed. You can save lots of trouble and de lay by phoning your meat orders to Lee Brothers. They deliver same to >ou. Mr. and Mrs. H. Krebs entertained some live couples of friends last Thursday evening at their comfort able home with a two-course lunch eon, vocal and instrumental music aDd an evening at flinch, a splendid time being enjoyed by all. The first prize was won by the homeliest bald fa' aded guest, while the booby prize was won by a close competitor in the handsome and hairless line. If you want a dray, phone A. L. En derlee. Black 63, or leave vour order with either lumber yard or E. 6. Taylor. Best of service guaranteed. A large crowd was in attendance at the union temperance meeting at the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening, and those in attendance re ported a very interesting program, following closely that published in the columns of the Northwestern last week. The music and addresses were especially ideasing, and the latter showed conclusively that the great question of temperance has not by p any means lost Its hold upon the at Professional Cards ROBT. P. STARR Attorney at Law, LOUP CITY. EEBMSK&. R J. Nightingale & Son Attorney and Ccnueisrat^v Loup City, Nebraska. ft. H. MATHEW Attorney at Law And Bonded Abstractor, Loup City, Nebraska Aaron Wall Lawyer Practices in all Courts Loup City, Neb. ROBERT H. MATHEW Bonded Abstracter Lotrp City, • Nebraska. Only set of Abstract hooks in county O. E. LONCACRE Physician & Surgeon Office. Over New Bank. TELEPHONE CALL, N0.3J> A. J. KEARNS Physician & Surgeon Phone, 30. Office at Residence Two Doors East of Telephone Central Loup Eitg, - Nebraska A. S. MAIN Physician & Surgeon Loup City, N©J>r. Office at Residence. Telephone Connection J. E. Bowman M D. Carrie L. Bowman M. D. BOWMAN & BOWMAN PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS Phone114 Loup City. 9»br»aka S. A. ALLEN DENTIST LOUP CITY, - - NEB. Office u|> stairs in the new State Bank building. W. L. MARCY DENTIST Loup City, Nebraska. JFFlCE: East Side Fubli Suu»ie. Phone, Brown 116 V. I. McDONALL Prompt Dray Work Cali lumber yards or Taylor’s elevator. Satisfaction guaran teed. Phone Brown 57 C. R. SWEETLAND PLUMBER & ELECTRICIAN For good clean and neat work Satisfaction Guaranteed Come and get my prices f»i& / **£?££ ***** _ Loup c^, Nebr HUci 65/ %-»"*«»/ ^J^Jdams / steSRs f f- ——®e. / *'e*eS»NMA.N / Authorized to * fa * u°as for Inter-State sS1*6"/ meats ate StllP- / *«*• Bank/ Articles of iKorporatisa —OF— Tk« Antis Irrigation Ditch Company of Merman County, Debraska Know All Men By These Presents: That we. the undersigned, residents of Shermsn county. Nebraska, do associate ourselves to gether for the purpose of formiug and becom ings corporation under the laws of the state of Nebraska. ARTICLE I The name of this Corporation shall be “Tbi Austin Irrigation Ditch Company of Sherma . County. Nebraska." ARTICLE IT The principal place of transacting the 1.U - ness of this Corporation shall be at Am i. , In Sherman county, Nebraska. ARTICLE III The general nature of the business to i r i transacted and conducted by this said Cot , ration shall be to appropriate and use mi ters flowing in the Middle Loup river in i rotate of Nebraska for the purpose of in ip: ing lands in Sherman county, susceptible i and for irrigation from its canal, laterals am ditches, and for its purposes to erect at maintain a dam in said Middle Loup river ant all the necessary structures and appliances for diversion and appropriation of its waters thereof at a point near said Austin. Nebrask:. in said county of Sherman: to construct, maintain and operate a principal canal from said first mint near said Austin. Nebraska, and running thence: southeasterly direc tion. to a mint or place, near Rockville, in said Sherman county. Nebraska, and to a mint on said Middle Loup river where its sur plus waters can be conveniently and easily re stored to said Middle Loup river: to construct and maintain all the proper and necessary branches, canals and lateral ditches for thi I distribution of water upon lands in said Sher man county, Nebraska, susceptible of and for j Irrigation from its canal, laterals and ditches: to construct and maintain head-gates, sluices, flumes aqueducts, pipe lines, and all other de- | vices connected with me use and sale of water j for irrigation purposes: also, to construct and : maintain reservoirs for the storage of waters, to erect and maintain such buildings and structures as may be necessary, convenient and proper for the carrying out of said enter prise, undertaking and business, and to pur chase and hold real estate as a site, or place, for such buildings or structures, and for me right of w-a.v of said principal canal and its branches and lateral ditches and reservoirs. Said corporation shall have power to divert use. appropriate, buy, sell and lease water for irrigation purposes. Said corporation shall have power to buy. sell, ease and improve lands which are so situated as to be suscepti ble for irrigation purposes for its canal, later als and ditches and also any tract through which any of mem shall run. ARTICLE IV The authorized capital stock of said Corpo ration Shall be TEX THOUSAND DOLLA_S (*10.000.00) divided into shares of One Hun dred Dollars each, of which Fifty per cent shall be subscribed and paid for before the commencement of business, and the remain der of said capital stock to be paid at the call of the Board of Directors. ARTICLE V This Corporation shall commence to exist on the First day of October, A. D. 1913, and ter minate its existence on the First day of Octo ber. A. I>. 1963. ARTICLE VI The highest amount of indebtedness or lia bility to which said corporation shall at any time be subject shall not exceed Two-Thirds of the paid-in Capital Stock. ARTICLE Vn The aff airs and business of said Corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors consisting of five (5) members, to be elected by the stockholders: such election shall take place and at such time and be conducted In such manner as shall be prescritied by the by laws of said corporation. ARTICLE VIII No person shall be eligible t« become a member of the Board of Directors unless he is a Stockholder of said corporation. ARTICLE IX The Board of Directors shall have power to fill a vacancy in the membership of said board in the interval between one election and an other. ARTICLE X The officers of said Corporation shall be a President. Vice President. Secretary and Treasurer, who shall be chosen by the Board of Directors, and shall hold their respective office for the period, or term, of one (l) year, and until their successor is elected and Qual ified. ARTICLE XI At all meetings of the Stockholders each share of stock shall be entitled to one (1) vote, which may be cast in person or by proxy. ARTICLF XII All meetings of the stockholders shall be held at the office or place of business of the Corporation provided and designated In the by-laws. ARTICLE XIII The Board of Directors shall require the Treasurer of said Corporation to give a Bond . in at least twice the amount of moneys which I shall come into its hands at any time tiy virtue of his office, with sureties to be ap- j proved by the Board of Directors. 1 In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands this 31st day of October. 1913. . W. S. FLETCHER. 1 R. C. FLETCHER. R. E GILMORE, I F. O. HENRIKSOX. I ED. ISAACSON. NICHOLAS DADDOW, j HIRAM HARTWELL. I In the presence of Robert P. Starr. . Witness to each and every signature. I State of Nebraska. 1 ' Vss i County of Sherman. 1 " Be it known, that on this 31st day of Octo ber, A. D. 1913, before me. the undersigned, a ® Notary Public in and for Sherman county, Nebraska, personally came W. S. Fletcher. B. C, Fletcher, R. E Gilmore. F. O. Henrikson. Ed. Isaacson. Nicholas Daddow. Hiram Hart- j well, to me known to be the identical persons • who executed the foregoing instrument and , acknowledged said instrument to be their I voluntary act and deed. < Witness my band and notorial seal the day , and year last above written. j [seal] Robert P. Starr. ' Notary Public. , My commission expires on the 2nd day of October. 1913. AGENCY FOR FORD CARS. I bare secured bbe agency for Ford Automobiles, and would be pleased to meet all past and prospective buyers of this car. Wm. Schumann, Agent. OR. RICH DOH’T WAIT * You Can Buy V>ts of Cheap Suits at Low Prices, but you Can’t buy A GOOD SUIT for a Low price. You buy a garment, all wool, and hand tailor ed for less money than any store in Loup City Get your suit for Thanksgiving OF LORENTZ MESSER’S FOR MEN and BOY’S ONLY Gordon Furs Glome out A lot of SHOES in Shoe De partment this week at prices that will MOVE THEM FAST . ' Alsp in our Grocery Depart ment We have some Special Bargains Come in and see what we have to offer you. We Invite your Inspection. Daily & Brepthauer LOUP CITY FLOUR < Why buy Flour shipped here by outside mills C when you can get jj Loup City White Satin Flour | for less money, and every sack guaranteed. j All dealers handle our flour. f LOUP Cm MILL & LIGHT CO. < THE WORLD’S BEST /1 FOR THE MONEY r Hardware Paints Oils Tinware j and Tin Repairing it. A. GZEHOVIAK k 1 BUY FURS I will pay highest market prices for furs, this winter. See me and get my figures. J.W.Thompson '____